SQL Query translation to SQLAlchemy - python

Hello I am trying to translate the following relatively simple query to SQLAlchemy but I get
('Unexpected error:', <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError'>)
SELECT model, COUNT(model) AS count FROM log.logs
WHERE SOURCE = "WEB" AND year(timestamp) = 2015 AND month(timestamp) = 1
and account = "Test" and brand = "Nokia" GROUP BY model ORDER BY count DESC limit 10
This is what I wrote but it is not working. What is wrong ?
devices = db.session.query(Logs.model).filter_by(source=source).filter_by(account=acc).filter_by(brand=brand).\

It's a bit hard to tell from your code sample, but the following is hopefully the correct SQLAlchemy code. Try:
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
devices = (db.session
.query(Logs.model, func.count(Logs.model).label('count'))
Note that I've enclosed the query in a (...) to avoid having to use \ at the end of each line.


Making comparing 2 tables faster (Postgres/SQLAlchemy)

I wrote a code in python to manipulate a table I have in my database. I am doing so using SQL Alchemy. Basically I have table 1 that has 2 500 000 entries. I have another table 2 with 200 000 entries. Basically what I am trying to do, is compare my source ip and dest ip in table 1 with source ip and dest ip in table 2. if there is a match, I replace the ip source and ip dest in table 1 with a data that matches ip source and ip dest in table 2 and I add the entry in table 3. My code also checks if the entry isn't already in the new table. If so, it skips it and then goes on with the next row.
My problem is its extremely slow. I launched my script yesterday and in 24 hours it only went through 47 000 entries out of 2 500 000. I am wondering if there are anyways I can speed up the process. It's a postgres db and I can't tell if the script taking this much time is reasonable or if something is up. If anyone had a similar experience with something like this, how much time did it take before completion ?
Many thanks.
session = Session()
i = 0
start_id = 1
flows = session.query(Table1).filter(Table1.id >= start_id).all()
result_number = len(flows)
vlan_list = {"['0050']", "['0130']", "['0120']", "['0011']", "['0110']"}
while i < result_number:
for flow in flows:
if flow.vlan_destination in vlan_list:
usage = session.query(Table2).filter(Table2.ip ==
if len(usage) > 0:
usage = usage[0].usage
usage = str(flow.ip_destination)
usage_ip_src = session.query(Table2).filter(Table2.ip ==
if len(usage_ip_src) > 0:
usage_ip_src = usage_ip_src[0].usage
usage_ip_src = str(flow.ip_source)
if flow.protocol == "17":
protocol = func.REPLACE(flow.protocol, "17", 'UDP')
elif flow.protocol == "1":
protocol = func.REPLACE(flow.protocol, "1", 'ICMP')
elif flow.protocol == "6":
protocol = func.REPLACE(flow.protocol, "6", 'TCP')
protocol = flow.protocol
is_in_db = session.query(Table3).filter(Table3.protocol ==
.filter(Table3.application == flow.application)\
.filter(Table3.destination_port == flow.destination_port)\
.filter(Table3.vlan_destination == flow.vlan_destination)\
.filter(Table3.usage_source == usage_ip_src)\
.filter(Table3.state == flow.state)\
.filter(Table3.usage_destination == usage).count()
if is_in_db == 0:
to_add = Table3(usage_ip_src, usage, protocol, flow.application, flow.destination_port,
flow.vlan_destination, flow.state)
print("added " + str(i))
print("usage already in DB")
i = i + 1
EDIT As requested, here are more details : Table 1 has 11 columns, the two we are interested in are source ip and dest ip.
Table 1
Here, I have Table 2 :Table 2. It has an IP and a Usage. What my script is doing is that it takes source ip and dest ip from table one and looks up if there is a match in Table 2. If so, it replaces the ip address by usage, and adds this along with some of the columns of Table 1 in Table 3 :[Table3][3]
Along doing this, when adding the protocol column into Table 3, it writes the protocol name instead of the number, just to make it more readable.
EDIT 2 I am trying to think about this differently, so I did a diagram of my problem Diagram (X problem)
What I am trying to figure out is if my code (Y solution) is working as intended. I've been coding in python for a month only and I feel like I am messing something up. My code is supposed to take every row from my Table 1, compare it to Table 2 and add data to table 3. My Table one has over 2 million entries and it's understandable that it should take a while but its too slow. For example, when I had to load the data from the API to the db, it went faster than the comparisons im trying to do with everything that is already in the db. I am running my code on a virtual machine that has sufficient memory so I am sure it's my code that is lacking and I need direction to as what can be improved. Screenshots of my tables:
Table 2
Table 3
Table 1
EDIT 3 : Postgresql QUERY
coalesce(table2_1.usage, table1.ip_source) AS coalesce_1,
coalesce(table2_2.usage, table1.ip_destination) AS coalesce_2,
CASE table1.protocol WHEN %(param_1) s THEN %(param_2) s WHEN %(param_3) s THEN %(param_4) s WHEN %(param_5) s THEN %(param_6) s ELSE table1.protocol END AS anon_1,
table1.application AS table1_application,
table1.destination_port AS table1_destination_port,
table1.vlan_destination AS table1_vlan_destination,
table1.state AS table1_state
LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 AS table2_2 ON table2_2.ip = table1.ip_destination
LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 AS table2_1 ON table2_1.ip = table1.ip_source
table1.vlan_destination IN (
%(vlan_destination_1) s,
%(vlan_destination_2) s,
%(vlan_destination_3) s,
%(vlan_destination_4) s,
%(vlan_destination_5) s
table3.usage_source = coalesce(table2_1.usage, table1.ip_source)
AND table3.usage_destination = coalesce(table2_2.usage, table1.ip_destination)
AND table3.protocol = CASE table1.protocol WHEN %(param_1) s THEN %(param_2) s WHEN %(param_3) s THEN %(param_4) s WHEN %(param_5) s THEN %(param_6) s ELSE table1.protocol END
AND table3.application = table1.application
AND table3.destination_port = table1.destination_port
AND table3.vlan_destination = table1.vlan_destination
AND table3.state = table1.state
Given the current question, I think this at least comes close to what you might be after. The idea is to perform the entire operation in the database, instead of fetching everything – the whole 2,500,000 rows – and filtering in Python etc.:
from sqlalchemy import func, case
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
def newhotness(session, vlan_list):
# The query needs to join Table2 twice, so it has to be aliased
dst = aliased(Table2)
src = aliased(Table2)
# Prepare required SQL expressions
usage = func.coalesce(dst.usage, Table1.ip_destination)
usage_ip_src = func.coalesce(src.usage, Table1.ip_source)
protocol = case({"17": "UDP",
"1": "ICMP",
"6": "TCP"},
# Form a query producing the data to insert to Table3
flows = session.query(
outerjoin(dst, dst.ip == Table1.ip_destination).\
outerjoin(src, src.ip == Table1.ip_source).\
stmt = insert(Table3).from_select(
["usage_source", "usage_destination", "protocol", "application",
"destination_port", "vlan_destination", "state"],
return session.execute(stmt)
If the vlan_list is selective, or in other words filters out most rows, this will perform a lot less operations in the database. Depending on the size of Table2 you may benefit from indexing Table2.ip, but do test first. If it is relatively small, I would guess that PostgreSQL will perform a hash or nested loop join there. If some column of the ones used to filter out duplicates in Table3 is unique, you could perform an INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... DO NOTHING instead of removing duplicates in the SELECT using the NOT EXISTS subquery expression (which PostgreSQL will perform as an antijoin). If there is a possibility that the flows query may produce duplicates, add a call to Query.distinct() to it.

How to use variables in query_to_pandas

Just got dumped into SQL with BigQuery and stuff so I don't know alot of terms for this kinda stuff. Currently trying to make a method for which you input a string (the dataset name you want to take out). But I can't seem to put in a string into the variable I want without it returning errors.
I looked up how to put in variables for SQL stuff but most of those solutions weren't for my case. Then I ended up with adding $s and adding s before the """ variable. (this ended up with a syntax error)
import pandas as pd
import bq_helper
from bq_helper import BigQueryHelper
# Some code about using BQ_helper to get the data, if you need it lmk
# test = `data.patentsview.application`
query1 = s"""
response1 = patentsview.query_to_pandas_safe(query1)
With the code above it returns the error code
File "<ipython-input-63-6b07957ebb81>", line 8
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The original code that worked but would have to be manually bruteforced is this
query1 = """
SELECT * FROM `patents-public-data.patentsview.application`
response1 = patentsview.query_to_pandas_safe(query1)
If I understand you correctly, this may be what you're looking for:
#making up some variables:
vars = ['`patents-public-data.patentsview.application','`patents-private-data.patentsview.application']
for var in vars:
query = f"""SELECT * FROM {var}
SELECT * FROM `patents-public-data.patentsview.application
SELECT * FROM `patents-private-data.patentsview.application
I believe this should help: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/parameterized-queries#bigquery_query_params_named-python:
To specify a named parameter, use the # character followed by an identifier, such as #param_name.

SQLAlchemy can't use func.bigger as func in query

To desc my problem. Can see this raw sql:
select datediff(now(), create_time) > 7 as is_new from test order by is_new desc limit 19;
I try to implement by SQLAlchemy step by step:
diff_days = func.datediff(today, test.create_time).label("diff_days")
This work fine. But when I want to desc > in mysql. It failed:
is_new = func.greater(func.datediff(today, test.create_time), 7).label("is_new")
I know SQLAlchemy explain my sql to greater while mysql don't support. So How can I to get my answer a > b with something like greater(a, b)
May be the simple sql select a > b from test can desc the problem too. While above is my origin need. So the problem can change :
How to using SQLAIchemy orm to implement select a > b from test.
SQLAlchemy offers you rich operator overloading, so just do
is_new = (func.datediff(today, test.create_time) > 7).label("is_new")
filter(test.id.in_([1, 2, 3, 33344])).\
This works since the created Function is also a ColumnElement and as such has ColumnOperators.

ORACLE: LISTAGG taking too long to output my results

Below is the SQL string I pass to a Oracle server via an Oracle API within Python. I suspect that the listagg function is the reason for the extended amount of processing time. Without the listagg function the results are parsed in under half the time that the below SQL takes. Any suggestions or fixes more than welcome.
SELECT to_char(a.transaction_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY'),
(select listagg(c.txt, ';') WITHIN GROUP (order by a.fdoc_nbr) from View3 c where a.fdoc_nbr = c.fdoc_nbr) Notes,
to_char(a.trn_ldgr_entr_amt, '9,999,999.99'),
FROM View1 a
ON a.fdoc_nbr = b.doc_hdr_id
WHERE a.account_nbr = 123456
AND a.univ_fiscal_prd_cd = 12
AND (a.fin_object_cd BETWEEN '5000' AND '7999'
OR a.fin_object_cd BETWEEN '9902' AND '9905')
ORDER BY a.transaction_dt;

How do I change ADO ResultSet format in python?

I have the following code to query a database using an ADO COMObject in python. This is connecting to a Time series database (OSIPI) and this is the only way we've been able to get Python connected to the database.
from win32com.client import Dispatch
oConn = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')
oRS = Dispatch('ADODB.RecordSet')
oConn.ConnectionString = <my connection string>
oRS.ActiveConnection = oConn
if oConn.State == adStateOpen:
print "Connected to DB"
raise SystemError('Database Connection Failed')
cmd = """SELECT tag, dataowner FROM pipoint WHERE tag LIKE 'TEST_TAG1%'"""
result = oRS.GetRows(1)
print result
result2 = oRS.GetRows(2)
print result2
if oConn.State == adStateOpen:
oConn = None
This code returns the following two lines as results to the query:
result ((u'TEST_TAG1.QTY.BLACK',), (u'piadmin',))
result2 = ((u'TEST_TAG1.QTY.BLACK', u'TEST_TAG1.QTY.PINK'), (u'piadmin', u'piuser'))
This is not the expected format. In this case, I was expecting something like this:
result = ((u'TEST_TAG1.QTY.BLACK',u'piadmin'))
result2 = ((u'TEST_TAG1.QTY.BLACK',u'piadmin'),
Is there a way to adjust the results of an ADO query so everything related to row 1 is in the same tuple and everything in row 2 is in the same tuple?
What you're seeing is not really a Python thing but the output of GetRows(), which returns a two-dimensional array, which is organized by by field and then row.
Fortunately, Python has the zip() function that will make the relevant change for you. Try changing your code from:
result = oRS.GetRows(1)
result = zip(*oRS.GetRows(1))

