I am trying to make a python program that will take in plain text and encrypt it using a key. It is written with python 2.7.4
This is my code so far
def encrypter(intext, shift, modder):
plain = list(intext)
out = ''
j = 0
key = list(shift)
for i in plain:
if mod > 0:
x = chr((ord(i) + ord(key[(j % (len(plain) - 1)) % len(key)]) - 48) % 58 + 48)
if mod < 0:
x = chr(((ord(i) - ord(key[(j % (len(plain) - 1)) % len(key)]) - 48) % 58 + 48))
out += x
j += 1
return out
sel = raw_input("Encrypt (e)/ Decrypt (d)")
if sel == 'e':
mod = 1
elif sel == 'd':
mod = -1
mod = 0
print('Enter a proper value!')
if mod != 0:
print(encrypter(raw_input('Enter the text:'), raw_input('Enter the key-phrase:'), mod)
When I encrypt something I get this:
C:\Users\aesha_000\py\Scripts\python.exe "D:/Programming/Computing GCSE/Resources/functiontest3.py"
Encrypt (e)/ Decrypt (d)e
Enter the text:alex
Enter the key-phrase:pass
Process finished with exit code 0
But the problem is when I then Decrypt it again I get the wrong output:
C:\Users\aesha_000\py\Scripts\python.exe "D:/Programming/Computing GCSE/Resources/functiontest3.py"
Encrypt (e)/ Decrypt (d)d
Enter the text:]Yd:
Enter the key-phrase:pass
Process finished with exit code 0
Does anyone know the answer to this or am I just being stupid?
You should remove % 58 + 48.
I'm assuming you're using it for having printable ascii chars, but you should not. You're loosing information.
If you want to display "not printable ascii chard", use base64.
This question is relative to this one. But as my tried solution does not work, I open a new question to deal with my specific problems.
In the application I develop, I need to build python regex that includes unicodes, possibly in the whole range(0, 0x110000). When I build my regex, for example with the following:
regex += mycodepoint_as_char + ".{0," + str(max_repeat) + "}"
I observes that for some code points, the order is reversed as if I had written:
regex += "{0," + str(max_repeat) + "}." + mycodepoint_as_char
regex = ή.{0,2}{0,3}.䝆⚭.{0,3}俩.{0,4}ⷭ
In other cases, I have an exception.
So I studied the norm for biderectional unicode and some Q/A that explain surrogate pairs, Left-To-Right and Right-To-Left special code points, and some prohibited ones reserved for UTF-16.
My problem:
Then I have decided to test all of them, and to build a list of RTL ones and prohibited ones, assuming the first would change the order in the string, and that the last would raise an exception.
Here is my test code:
import sys
import os
import unicodedata #https://docs.python.org/fr/3/library/unicodedata.html, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalisation_Unicode
def group_consecutive(l):
res = []
i1 = 0
i2 = 0
while i1 < len(l):
while i2 + 1 < len(l) and l[i2+1] == l[i2] + 1:
i2 += 1
res.append((i1, i2+1)) # range(i1, i2+1) has consecutive values
i1 = i2+1
i2 = i1
return res
def id_rtl_code_points():
oldstdout = sys.stdout # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8777152/unable-to-restore-stdout-to-original-only-to-terminal
nullstdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26837247/how-to-disable-print-statements-conveniently-so-that-pythonw-can-run?noredirect=1&lq=1
forbiddenCP = []
sep = 'a' # choose a letter that can receive modifiers
s = ""
for i in range(0, 0x110000):
if i%0x10000 == 0:
print(hex(i) + "-------------") # show progress
if len(s) % 2 == 1: #keep synchronised, sep on modulo = 0, chr(i) on modulo = 1
s += sep
#sys.stdout = nullstdout
print(hex(i), " : " + sep + chr(i)) # without print, no error
s += sep + chr(i)
#sys.stdout = oldstdout
s += sep
rtlCP = []
for i in range(0, 0x110000,2):
if s[i] != sep: #not sure at all this algorythm is right
sys.stdout = oldstdout
#print("id_rtl_code_points - s = ", s)
print("rtlCP = ", group_consecutive(rtlCP))
print("rtlCP% = ", round(float(len(rtlCP))/0x110000*100, 2), "%")
print("forbiddenCP = ", group_consecutive(forbiddenCP))
print("forbiddenCP% = ", round(float(len(forbiddenCP))/0x110000*100, 2), "%")
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Run as it is, I get (I skip parts with dots):
$ ./test.py
0x0 : a
0x1 : a
0x2 : a
0x21 : a!
0x22 : a"
0x23 : a#
0x24 : a$
0x60 : a`
0x61 : aa
0x62 : ab
0x63 : ac
0x64 : ad
0x98 : a
0x9a : a
0x9b : a
9c : a
0x9d : a$ 1;1;120;120;1;0x
Not so good, I don't understand why it stops displaying.
If I forward stdout to /dev/null for the exception test (uncomment lines 33 and 41), I get:
$ ./test.py
rtlCP = []
rtlCP% = 0.0 %
forbiddenCP = [(0, 2048)]
forbiddenCP% = 0.18 %
The first 2048 code points would raise exception ? This is a silly result, of course not. I would have expected problems in the range U+D800 and U+DFFF.
Is my approach correct, then what do I miss, or is it non sense, then why?
I want to implement the hmac algorithm with SHA-1 by the definition from RFC 2104. The code is running but the results aren't the same as the test-vectors from RFC. I'm not sure if I'm loading the values correctly(String to Hex, or String to Bytes?).
As template I've used the pseudo-code from wikipedia
I'm not sure about the terms 'blocksize' and 'output size'. In the code from wikipedia the outputsize is one of the input values but never used.
This is my code so far:
First I'm setting up a hash-function, then I'm converting my input-strings (key and message) into hex values. Next step is to to look if key hast go get hashed or filled with zeros. Next I'm xor-ing the single chars from the key with those values (I don't know where they come from, but they're in every example without any comment). Last but not least I'm combining an inner string(I_key_pad + message) and hash it which results in an outer strings that im combining with the outer pad and hash it again.
import hashlib
from functools import reduce
def hmac(key, message, hashfunc):
hasher = hashlib.sha1
blocksize = 40
message = toHex(message) #is this right?
key = toHex(key)
#alternative: loading values as bytes
#message = bytes(message, 'utf-8')
#key = bytes(key, 'utf-8')
if len(key) > blocksize:
key = hasher(key)
#key = key.ljust(blocksize, '0') #filling from right to left
#key = key.ljust(blocksize, b'\0') #same as above but for bytes
key = pad(key, blocksize) #filling from left to right
val1 = 0x5c
val2 = 0x36
i = 0
o_key_pad = ""
i_key_pad = ""
while i < blocksize:
o_key_pad += str(ord(key[i]) ^ val1)
i_key_pad += str(ord(key[i]) ^ val2)
i += 1
tmp_string = str(i_key_pad) + str(message)
tmp_string = tmp_string.encode()
inner_hash = hasher(tmp_string).hexdigest()
fullstring = str(o_key_pad) + inner_hash
fullstring = fullstring.encode()
fullstring = hasher(fullstring).hexdigest()
def pad(key, blocksize):
key = str(key)
while len(key) < blocksize:
key = '0' + key
key = key
return key
def toHex(s):
lst = []
for ch in s:
hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
if len(hv) == 1:
hv = '0' + hv
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, lst)
def main():
while (1):
key = input("key = ")
message = input("message = ")
hash = input("hash (0: SHA-256, 1: SHA-1) = ")
hmac(key, message, hash)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I'm not understanding all the steps in your code, but here's a short example showing HMAC-SHA1 using only hashlib.sha1, with a helper function xor.
import hashlib
def xor(x, y):
return bytes(x[i] ^ y[i] for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))))
def hmac_sha1(key_K, data):
if len(key_K) > 64:
raise ValueError('The key must be <= 64 bytes in length')
padded_K = key_K + b'\x00' * (64 - len(key_K))
ipad = b'\x36' * 64
opad = b'\x5c' * 64
h_inner = hashlib.sha1(xor(padded_K, ipad))
h_outer = hashlib.sha1(xor(padded_K, opad))
return h_outer.digest()
def do_tests():
# test 1
k = b'\x0b' * 20
data = b"Hi There"
result = hmac_sha1(k, data)
# add tests as desired
So my teacher created this vigenere cipher and he said it was working.
However, after checking its results with online vigenere ciphers it appears to not be resulting with the correct encryptions.
I have no idea how to fix it and I was wondering if someone could direct me to the errors, and tell me how to fix them.
Here is the code
base = ord("a")
alphabets = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
keyword = input('What is your keyword')
message = input('What is your message to be coded or encoded?').lower()
expandedKeyword = ""
while len(expandedKeyword) < len(message):
for i in keyword:
if len(expandedKeyword) < len(message):
expandedKeyword += i
cipheredMessage = ''
indexofKeyword = 0
for i in message:
if i == ' ':
cipheredMessage = cipheredMessage + " "
shiftedIndex = (ord(i) + ord(expandedKeyword[indexofKeyword])-base) % 26 +base
cipheredMessage = cipheredMessage + chr(shiftedIndex)
indexofKeyword = indexofKeyword + 1
I understand the concept of what is happening, but I cant seem to figure out the error.
Your calculation of shiftedIndex is wrong, you need to subtract base twice , but you are currently only subtracting it once. Example -
shiftedIndex = (ord(i) + ord(expandedKeyword[indexofKeyword])-2*base) % 26 +base
This is because you need to subtract base first time from ord(i) to get the index of i (from 'a') , and the second time from ord(expandedKeyword[indexofKeyword]) , to get the index of that character (from 'a' ) . So it should look like (for better understanding) -
shiftedIndex = ((ord(i) - base) + (ord(expandedKeyword[indexofKeyword])-base)) % 26 + base
I am trying to use bitstring for python to interpret an incoming data packet and break it up into readable sections. the packet will consist of a header( Source (8bits), Destination (8bits), NS(3bits), NR(3bits), RSV(1bit), LST(1bit), OPcode(8bits), LEN(8bits) ),
the Payload which is somewhere between 0 and 128 bytes (determined by the LEN in the header) and a CRC of 16bits.
The data will be arriving in a large packet over the com port. The data is originated from a micro controller that is packetizing the data and sending it to the user, which is where the python comes in to play.
Since i am unsure of how to store it before parsing I do not have any code for this.
I am new to python and need a little help getting this off the ground.
I currently have a section of code up and running, but it is not producing exactly what i need.... Here is the section of code that i have up and running....
def packet_make(ser):
src = 10
p = 0
lst = 0
payload_make = 0
crc = '0x0031'
ns = 0
nr = 0
rsv = 0
packet_timeout = 0
top = 256
topm = 255
#os.system(['clear','cls'][os.name == 'nt'])
print("\tBatts: 1 \t| Berry: 2 \t| Bessler: 3")
print("\tCordell: 4 \t| Dave: 5 \t| Gold: 6")
print("\tYen: 7 \t| Erik: 8 \t| Tommy: 9")
print("\tParsons: 10 \t| JP: 11 \t| Sucess: 12")
dst = raw_input("Please select a destination Adderss: ")
message = raw_input("Please type a message: ")
#################### Start Making packet#################
p_msg = message
message = message.encode("hex")
ln = (len(message)/2)
#print (ln)
ln_hex = (ln * 2)
message = list(message)
num_of_packets = ((ln/128) + 1)
#print (num_of_packets)
message = "".join(message)
src = hex(src)
dst = hex(int(dst))
#print (message)
print("\n########Number of packets = "+str(num_of_packets) + " ############\n\n")
for p in range (num_of_packets):
Ack_rx = 0
if( (p + 1) == (num_of_packets)):
lst = 1
lst = 0
header_info = 0b00000000
if ((p % 2) > 0):
ns = 1
ns = 0
header_info = (header_info | (ns << 5))
header_info = (header_info | (nr << 2))
header_info = (header_info | (rsv << 1))
header_info = (header_info | (lst))
header_info = hex(header_info)
#print (header_info)
op_code = '0x44'
if (lst == 1):
ln_packet = ((ln_hex - (p * 256)) % 256)
if (p > 0):
ln_packet = (ln_packet + 2)
ln_packet = ln_packet
ln_packet = (ln_packet / 2)
# print (ln_packet)
# print()
ln_packet = 128
# print(ln_packet)
# print()
#ll = (p * 128)
#ul = ((ln - ll) % 128)
#print (message[ll:ul])
if ((p == 0)&(ln_hex > 256)):
ll = (p * 255)
# print(ll)
payload_make = (message[ll:256])
# print (payload_make)
elif ((p > 0) & ((ln_hex - (p*256)) > 256)):
ll = (p * 256)
# print(ll)
ll = (ll - 2)
ul = (ll + 256)
# print (ul)
payload_make = (message[ll:ul])
# print(payload_make)
elif ((p > 0) & ((ln_hex - (p*256)) < 257)):
ll = (p * 256)
# print(ll)
ll = (ll - 2)
ul = ((ln_hex - ll) % 256)
ul = (ll + (ul))
ul = ul + 2
# print(ul)
payload_make = (message[ll:ul])
# print(payload)
elif ((p == 0) & (ln_hex < 257)):
ll = (p * 255)
ul = ln_hex
payload_make = (message[ll:ul])
packet_m = BitStream()
packet_m.append(src) #src
packet_m.append(dst) #dst
if(int(header_info,16) < 16):
packet_m.append(header_info) # Ns, Nr, RSV, Lst
packet_m.append(op_code) #op Code
#if(ln_packet < 16):
packet_m.append((hex(ln_packet))) #Length
###################END OF HEADER#######################
packet_m.append(("0x"+payload_make)) #Payload
#packet_m.append(BitArray(p_msg)) #Payload
packet_m.append(crc) #CRC
temp_ack = '0x00'
while((Ack_rx == 0) & (packet_timeout <= 5)):
###### Send the packet
str_pack = list(str(packet_m)[2:])
for i in range (len(str_pack)):
t = ord(str_pack[i])
ack_packet = BitStream(ser.read())
if((len(ack_packet) > 3)):
temp_ack = ACK_parse(ack_packet)
packet_timeout = (packet_timeout + 1)
print "why so serious\n\n"
if(temp_ack == '0x41'):
Ack_rx = 1
elif (temp_ack == '0x4E'):
Ack_rx = 0
Acl_rx = 0
except serial.SerialTimeoutException: #if timeout occurs increment counter and resend last packet
Ack_rx = 0
packet_timeout = (packet_timeout + 1)
except serial.SerialException:
print "Error ... is not Active!!!", port
The output that is printed to the terminal is as follows when source and payload are both 1:
#######Number of packets = 1 #######
.... etc..
The micro on the other end of the serial reads : 0a0101441310031
when it should read a 1 1 44 1 31 0031
Python is sending each value as a separate character rather than putting it as one char. when it was appended into the packet rather than storing into the proper length and data type it seems to have separated the hex into 2 8 bit locations rather than 1 8 bit location....
The section of python code where i am reading from the Micro works flawlessly when reading an acknowledgement packet. I have not tried it with data, but i don't think that will be an issue. The C side can not read the ACK from the python side since it is separating the hex values into 2 char rather than transmitting just the 8 bit value....
Any ideas??? Thanks
Your exact problem is a bit vague, but I should be able to help with the bitstring portion of it.
You've probably got your payload to analyse as a str (or possibly bytes if you're using Python 3 but don't worry - it works the same way). If you haven't got that far then you're going to have to ask a more basic question. I'm going to make up some data to analyse (all this is being done with an interactive Python session):
>>> from bitstring import BitStream
>>> packet_data = '(2\x06D\x03\x124V\x03\xe8'
>>> b = BitStream(bytes=packet_data)
Now you can unpack or use reads on your BitStream to extract the things you need. For example:
>>> b.read('uint:8')
>>> b.read('uint:8')
>>> b.readlist('uint:3, uint:3')
[0, 1]
>>> b.readlist('2*bool')
[True, False]
>>> b.readlist('2*uint:8')
[68, 3]
>>> b.read('bytes:3')
This is just parsing the bytes and interpreting chunks as unsigned integers, bools or bytes. Take a look at the manual for more details.
If you just want the payload, then you can just extract the length then grab it by slicing:
>>> length = b[32:40].uint
>>> b[40:40 + length*8]
and if you want it back as a Python str, then use the bytes interpretation:
>>> b[40:40 + 3*8].bytes
There are more advance things you can do too, but a good way to get going in Python is often to open an interactive session and try some things out.
Hey, I have been working on this for a while, and I can remebr my brother stepped me through this very same alogorithm.
Basicly, it just adds the ascii values of both the characters from the key, and the phrase.
I can encrypt it with this:
def encrypt(key, string):
encoded = ''
for i in range(len(string)):
key_c = ord(key[i % len(key)])
string_c = ord(string[i % len(string)])
encoded += chr((key_c + string_c) % 127)
return encoded
But I can't seem to remember what we did as far as decrypting. Its difficult to revers a mod :P
Any ideas?
That's simple, let's see how it works. First of all, the encrypted message is obtained by subtracting the key.
enc = msg + key (mod 127)
How can we obtain the original message? That's easy, subtract the key in both sides
enc - key = msg + key - key (mod 127)
And here we get:
enc - key = msg (mod 127)
For more details, please refer to Modular arithmetic, I think it should belong one of group/field/ring. I'm not an expert in math, for further reading, you should check out Number theory. Here is the refined code:
def encrypt(key, msg):
encryped = []
for i, c in enumerate(msg):
key_c = ord(key[i % len(key)])
msg_c = ord(c)
encryped.append(chr((msg_c + key_c) % 127))
return ''.join(encryped)
def decrypt(key, encryped):
msg = []
for i, c in enumerate(encryped):
key_c = ord(key[i % len(key)])
enc_c = ord(c)
msg.append(chr((enc_c - key_c) % 127))
return ''.join(msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
key = 'This_is_my_awsome_secret_key'
msg = 'Hello world'
encrypted = encrypt(key, msg)
decrypted = decrypt(key, encrypted)
print 'Message:', repr(msg)
print 'Key:', repr(key)
print 'Encrypted:', repr(encrypted)
print 'Decrypted:', repr(decrypted)
Message: 'Hello world'
Key: 'This_is_my_awsome_secret_key'
Encrypted: '\x1dNV`O\nkO`fD'
Decrypted: 'Hello world'
Decryption is the same, except with minus instead of plus.
But you do not need to inverse the mod, just the + key_c, right? So just add 128, subtract key_c, and do modulo 127 again to keep in range. (instead of the last line, all the other lines are the same as with encrypting.