How to split a comma-delimited list in IronPython (Spotfire)? - python

I have a existing data table with two columns, one is a ID and one is a list of IDs, separated by comma.
For example
ID | List
1 | 1, 4, 5
3 | 2, 12, 1
I would like to split the column List so that I have a table like this:
ID | List
1 | 1
1 | 4
1 | 5
3 | 2
3 | 12
3 | 1
I figured this out now:
tablename='Querysummary Data'
myPanel = Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel
idxSet = myPanel.FilteringSchemeReference.FilteringSelectionReference.GetSelection(table).AsIndexSet()
for row in table.GetRows(idxSet,topiccursor,doccursor):
for key in keys:
str = keys[key].split(",")
for i in str:
print key + " " +i
now I can print the topic id with the corresponding id.
How can I create a new data table in Spotfire using this dict()?

I solved it myself finally..maybe there is some better code but it works:
tablename='Querysummary Data'
myPanel = Document.ActivePageReference.FilterPanel
idxSet = myPanel.FilteringSchemeReference.FilteringSelectionReference.GetSelection(table).AsIndexSet()
# build a string representing the data in tab-delimited text format
textData = "TOPIC_ID;DOC_IDS\r\n"
for row in table.GetRows(idxSet,topiccursor,doccursor):
for key in keys:
str = keys[key].split(",")
for i in str:
textData += key + ";" + i + "\r\n"
dataSet = DataSet()
dataTable = DataTable("DOCIDS")
dataTable.Columns.Add("TOPIC_ID", System.String)
dataTable.Columns.Add("DOC_IDS", System.String)
# make a stream from the string
stream = MemoryStream()
writer = StreamWriter(stream)
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
# set up the text data reader
readerSettings = TextDataReaderSettings()
readerSettings.Separator = ";"
readerSettings.SetDataType(0, DataType.String)
readerSettings.SetDataType(1, DataType.String)
readerSettings.SetDataType(2, DataType.String)
# create a data source to read in the stream
textDataSource = TextFileDataSource(stream, readerSettings)
# add the data into a Data Table in Spotfire
if Document.Data.Tables.Contains("Querysummary Mapping"):
Document.Data.Tables["Querysummary Mapping"].ReplaceData(textDataSource)
newTable = Document.Data.Tables.Add("Querysummary Mapping", textDataSource)
tableSettings = DataTableSaveSettings (newTable, False, False)


Using Pyspark how to convert plain text to csv file

When I created a hive table, the data is as follows.
data file
Can I create a table right away without converting the file?
It's a plain text file, three columns are repeated.
How to convert dataframe? or csv file?
I want
| name | code | value
| abc | 1 | 1234
| abcdef | 2 | 12345
I solved my problem like this.
data =
rows = data.rdd.zipWithIndex().map(lambda x: Row(x[0].value, int(x[1]/3)))
schema = StructType() \
.add("col1",StringType(), False) \
.add("record_pos",IntegerType(), False)
df = spark.createDataFrame(rows, schema)
df1 = df.withColumn("key", regexp_replace(split(df["col1"], '__>')[0], '<|__', '')) \
.withColumn("value", regexp_replace(regexp_replace(split(df["col1"], '__>')[1], '\n', '<NL>'), '\t', '<TAB>'))
dataframe = df1.groupBy("record_pos").pivot("key").agg(first("value")).drop("record_pos")
val path = "file:///C:/stackqustions/data/stackq5.csv"
val data = sc.textFile(path)
import spark.implicits._
val rdd = {
case (records, index) => Row(records, index / 3)
val schema = new StructType().add("col1", StringType, false).add("record_pos", LongType, false)
val df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
val df1 = df
.withColumn("key", regexp_replace(split($"col1", ">")(0), "<|__", ""))
.withColumn("value", split($"col1", ">")(1)).drop("col1")
|code| name|value|
| 1| abc| 1234|
| 2|abcdef|12345|
| 2|abcdef|12345|
| 2|abcdef|12345|

Get data from one Excel and write to another Excel using the same format in Pandas

I am trying to read two Excel files using pandas in python. Get data from one then write the data to another under a condition. Let's call the files sourcefile1.xlsx and sourcefile2.xlsx.
Here are the contents of the Excel files:
Pair and Field Results are main headers that are merged.
cable_type, cable_name, cable_pair, caller_id, result are secondary header that represents each column.
-----------------Pair--------------- -----Field Result-----
cable_type cable_name cable_pair caller_id result
primary 2 103 n/a not match
primary 1 33 22222222 match
primary 5 342 22222222 match
secondary 2 12 n/a not match
secondary 4 144 44444444 match
-blank- -----Secondary Pairs---- ------Primary Pairs------
caller_id caller_id adsl result caller_id adsl result
11111111 4/144 2/103
22222222 2/12 4/144
44444444 7/55 4/144
NULL 8/123 1/11
The expected output will write on sourcefile2 based on this pseudo code:
if caller_id(sourcefile1) != 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'primary':
if caller_id(sourcefile1) = caller_id(sourcefile2) - primary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
elif caller_id(sourcefile1) != 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'secondary':
if caller_id(sourcefile1) = caller_id(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
elif caller_id(sourcefile1) = 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'primary':
if cable_name + cable_pair(sourcefile1) = adsl(sourcefile2) - primary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - primary pairs
elif caller(sourcefile1) = 'N/A':
if cable_type(sourcefile1) = 'secondary':
if cable_name + cable_pair(sourcefile1) = adsl(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs:
write caller_id(sourcefile1) to caller_id(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
write result(sourcefile1) to result(sourcefile2) - secondary pairs
Here is the output I am trying to attain.
-blank- -----Secondary Pairs---- ------Primary Pairs------
caller_id caller_id adsl result caller_id adsl result
11111111 4/144 n/a 2/103 not match
22222222 n/a 2/12 not match 22222222 4/144 match
44444444 44444444 7/55 match 4/144
NULL 8/123 1/11
I am trying to match the caller_id from sourcefile1 to sourcefile2 and write them to Primary Pairs or Secondary Pairs based from their cable_type. If the caller_id is n/a, then what I need to match is the adsl. The result is a given data, I will just need to get whatever is in the same row with the caller_id or adsl.
So far I was able to match the caller_id but I recreated the sourcefile1 and sourcefile2 and remove the main header. Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_excel('sourcefile2.xlsx')
df2 = pd.read_excel('sourcefile1.xlsx', 'v0.02')
forPrimary1 = df1.columns[40]
forSecondary1 = df1.columns[23]
ComparisonResult = df2.columns[22]
forAdsl = df1.columns[39]
CallerID = df2.columns[13]
forPrimary = df1.columns[37]
forSecondary = df1.columns[16]
df3 = pd.read_excel('PrimarySecondary.xlsx')
df4 = pd.read_excel('adslFile.xlsx')
df5 = pd.read_excel('PrimarySecondary2.xlsx')
# df1['svc_no'] = df1['svc_no']
df2['Adsl'] = df2[['cable_name', 'pair']].apply(lambda x: '/'.join(x.astype(str)), axis=1)
newPrim = df2[[caller_id, 'result', 'Adsl']] [(df2['cable_type'] == 'Primary')]
newSec = df2[[caller_id, 'result']] [(df2['cable_type'] == 'Secondary')]
frame = pd.read_excel('newPrimary.xlsx')
frame1 = pd.read_excel('newSecondary.xlsx')
df1['b_line_stat'] = df1['b_line_stat'].fillna('NULL')
df1['DP_e_pr'] = df1['DP_e_pr'].fillna('NULL')
df1['DP_e_st'] = df1['DP_e_st'].fillna('NULL')
df1['DP'] = df1['DP'].fillna('NULL')
df1['CAB_d_st'] = df1['CAB_d_st'].fillna('NULL')
df1['CAB_d_pr'] = df1['CAB_d_pr'].fillna('NULL')
df1['port_status'] = df1['port_status'].fillna('NULL')
name1 = df1.columns[17]
name2 = df1.columns[18]
name3 = df1.columns[19]
name4 = df1.columns[20]
name5 = df1.columns[21]
name6 = df1.columns[22]
name7 = df1.columns[38]
df1[name1] = df1['b_line_stat']
df1[name2] = df1['CAB_d_st']
df1[name3] = df1['CAB_d_pr']
df1[name4] = df1['DP_e_st']
df1[name5] = df1['DP_e_pr']
df1[name6] = df1['DP']
df1[name7] = df1['port_status']
frame = frame[frame['caller_id'].isin(df1['caller_id'])]
df1[forPrimary1] = frame['result']
frame1 = frame1[frame1['caller_id'].isin(df1['caller_id'])]
df1[forSecondary1] = frame1['result']
df1[forPrimary] = df1['caller_id'].fillna('n/a')
df1[forAdsl] = df1['adsl'].fillna('NULL')
df1[forSecondary] = df1['caller_id'].fillna('n/a')
df1['caller_id'] = df1['caller_id'].fillna('NULL')
df1['adsl'] = df1['adsl'].fillna('NULL')
df1.to_excel('dp_util_ANT715-M.xlsx', index=False)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('dp_util_ANT715-M.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')
Edit: Variables I used in my script to match what is in my question.

Biopython translate() error

I have a file that looks as so:
Type Variant_class ACC_NUM dbsnp genomic_coordinates_hg18 genomic_coordinates_hg19 HGVS_cdna HGVS_protein gene disease sequence_context_hg18 sequence_context_hg19 codon_change codon_number intron_number site location location_reference_point author journal vol page year pmid entrezid sift_score sift_prediction mutpred_score
1 DM CM920001 rs1800433 null chr12:9232351:- NM_000014.4 NP_000005.2:p.C972Y A2M Chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease null CACAAAATCTTCTCCAGATGCCCTATGGCT[G/A]TGGAGAGCAGAATATGGTCCTCTTTGCTCC TGT TAT 972 null null 2 null Poller HUMGENET 88 313 1992 1370808 2 0 DAMAGING 0.594315245478036
1 DM CM004784 rs74315453 null chr22:43089410:- NM_017436.4 NP_059132.1:p.M183K A4GALT Pksynthasedeficiency(pphenotype) null TGCTCTCCGACGCCTCCAGGATCGCACTCA[T/A]GTGGAAGTTCGGCGGCATCTACCTGGACAC ATG AAG 183 null null 2 null Steffensen JBC 275 16723 2000 10747952 53947 0 DAMAGING 0.787878787878788
I want to translate the information from column 13 and 14 to their corresponding amino acids. Here is the script that I've generated:
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna
InFile = open("disease_mut_splitfinal.txt", 'rU')
OriginalSeq_list = []
MutSeq_list = []
import csv
with open("disease_mut_splitfinal.txt") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter= "\t")
for row in reader:
OriginalSeq = row['codon_change']
MutSeq = row['codon_number']
region = row["genomic_coordinates_hg19"]
gene = row["gene"]
OutputFileName = "Translated.txt"
OutputFile = open(OutputFileName, 'w')
for i in range(0, len(OriginalSeq_list)):
OrigSeq = OriginalSeq_list[i]
MutSEQ = MutSeq_list[i]
print OrigSeq
translated_original = OrigSeq.translate()
translated_mut= MutSEQ.translate()
OutputFile.write("\n" + OriginalSeq_list[i]+ "\t" + str(translated_original) + "\t" +MutSeq_list[i] + "\t" + str(translated_mut)+ "\n")
However, I keep getting this error:
TypeError: translate expected at least 1 arguments, got 0
I'm kind of at a loss for what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?
(File should still be downloadable even if you don't have a dropbox)
You are using the string method "translate" instead of the biopython seq object method translate, which is what I assume you want to do. You need to convert the string into a seq object and then translate that. Try
from Bio import Seq
OrigSeq = Seq.Seq(OriginalSeq_list[i])
translated_original = OrigSeq.translate()
from Bio.Seq import Seq
OrigSeq = Seq(OriginalSeq_list[i])
translated_original = OrigSeq.translate()

regex to parse well-formated multi-line data dictionary

I am trying to read and parse a data dictionary for the Census Bureau's American Community Survey Public Use Microsample data release, as found here.
It is reasonably well formated, although with a few lapses where a few explanatory notes are inserted.
I think my preferred outcome is to either get a dataframe with one row per variable, and serialize all value labels for a given variable into one dictionary stored in a value dictionary field in the same row (although a hierarchical json-like format would not be bad, but more complicated.
I got the following code:
import pandas as pd
import re
import urllib2
data = urllib2.urlopen('')
## replace newline characters so we can use dots and find everything until a double
## carriage return (replaced to ||) with a lookahead assertion.
datadict=pd.DataFrame(re.findall("([A-Z]{2,8})\s{2,9}([0-9]{1})\s{2,6}\|\s{2,4}([A-Za-z\-\(\) ]{3,85})",data,re.MULTILINE),columns=['variable','width','description'])
| | variable | width | description |
| 0 | RT | 1 | Record Type |
| 1 | SERIALNO | 7 | Housing unit |
| 2 | DIVISION | 1 | Division code |
| 3 | PUMA | 5 | Public use microdata area code (PUMA) based on |
| 4 | REGION | 1 | Region code |
| 5 | ST | 2 | State Code |
So far so good. The list of variables is there, along with the width in characters of each.
I can expand this and get additional lines (where the value labels live), like so:
re.findall("([A-Z]{2,9})\s{2,9}([0-9]{1})\s{2,6}\|\s{4}([A-Za-z\-\(\)\;\<\> 0-9]{2,85})\|\s{11,15}([a-z0-9]{0,2})[ ]\.([A-Za-z/\-\(\) ]{2,120})",
| id | variable | width | description | value_1 | label_1 |
| 0 | DIVISION | 1 | Division code | 0 | Puerto Rico |
| 1 | REGION | 1 | Region code | 1 | Northeast |
| 2 | ST | 2 | State Code | 1 | Alabama/AL |
| 3 | NP | 2 | Number of person records following this housin... | 0 | Vacant unit |
| 4 | TYPE | 1 | Type of unit | 1 | Housing unit |
So that gets the first value and associated label. My regex issue is here how to repeat the multi-line match starting with \s{11,15} and to the end--i.e. some variables have tons of unique values (ST or state code is followed by some 50 lines, denoting the value and label for each state).
I changed early on the carriage return in the source file with a pipe, thinking that I could then shamelessly rely on the dot to match everything until a double carriage return, indicating the end of that particular variable, and here is where I got stuck.
So--how to repeat a multi-line pattern an arbitrary number of times.
(A complication for later is that some variables are not fully enumerated in the dictionary, but are shown with valid ranges of values. NP for example [number of persons associated with the same household], is denoted with ``02..20` following a description. If I don't account for this, my parsing will miss such entries, of course.)
This isn't a regex, but I parsed PUMSDataDict2013.txt and PUMS_Data_Dictionary_2009-2013.txt (Census ACS 2013 documentation, FTP server) with this Python 3x script below. I used pandas.DataFrame.from_dict and pandas.concat to create a hierarchical dataframe, also below.
Python 3x function to parse PUMSDataDict2013.txt and PUMS_Data_Dictionary_2009-2013.txt:
import collections
import os
def parse_pumsdatadict(path:str) -> collections.OrderedDict:
r"""Parse ACS PUMS Data Dictionaries.
path (str): Path to downloaded data dictionary.
ddict (collections.OrderedDict): Parsed data dictionary with original
key order preserved.
FileNotFoundError: Raised if `path` does not exist.
* Only some data dictionaries have been tested.[^urls]
* Values are all strings. No data types are inferred from the
original file.
* Example structure of returned `ddict`:
ddict['title'] = '2013 ACS PUMS DATA DICTIONARY'
ddict['date'] = 'August 7, 2015'
ddict['record_types']['HOUSING RECORD']['RT']\
['length'] = '1'
['description'] = 'Record Type'
['var_codes']['H'] = 'Housing Record or Group Quarters Unit'
ddict['record_types']['HOUSING RECORD'][...]
ddict['record_types']['PERSON RECORD'][...]
ddict['notes'] =
['Note for both Industry and Occupation lists...',
'* In cases where the SOC occupation code ends...',
# Check arguments.
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise FileNotFoundError(
"Path does not exist:\n{path}".format(path=path))
# Parse data dictionary.
# Note:
# * Data dictionary keys and values are "codes for variables",
# using the ACS terminology,
# * The data dictionary is not all encoded in UTF-8. Replace encoding
# errors when found.
# * Catch instances of inconsistently formatted data.
ddict = collections.OrderedDict()
with open(path, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as fobj:
# Data dictionary name is line 1.
ddict['title'] = fobj.readline().strip()
# Data dictionary date is line 2.
ddict['date'] = fobj.readline().strip()
# Initialize flags to catch lines.
(catch_var_name, catch_var_desc,
catch_var_code, catch_var_note) = (None, )*4
var_name = None
var_name_last = 'PWGTP80' # Necessary for unformatted end-of-file notes.
for line in fobj:
# Replace tabs with 4 spaces
line = line.replace('\t', ' '*4).rstrip()
# Record type is section header 'HOUSING RECORD' or 'PERSON RECORD'.
if (line.strip() == 'HOUSING RECORD'
or line.strip() == 'PERSON RECORD'):
record_type = line.strip()
if 'record_types' not in ddict:
ddict['record_types'] = collections.OrderedDict()
ddict['record_types'][record_type] = collections.OrderedDict()
# A newline precedes a variable name.
# A newline follows the last variable code.
elif line == '':
# Example inconsistent format case:
# WGTP54 5
# Housing Weight replicate 54
# -9999..09999 .Integer weight of housing unit
if (catch_var_code
and 'var_codes' not in ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]):
# Terminate the previous variable block and look for the next
# variable name, unless past last variable name.
catch_var_code = False
catch_var_note = False
if var_name != var_name_last:
catch_var_name = True
# Variable name is 1 line with 0 space indent.
# Variable name is followed by variable description.
# Variable note is optional.
# Variable note is preceded by newline.
# Variable note is 1+ lines.
# Variable note is followed by newline.
elif (catch_var_name and not line.startswith(' ')
and var_name != var_name_last):
# Example: "Note: Public use microdata areas (PUMAs) ..."
if line.lower().startswith('note:'):
var_note = line.strip() # type(var_note) == str
if 'notes' not in ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]:
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['notes'] = list()
# Append a new note.
catch_var_note = True
# Example: """
# Note: Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) designate areas ...
# population. Use with ST for unique code. PUMA00 applies ...
# ...
# """
elif catch_var_note:
var_note = line.strip() # type(var_note) == str
if 'notes' not in ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]:
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['notes'] = list()
# Concatenate to most recent note.
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['notes'][-1] += ' '+var_note
# Example: "NWAB 1 (UNEDITED - See 'Employment Status Recode' (ESR))"
# type(var_note) == list
(var_name, var_len, *var_note) = line.strip().split(maxsplit=2)
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name] = collections.OrderedDict()
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['length'] = var_len
# Append a new note if exists.
if len(var_note) > 0:
if 'notes' not in ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]:
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['notes'] = list()
catch_var_name = False
catch_var_desc = True
var_desc_indent = None
# Variable description is 1+ lines with 1+ space indent.
# Variable description is followed by variable code(s).
# Variable code(s) is 1+ line with larger whitespace indent
# than variable description. Example:"""
# PUMA00 5
# Public use microdata area code (PUMA) based on Census 2000 definition for data
# collected prior to 2012. Use in combination with PUMA10.
# 00100..08200 .Public use microdata area codes
# 77777 .Combination of 01801, 01802, and 01905 in Louisiana
# -0009 .Code classification is Not Applicable because data
# .collected in 2012 or later
# """
# The last variable code is followed by a newline.
elif (catch_var_desc or catch_var_code) and line.startswith(' '):
indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
# For line 1 of variable description.
if catch_var_desc and var_desc_indent is None:
var_desc_indent = indent
var_desc = line.strip()
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['description'] = var_desc
# For lines 2+ of variable description.
elif catch_var_desc and indent <= var_desc_indent:
var_desc = line.strip()
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['description'] += ' '+var_desc
# For lines 1+ of variable codes.
catch_var_desc = False
catch_var_code = True
is_valid_code = None
if not line.strip().startswith('.'):
# Example case: "01 .One person record (one person in household or"
if ' .' in line:
(var_code, var_code_desc) = line.strip().split(
sep=' .', maxsplit=1)
is_valid_code = True
# Example inconsistent format case:"""
# bbbb. N/A (age less than 15 years; never married)
# """
elif '. ' in line:
(var_code, var_code_desc) = line.strip().split(
sep='. ', maxsplit=1)
is_valid_code = True
raise AssertionError(
"Program error. Line unaccounted for:\n" +
if is_valid_code:
if 'var_codes' not in ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]:
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['var_codes'] = collections.OrderedDict()
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['var_codes'][var_code] = var_code_desc
# Example case: ".any person in group quarters)"
var_code_desc = line.strip().lstrip('.')
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['var_codes'][var_code] += ' '+var_code_desc
# Example inconsistent format case:"""
# Adjustment factor for housing dollar amounts (6 implied decimal places)
# """
elif (catch_var_desc and
'description' not in ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]):
var_desc = line.strip()
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['description'] = var_desc
catch_var_desc = False
catch_var_code = True
# Example inconsistent format case:"""
# WGTP10 5
# Housing Weight replicate 10
# -9999..09999 .Integer weight of housing unit
# WGTP11 5
# Housing Weight replicate 11
# -9999..09999 .Integer weight of housing unit
# """
elif ((var_name == 'WGTP10' and 'WGTP11' in line)
or (var_name == 'YOEP12' and 'ANC' in line)):
# type(var_note) == list
(var_name, var_len, *var_note) = line.strip().split(maxsplit=2)
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name] = collections.OrderedDict()
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['length'] = var_len
if len(var_note) > 0:
if 'notes' not in ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]:
ddict['record_types'][record_type][var_name]['notes'] = list()
catch_var_name = False
catch_var_desc = True
var_desc_indent = None
if (catch_var_name, catch_var_desc,
catch_var_code, catch_var_note) != (False, )*4:
raise AssertionError(
"Program error. All flags to catch lines should be set " +
"to `False` by end-of-file.")
if var_name != var_name_last:
raise AssertionError(
"Program error. End-of-file notes should only be read "+
"after `var_name_last` has been processed.")
if 'notes' not in ddict:
ddict['notes'] = list()
return ddict
Create the hierarchical dataframe (formatted below as Jupyter Notebook cells):
In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
ddict = parse_pumsdatadict(path=r'/path/to/PUMSDataDict2013.txt')
tmp = dict()
for record_type in ddict['record_types']:
tmp[record_type] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ddict['record_types'][record_type], orient='index')
df_ddict = pd.concat(tmp, names=['record_type', 'var_name'])
Out[ ]:
# Click "Run code snippet" below to render the output from `df_ddict.head()`.
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
<th rowspan="5" valign="top">HOUSING RECORD</th>
<td>Access to the Internet</td>
<td>{'b': 'N/A (GQ)', '1': 'Yes, with subscription...</td>
<td>Lot size</td>
<td>{'b': 'N/A (GQ/not a one-family house or mobil...</td>
<td>Adjustment factor for housing dollar amounts (...</td>
<td>{'1000000': '2013 factor (1.000000)'}</td>
<td>[Note: The value of ADJHSG inflation-adjusts r...</td>
<td>Adjustment factor for income and earnings doll...</td>
<td>{'1007549': '2013 factor (1.007549)'}</td>
<td>[Note: The value of ADJINC inflation-adjusts r...</td>
<td>Sales of Agriculture Products (Yearly sales)</td>
<td>{'b': 'N/A (GQ/vacant/not a one family house o...</td>
<td>[Note: no adjustment factor is applied to AGS.]</td>

How can I replace blank entries in a text table with 0 in Python?

I have tables which looks like this:
text = """
ID = 1234
Hello World 135,343 117,668 81,228
Another line of text (30,632) (48,063)
More text 0 11,205 0
Even more text 1,447 681
ID = 18372
Another table 35,323 38,302 909,381
Another line with text 13 15
More text here 7 0
Even more text here 7,011 1,447 681
Is there a way to replace the "blank" entries in each table with 0? I am trying to set delimiters between the entries, but using the following code can't deal with blank spots in the tables:
for line in text.splitlines():
if 'ID' not in line:
line1 = line.split()
line = '|'.join((' '.join(line1[:-3]), '|'.join(line1[-3:])))
print line
print line
The output is:
ID = 1234
Hello World|135,343|117,668|81,228
Another line of|text|(30,632)|(48,063)
More text|0|11,205|0
Even more|text|1,447|681
ID = 18372
Another table|35,323|38,302|909,381
Another line with|text|13|15
More text|here|7|0
Even more text here|7,011|1,447|681
As you can see, the first problem shows up on the second line of the first table. The word 'text' is considered the first column. Any way to fix this in Python to replace blank entries with 0?
Here is a function for finding columns in a bunch of lines. The second argument pat defines what a column is, and can be any regex.
import itertools as it
import re
def find_columns(lines, pat = r' '):
widths = find_columns(lines)
for line in lines:
if not line: continue
vals = [ line[widths[i]:widths[i+1]].strip() for i in range(len(widths)-1) ]
widths = []
maxlen = max(len(line) for line in lines)
for line in lines:
line = ''.join([line, ' '*(maxlen-len(line))])
candidates = []
for match in re.finditer(pat, line):
candidates.extend(range(match.start(), match.end()+1))
widths = sorted(set.intersection(*widths))
diffs = [widths[i+1]-widths[i] for i in range(len(widths)-1)]
diffs = [None]+diffs
widths = [w for d, w in zip(diffs, widths) if d != 1]
if widths[0] != 0: widths = [0]+widths
return widths
def report(text):
for key, group in it.groupby(text.splitlines(), lambda line:line.startswith('ID')):
lines = list(group)
if key:
# r' (?![a-zA-Z])' defines a column to be any whitespace
# not followed by alphabetic characters.
widths = find_columns(lines, pat = r'\s(?![a-zA-Z])')
for line in lines:
if not line: continue
vals = [ line[widths[i]:widths[i+1]] for i in range(len(widths)-1) ]
vals = [v if v.strip() else v[1:]+'0' for v in vals]
text = """\
ID = 1234
Hello World 135,343 117,668 81,228
Another line of text (30,632) (48,063)
More text 0 11,205 0
Even more text 1,447 681
ID = 18372
Another table 35,323 38,302 909,381
Another line with text 13 15
More text here 7 0
Even more text here 7,011 1,447 681
ID = 1234
Hello World | 135,343| 117,668| 81,228
Another line of text| (30,632)| 0| (48,063)
More text | 0 | 11,205| 0
Even more text | 0| 1,447 | 681
ID = 18372
Another table | 35,323| 38,302| 909,381
Another line with text| 13 | 15|0
More text here | 0| 7 | 0
Even more text here | 7,011| 1,447| 681

