Query Python3 script to get stats about the script - python

I have a script that continually runs and accepts data (For those that are familiar and if it helps, it is connected to EMDR - https://eve-market-data-relay.readthedocs.org).
Inside the script I have debugging built in so that I can see how much data is currently in the queue for the threads to process, however this is built to be used with just printing to the console. What I would like to do is be able to either run the same script with an additional option or a totally different script that would return the current queue count without having to enable debug.
Is there a way to do this could someone please point me in the direction of the documentation/libaries that I need to research?

There are many ways to solve this; two that come to mind:
You can write the queue count to a k/v store (like memcache or redis) and then have another script read that for you and do whatever other actions required.
You can create a specific logger for your informational output (like the queue length) and set it to log somewhere else other than the console. For example, you could use it to send you an email or log to an external service, etc. See the logging cookbook for examples.


shell command from python script

I need you guys :D
I have a web page, on this page I have check some items and pass their value as variable to python script.
problem is:
I Need to write a python script and in that script I need to put this variables into my predefined shell commands and run them.
It is one gnuplot and one other shell commands.
I never do anything in python can you guys send me some advices ?
I can't fully address your questions due to lack of information on the web framework that you are using but here are some advice and guidance that you will find useful. I did had a similar problem that will require me to run a shell program that pass arguments derived from user requests( i was using the django framework ( python ) )
Now there are several factors that you have to consider
How long will each job takes
What is the load that you are expecting (are there going to be loads of jobs)
Will there be any side effects from your shell command
Here are some explanation that why this will be important
How long will each job takes.
Depending on your framework and browser, there is a limitation on the duration that a connection to the server is kept alive. In other words, you will have to take into consideration that the time for the server to response to a user request do not exceed the connection time out set by the server or the browser. If it takes too long, then you will get a server connection time out. Ie you will get an error response as there is no response from the server side.
What is the load that you are expecting.
You will have probably figure that if a work that you are requesting is huge,it will take out more resources than you will need. Also, if you have multiple requests at the same time, it will take a huge toll on your server. For instance, if you do proceed with using subprocess for your jobs, it will be important to note if you job is blocking or non blocking.
Side effects.
It is important to understand what are the side effects of your shell process. For instance, if your shell process involves writing and generating lots of temp files, you will then have to consider the permissions that your script have. It is a complex task.
So how can this be resolve!
subprocesswhich ship with base python will allow you to run shell commands using python. If you want more sophisticated tools check out the fabric library. For passing of arguments do check out optparse and sys.argv
If you expect a huge work load or a long processing time, do consider setting up a queue system for your jobs. Popular framework like celery is a good example. You may look at gevent and asyncio( python 3) as well. Generally, instead of returning a response on the fly, you can retur a job id or a url in which the user can come back later on and have a look
Point to note!
Permission and security is vital! The last thing you want is for people to execute shell command that will be detrimental to your system
You can also increase connection timeout depending on the framework that you are using.
I hope you will find this useful

Is there a good way to split a python program into independent modules?

I'm trying to do some machinery automation with python, but I've run into a problem.
I have code that does the actual control, code that logs, code the provides a GUI, and some other modules all being called from a single script.
The issue is that an error in one module halts all the others. So, for instance a bug in the GUI will kill the control systems.
I want to be able to have the modules run independently, so one can crash, be restarted, be patched, etc without halting the others.
The only way I can find to make that work is to store the variables in an SQL database, or files or something.
Is there a way for one python script to sort of ..debug another? so that one script can read or change the variables in the other? I can't find a way to do that that also allows to scripts to be started and stopped independently.
Does anyone have any ideas or advice?
A fairly effective way to do this is to use message passing. Each of your modules are independent, but they can send and receive messages to each other. A very good reference on the many ways to achieve this in Python is the Python wiki page for parallel processing.
A generic strategy
Split your program into pieces where there are servers and clients. You could then use middleware such as 0MQ, Apache ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ to send data between different parts of the system.
In this case, your GUI could send a message to the log parser server telling it to begin work. Once it's done, the log parser will send a broadcast message to anyone interested telling the world the a reference to the results. The GUI could be a subscriber to the channel that the log parser subscribes to. Once it receives the message, it will open up the results file and display whatever the user is interested in.
Serialization and deserialization speed is important also. You want to minimise the overhead for communicating. Google Protocol Buffers and Apache Thrift are effective tools here.
You will also need some form of supervision strategy to prevent a failure in one of the servers from blocking everything. supervisord will restart things for you and is quite easy to configure. Again, it is only one of many options in this space.
Overkill much?
It sounds like you have created a simple utility. The multiprocessing module is an excellent way to have different bits of the program running fairly independently. You still apply the same strategy (message passing, no shared shared state, supervision), but with different tactics.
You want multiply independent processes, and you want them to talk to each other. Hence: read what methods of inter-process communication are available on your OS. I recommend sockets (generic, will work over a n/w and with diff OSs). You can easily invent a simple (maybe http-like) protocol on top of TCP, maybe with json for messages. There is a bunch of classes coming with Python distribution to make it easy (SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer, etc.).

Profiling a long-running Python Server

I have a long-running twisted server.
In a large system test, at one particular point several minutes into the test, when some clients enter a particular state and a particular outside event happens, then this server takes several minutes of 100% CPU and does its work very slowly. I'd like to know what it is doing.
How do you get a profile for a particular span of time in a long-running server?
I could easily send the server start and stop messages via HTTP if there was a way to enable or inject the profiler at runtime?
Given the choice, I'd like stack-based/call-graph profiling but even leaf sampling might give insight.
yappi profiler can be started and stopped at runtime.
There are two interesting tools that came up that try to solve that specific problem, where you might not necessarily have instrumented profiling in your code in advance but want to profile production code in a pinch.
pyflame will attach to an existing process using the ptrace(2) syscall and create "flame graphs" of the process. It's written in Python.
py-spy works by reading the process memory instead and figuring out the Python call stack. It also provides a flame graph but also a "top-like" interface to show which function is taking the most time. It's written in Rust and Python.
Not a very Pythonic answer, but maybe straceing the process gives some insight (assuming you are on a Linux or similar).
Using strictly Python, for such things I'm using tracing all calls, storing their results in a ringbuffer and use a signal (maybe you could do that via your HTTP message) to dump that ringbuffer. Of course, tracing slows down everything, but in your scenario you could switch on the tracing by an HTTP message as well, so it will only be enabled when your trouble is active as well.
Pyliveupdate is a tool designed for the purpose: profiling long running programs without restarting them. It allows you to dynamically selecting specific functions to profiling or stop profiling without instrument your code ahead of time -- it dynamically instrument code to do profiling.
Pyliveupdate have three key features:
Profile specific Python functions' (by function names or module names) call time.
Add / remove profilings without restart programs.
Show profiling results with call summary and flamegraphs.
Check out a demo here: https://asciinema.org/a/304465.

Python-C api concurrency issue

We are developing a small c server application. The server application does some data processing and responds back to the client. To keep the data processing part configurable and flexible we decided to go for scripting and based on the availability of various ready modules we decided to go for Python. We are using the Python-C api to send/receive the data between c and python.
The Algorithm works something like this:-
Server receives some data from client, this data is stored in a dictionary created in c. The dictionary is created using the api function PyDict_New(); from c. The input is stored as a key value pair in the dictionary using the api function PyDict_SetItemString();
Next, we execute the python script PyRun_SimpleString(); passing the script as a parameter. This script makes use of the dictionary created in c. Please note, we make the dictionary created in c, accessible to the script using the methods PyImport_AddModule(); and PyModule_AddObject();
We store the result of the data processing in the script as a key value pair in the same dictionary created above. The c code can then simply access the result variable(key-value pair) after the script has executed.
The problem
The problem we are facing is in the case of concurrent requests coming in from different clients. When multiple requests come in from different clients we tend to object reference count exceptions. Please note, that for each request which comes in for a user, we create an independent dictionary for that user alone. To overcome this problem we encompassed the call to PyRun_SimpleString(); within PyEval_AcquireLock(); and PyEval_ReleaseLock();, but doing this has resulted in the script execution being a blocking call. So if a script is taking long time to execute, all the other users are also waiting for a response.
Could you please suggest the best possible approach or give pointers to where we are going wrong. Please ping me for more information.
Any help/guidance will be appreciated.
Perhaps you are missing one of the calls mentioned in this answer.
I suggest you investigate the multiprocessing module.
You should probably read http://docs.python.org/c-api/init.html#thread-state-and-the-global-interpreter-lock Your problem is explained in the first paragraph.
When you acquire the GIL, do so around your direct manipulation of Python objects. The call to PyRun_SimpleString will handle the GIL internally and will give it up on long-running operations or just every X instructions. It WILL NOT be truly multi-threaded, however.
You need to acquire the lock and you need to ensure that Python knows it's in a different thread state:
// acquire the lock and switch thread state
// execute some python code
PyEval_SimpleString("print 123");
// clear the thread state and release the lock

Streaming text logfiles into RabbitMQ, then reconstructing at other end?

We have several servers (20-50) - Solaris 10 and Linux (SLES) - running a mix of different applications, each generating a bunch of log events into textfiles. We need to capture these to a separate monitoring box, where we can do analysis/reporting/alerts.
Current Approach
Currently, we use SSH with a remote "tail -f" to stream the logfiles from the servers onto the monitoring box. However, this is somewhat brittle.
New Approach
I'd like to replace this with RabbitMQ. The servers would publish their log events into this, and each monitoring script/app could then subscribe to the appropriate queue.
Ideally, we'd like the applications themselves to dump events directly into the RabbitMQ queue.
However, assuming that's not an option in the short term (we may not have source for all the apps), we need a way to basically "tail -f" the logfiles from disk. I'm most comfortable in Python, so I was looking at a Pythonic way of doing that - the consensus seems to be to just use a loop with readline() and sleep() to emulate "tail -f".
Is there an easier way of "tail -f" a whole bunch of textfiles directly onto a RabbitMQ stream? Something inbuilt, or an extension we could leverage on? Any other tips/advice here?
If we do write a Python wrapper to capture all the logfiles and publish them - I'd ideally like a single Python script to concurrently handle all the logfiles, rather than manually spinning up a separate instance for each logfile. How should we tackle this? Are there considerations in terms of performance, CPU usage, throughput, concurrency etc.?
We need to subscribe to the queues, and then possibly dump the events back to disk and reconstruct the original logfiles. Any tips/advice on this? And we'd also like a single Python script we could startup to handle reconstructing all of the logfiles - rather than 50 separate instances of the same script - is that easily achievable?
PS: We did have a look at Facebook's Scribe, as well as Flume, and both seem a little heavyweight for our needs.
You seem to be describing centralized syslog with rabbitmq as the transport.
If you could live with syslog, take a look at syslog-ng. Otherwise, you might
save some time by using parts of logstash ( http://logstash.net/ ).
If it would be possible you can make the Application publish the events Asynchronously to RabbitMQ instead of writing it to log files. I have done this currently in Java.
But some times it is not possible to make the app log the way you want.
1 ) You can write a file tailer in python which publishes to AMQP. I don't know of anything which plugs in a File as the input to RabbitMQ. Have a look at http://code.activestate.com/recipes/436477-filetailpy/ and http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=735039 for tailing files.
2) You can create a Python Daemon which can tail all the given files either as processes or in a round robin fashion.
3) A similar approach to 2 can help you solve this. You can probably have a single queue for each log file.
If you are talking about application logging (as opposed to e.g. access logs such as Apache webserver logs), you can use a handler for stdlib logging which writes to AMQP middleware.

