A class:
class Spam:
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
An instantiation:
from Spam import *
c = Spam(1,5,4)
In this case, to perform a check on the input values of 'a' or 'b' or 'c' I've the decorators #property, #a.setter, #b.setter, #c.setter but...what if I need to check this variables but they are not directly copied into 'private' class variables?
I mean
class Egg()
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
self.var = (a + b)*c
Say I need to check a < c and c > b, what is the best way to perform checks on variables 'a', 'b', 'c' inside the class Egg and bound their value to some standards if checks are not consistent? Is there any particular decorator? (I need to keep code "clean and easy to uderstand" outside the class...this is why I am not performing checks before instantiation).
Have you considered immutability?
from collections import namedtuple
class Egg(namedtuple('Egg', 'a b c'))
def __new__(cls, a, b, c):
assert a < c and c > b
return super(Egg, cls).__new__(a, b, c)
def var(self):
return (a + b)*c
How can I pass in arguments (a, b, c) to a function for a quadratic formula without having to redefine them in the function? I know I could use self.a instead of just a inside the formula (same thing for b and c) but how do I pass in the argument self.a as a, self.b as b, and self.c into the function?
class Calc:
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
def quadraticformula(self):
c = self.c
b = self.b
a = self.a
neg = ((b*-1)-(sqrt((b**2)-4*a*c)))/(2*a)
pos = ((b*-1)+(sqrt((b**2)-(4*a*c))))/(2*a)
return (pos,neg)
Instead of using a class with a constructor function just use a normal function in general
def calc(a, b, c):
neg = ((b*-1)-(sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c)))/(2*a)
pos = ((b*-1)+(sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c)))/(2*a)
return pos, neg
Then call the function:
>>> calc(1, 2, -3)
(1.0, -3.0)
You don't have to redefine anything. The __init__ method allows for all other methods of the class to be able to access that variable. So once you actually define a variable you passed to the class (you referenced it as a function, which its not) in the __init__ method all you have to do it just reference it with whatever operation you need.
# within you quadraticformula method
neg = ((self.b*-1)-(sqrt(self.b**2 - 4*self.a*self.c)))/(2*self.a)
pos = ((self.b*-1)+(sqrt(self.b**2 - 4*self.a*self.c)))/(2*self.a)
return pos, neg
When passing attributes to the class you have create an instance of it like so:
a = # something
b = # something
c = # something
cl = Calc(a, b, c)
cl.quadraticformula() # call the method (a function with a method) of the function here
# You can call this method in the __init__ method if you want to
# execute as soon as you call the class instead of using the instance
# to reference it
class Calc:
def __init__(self,a,b,c):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
I have 2 classes with some functions:
class A:
def __init__(self, one=1, two=2):
self.one = one
self.two = two
def do_smt(self):
class B:
def __init__(self, value="test"):
self.value = value
def do_smt(self):
I have a third class that has to use the 2 classes is doing this.
class C:
def __init__(self, one=1, two=2, value="test"):
self.A = A(one, two)
self.B = B(value)
def do_smt(self):
Now I do this: new_class = C()
But what if the default value of class A or B changes, then I also need to change that in class C. Is there a way to write class C in a way that it knows which arguments are the default ones? It need to handle no arguments but also arguments that other classes expect.
You can use inspect.signature to obtain the parameters of the __init__ method of each "base" class of class C, and let C.__init__ accept variable keyword arguments, so that it can iterate through the "base" classes and pass to the __init__ method of each just what it needs and what the given keyword arguments have. Use itertools.islice to ignore the first parameter, which is always self:
import inspect
from itertools import islice
class C:
bases = A, B
params = {}
for cls in bases:
params[cls] = inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for cls in self.bases:
setattr(self, cls.__name__, cls(**{key: kwargs[key] for key in
islice(self.params[cls], 1, None) if key in kwargs}))
so that:
c = C(one=3,value='hi')
You could use some sentinel value (here None) and pass parameters only if they are provided as something meaningful:
class C:
def __init__(self, one=None, two=None, value=None):
if one is two is None:
self.A = A()
self.A = A(one, two)
if value is None:
self.B = B()
self.B = B(value)
That way, A and B's defaults take care of themselves.
One solution is to factor the default values to constants:
class A:
def __init__(self, one=DEFAULT_ONE, two=DEFAULT_TWO):
Use the constants in class C as well.
Before the call class A and B, define init values to variables
Try add these before calls in class C init:
self.initA_one = A.one
self.initA_two = A.two
self.initB_value = B.value
And continue
self.A = A (.,.)
self.B = B (.)
this was what i meant.
class C():
def __init__(self, one=-1, two=-2, value="detest"):
self.initA_one = A().one
self.initA_two = A().two
self.initB = B().value
self.A = A(one, two)
self.B = B(value)
def do_smt(self):
new_class = C()
print(f'default A.one is {new_class.initA_one}, new value A.one is {new_class.A.one}.')
print(f'default A.two is {new_class.initA_two}, new value A.two is {new_class.A.two}.')
print(f'default B.value is {new_class.initB}, new B.value is {new_class.B.value}')
default A.one is 1, new value A.one is -1.
default A.two is 2, new value A.two is -2.
default B.value is test, new B.value is detest
I am not sure if this fits exactly what you want, but basically you can let C decide what to give to A, B and let A, B decide what to use, using **kwds method parameters in A and B.
One of the differences, with the sample class C2, is that, if C has a different default value it overrides A, B.
There is also another alternative, under C3, where you use a guard value (not using None to allow that to be a default) to only pass on arguments that were given to C3.
class A:
def __init__(self, one=1, two=2, **kwds):
self.one = one
self.two = two
def do_smt(self):
class B:
def __init__(self, value="test", **kwds):
self.value = value
class C:
def __init__(self, one=1, two=2, value="test"):
self.A = A(one, two)
self.B = B(value)
class C2:
""" your default values override those of A, B"""
def __init__(self, one=1, two=2, value="test"):
locals_ = locals()
self.A = A(**locals_)
self.B = B(**locals_)
undefined = NotImplemented
class C3:
""" your default values dont affect A and Bs"""
def __init__(self, one=undefined, two=undefined, value="test"):
locals_ = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k != "self" and v is not undefined}
self.A = A(**locals_)
self.B = B(**locals_)
#can still use it locally
self.one = one if one is not undefined else 11
self.two = two if two is not undefined else 22
c= C()
print("c.A.one:", c.A.one)
print("c.B.value:", c.B.value)
c2= C2()
print("c2.A.one:", c2.A.one)
print("c2.B.value:", c2.B.value)
c3= C3()
print("c3.A.one:", c3.A.one)
print("c3.one:", c3.one)
print("c3.B.value:", c3.B.value)
c.A.one: 1
c.B.value: test
c2.A.one: 1
c2.B.value: test
c3.A.one: 1
c3.one: 11
c3.B.value: test
You could even have a variant of C that uses **kwds itself and pass those on to A, B in case they find value in it.
class C4:
""" your default values dont affect A and Bs
and you can pass in anything.
Neither two or value are known to C and that's OK"""
def __init__(self, one=undefined, **kwds):
locals_ = locals()
locals_ = {k:v for k,v in locals().items() if k not in ("self","kwds") and v is not undefined}
self.A = A(**locals_)
self.B = B(**locals_)
#can still use it locally
self.one = one if one is not undefined else 11
c4= C4(value="somevalue")
print("c4.A.one:", c4.A.one)
print("c4.A.two:", c4.A.two)
print("c4.one:", c4.one)
print("c4.B.value:", c4.B.value)
c4.A.one: 1
c4.A.two: 2
c4.one: 11
c4.B.value: somevalue
I think the best (and pythonic) way to write such classes is always using None as default for any optional argument in any class. In class A and B you then check whether the respective argument is None and if so, replace by your real default value. That way the default for each attribute is defined in only one place and class C doesn't need to know the default value.
class Foo:
def add(self, a, b):
return (a+b)
def sub(self, a, b):
return (a-b)
C = add(1,2)
TypeError: add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'b'
How can I use a method within that class? When using a method within the class it is defined in, what should I pass in for the 'self' parameter?
I'm not too sure what you're getting at. The summary and description don't seem to match. I'll try to answer both to the best of my ability though.
GLOBAL_VAR = int()
class Foo:
def add(self, a, b):
return (a+b)
def sub(a, b):
return (a - b)
def call_add(self, *args):
GLOBAL_VAR = self.add(*args)
C = Foo().add(1, 2)
D = Foo.sub(1, 2)
Foo().call_add(1, 2)
print(GLOBAL_VAR, C, D)
So the explanation.
If you want to update a global variable in a class method you have to bring it into the method with the it with the global keyword
if you want to access a class method you have to instantiate the class in the C = Foo().method() example
if you just want to call the method directly you can remove self and make it a static method in the D = Foo.sub() example.
if you want to call add in the class you need to call self.add
Hope that helps!
class classname():
def func(self,a,b):
self.c = a+b
self.d = a-b
self.e = a*b
return self
cn = classname()
This way i can access cn.c, cn.d and cn.e can i use something else other then self to return it and it will be a structure. I know its possible in matlab where you can define structure in a function. Something what i expect should look like this:
class classname():
def func(self,newself,a,b):
self.c = a+b
self.d = a-b
newself.e = a*b
return self, newself
cn = classname()
I know this is not a valid code but just an idea what i want from code.
I think what you want is this:
class classname:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.c = a+b
self.d = a-b
self.e = a*b
cn = classname(12, 34) # Just random values for 'a' and 'b'. Use whatever you like!
>>> 46
>>> -22
>>> 408
The __init__ function is automatically called when the object is created. Self will always refer to the object, so adding attributes to it will add it to the object, so you don't need to return anything.
So I have a class with a couple of (normal) methods. Depending on a value I want to call different methods. This behavior of choosing methods is static (same for all instantiation of the classes. How would you recommend doing this?
Will the answer change on best way to achieve this if the state of an instantiation is constant and never changes after initialization?
PLUS = 0
class Generator(object):
operations = {
PLUS: self.plus, # Not possible
MINUS: self.minus,
def __init__(self, state):
self._state = state
def plus(self, a, b):
# Depends on state
return a + b
def minus(self, a, b):
return a - b if self._state else b - a
def generate(self):
a, b = give_me_numbers()
for op in OPERATIONS:
print self.operations[op](a, b)
PLUS = 0
class Generator:
operations = {}
def __init__(self, state):
self._state = state
def init_operations(cls):
cls.operations = {
PLUS: cls.plus,
MINUS: cls.minus
def plus(self, a, b):
# Depends on state
return a + b
def minus(self, a, b):
return a - b if self._state else b - a
def generate(self):
a, b = 5, 10
for op in self.operations:
print( self.operations[op](self, a, b) )
gen = Generator(1)
In order for operations to store functions of a class definition it can't be done at the top of a class like you have done. This is because the parser won't find the functions you're referring to because it hasn't parsed them yet. So instead I've added a 'static' init_operations().
Note these operations are stored as unbound methods (since it's called from within a static); therefore when calling these functions it is necessary to include the self variable as the 1st argument.
One option is to turn operations into a method:
def operations(self, op):
dictMethods = {
"PLUS" : self.plus
"MINUS" : self.minus
return dictMethods[op]
Then call it like:
self.operations(op)(a, b)
Here's a slight modification to Richard's code that automatically calls the init_operations method the first time you instantiate a Generator.
class Generator:
def __init__(self, state):
self._state = state
if not hasattr(self, 'operations'):
def init_operations(cls):
cls.operations = {
PLUS: cls.plus,
MINUS: cls.minus,
def plus(self, a, b):
# Depends on state
return a + b
def minus(self, a, b):
return a - b if self._state else b - a
def generate(self):
a, b = give_me_numbers()
for op in self.operations:
print self.operations[op](self, a, b)
Here's an alternative that makes operations a plain instance attribute. This wastes a little bit of space, but it means you don't need to explicitly pass self when you call an operation.
class Generator(object):
def __init__(self, state=False):
self._state = state
self.operations = {
PLUS: self.plus,
MINUS: self.minus
def plus(self, a, b):
# Depends on state
return a + b
def minus(self, a, b):
return a - b if self._state else b - a
def generate(self):
a, b = give_me_numbers()
for op in OPERATIONS:
print self.operations[op](a, b)
And finally, this variation uses the method names to identify the operations instead of integers.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from random import seed, randint
def give_me_numbers():
a, b = randint(1, 99), randint(1, 99)
print 'a=%d, b=%d' % (a, b)
return a, b
OPERATIONS = ('plus', 'minus')
class Generator(object):
def __init__(self, state=False):
self._state = state
def plus(self, a, b):
# Depends on state
return a + b
def minus(self, a, b):
return a - b if self._state else b - a
def operations(self, op):
return getattr(self, op)
def generate(self):
a, b = give_me_numbers()
for op in OPERATIONS:
#print getattr(self, op)(a, b)
print self.operations(op)(a, b)
g1 = Generator(False)
g2 = Generator(True)
a=64, b=3
a=28, b=23
You don't really need the operations method here - I just left it in to stay (relatively) consistent with the OP code. Instead, you can just call getattr(self, op)(a, b) directly. OTOH, it is cleaner to supply the operations method if you want to call it from outside the class.
What you want to do actually works (there is no need for a more complicated solution), but you have to (1) write the dictionary definition of operations properly (with : instead of =) and (2) put its definition when it can be understood (after the methods that it refers to are defined):
PLUS = 0
class Generator(object):
def __init__(self, state):
self._state = state
def plus(self, a, b):
# Depends on state
return a + b
def minus(self, a, b):
return a - b if self._state else b - a
def generate(self):
a, b = give_me_numbers()
for op in OPERATIONS:
print operations[op](a, b)
operations = { # plus and minus are defined, at this point
PLUS: plus,
MINUS: minus
Side notes:
Note the Generator(object) syntax (not Generator())—or simply Generator, in Python 3.
You might want check out the enum module, which handles the constants PLUS, MINUS and OPERATIONS that you define in a clean and convenient way.
PS: As PM 2Ring noted, using the values from operations can be done through self.operations[op](self, a, b). I would personally do Generator.operations[op](self, a, b), since operations is not specific to any instance and is instead a dictionary associated with the Generator class.