Corrupted Image upload from Django - python

This is my code for uploading image that I have defined in a class based view,
def _handle_uploaded_file(self, request):
folder = settings.MEDIA_ROOT
uploaded_filename = request.FILES['img_fl'].name
BASE_PATH ='/home/admin1/Desktop/virtualenv-12.1.1/mapfied'
# create the folder if it doesn't exist.
os.mkdir(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, folder))
except Exception as e:
# save the uploaded file inside that folder.
full_filename = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, folder, uploaded_filename)
fd = open(full_filename, 'wb')
file_content = ContentFile( request.FILES['img_fl'].read() )
for chunk in file_content.chunks():
html = "<html><body>SAVED</body></html>"
except Exception as e:
The image file is getting saved to correct location with name, but it is corrupted.I am unable to find the exact reason for this , Am I doing something wrong here?

This is what I had from a previous project for writing upload files to disk:
def view_handling_function(request):
for key, value in request.FILES.iteritems():
full_path = ...
save_uploadfile_to_disk(full_path, value)
def save_uploadfile_to_disk(full_path, file):
with open(full_path, 'w+') as destination:
for chunk in file.chunks():

I think since you're looking to write a binary upload you need to open the file with writable binary mode which is actually wb+.
You could also tidy up a bit by using the 'with' keyword; see Django example here.
Sidenote: if you're persisting the file as a FileField (or a derived class) you could just provide the 'upload_to' function that returns the full path and file name for where you'd like to store the file. That'll let the framework take care of the file io for you.


Download zip file with Django

I'm quite new on Django and i'm looking for a way to dwonload a zip file from my django site but i have some issue when i'm running this piece of code:
def download(self):
dirName = settings.DEBUG_FOLDER
name = ''
with ZipFile(name, 'w') as zipObj:
# Iterate over all the files in directory
for folderName, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(dirName):
for filename in filenames:
# create complete filepath of file in directory
filePath = os.path.join(folderName, filename)
# Add file to zip
zipObj.write(filePath, basename(filePath))
path_to_file = 'http://' + sys.argv[-1] + '/' + name
resp= {}
# Grab ZIP file from in-memory, make response with correct MIME-type
resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/zip')
# ..and correct content-disposition
resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % smart_str(name)
resp['X-Sendfile'] = smart_str(path_to_file)
return resp
I get:
Exception Value:
<HttpResponse status_code=200, "application/zip"> is not JSON serializable
I tried to change the content_type to octet-stream but it doesn't work
And to use a wrapper as followw:
wrapper = FileWrapper(open('', 'rb'))
content_type = 'application/zip'
content_disposition = 'attachment; filename=name'
# Grab ZIP file from in-memory, make response with correct MIME-type
resp = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type=content_type)
# ..and correct content-disposition
resp['Content-Disposition'] = content_disposition
I didn't find useful answer so far but maybe I didn't search well, so if it seems my problem had been already traited, feel free to notify me
Thank you very much for any help
You have to send the zip file as byte
response = HttpResponse(, content_type="application/zip")
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % smart_str(name)
return response
I would do like this:
(Caveat I use wsl so the python function will make use of cmd lines)
In view:
import os
def zipdownfun(request):
""" Please establish in where media file should be downloaded from.
In my case is media with a series of other folders inside. Media folder is at the same level of project root folder, where is"""
file_name = os.path.join(MEDIA_URL,'folder_where_your_file_is','')
"""let us put the case that you have zip folder in media folder"""
file_folder_path = os.path.join(MEDIA_URL,'saving_folder')
"""The command line takes as first variable the name of the
future zip file and as second variable the destination folder"""
cmd = f'zip {file_name} {file_folder_path}'
"""With os I open a process in the background so that some magic
"""I don't know what you want to do with this, but I placed the
URL of the file in a button for the download, so you will need
the string of the URL to place in href of an <a> element"""
return render(request,'your_html_file.html', {'url':file_name})
The db I have created, will be updated very often. I used a slightly different version of this function with -r clause since I had to zip, each time, a folder. Why I did this? The database I have created has to allow the download of this zipped folder. This folder will be updated daily. So this function basically overwrites the file each time that is downloaded. It will be so fresh of new data each time.
Please refer to this page to understand how to create a button for the download of the generated file.
Take as reference approach 2. The URL variable that you are passing to the Django template should be used at the place of the file (screenshot attached)
I hope it can help!

How to read contents of zip file in memory on a file upload in python?

I have a zip file that I receive when the user uploads a file. The zip essentially contains a json file which I want to read and process without having to create the zip file first, then unzipping it and then reading the content of the inner file.
Currently I only the longer process which is something like below
import json
import zipfile
def get_zip(request):
if request.method == "POST":
client_file = request.FILES['file']
file_path = "/some/path/"
# first dump the zip file to a directory
with open(file_path + '%s' %, 'wb+') as dest:
for chunk in client_file.chunks():
# unzip the zip file to the same directory
with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path +, 'r') as zip_ref:
# at this point we get a json file from the zip say `test.json`
# read the json file content
with open(file_path + "test.json", "r") as fo:
json_content = json.load(fo)
return HttpResponse(0)
except Exception as e:
return HttpResponse(1)
As you can see, this involves 3 steps to finally get the content from the zip file into memory. What I want is get the content of the zip file and load directly into memory.
I did find some similar questions in stack overflow like this one . But I am not sure at what point do I invoke this operation mentioned in the post
How can I achieve this?
Note: I am using django in backend.
There will always be one json file in the zip.
From what I understand, what #jason is trying to say here is to first open a zipFile just like you have done here with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path +, 'r') as zip_ref:.
class zipfile.ZipFile(file[, mode[, compression[, allowZip64]]])
Open a ZIP file, where file can be either a path to a file (a string) or a file-like object.
And then use BytesIO read in the bytes of a file-like object. But from above you are reading in r mode and not rb mode. So change it as follows.
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_data:
bytes_content =
file_like_object = io.BytesIO(bytes_content)
zipfile_ob = zipfile.ZipFile(file_like_object)
Now zipfile_ob can be accessed from memory.
The first argument to zipfile.ZipFile() can be a file object rather than a pathname. I think the Django UploadedFile object supports this use, so you can read directly from that rather than having to copy into a file.
You can also open the file directly from the zip archive rather than extracting that into a file.
import json
import zipfile
def get_zip(request):
if request.method == "POST":
client_file = request.FILES['file']
# unzip the zip file to the same directory
with zipfile.ZipFile(client_file, 'r') as zip_ref:
first = zip_ref.infolist()[0]
with, "r") as fo:
json_content = json.load(fo)
return HttpResponse(0)
except Exception as e:
return HttpResponse(1)

App Engine - download files from Cloud Storage

I am using Python 2.7 and Reportlab to create .pdf files for display/print in my app engine system. I am using ndb.Model to store the data if that matters.
I am able to produce the equivalent of a bank statement for a single client on-line. That is; the user clicks the on-screen 'pdf' button and the .pdf statement appears on screen in a new tab, exactly as it should.
I am using the following code to save .pdf files to Google Cloud Storage successfully
buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
self.p = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize=portrait(A4))
# create .pdf of .csv data here
pdfout = buffer.getvalue()
filename = getgcsbucket() + '/InvestorStatement.pdf'
write_retry_params = gcs.RetryParams(backoff_factor=1.1)
gcs_file =,
I am using the following code to create a list of all files for display on-screen, it shows all the files stored above.
allfiles = []
bucket_name = getgcsbucket()
rfiles = gcs.listbucket(bucket_name)
for rfile in rfiles:
return allfiles
My screen (html) shows rows of ([Delete] and Filename). When the user clicks the [Delete] button, the following delete code snippet works (filename is /bucket/filename, complete)
filename = self.request.get('filename')
except gcs.NotFoundError:
My question - given I have a list of files on-screen, I want the user to click on the filename and for that file to be downloaded to the user's computer. In Google's Chrome Browser, this would result in the file being downloaded, with it's name displayed on the bottom left of the screen.
One other point, the above example is for .pdf files. I will also have to show .csv files in the list and would like them to be downloaded as well. I only want the files to be downloaded, no display is required.
So, I would like a snippet like ...
filename = self.request.get('filename')
gcs.downloadtousercomputer(filename) ???
except gcs.NotFoundError:
I think I have tried everything I can find both here and elsewhere. Sorry I have been so long-winded. Any hints for me?
To download a file instead of showing it in the browser, you need to add a header to your response:
self.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename
You can specify the filename as shown above and it works for any file type.
One solution you can try is to read the file from the bucket and print the content as the response with the correct header:
import cloudstorage
def read_file(self, filename):
bucket_name = "/your_bucket_name"
file = bucket_name + '/' + filename
with as cloudstorage_file:
self.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = str('attachment;filename=' + filename)
contents =
Here filename could be something you are sending as GET parameter and needs to be a file that exist on your bucket or you will raise an exception.
[1] Here you will find a sample.

Download files from server in web2py

I am currently setting up a website where I get a file uploaded from the user , do some processing on it and provide a link for the user to download the processed file from. I presently want to provide a path to the file on my local system, I am new to web2py, and am having trouble doing this.
Could someone please help me do this?
see this link for some hint: webpy: how to stream files , and may be add some code like this:
BUF_SIZE = 262144
class download:
def GET(self):
file_name = # get from url
file_path = os.path.join('/path to your file', file_name)
f = None
f = open(file_path, "rb")
webpy.header('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s' % file_name)
while True:
c =
if c:
yield c
except Exception, e:
# throw 403 or 500 or just leave it
if f:

changing file name in django

I have a this model...
class MyModel(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to='files/',null=True, blank=True)
when i upload a file, example file name is docfile.doc. when i change the file or i rewrite it and upload again docfile.doc the file will become docfile_1.doc and the old docfile.doc is still exist.
i am doing the uploading and saving data in django-admin
my question is, how can i remove the old docfile.doc if i upload the new docfile.doc and the file name is still docfile.doc?
can anyone help me in my case? thanks in advance
i try this one :
def content_file_name(instance, filename):
print instance
print filename
file = os.path.exists(filename)
print file
if file:
return "file/"+str(filename)
class MyModel(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to=content_file_name,null=True, blank=True)
but nothing happend, when i upload docfile.doc again, it will become docfile_1.doc and the old docfile.doc still exist.
i got it... i use this
def content_file_name(instance, filename):
print instance
print filename
file = os.path.exists("media/file/"+str(filename))
print file
if file:
return "file/"+str(filename)
I don't know exactly how to do it, but i think these links can help you:
Here you can find the two options that a FileField accept. The one that i think will interest you the most is You can pass a storage object in that parameter.
It says: Optional. A storage object, which handles the storage and retrieval of your files.
Then, if you read this you would see that you can write your own storage object. Here is some explanation on how to do it. I think that you could just override the _save method in order to accomplish what you want to do (i.e: if the file already exists, remove it before saving the new copy.)
But be careful! I don't know which is the source of the files you are going to store. Maybe, your app is going to recieve lots of files with the same name, although they are all different. In this case, you would want to use a callable as the FileField.upload_to parameter, so that determine a unique filename for each file your site recieve.
I hope this helps you!
You could also have a look here: ImageField overwrite image file with same name
Define your own storage and overwrite its get available_name method.
The next code solves your problem. You override pre_save method where image is actually saved to storage. Please, rename functions for your project. Use newly created image field ImageFieldWithPermantName with your upload_to function (content_file_name).
If the code is too complicated you could simplify it. I use the code to do more complex operations for uploading images: I create thumbnails on-the-fly in custom _save_image function. So, you can simplify it.
from PIL import Image
import StringIO
from django.db.models import ImageField
from django.db.models.fields.files import FileField
from dargent.settings import MEDIA_ROOT
import os
class ImageFieldWithPermanentName( ImageField ):
def pre_save( self, model_instance, add ):
file = super( FileField, self ).pre_save(model_instance, add)
if file and not file._committed:
if callable( self.upload_to ):
path = self.upload_to( model_instance, "" )
path = self.upload_to = path # here we set the same name to a file
path = os.path.join( MEDIA_ROOT, path )
chunks = _get_chunks( file.chunks() )
_save_image( chunks, path )
return file
def _get_chunks( chunks ):
chunks_ = ""
for chunk in chunks:
chunks_ += chunk
return chunks_
def _get_image( chunks ):
chunks_ = ""
for chunk in chunks:
chunks_ += chunk
virt_file = StringIO.StringIO( chunks_ )
image = virt_file )
return image
def _save_image( chunks, out_file_path ):
image = _get_image( chunks ) out_file_path, "JPEG", quality = 100 )

