How to plot 3D ellipsoid with Mayavi - python

I would like to plot diffusion tensors(ellipsoid) in diffusion MRI. The data have three Eigenvalues of the corresponding diffusion tensor. I want to draw an 3D Ellipsoid with its semi-axes lengths corresponding to those three Eigenvalues.
How to do it with Mayavi?

Google brought me here and to the answer. I found how to render an ellipsoid here: and combined it with the arrow from here to produce something like:
from mayavi.api import Engine
from mayavi.sources.api import ParametricSurface
from mayavi.modules.api import Surface
from mayavi import mlab
from import visual
import numpy as np
def Arrow_From_A_to_B(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2,scale=None):
ar1=visual.arrow(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1)
if scale is None:[arrow_length, arrow_length, arrow_length]
ar1.pos = ar1.pos/arrow_length
ar1.axis = [x2-x1, y2-y1, z2-z1]
return ar1
engine = Engine()
scene = engine.new_scene()
scene.scene.disable_render = True # for speed
surfaces = []
for i in range(2):
source = ParametricSurface()
source.function = 'ellipsoid'
surface = Surface()
actor = # mayavi actor, is tvtk actor = 1 # defaults to 0 for some reason, ah don't need it, turn off scalar visibility instead = 0.7 = (0,0,1) # tuple(np.random.rand(3))
actor.mapper.scalar_visibility = False # don't colour ellipses by their scalar indices into colour map = True # gets rid of weird rendering artifact when opacity is < 1 = 0.1 = True = np.array([1,0,0]) * 360 # in degrees = np.array([0,0,0]) = np.array([0,0,0]) = np.array([ 0.26490647, 0.26490647, 0.92717265])
actor.enable_texture=True = ['wireframe', 'surface'][i]
Arrow_From_A_to_B(0,0,0, 0.26490647, 0, 0,np.array([0.26490647,0.4,0.4]))
Arrow_From_A_to_B(0,0,0, 0, 0.26490647, 0,np.array([0.4,0.26490647,0.4]))
Arrow_From_A_to_B(0,0,0, 0, 0, 0.92717265,np.array([0.4,0.4,0.92717265]))
source.scene.background = (1.0,1.0,1.0)
scene.scene.disable_render = False # now turn it on
# set the scalars, this has to be done some indeterminate amount of time
# after each surface is created, otherwise the scalars get overwritten
# later by their default of 1.0
for i, surface in enumerate(surfaces):
vtk_srcs = mlab.pipeline.get_vtk_src(surface)
print('len(vtk_srcs) = %d' % len(vtk_srcs))
vtk_src = vtk_srcs[0]
try: npoints = len(vtk_src.point_data.scalars)
except TypeError:
print('hit the TypeError on surface i=%d' % i)
npoints = 2500
vtk_src.point_data.scalars = np.tile(i, npoints)
# on pick, find the ellipsoid with origin closest to the picked coord,
# then check if that coord falls within that nearest ellipsoid, and if
# so, print out the ellispoid id, or pop it up in a tooltip


Create a mesh with boundary markers in Python, Fenics

My aim is to create a mesh in Python and setting markers on some 1-dimensional subset.
Up until now, I have always creates a set, for example a rectangle in gmsh, then put for example a circle in it. Then gmsh puts a mesh on my structure and I can mark the boundary of the rectangle and of the circle as facets (as xdmf files). I can then let Python read my mesh and boundary facets and using it, f.e. to solve PDEs.
What I want to do now is the following: I still want to have my rectangle with a mesh, but instead of defining the facet markes in gmsh, I want to define them using the image of a function.
More precicely: Instead of creating a circle in gmsh, I want to consider, for example, the function
Then I want to use as my facet and mark it in my mesh.
Is there a way to do this? I feel kind of lost here.
I am not sure if I understood everything in your question correctly, but here is some code that might help you. One thing I do not know is how to add element edges to physical groups in gmsh. But maybe you can figure that out.
So here is the code:
import gmsh
import numpy as np
def mapping(point):
x = point[0]
y = point[1]
z = point[2]
result = [2*x,3*y,z]
return result
def inverseMapping(point):
x = point[0]
y = point[1]
z = point[2]
result = [(1/2)*x,(1/3)*y,z]
return result
def getNodes():
nodeTags, nodeCoord, _ = gmsh.model.mesh.getNodes()
nodeCoord = np.reshape(nodeCoord,(len(nodeTags),3))
return nodeTags, nodeCoord
def getEdgeNodeCoordinates():
edgeTags, edgeNodes = gmsh.model.mesh.getAllEdges()
edgeNodes = np.reshape(edgeNodes,(len(edgeTags),2))
nodeTags, nodeCoord = getNodes()
coord = []
for i in range(0,len(edgeTags)):
tagNode1 = edgeNodes[i][0]
tagNode2 = edgeNodes[i][1]
nodeIndex1 = list(nodeTags).index(tagNode1)
nodeIndex2 = list(nodeTags).index(tagNode2)
nodeCoord1 = nodeCoord[nodeIndex1]
nodeCoord2 = nodeCoord[nodeIndex2]
return edgeTags, edgeNodes, nodeTags, coord
def getInverseNodeCoordinates(edgeNodeCoordinates):
coord = []
for edgeNodes in edgeNodeCoordinates:
nodeCoord1 = edgeNodes[0]
nodeCoord2 = edgeNodes[1]
newCoord1 = inverseMapping(nodeCoord1)
newCoord2 = inverseMapping(nodeCoord2)
coord.append([newCoord1, newCoord2])
return coord
def checkIntersection(edgeTags, edgeNodeCoordinates, inverseCoordinates):
intersectingEdgeTags = []
intersectingEdgeNodeCoord = []
# 1 = inside, 0 = outside
for i in range(0,len(inverseCoordinates)):
pair = inverseCoordinates[i]
coord1 = pair[0]
coord2 = pair[1]
e1 = 1 if np.linalg.norm(coord1) <= 1 else 0
e2 = 1 if np.linalg.norm(coord2) <= 1 else 0
s = e1 + e2 # s = 0 --> both nodes outside of manifold
# s = 1 --> one node inside and one node outside of manifold
# s = 2 --> both nodes inside of manifold
if s == 1:
return intersectingEdgeTags, intersectingEdgeNodeCoord
def visualizeEdges(intersectingEdgeNodeCoord):
for pair in intersectingEdgeNodeCoord:
p1 = pair[0]
p2 = pair[1]
t1 = gmsh.model.occ.addPoint(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2])
t2 = gmsh.model.occ.addPoint(p2[0],p2[1],p2[2])
line = gmsh.model.occ.addLine(t1, t2)
gmsh.model.setColor([(1,line)], 255, 0, 0)
# Create a rectangle which will be meshed later.
tag_vol_1 = gmsh.model.occ.addRectangle(-3, -4, 0, 6, 8)
# Sample the S1 manifold with n_points
S1_sampling_points = []
n_points = 100
maxAngle = 2*np.pi
angle = maxAngle/n_points
z = 0
for i in range(0,n_points):
x = np.cos(i*angle)
y = np.sin(i*angle)
# Map the sampled S1 points to 2*x, 3*y, z.
# This is only for "visualization" via a spline.
mappedPoints = []
mappedPointTags = []
for point in S1_sampling_points:
mappedPoint = mapping(point)
tag = gmsh.model.occ.addPoint(mappedPoint[0], mappedPoint[1], mappedPoint[2])
# Here the spline fitting is performed
# You will see it visualized when gmsh opens.
tagMappedS1 = gmsh.model.occ.addSpline(mappedPointTags + [mappedPointTags[0]]) # make the spline periodic by setting the last point equal to the first one
# Mesh the rectangle and tell gmsh to create edges which we can access.
gmsh.model.mesh.createEdges() # You need to call this before using gmsh.model.mesh.getAllEdges()
# Get all these self-explanatory things
edgeTags, edgeNodes, nodeTags, edgeNodeCoordinates = getEdgeNodeCoordinates()
# Calculate the inverse-mapped coordinates of all nodes.
# With this we can just check if the transformed nodes are inside a circle of radius 1 or outside.
# If for every egde one node is inside, and the other node is outside the circle, then the edge is
# intersected by the mapped manifold f(S1) --> (2*x, 3*y, z). We then save the tag of such an edge.
inverseCoordinates = getInverseNodeCoordinates(edgeNodeCoordinates)
intersectingEdgeTags, intersectingEdgeNodeCoord = checkIntersection(edgeTags, edgeNodeCoordinates, inverseCoordinates)
# Here all intersecting edges are created within gmsh so you can see it.
# This is for visualization only. A lot of nodes with the same coordinates are created here twice.
And the result in gmsh looks like this:

Matplotlib: Rotate an ellipse in 3D issue [duplicate]

Short question
How can matplotlib 2D patches be transformed to 3D with arbitrary normals?
Long question
I would like to plot Patches in axes with 3d projection. However, the methods provided by mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d only provide methods to have patches with normals along the principal axes. How can I add patches to 3d axes that have arbitrary normals?
Short answer
Copy the code below into your project and use the method
def pathpatch_2d_to_3d(pathpatch, z = 0, normal = 'z'):
Transforms a 2D Patch to a 3D patch using the given normal vector.
The patch is projected into they XY plane, rotated about the origin
and finally translated by z.
to transform your 2D patches to 3D patches with arbitrary normals.
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import art3d
def rotation_matrix(d):
Calculates a rotation matrix given a vector d. The direction of d
corresponds to the rotation axis. The length of d corresponds to
the sin of the angle of rotation.
Variant of:
sin_angle = np.linalg.norm(d)
if sin_angle == 0:
return np.identity(3)
d /= sin_angle
eye = np.eye(3)
ddt = np.outer(d, d)
skew = np.array([[ 0, d[2], -d[1]],
[-d[2], 0, d[0]],
[d[1], -d[0], 0]], dtype=np.float64)
M = ddt + np.sqrt(1 - sin_angle**2) * (eye - ddt) + sin_angle * skew
return M
def pathpatch_2d_to_3d(pathpatch, z = 0, normal = 'z'):
Transforms a 2D Patch to a 3D patch using the given normal vector.
The patch is projected into they XY plane, rotated about the origin
and finally translated by z.
if type(normal) is str: #Translate strings to normal vectors
index = "xyz".index(normal)
normal = np.roll((1.0,0,0), index)
normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal) #Make sure the vector is normalised
path = pathpatch.get_path() #Get the path and the associated transform
trans = pathpatch.get_patch_transform()
path = trans.transform_path(path) #Apply the transform
pathpatch.__class__ = art3d.PathPatch3D #Change the class
pathpatch._code3d = #Copy the codes
pathpatch._facecolor3d = pathpatch.get_facecolor #Get the face color
verts = path.vertices #Get the vertices in 2D
d = np.cross(normal, (0, 0, 1)) #Obtain the rotation vector
M = rotation_matrix(d) #Get the rotation matrix
pathpatch._segment3d = np.array([, (x, y, 0)) + (0, 0, z) for x, y in verts])
def pathpatch_translate(pathpatch, delta):
Translates the 3D pathpatch by the amount delta.
pathpatch._segment3d += delta
Long answer
Looking at the source code of art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d gives the following call hierarchy
The transformation from 2D to 3D happens in the last call to art3d.juggle_axes. Modifying this last step, we can obtain patches in 3D with arbitrary normals.
We proceed in four steps
Project the vertices of the patch into the XY plane (pathpatch_2d_to_3d)
Calculate a rotation matrix R that rotates the z direction to the direction of the normal (rotation_matrix)
Apply the rotation matrix to all vertices (pathpatch_2d_to_3d)
Translate the resulting object in the z-direction (pathpatch_2d_to_3d)
Sample source code and the resulting plot are shown below.
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from itertools import product
ax = axes(projection = '3d') #Create axes
p = Circle((0,0), .2) #Add a circle in the yz plane
pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z = 0.5, normal = 'x')
pathpatch_translate(p, (0, 0.5, 0))
p = Circle((0,0), .2, facecolor = 'r') #Add a circle in the xz plane
pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z = 0.5, normal = 'y')
pathpatch_translate(p, (0.5, 1, 0))
p = Circle((0,0), .2, facecolor = 'g') #Add a circle in the xy plane
pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z = 0, normal = 'z')
pathpatch_translate(p, (0.5, 0.5, 0))
for normal in product((-1, 1), repeat = 3):
p = Circle((0,0), .2, facecolor = 'y', alpha = .2)
pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z = 0, normal = normal)
pathpatch_translate(p, 0.5)
Very useful piece of code, but there is a small caveat: it cannot handle normals pointing downwards because it uses only the sine of the angle.
You need to use also the cosine:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import art3d
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d
import numpy as np
def rotation_matrix(v1,v2):
Calculates the rotation matrix that changes v1 into v2.
if sin_angle == 0:
M = np.identity(3) if cos_angle>0. else -np.identity(3)
eye = np.eye(3)
ddt = np.outer(d, d)
skew = np.array([[ 0, d[2], -d[1]],
[-d[2], 0, d[0]],
[d[1], -d[0], 0]], dtype=np.float64)
M = ddt + cos_angle * (eye - ddt) + sin_angle * skew
return M
def pathpatch_2d_to_3d(pathpatch, z = 0, normal = 'z'):
Transforms a 2D Patch to a 3D patch using the given normal vector.
The patch is projected into they XY plane, rotated about the origin
and finally translated by z.
if type(normal) is str: #Translate strings to normal vectors
index = "xyz".index(normal)
normal = np.roll((1,0,0), index)
path = pathpatch.get_path() #Get the path and the associated transform
trans = pathpatch.get_patch_transform()
path = trans.transform_path(path) #Apply the transform
pathpatch.__class__ = art3d.PathPatch3D #Change the class
pathpatch._code3d = #Copy the codes
pathpatch._facecolor3d = pathpatch.get_facecolor #Get the face color
verts = path.vertices #Get the vertices in 2D
M = rotation_matrix(normal,(0, 0, 1)) #Get the rotation matrix
pathpatch._segment3d = np.array([, (x, y, 0)) + (0, 0, z) for x, y in verts])
def pathpatch_translate(pathpatch, delta):
Translates the 3D pathpatch by the amount delta.
pathpatch._segment3d += delta
Here's a more generalmethod that allows embedding in more complex ways than along a normal:
class EmbeddedPatch2D(art3d.PathPatch3D):
def __init__(self, patch, transform):
assert transform.shape == (4, 3)
self._patch2d = patch
self.transform = transform
self._path2d = patch.get_path()
self._facecolor2d = patch.get_facecolor()
def set_3d_properties(self, *args, **kwargs):
# get the fully-transformed path
path = self._patch2d.get_path()
trans = self._patch2d.get_patch_transform()
path = trans.transform_path(path)
# copy across the relevant properties
self._code3d =
self._facecolor3d = self._patch2d.get_facecolor()
# calculate the transformed vertices
verts = np.empty(path.vertices.shape + np.array([0, 1]))
verts[:,:-1] = path.vertices
verts[:,-1] = 1
self._segment3d =[:,:-1]
def __getattr__(self, key):
return getattr(self._patch2d, key)
To use this as desired in the question, we need a helper function
def matrix_from_normal(normal):
given a normal vector, builds a homogeneous rotation matrix such that[1, 0, 0]) == normal
normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal)
res = np.eye(normal.ndim+1)
res[:-1,0] = normal
if normal [0] == 0:
perp = [0, -normal[2], normal[1]]
perp = np.cross(normal, [1, 0, 0])
perp /= np.linalg.norm(perp)
res[:-1,1] = perp
res[:-1,2] = np.cross(self.dir, perp)
return res
All together:
circ = Circle((0,0), .2, facecolor = 'y', alpha = .2)
# the matrix here turns (x, y, 1) into (0, x, y, 1)
mat = matrix_from_normal([1, 1, 0]).dot([
[0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]
circ3d = EmbeddedPatch2D(circ, mat)
I want to share my solution that extends the former proposals.
It enables both 3d elements and text to be added to a Axes3D presentation.
# creation of a rotation matrix that preserves the x-axis in an xy-plane of the original coordinate system
def rotationMatrix(normal):
norm = np.linalg.norm(normal)
if norm ==0: return Rotation.identity(None)
zDir = normal/norm
if np.abs(zDir[2])==1:
yDir = np.array([0,zDir[2],0])
yDir = (np.array([0,0,1]) - zDir[2]*zDir)/math.sqrt(1-zDir[2]**2)
rotMat = np.empty((3,3))
rotMat[:,0] = np.cross(zDir,yDir)
rotMat[:,1] = yDir
rotMat[:,2] = -zDir
return Rotation.from_matrix(rotMat)
def toVector(vec):
if vec is None or not isinstance(vec,np.ndarray) : vec="z"
if isinstance(vec,str):
zdir = vec[0] if len(vec)>0 else "z"
if not zdir in "xyz": zdir="z"
index = "xyz".index(vec)
return np.roll((1.0,0,0), index)
return vec
# Transforms a 2D Patch to a 3D patch using a pivot point and a the given normal vector.
def pathpatch_2d_to_3d(pathpatch, pivot=np.zeros(3), zDir='z'):
path = pathpatch.get_path() #Get the path and the associated transform
trans = pathpatch.get_patch_transform()
path = trans.transform_path(path) #Apply the transform
pathpatch.__class__ = mplot3d.art3d.PathPatch3D #Change the class
pathpatch._path2d = path #Copy the 2d path
pathpatch._code3d = #Copy the codes
pathpatch._facecolor3d = pathpatch.get_facecolor #Get the face color
# Get the 2D vertices and add the third dimension
verts3d = np.empty((path.vertices.shape[0],3))
verts3d[:,0:2] = path.vertices
verts3d[:,2] = pivot[2]
R = rotationMatrix(toVector(zDir))
pathpatch._segment3d = R.apply(verts3d - pivot) + pivot
return pathpatch
# places a 3D text element in axes with 3d projection.
def text3d(xyz, text, zDir="z", scalefactor=1.0, fp=FontProperties(), **kwargs):
pt = PathPatch(TextPath(xyz[0:2], text, size=scalefactor*fp.get_size(), prop=fp , usetex=False),**kwargs)
ax3D.add_patch(pathpatch_2d_to_3d(pt, xyz, zDir))
# places a 3D circle in axes with 3d projection.
def circle3d(center, radius, zDir='z', **kwargs):
pc = Circle(center[0:2], radius, **kwargs)
ax3D.add_patch(pathpatch_2d_to_3d(pc, center, zDir))

How to use vtkOBBTree and IntersectWithLine to find the intersection of a line and a PolyDataFilter in python using vtk?

I have an oriented cylinder generated with vtkCylinderSource and some transformations are applied on it to get the orientation that i want. Here is the code for creating this oriented-cylinder:
def cylinder_object(startPoint, endPoint, radius, my_color="DarkRed", opacity=1):
colors = vtk.vtkNamedColors()
# Create a cylinder.
# Cylinder height vector is (0,1,0).
# Cylinder center is in the middle of the cylinder
cylinderSource = vtk.vtkCylinderSource()
# Generate a random start and end point
# startPoint = [0] * 3
# endPoint = [0] * 3
rng = vtk.vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence()
rng.SetSeed(8775070) # For testing.8775070
# Compute a basis
normalizedX = [0] * 3
normalizedY = [0] * 3
normalizedZ = [0] * 3
# The X axis is a vector from start to end
vtk.vtkMath.Subtract(endPoint, startPoint, normalizedX)
length = vtk.vtkMath.Norm(normalizedX)
# The Z axis is an arbitrary vector cross X
arbitrary = [0] * 3
for i in range(0, 3):
arbitrary[i] = rng.GetRangeValue(-10, 10)
vtk.vtkMath.Cross(normalizedX, arbitrary, normalizedZ)
# The Y axis is Z cross X
vtk.vtkMath.Cross(normalizedZ, normalizedX, normalizedY)
matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
# Create the direction cosine matrix
for i in range(0, 3):
matrix.SetElement(i, 0, normalizedX[i])
matrix.SetElement(i, 1, normalizedY[i])
matrix.SetElement(i, 2, normalizedZ[i])
# Apply the transforms
transform = vtk.vtkTransform()
transform.Translate(startPoint) # translate to starting point
transform.Concatenate(matrix) # apply direction cosines
transform.RotateZ(-90.0) # align cylinder to x axis
transform.Scale(1.0, length, 1.0) # scale along the height vector
transform.Translate(0, .5, 0) # translate to start of cylinder
# Transform the polydata
transformPD = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter()
# Create a mapper and actor for the arrow
mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
actor = vtk.vtkActor()
return actor, transformPD
Now i want to ray cast a line with this oriented cylinder. unfortunately, using the vtkCylinderSource as the dataset for vtkOBBTree produces the wrong points as the result. how can i use ray-casting with a PolyDataFilter?
I came up with a solution where i export my oriented-cylinder to a .stl file and then read it again to implement the ray-casting algorithm using IntersectWithLine. The problem is i have thousands of these oriented-cylinders and this method (exporting and reading) makes my code extremely slow.
def ray_cast(filename, p_source, p_target):
:param filename: STL file to perform ray casting on.
:param p_source: first point
:param p_target: second point
:return: code --> 0 : No intersection.
:return: code --> +1 : p_source lies OUTSIDE the closed surface.
:return; code --> -1 : p_source lies INSIDE closed surface
reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader()
mesh = reader.GetOutput()
obbtree = vtk.vtkOBBTree()
pointsVTKIntersection = vtk.vtkPoints()
code = obbtree.IntersectWithLine(p_source, p_target, pointsVTKIntersection, None)
# Extracting data
pointsVTKIntersectionData = pointsVTKIntersection.GetData()
noPointsVTKIntersection = pointsVTKIntersectionData.GetNumberOfTuples()
pointsIntersection = []
for idx in range(noPointsVTKIntersection):
_tup = pointsVTKIntersectionData.GetTuple3(idx)
return code, pointsIntersection, noPointsVTKIntersection
Below image shows the desired result using export-stl method. (the green spheres are intersection points)
I would appreciate any suggestion and help..
With vedo:
from vedo import *
cyl = Cylinder() # vtkActor
p1, p2 = (0,0,0), (4,4,5)
ipts_coords = cyl.intersectWithLine(p1, p2)
print('hit coords are', ipts_coords)
pts = Points(ipts_coords, r=10).color("yellow")
# print(pts.polydata()) # is the vtkPolyData object
origin = Point()
ln = Line(p1,p2)
show(origin, cyl, ln, pts, axes=True)

In matplotlib, how can I plot a multi-colored line, like a rainbow

I would like to plot parallel lines with different colors. E.g. rather than a single red line of thickness 6, I would like to have two parallel lines of thickness 3, with one red and one blue.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Even with the smart offsetting (s. below), there is still an issue in a view that has sharp angles between consecutive points.
Zoomed view of smart offsetting:
Overlaying lines of varying thickness:
Plotting parallel lines is not an easy task. Using a simple uniform offset will of course not show the desired result. This is shown in the left picture below.
Such a simple offset can be produced in matplotlib as shown in the transformation tutorial.
A better solution may be to use the idea sketched on the right side. To calculate the offset of the nth point we can use the normal vector to the line between the n-1st and the n+1st point and use the same distance along this normal vector to calculate the offset point.
The advantage of this method is that we have the same number of points in the original line as in the offset line. The disadvantage is that it is not completely accurate, as can be see in the picture.
This method is implemented in the function offset in the code below.
In order to make this useful for a matplotlib plot, we need to consider that the linewidth should be independent of the data units. Linewidth is usually given in units of points, and the offset would best be given in the same unit, such that e.g. the requirement from the question ("two parallel lines of width 3") can be met.
The idea is therefore to transform the coordinates from data to display coordinates, using ax.transData.transform. Also the offset in points o can be transformed to the same units: Using the dpi and the standard of ppi=72, the offset in display coordinates is o*dpi/ppi. After the offset in display coordinates has been applied, the inverse transform (ax.transData.inverted().transform) allows a backtransformation.
Now there is another dimension of the problem: How to assure that the offset remains the same independent of the zoom and size of the figure?
This last point can be addressed by recalculating the offset each time a zooming of resizing event has taken place.
Here is how a rainbow curve would look like produced by this method.
And here is the code to produce the image.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dpi = 100
def offset(x,y, o):
""" Offset coordinates given by array x,y by o """
X = np.c_[x,y].T
m = np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])
R = np.zeros_like(X)
S = X[:,2:]-X[:,:-2]
R[:,1:-1] =, S)
R[:,0] =, X[:,1]-X[:,0])
R[:,-1] =, X[:,-1]-X[:,-2])
On = R/np.sqrt(R[0,:]**2+R[1,:]**2)*o
Out = On+X
return Out[0,:], Out[1,:]
def offset_curve(ax, x,y, o):
""" Offset array x,y in data coordinates
by o in points """
trans = ax.transData.transform
inv = ax.transData.inverted().transform
X = np.c_[x,y]
Xt = trans(X)
xto, yto = offset(Xt[:,0],Xt[:,1],o*dpi/72. )
Xto = np.c_[xto, yto]
Xo = inv(Xto)
return Xo[:,0], Xo[:,1]
# some single points
y = np.array([1,2,2,3,3,0])
x = np.arange(len(y))
#or try a sinus
x = np.linspace(0,9)
fig, ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(4,2.5), dpi=dpi)
cols = ["#fff40b", "#00e103", "#ff9921", "#3a00ef", "#ff2121", "#af00e7"]
lw = 2.
lines = []
for i in range(len(cols)):
l, = plt.plot(x,y, lw=lw, color=cols[i])
def plot_rainbow(event=None):
xr = range(6); yr = range(6);
xr[0],yr[0] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, lw/2.)
xr[1],yr[1] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, -lw/2.)
xr[2],yr[2] = offset_curve(ax, xr[0],yr[0], lw)
xr[3],yr[3] = offset_curve(ax, xr[1],yr[1], -lw)
xr[4],yr[4] = offset_curve(ax, xr[2],yr[2], lw)
xr[5],yr[5] = offset_curve(ax, xr[3],yr[3], -lw)
for i in range(6):
lines[i].set_data(xr[i], yr[i])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", plot_rainbow)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", plot_rainbow)
plt.savefig(__file__+".png", dpi=dpi)
To avoid overlapping lines, one has to use a more complicated solution.
One could first offset every point normal to the two line segments it is part of (green points in the picture below). Then calculate the line through those offset points and find their intersection.
A particular case would be when the slopes of two subsequent line segments equal. This has to be taken care of (eps in the code below).
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dpi = 100
def intersect(p1, p2, q1, q2, eps=1.e-10):
""" given two lines, first through points pn, second through qn,
find the intersection """
x1 = p1[0]; y1 = p1[1]; x2 = p2[0]; y2 = p2[1]
x3 = q1[0]; y3 = q1[1]; x4 = q2[0]; y4 = q2[1]
nomX = ((x1*y2-y1*x2)*(x3-x4)- (x1-x2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4))
denom = float( (x1-x2)*(y3-y4) - (y1-y2)*(x3-x4) )
nomY = (x1*y2-y1*x2)*(y3-y4) - (y1-y2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4)
if np.abs(denom) < eps:
#print "intersection undefined", p1
return np.array( p1 )
return np.array( [ nomX/denom , nomY/denom ])
def offset(x,y, o, eps=1.e-10):
""" Offset coordinates given by array x,y by o """
X = np.c_[x,y].T
m = np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])
S = X[:,1:]-X[:,:-1]
R =, S)
norm = np.sqrt(R[0,:]**2+R[1,:]**2) / o
On = R/norm
Outa = On+X[:,1:]
Outb = On+X[:,:-1]
G = np.zeros_like(X)
for i in xrange(0, len(X[0,:])-2):
p = intersect(Outa[:,i], Outb[:,i], Outa[:,i+1], Outb[:,i+1], eps=eps)
G[:,i+1] = p
G[:,0] = Outb[:,0]
G[:,-1] = Outa[:,-1]
return G[0,:], G[1,:]
def offset_curve(ax, x,y, o, eps=1.e-10):
""" Offset array x,y in data coordinates
by o in points """
trans = ax.transData.transform
inv = ax.transData.inverted().transform
X = np.c_[x,y]
Xt = trans(X)
xto, yto = offset(Xt[:,0],Xt[:,1],o*dpi/72., eps=eps )
Xto = np.c_[xto, yto]
Xo = inv(Xto)
return Xo[:,0], Xo[:,1]
# some single points
y = np.array([1,1,2,0,3,2,1.,4,3]) *1.e9
x = np.arange(len(y))
#or try a sinus
#x = np.linspace(0,9)
fig, ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(4,2.5), dpi=dpi)
cols = ["r", "b"]
lw = 11.
lines = []
for i in range(len(cols)):
l, = plt.plot(x,y, lw=lw, color=cols[i], solid_joinstyle="miter")
def plot_rainbow(event=None):
xr = range(2); yr = range(2);
xr[0],yr[0] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, lw/2.)
xr[1],yr[1] = offset_curve(ax, x,y, -lw/2.)
for i in range(2):
lines[i].set_data(xr[i], yr[i])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", plot_rainbow)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", plot_rainbow)
Note that this method should work well as long as the offset between the lines is smaller then the distance between subsequent points on the line. Otherwise method 1 may be better suited.
The best that I can think of is to take your data, generate a series of small offsets, and use fill_between to make bands of whatever color you like.
I wrote a function to do this. I don't know what shape you're trying to plot, so this may or may not work for you. I tested it on a parabola and got decent results. You can also play around with the list of colors.
def rainbow_plot(x, y, spacing=0.1):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan','blue']
top = max(y)
lines = []
for i in range(len(colors)+1):
newline_data = y - top*spacing*i
for i, c in enumerate(colors):
ax.fill_between(x, lines[i], lines[i+1], facecolor=c)
return fig, ax
x = np.linspace(0,1,51)
y = 1-(x-0.5)**2

Find a easier way to cluster 2-d scatter data into grid array data

I have figured out a method to cluster disperse point data into structured 2-d array(like rasterize function). And I hope there are some better ways to achieve that target.
My work
1. Intro
1000 point data has there dimensions of properties (lon, lat, emission) whicn represent one factory located at (x,y) emit certain amount of CO2 into atmosphere
grid network: predefine the 2-d array in the shape of 20x20
The code reproduced here:
#### define the map area
xc1,xc2,yc1,yc2 = 113.49805889531724,115.5030664238035,37.39995194888143,38.789235929357105
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=xc1,llcrnrlat=yc1,urcrnrlon=xc2,urcrnrlat=yc2)
#### reading the point data and scatter plot by their position
df = pd.read_csv("xxxxx.csv")
px,py = map(df.lon,
map.scatter(px, py, color = "red", s= 5,zorder =3)
#### predefine the grid networks
lon_grid,lat_grid = np.linspace(xc1,xc2,21), np.linspace(yc1,yc2,21)
lon_x,lat_y = np.meshgrid(lon_grid,lat_grid)
grids = np.zeros(20*20).reshape(20,20)
plt.pcolormesh(lon_x,lat_y,grids,cmap = 'gray', facecolor = 'none',edgecolor = 'k',zorder=3)
2. My target
Finding the nearest grid point for each factory
Add the emission data into this grid number
3. Algorithm realization
3.1 Raster grid
note: 20x20 grid points are distributed in this area represented by blue dot.
3.2 KD-tree
Find the nearest blue dot of each red point
sh = (20*20,2)
grids = np.zeros(20*20*2).reshape(*sh)
sh_emission = (20*20)
grids_em = np.zeros(20*20).reshape(sh_emission)
k = 0
for j in range(0,yy.shape[0],1):
for i in range(0,xx.shape[0],1):
grids[k] = np.array([lon_grid[i],lat_grid[j]])
T = KDTree(grids)
x_delta = (lon_grid[2] - lon_grid[1])
y_delta = (lat_grid[2] - lat_grid[1])
R = np.sqrt(x_delta**2 + y_delta**2)
for i in range(0,len(df.lon),1):
idx = T.query_ball_point([df.lon.iloc[i],[i]], r=R)
# there are more than one blue dot which are founded sometimes,
# So I'll calculate the distances between the factory(red point)
# and all blue dots which are listed
if (idx > 1):
distance = []
for k in range(0,len(idx),1):
distance.append(np.sqrt((df.lon.iloc[i] - grids[k][0])**2 + ([i] - grids[k][1])**2))
pos_index = distance.index(min(distance))
pos = idx[pos_index]
# Only find 1 point
pos = idx
grids_em[pos] += df.so2[i]
4. Result
co2 = grids_em.reshape(20,20)
5. My question
Can someone point out some drawbacks or error of this method?
Is there some algorithms more aligned with my target?
Thanks a lot!
There are many for-loop in your code, it's not the numpy way.
Make some sample data first:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import pylab as pl
xc1, xc2, yc1, yc2 = 113.49805889531724, 115.5030664238035, 37.39995194888143, 38.789235929357105
N = 1000
GSIZE = 20
x, y = np.random.multivariate_normal([(xc1 + xc2)*0.5, (yc1 + yc2)*0.5], [[0.1, 0.02], [0.02, 0.1]], size=N).T
value = np.ones(N)
df_points = pd.DataFrame({"x":x, "y":y, "v":value})
For equal space grids you can use hist2d():
pl.hist2d(df_points.x, df_points.y, weights=df_points.v, bins=20, cmap="viridis");
Here is the output:
Here is the code to use KdTree:
X, Y = np.mgrid[x.min():x.max():GSIZE*1j, y.min():y.max():GSIZE*1j]
grid = np.c_[X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]
points = np.c_[df_points.x, df_points.y]
tree = KDTree(grid)
dist, indices = tree.query(points)
grid_values = df_points.groupby(indices).v.sum()
df_grid = pd.DataFrame(grid, columns=["x", "y"])
df_grid["v"] = grid_values
fig, ax = pl.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
ax.plot(df_points.x, df_points.y, "kx", alpha=0.2)
mapper = ax.scatter(df_grid.x, df_grid.y, c=df_grid.v,
s=100, marker="o")
pl.colorbar(mapper, ax=ax);
the output is:

