I am to build a class that accepts a series of inputs via the constructor method, then perform a calculation with calculate() using these parameters. The trick here is that these parameters might be available sometimes and other times might not. There however, is a given equation between the variables, such that the missing ones can be calculated from the equations. Here is an example:
I know that:
a = b * c - d
c = e/f
I am to calculate always a+b+c+d+e+f
Here is what I have so far:
class Calculation:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for parameter, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, '_'.format(parameter), value)
def a(self):
return self._a
except AttributeError:
return self._b * self._c - self._d
def b(self):
return self._b
except AttributeError:
return (self._a + self._d) / self._c
... // same for all a,b,c,d,e,f
def calculate(self):
return sum(self.a+self.b+self.c+self.d+self.e+self.f)
then use as:
c = Calculation(e=4,f=6,b=7,d=2)
however, some other time might have other variables like:
c = Calculation(b=5,c=6,d=7,e=3,f=6)
My question is: What would be a good design pattern to use in my case? So far, it seems a bit redundant to make a #property for all variables. The problem it must solve is to accept any variables (minimum for which calculation is possible) and based on the equation I have, figure out the rest, needed for calculation.
This seems like a good candidate for the getattr function. You can store the keyword arguments directly in the class and use that dictionary to either return a known parameter as attribute or infer an unspecified value "on the fly" based on other formulas that you know of:
class Calculation:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
self.inferred = {
"a" : lambda: self.b * self.c - self.d,
"c" : lambda: self.e / self.f,
"result": lambda: self.a+self.b+self.c+self.d+self.e+self.f
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.params:
return self.params[name]
if name in self.inferred:
value = self.inferred[name]()
self.params[name] = value
return value
r = Calculation(b=1,d=3,e=45,f=9).result
print(r) # 65.0 (c->45/9->5, a->1*5-3->2)
Note that, if you have very complicated calculations for some of the parameters, you can use functions of the class as the implementation of the lambdas in the self.inferred dictionary.
If you're going to use this pattern for many formulas, you might want to centralize the boilerplate code in a base class. This will reduce the work needed for new calculation classes to only having to implement the inferred() function.:
class SmartCalc:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.params:
return self.params[name]
if name in self.inferred():
value = self.inferred()[name]()
self.params[name] = value
return value
class Calculation(SmartCalc):
def inferred(self):
return {
"a" : lambda: self.b * self.c - self.d,
"b" : lambda: (self.a+self.d)/self.c,
"c" : lambda: self.e / self.f,
"d" : lambda: self.c * self.b - self.a,
"e" : lambda: self.f * self.c,
"f" : lambda: self.e / self.c,
"result": lambda: self.a+self.b+self.c+self.d+self.e+self.f
With enough content in inferred(), you can even use this approach to obtain any value from a combination of the others:
valueF = Calculation(a=2,b=1,c=5,d=3,e=45,result=65).f
print(valueF) # 9.0
If you want to make this even more sophisticated, you can improve getattr to allow specification of dependencies in the inferred() dictionary.
For example:
class SmartCalc:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.params:
return self.params[name]
if name in self.inferred():
calc = self.inferred()[name]
if isinstance(calc,dict):
for names,subCalc in calc.items():
if isinstance(names,str): names = [names]
if all(name in self.params for name in names):
calc = subCalc; break
value = calc()
self.params[name] = value
return value
import math
class BodyMassIndex(SmartCalc):
def inferred(self):
return {
"heightM" : { "heightInches": lambda: self.heightInches * 0.0254,
("bmi","weightKg"): lambda: math.sqrt(self.weightKg/self.bmi),
("bmi","weightLb"): lambda: math.sqrt(self.weightKg/self.bmi)
"heightInches" : lambda: self.heightM / 0.0254,
"weightKg" : { "weightLb": lambda: self.weightLb / 2.20462,
("bmi","heightM"): lambda: self.heightM**2*self.bmi,
("bmi","heightInches"): lambda: self.heightM**2*self.bmi
"weightLb" : lambda: self.weightKg * 2.20462,
"bmi" : lambda: self.weightKg / (self.heightM**2)
bmi = BodyMassIndex(heightM=1.75,weightKg=130).bmi
print(bmi) # 42.44897959183673
height = BodyMassIndex(bmi=42.45,weightKg=130).heightInches
print(height) # 68.8968097135968 (1.75 Meters)
A similar class could be designed to process formulas expressed as text. This would allow a basic form of term solver using a newton-raphson iterative approximation (at least for 1 degree polynomial equations):
class SmartFormula:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
self.moreToSolve = True
self.precision = 0.000001
self.maxIterations = 10000
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.params: return self.params[name]
def resolve(self):
while self.moreToSolve:
self.moreToSolve = False
for formula in self.formulas():
param = formula.split("=",1)[0].strip()
if param in self.params: continue
if "?" in formula:
self.moreToSolve = True
except: pass
def useNewtonRaphson(self,name):
for formula in self.formulas():
source,calc = [s.strip() for s in formula.split("=",1)]
if name not in calc: continue
if source not in self.params: continue
simDict = self.params.copy()
target = self.params[source]
value = target
for _ in range(self.maxIterations):
simDict[name] = value
result = simDict[source]
resultDelta = target-result
value += value*resultDelta/result/2
if abs(resultDelta) < self.precision/2 :
self.params[name] = round(simDict[name]/self.precision)*self.precision
self.moreToSolve = True
except: continue
With this approach the BodyMassIndex calculator would be easier to read:
import math
class BodyMassIndex(SmartFormula):
def formulas(self):
return [
"heightM = heightInches * 0.0254",
"heightM = ?", # use Newton-Raphson solver.
"heightInches = ?",
"weightKg = weightLb / 2.20462",
"weightKg = heightM**2*bmi",
"weightLb = ?",
"bmi = weightKg / (heightM**2)"
This lets you obtain/use terms for which the calculation formula is not explicitly stated in the list (e.g. heightInches computed from heightM which is computed from bmi and weightKg):
height = BodyMassIndex(bmi=42.45,weightKg=130).heightInches
print(height) # 68.8968097135968 (1.75 Meters)
Note: The formulas are expressed as text and executed using eval() which may be much slower than the other solution. Also, the Newton-Raphson algorithm is OK for linear equations but has its limitations for curves that have a mix of positive and negative slopes. For example, I had to include the weightKg = heightM**2*bmi formula because obtaining weightKg based on bmi = weightKg/(heightM**2) needs to solve a y = 1/x^2 equation which Newton-Raphson can't seem to handle.
Here's an example using your original problem:
class OP(SmartFormula):
def formulas(self):
return [
"a = b * c - d",
"b = ?",
"c = e/f",
"d = ?",
"e = ?",
"f = ?",
"result = a+b+c+d+e+f"
r = OP(b=1,d=3,e=45,f=9).result
print(r) # 65.0
f = OP(a=2,c=5,d=3,e=45,result=65).f
print(f) # 9.0
class ABCD(SmartFormula):
def formulas(self) : return ["a=b+c*d","b=?","c=?","d=?"]
def someProperty(self): return "Found it!"
abcd = ABCD(a=5,b=2,c=3)
print(abcd.d) # 1.0
print(abcd.someProperty) # Found it!
print(abcd.moreToSolve) # False
Just precompute the missing values in __init__ (and since you know what the 5 values are, be explicit rather than trying to compress the code using kwargs):
# Note: Make all 6 keyword-only arguments
def __init__(self, *, a=None, b=None, c=None, d=None, e=None, f=None):
if a is None:
a = b * c - d
if c is None:
c = e / f
self.sum = a + b + c + d + e + f
def calculate(self):
return self.sum
[New Answer to complement previous one]
I felt my answer was getting too big so I'm adding this improved solution in a separate one.
This is a basic algebra solver to for simple equations that will output an assignment statement for a different term of the input equation:
For example:
solveFor("d","a=b+c/d") # --> 'd=c/(a-b)'
With this function, you can further improve the SmartFormula class by attempting to use algebra before reverting to Newton-Raphson. This will provide more reliable results when the equation is simple enough for the solveFor() function.
The solveFor() function can solve the equation for any term that appears only once in the formula. It will "understand" the calculation as long as the components to solve are only related with basic operations (+, -, *, /, **). Any group in parentheses that does not contain the target term will be processed "as is" without being further interpreted. This allows you to place complex functions/operators in parentheses so that other terms can be solved even in the presence of these special calculations.
import re
from itertools import accumulate
def findGroups(expression):
levels = list(accumulate(int(c=="(")-int(c==")") for c in expression))
groups = "".join([c,"\n"][lv==0] for c,lv in zip(expression,levels)).split("\n")
groups = [ g+")" for g in groups if g ]
return sorted(groups,key=len,reverse=True)
functionMap = [("sin","asin"),("cos","acos"),("tan","atan"),("log10","10**"),("exp","log")]
functionMap += [ (b,a) for a,b in functionMap ]
def solveFor(term,equation):
equation = equation.replace(" ","").replace("**","†")
termIn = re.compile(f"(^|\\W){term}($|\\W)")
if len(termIn.findall(equation)) != 1: return None
left,right = equation.split("=",1)
if termIn.search(right): left,right = right,left
groups = { f"#{i}#":group for i,group in enumerate(findGroups(left)) }
for gid,group in groups.items(): left = left.replace(group,gid)
termGroup = next((gid for gid,group in groups.items() if termIn.search(group)),"##" )
def moveTerms(leftSide,rightSide,oper,invOper):
keepLeft = None
for i,x in enumerate(leftSide.split(oper)):
if termGroup in x or termIn.search(x):
keepLeft = x; continue
x = x or "0"
if any(op in x for op in "+-*/"): x = "("+x+")"
rightSide = invOper[i>0].replace("{r}",rightSide).replace("{x}",x)
return keepLeft, rightSide
def moveFunction(leftSide,rightSide,func,invFunc):
fn = leftSide.split("#",1)[0]
if fn.split(".")[-1] == func:
return leftSide[len(fn):],fn.replace(func,invFunc)
return leftSide,rightSide
left,right = moveTerms(left,right,"+",["{r}-{x}"]*2)
left,right = moveTerms(left,right,"-",["{x}-{r}","{r}+{x}"])
left,right = moveTerms(left,right,"*",["({r})/{x}"]*2)
left,right = moveTerms(left,right,"/",["{x}/({r})","({r})*{x}"])
left,right = moveTerms(left,right,"†",["log({r})/log({x})","({r})†(1/{x})"])
for func,invFunc in functionMap:
left,right = moveFunction(left,right,func,f"{invFunc}({right})")
for sqrFunc in ["math.sqrt","sqrt"]:
left,right = moveFunction(left,right,sqrFunc,f"({right})**2")
for gid,group in groups.items(): right = right.replace(gid,group)
if left == termGroup:
subEquation = groups[termGroup][1:-1]+"="+right
return solveFor(term,subEquation)
if left != term: return None
solution = f"{left}={right}".replace("†","**")
# expression clen-up
solution = re.sub(r"(?<!\w)(0\-)","-",solution)
solution = re.sub(r"1/\(1/(\w)\)",r"\g<1>",solution)
solution = re.sub(r"\(\(([^\(]*)\)\)",r"(\g<1>)",solution)
solution = re.sub(r"(?<!\w)\((\w*)\)",r"\g<1>",solution)
return solution
Example Uses:
solveFor("x","y=(a+b)*x-(math.sin(1.5)/322)") # 'x=(y+(math.sin(1.5)/322))/(a+b)'
solveFor("a","q=(a**2+b**2)*(c-d)**2") # 'a=(q/(c-d)**2-b**2)**(1/2)'
solveFor("a","c=(a**2+b**2)**(1/2)") # 'a=(c**2-b**2)**(1/2)'
solveFor("a","x=((a+b)*c-d)*(23+y)") # 'a=(x/(23+y)+d)/c-b'
sa = solveFor("a","y=-sin((x)-sqrt(a))") # 'a=(x-asin(-y))**2'
sx = solveFor("x",sa) # 'x=a**(1/2)+asin(-y)'
sy = solveFor("y",sx) # 'y=-sin(x-a**(1/2))'
Note that you can probably find much better algebra 'solvers' out there, this is just a simple/naive solution.
Here is an improved version of the SmartFormula class that uses solveFor() to attempt an algebra solution before reverting to Newton-Raphson approximations:
class SmartFormula:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
self.precision = 0.000001
self.maxIterations = 10000
self._formulas = [(f.split("=",1)[0].strip(),f) for f in self.formulas()]
terms = set(term for _,f in self._formulas for term in re.findall(r"\w+\(?",f) )
terms = [ term for term in terms if "(" not in term and not term.isdigit() ]
self._formulas += [ (term,f"{term}=solve('{term}')") for term in terms]
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.params: return self.params[name]
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
self.moreToSolve = True
self.params["solve"] = lambda n: self.autoSolve(n)
return self.params.get(self._formulas[0][0],None)
def resolve(self):
while self.moreToSolve:
self.moreToSolve = False
for param,formula in self._formulas:
if self.params.get(param,None) is not None: continue
if self.params.get(param,None) is not None:
self.moreToSolve = True
except: pass
def autoSolve(self, name):
for resolver in [self.algebra, self.newtonRaphson]:
for source,formula in self._formulas:
if self.params.get(source,None) is None:
if not re.search(f"(^|\\W){name}($|\\W)",formula):
if self.params.get(name,None) is not None:
return self.params[name]
def algebra(self, name, source, formula):
try: exec(solveFor(name,formula),globals(),self.params)
except: pass
def newtonRaphson(self, name, source,formula):
simDict = self.params.copy()
target = self.params[source]
value = target
for _ in range(self.maxIterations):
simDict[name] = value
try: exec(formula,globals(),simDict)
except: break
result = simDict[source]
resultDelta = target-result
if abs(resultDelta) < self.precision :
self.params[name] = round(value/self.precision/2)*self.precision*2
value += value*resultDelta/result/2
This allowed the example class (BodyMassIndex) to avoid specification of the "weightKg = heightM**2*bmi" calculation because the algebra solver can figure it out. The improved class also eliminates the need to indicate auto-solving term names ("term = ?").
import math
class BodyMassIndex(SmartFormula):
def formulas(self):
return [
"bmi = weightKg / (heightM**2)",
"heightM = heightInches * 0.0254",
"weightKg = weightLb / 2.20462"
bmi = BodyMassIndex()
print("bmi",bmi(heightM=1.75,weightKg=130)) # 42.44897959183673
print("weight",bmi.weightLb) # 286.6006 (130 Kg)
print("height",bmi.heightInches) # 68.8968097135968 (1.75 Meters)
For the original question, this is simple as can be:
class OP(SmartFormula):
def formulas(self):
return [
"result = a+b+c+d+e+f",
"a = b * c - d",
"c = e/f"
r = OP(b=1,d=3,e=45,f=9).result
print(r) # 65.0
f = OP(a=2,c=5,d=3,e=45,result=65).f
print(f) # 9.0
Newton-Raphson was not used in any of these calculations because the algebra solves them in priority before trying the approximations
I would like to have users enter specific values and then the system computes numerous results based on what these - My program is getting very complicated with just a few functions. I have included an example with 3 simple functions and 6 variables with the following relationships:
The Code I have is as follows:
class MyCalculator:
def __init__(self):
self.a = None
self.b = None
self.c = None
self.d = None
self.e = None
self.f = None
def set(self, field, val):
if field == "a": self.a = val
if field == "b": self.b = val
if field == "c": self.c = val
if field == "d": self.d = val
if field == "e": self.e = val
for i in range(10): # circle round a few times to ensure everything has computed
if self.a and self.b:
self.c = self.a * self.b
if self.a and self.c:
self.b = self.c / self.a
if self.b and self.c:
self.a = self.c / self.b
if self.b and self.d:
self.e = self.b + self.d
if self.e and self.b:
self.d = self.e - self.b
if self.e and self.d:
self.b = self.e - self.d
if self.c and self.e:
self.f = self.c / self.e
if self.f and self.e:
self.e = self.f * self.e
if self.f and self.c:
self.e = self.c / self.f
def status(self):
print(f"a = {self.a} b = {self.b} c = {self.c} d = {self.d} e = {self.e} f = {self.f} ")
Then If i run the following code:
example1 = MyCalculator()
example1.set("a", 5)
example1.set("e", 7)
example1.set("c", 2)
This will print out a = 5.0 b = 0.40000000000000036 c = 2.0000000000000018 d = 6.6 e = 7.0 f = 0.285714285714286
I would like a much simpler way to achieve the same result using something like sympy and numpy but so far I cant find anything that will work
There's a live version of this solution online you can try for yourself
Here's a complete solution that uses Sympy. All you need to do is enter your desired expressions in the exprStr tuple at the top of the MyCalculator definition, and then all of the dependency satisfaction stuff should take care of itself:
from sympy import S, solveset, Symbol
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
class MyCalculator:
# sympy assumes all expressions are set equal to zero
exprStr = (
'a*b - c',
'b + d - e',
'c/e - f'
# parse the expression strings into actual expressions
expr = tuple(parse_expr(es) for es in exprStr)
# create a dictionary to lookup expressions based on the symbols they depend on
exprDep = {}
for e in expr:
for s in e.free_symbols:
exprDep.setdefault(s, set()).add(e)
# create a set of the used symbols for input validation
validSymb = set(exprDep.keys())
def __init__(self, usefloat=False):
"""usefloat: if set, store values as standard Python floats (instead of the Sympy numeric types)
self.vals = {}
self.numify = float if usefloat else lambda x: x
def set(self, symb, val, _exclude=None):
# ensure that symb is a sympy Symbol object
if isinstance(symb, str): symb = Symbol(symb)
if symb not in self.validSymb:
raise ValueError("Invalid input symbol.\n"
"symb: %s, validSymb: %s" % (symb, self.validSymb))
# initialize the set of excluded expressions, if needed
if _exclude is None: _exclude = set()
# record the updated value of symb
self.vals[symb] = self.numify(val)
# loop over all of the expressions that depend on symb
for e in self.exprDep[symb]:
if e in _exclude:
# we've already calculated an update for e in an earlier recursion, skip it
# mark that e should be skipped in future recursions
# determine the symbol and value of the next update (if any)
nextsymbval = self.calc(symb, e)
if nextsymbval is not None:
# there is another symbol to update, recursively call self.set
self.set(*nextsymbval, _exclude)
def calc(self, symb, e):
# find knowns and unknowns of the expression
known = [s for s in e.free_symbols if s in self.vals]
unknown = [s for s in e.free_symbols if s not in known]
if len(unknown) > 1:
# too many unknowns, can't do anything with this expression right now
return None
elif len(unknown) == 1:
# solve for the single unknown
nextsymb = unknown[0]
# solve for the first known that isn't the symbol that was just changed
nextsymb = known[0] if known[0] != symb else known[1]
# do the actual solving
sol = solveset(e, nextsymb, domain=S.Reals)
# evaluate the solution given the known values, then return a tuple of (next-symbol, result)
return nextsymb, sol.subs(self.vals).args[0]
def __str__(self):
return ' '.join(sorted('{} = {}'.format(k,v) for k,v in self.vals.items()))
Testing it out:
mycalc = MyCalculator()
mycalc.set("a", 5)
mycalc.set("e", 7)
mycalc.set("c", 2)
a = 5 b = 2/5 c = 2 d = 33/5 e = 7 f = 2/7
One of the neat things about Sympy is that it uses rational math, which avoids any weird rounding errors in, for example, 2/7. If you'd prefer to get your results as standard Python float values, you can pass the usefloat flag to MyCalculator:
mycalc = MyCalculator(usefloat=True)
mycalc.set("a", 5)
mycalc.set("e", 7)
mycalc.set("c", 2)
a = 5.0 b = 0.4 c = 2.0 d = 6.6 e = 7.0 f = 0.2857142857142857
In [107]: a=2.
In [108]: a=5.
In [109]: b=0.4
In [110]: c=lambda: a*b
In [111]: d=6.6
In [112]: e=lambda: b+d
In [113]: f=lambda: c()/e()
In [114]: print(a,b,c(), d, e(), f())
5.0 0.4 2.0 6.6 7.0 0.2857142857142857
You can probably capture the above logic in a class.
It would be possible to hold 'variables' as _a, _b and _d. Then a(), b() and d() could be functions that return _a etc...
More a pointer than a whole answer but it may help.
Using a structure like that below it would be possible to create a situation where you always call a function and not need to know when to use a and c() but always use a() and c().
In [121]: def var(init=0.0):
...: def func(v=None):
...: nonlocal init
...: if v==None: return init
...: init=v
...: return func
In [122]: a=var(100.)
In [123]: a()
Out[123]: 100.0
In [124]: a(25.)
In [125]: a()
Out[125]: 25.0
I create an instance of class Vector2 with line AB = Vector2.from_points(A, B)
But python errors out with TypeError: object() takes no parameters
on line AB = Vector2.from_points(A,B)
and on line return Vector2(cls, P2[0]-P1[0], P2[1]-P1[1])
so I figured maybe the book is wrong (I'm looking at examples in a book). I subtract the Vector2 and cls from the def from_points statement so that...
this is how the new line reads: return (P2[0]-P1[0], P2[1]-P1[1])
When I do this a receive the vector value from def from_points equal too (5, 10)
But then python errors out on:
print AB.get_magnitude()
with AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'get_magnitude'
so without the code related to Vector2 and cls the program won't read AB as a class object but it seems that I'm not formatting it right so it won't go through.
I have been stuck on this for days.
#Vector Test
import math
class Vector2(object):
def _init_(self, x=0.0,y=0.0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def _str_(self):
def from_points(cls, P1, P2):
return Vector2(cls, P2[0]-P1[0],P2[1]-P1[1])
def get_magnitude(self):
return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
A = (15.0, 20.0)
B = (20.0, 30.0)
AB = Vector2.from_points(A, B)
print AB
print AB.get_magnitude()
#Vector Test
import math
class Vector2(object):
def _init_(self, x=0.0,y=0.0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def _str_(self):
def from_points(cls, P1, P2):
return (P2[0]-P1[0],P2[1]-P1[1])
def get_magnitude(self):
return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
A = (15.0, 20.0)
B = (20.0, 30.0)
AB = Vector2.from_points(A, B)
print AB
print AB.get_magnitude()
that's (probably) what you mean.
#Vector Test
import math
class Vector2(object):
def __init__(self, x=0.0,y=0.0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __str__(self):
def from_points(cls, P1, P2):
return Vector2(P2.x-P1.x,P2.y-P1.y)
def get_magnitude(self):
return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
A = Vector2(15.0, 20.0)
B = Vector2(20.0, 30.0)
AB = Vector2.from_points(A, B)
print( AB )
print( AB.get_magnitude() )
I'm trying to make a bunch of geometric objects which have their intrinsic geometric properties (center point, radius, lengths, etc.), as well as properties to help plot them (like x, y, z coordinates for a triangular mesh, arc resolution, etc.).
Since calculating the x, y, z coordinates is an expensive task for some of the shapes (like a triangular prism with edge rounding), I don't want to do it every time a property is changed, but only when the coordinates are requested. Even then though, it shouldn't be necessary to recalculate them if the shape's definition hasn't changed.
So my solution has been to create a "hash" which is is simply a tuple of all parameters which define the shape's "state." If the hash is unchanged, then the previously calculated coordinates can be re-used, otherwise, the coordinates must be recalculated. So I'm using the hash as a way to store the signature or fingerprint of the shape's definition.
I think what I have works, but I wonder if there are more robust ways to handle this that take advantage of __hash__ or id's or something. That feels like overkill to me, but I'm open to suggestions.
Here's my implementation for a sphere. I'm using Mayavi for plotting at the end, which you can skip/ignore if you don't have Mayavi.
#StdLib Imports
import os
#Numpy Imports
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos, pi
class Sphere(object):
Class for a sphere
def __init__(self, c=None, r=None, n=None):
super(Sphere, self).__init__()
#Initial defaults
self._coordinates = None
self._c = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
self._r = 1.0
self._n = 20
self._hash = []
#Assign Inputs
if c is not None:
self._c = c
if r is not None:
self._r = r
if n is not None:
self._n = n
def c(self):
return self._c
def c(self, val):
self._c = val
def r(self):
return self._r
def r(self, val):
self._r = val
def n(self):
return self._n
def n(self, val):
self._n = val
def coordinates(self):
return self._coordinates
def _lazy_update(self):
new_hash = self._get_hash()
old_hash = self._hash
if new_hash != old_hash:
def _get_hash(self):
return tuple(map(tuple, [self._c, [self._r, self._n]]))
def _update_coordinates(self):
c, r, n = self._c, self._r, self._n
dphi, dtheta = pi / n, pi / n
[phi, theta] = np.mgrid[0:pi + dphi*1.0:dphi,
0:2*pi + dtheta*1.0:dtheta]
x = c[0] + r * cos(phi) * sin(theta)
y = c[1] + r * sin(phi) * sin(theta)
z = c[2] + r * cos(theta)
self._coordinates = x, y, z
self._hash = self._get_hash()
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mayavi import mlab
ns = [4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 50]
sphere = Sphere()
for i, n in enumerate(ns):
sphere.c = [i*2.2, 0.0, 0.0]
sphere.n = n
mlab.mesh(*sphere.coordinates, representation='wireframe')
As suggested, here's a version that uses a dictionary to store the hash as a key:
#StdLib Imports
import os
#Numpy Imports
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos, pi
class Sphere(object):
Class for a sphere
def __init__(self, c=None, r=None, n=None):
super(Sphere, self).__init__()
#Initial defaults
self._coordinates = {}
self._c = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
self._r = 1.0
self._n = 20
#Assign Inputs
if c is not None:
self._c = c
if r is not None:
self._r = r
if n is not None:
self._n = n
def c(self):
return self._c
def c(self, val):
self._c = val
def r(self):
return self._r
def r(self, val):
self._r = val
def n(self):
return self._n
def n(self, val):
self._n = val
def _hash(self):
return tuple(map(tuple, [self._c, [self._r, self._n]]))
def coordinates(self):
if self._hash not in self._coordinates:
return self._coordinates[self._hash]
def _update_coordinates(self):
c, r, n = self._c, self._r, self._n
dphi, dtheta = pi / n, pi / n
[phi, theta] = np.mgrid[0:pi + dphi*1.0:dphi,
0:2 * pi + dtheta*1.0:dtheta]
x = c[0] + r * cos(phi) * sin(theta)
y = c[1] + r * sin(phi) * sin(theta)
z = c[2] + r * cos(theta)
self._coordinates[self._hash] = x, y, z
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mayavi import mlab
ns = [4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 50]
sphere = Sphere()
for i, n in enumerate(ns):
sphere.c = [i*2.2, 0.0, 0.0]
sphere.n = n
mlab.mesh(*sphere.coordinates, representation='wireframe')
Why not simply keep a flag:
class Sphere(object):
def __init__(self, ...):
def c(self, val):
self._changed = True
self._c = val
def _lazy_update(self):
if self._changed:
def _update_coordinates(self):
self._changed = False