How to view Boto3 HTTPS request string - python

I have been able to view the attributes of the PreparedRequest that botocore sends, but I'm wondering how I can view the exact request string that is sent to AWS. I need the exact request string to be able to compare it to another application I'm testing AWS calls with.

You could also enable debug logging in boto3. That will log all requests and responses as well as lots of other things. Its a bit obscure to enable it:
import boto3
The reason you have to specify botocore as the name to log is that all of the actual requests and responses happen at the botocore layer.

So what you probably want to do is to send your request through the proxy (mitmproxy, squid). Then check the proxy for what was sent.
Since HTTPS data is encrypted you must first decrypt it, then log the response, then encrypt it back and send to AWS. One of the options is to use mitmproxy. ( It's really easy to install )
Run mitmproxy
Open up another terminal and point proxy to mitmproxys port:
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=$http_proxy
Then set verify=False when creating session/client
In [1]: import botocore.session
In [2]: client = botocore.session.Session().create_client('elasticache', verify=False)
Send request and look at the output of mitmproxy
In [3]: client.describe_cache_engine_versions()
The result should be similar to this:
Accept-Encoding: identity
Content-Length: 53
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=FOOOOOO/20150428/us-east-1/elasticache/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;user-agent;x-amz-date, Signature=BAAAAAAR
X-Amz-Date: 20150428T213004Z
User-Agent: Botocore/0.103.0 Python/2.7.6 Linux/3.13.0-49-generic
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<CacheEngineVersionDescription>memcached version 1.4.14</CacheEngineVersionDescription>


How to send entire http request from file?

I am writing a small application that interprets the http response of a request. I am writing the application in python. I have not found anything that allows me to send the body + headers stored in one file. I can send certain parts like the headers but not the entire request.
For example, if the request is:
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Cookie: bob=lemon
I want to send this entire request in one go. How would I do this in python?
Check out the python requests library.
For the request above it would look something like
import requests
url = 'http://localhost:[YOUR PORT HERE]/'
cookies = {bob : lemon}
r = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies)
To check if you had a successful request you should get a 200 code from.
Check out the library for more, it is very extensive.

Create SOAP requst by zeep

I'm working on WSDL. I need to create SOAP request using by zeep package. So I implemented the code that
from zeep import Client
service = Client('')
request = service.service.GetClientServices
But I could not move on. Because I could not login through this request and pass parameters. I want to fill following all requirement through this request. could anyone tell me that how to pass all this parameters by this request.
This is HTTP headers
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

SOAP client in python, how to replicate with XML

I am using suds to send XML and I got my request working, but I'm really confused by how to replicate my results using XML. I have the XML request that my suds client is sending by using:
from suds.client import Client
ulr = "xxxxxxx"
client = Client(url)
but I'm not sure where I would send that request to if I was using the requests library. How would I replicate the request from the suds client in a python request?
Most SOAP APIs are just over plain HTTP, use POST - and therefore are easily mimicked with any standard HTTP client such as Requests.
First look here to see how to view the headers and body that suds is sending - it is then a matter of replicating these headers/XML body and passing them into the Requests library.
One defining characteristic in 99% of all HTTP SOAP API's is that your request is going to the same end-point for each request (for example ', and the actual action is specified in the header using SOAPAction header). Contrast this to a RESTful API where the action is implied with the verb + end-point you call (POST /user, GET /menu etc.)

How to send GET request including headers using python

I'm trying to build a website using, which is able to search the database ( is a German car sales website). For this I need to use the API and make a GET request to it doing the following (this is an example from the API docs):
GET /1.0.0/ad/search?exteriorColor=BLACK&modificationTime.min=2012-05-04T18:13:51.0Z HTTP/1.0
Authorization: QWxhZGluOnNlc2FtIG9wZW4=
Accept: application/xml
(The authorization needs to be my username and password joined together using a colon and then being encoded using Base64.)
So I use urllib2 to do the request as follows:
>>> import base64
>>> import urllib2
>>> headers = {'Authorization': base64.b64encode('myusername:mypassw'), 'Accept': 'application/xml'}
>>> req = urllib2.Request('', headers=headers)
And from here I am unsure how to proceed. req appears to be an instance with some methods to get the information in it. But did it actually send the request? And if so, where can I get the response?
All tips are welcome!
You need to call to call the URL and get the response.
But you'd be better off using the requests library, which is much easier to use.

HTTPConnection to make DELETE request: 505 response

Frustratingly I'm needing to develop something on Python 2.6.4, and need to send a delete request to a server that seems to only support http 1.1. Here is my code:
httpConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:9080")
httpConnection.request('DELETE', remainderURL)
httpResponse = httpConnection.getresponse()
The response code I then get is: 505 (HTTP version not supported)
I've tested sending a delete request via Firefox's RESTClient to the same URL and that works.
I can't use urllib2 because it doesn't support the DELETE request. Is the HTTPConnection object http 1.0 only? Or am I doing something wrong?
The HTTPConnection class uses HTTP/1.1 throughout, and the 505 seems to indicate it's the server that cannot handle HTTP/1.1 requests.
However, if you need to make DELETE requests, why not use the Requests package instead? A DELETE is as simple as:
import requests
That won't magically solve your HTTP version mismatch, but you can enable verbose logging to figure out what is going on:
import sys
requests.delete(url, config=dict(verbose=sys.stderr))
You can use urllib2:
req = urllib2.Request(query_url)
req.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE' # creates the delete method
url = urllib2.urlopen(req)
httplib uses HTTP/1.1 (see HTTPConnection.putRequest method documentation).
Check httpResponse.version to see what version the server is using.

