I recently wrote a simple Google App Engine app using flask web framework. I used flask-login and flask-restful libraries to handle authentication and provide a simple RESTful api for the app. My next step is to have a Qt/Qml app login to the GAE app and have it use the REST api I created. The app is written in Qt 5.4 and runs on multiple desktop and mobile platforms. I tried using Qml WebView with Qt 5.4 to see if I could get authentication to happen successfully and then use the cookie produced during authentication to make RESTful calls from a separate network connection using QNetworkAccessManager. This never worked as I was unable to get the cookies from WebView. I am at a bit of a loss of how else I could do this? Thanks!
I have a Django application deployed on Google App Engine standard environment. I am interested in server side rendering of my JS frontend. Can I use node.js alongside Django on the same GAE? Maybe as microservice?
What you can do is to deploy each of your app as a separate service in App Engine and they will work independently as a microservice. To do so, make sure to set a service name for each of the app.yaml file of your apps:
service: service-name
Afterwards, you can communicate between your services through an HTTP invocation, such as a user request or a RESTful API call. Code in one service can't directly call code in another service.
Refer to this link for additional information about communicating between your services.
I have come across articles that talk about integrating python and Node but I personally haven't done it or seen it done on GAE.
If I were to take a stab, I think you would be looking at something like
Have the python app as a service (say it's available on python_service.myapp.appspot.com
Have your Node.js as your default service available on myapp.appspot.com
Your Nodejs will have a route and when this route is invoked, you make an http request to the python service, wait for a response and then your Nodejs app returns that response.
Our App, https://nocommandline.com is an Electron App (combo of Node.js & Vue.js) If you purchase a license and try to validate it, we make a call server side and our server side is Python based. It's not exactly the same thing you're looking at (since our App is not web-based) but this gives you an idea of what I was trying to describe.
I have developed a web application based on Django Framework, but i want my application to get authenticated by Azure Single Sign on, Please suggest the method or tutorials to achieve this
Google django azure authentication leads to here leads to here
Documentation here
I am a Trainee in a company learning Python. The company wants me to study Python and Google App Engine. I studied them both individually and even used Google App Engine to create Web application with Bootstrap and JavaScript.
However, I do not know how to use Python in Google App Engine. When or where I should used Python in Google App Engine? What is the role of Python in making a Web Application?
Python will act as a middleware between the front-end and the database usually serving as a Web Server (whose job is to handle requests) and an Application Server (whose job is to do the business logic and optionally add a security layer).
browser -> web-server(python?) -> app-server(python?) -> database -> browser
In small projects like a Flask App, Web Server and Application Server are the same. But this can run into scalability problems.
You said you already created a web application, how did you access it in the browser?
Instead of worrying about terminologies just try out some Hello World examples and things will be clear.
For a college project, I'm developing a RESTful API. The API has been coded in python and deployed with the Google App Engine (which works fine).
I've developped an Angular (5) application as the frontend which makes HTTP requests to that API.
The question is - how do I deploy both backend and frontend on the same Google App Engine project? Am I supposed to merge both directories (python and Angular apps) and deploy the whole thing directly?
Google App Engine includes this minimal framework called "webapp". Google Code does not list a project page for webapp. The only documentation/information from Google on webapp is in the Google App Engine documentation. Is webapp not usable outside GAE?
You could use webapp outside App Engine - there's very little that's App Engine specific - but it's not designed for it, and thus isn't packaged or documented separately. If you want a webapp-like framework you can use anywhere, check out webapp2. It's a very close copy of webapp, with a lot of improvements and extensions. In fact, we (the App Engine team) like it so much it's the official replacement for Webapp on the Python 2.7 platform!