Import image as plane in blender script - python

Import images as planes work great in blender GUI, but when I try to use it in python module, I've got this error:
RuntimeError: Operator bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add.poll() Missing 'window' in context
My code is:
import bpy
import addon_utils
# enable plugins
# remove Cube object['Cube'].select = True
file = "test.jpg"
bpy.ops.import_image.to_plane(files=[{'name':file}], directory='.')

The import images as planes operator only functions within the 3dview, the current context is the window under the cursor when the script is run which would be the text editor where the script is. It is possible to override the current context, read this answer for more info.
Another option is to put your code into an operator and either run it by searching in the spacebar menu or from a button you add to the sidebar in the 3dview. You can find a template for creating a simple operator in blenders text editor or view it online.


pywinauto with a popup window

Im working through pywinauto, not a great developer but I can write some of the basics in python. Im getting hung up though. I have a popup that is causing me to not be able to press ok on and really not sure what direction I need to look
Really a two part question:
How can I move over to this popup IF it occurs, this wont always be the case as sometimes those files may not exist.
I tried using and also app.Confirm.type('{ENTER}') neither worked.
How can I add in variables that I could call from an external .txt file for things like the "localhost" I included there in my code?
Code here:
from pywinauto import application
import time
app = application.Application()
confirmWin = .app.window(title_re = u'Confirm') #Check your window header object name.
# Use timeout based on average pop up time in your application.
if confirmWin.exists(timeout=10, retry_interval=1):
yesBtn = confirmWin[u'&Yes']
# Check the object name of the Yes button. You can use Swapy tool(It is deprecated but it works, else you can use inspect.exe)
print('Confirmation pop up did not appear')
This should work :)

how to use functions of other .py modules in a GUI (tkinter) module in the same namespace?

I am new in tkinter please help me out .
I have implemented a module(PDF2Text.Py) that its class has a function (convert_pdf_to_txt(path)) that takes a path of a pdf file and converts the pdf file into text.
I also implemented another module( that its class has a function (creat_LDA_model(text)) that takes a text and do topic modeling on the text.
Now, I want the tkinter GUI that is, upon clicking the "Browse" button it browses the path with filedialog.askopenfilename and its command function send the given path to convert_pdf_to_txt(path) function of PDF2Text.Py.
Then by clicking the "Model" button, its command function returned text should be sent to creat_LDA_model(text) function in and show the result in an Entry widget or any other widget types .
I would like to know the structure of the GUI module;
how to call or get and set the parameters to other modules/functions from the GUI module in command functions of the buttons.
Seems like you have multiple questions here. I believe one of them is how to start askopenfilename in a particular folder. Once the file name is returned, i can be passed to another function.
fname = askopenfilename(initialdir = r'c:\somepath', filetypes=(("Statement files", "*.pdf"),))
To call other functions you have written, import the module, let's cal it, use something like this.
import ReadPdf
PdfOut = ReadPdf.ReadPDFData(fname)
CCStmtTxns = ReadPdf.ReadPDFData(CreditCardPDFDataPathandFile)

Changing Screen Resolution of Computer using python

I'm creating a python program that is supposed to streamline the process of setting up a computer. I want this python program to change the screen resolution of the computer and scaling of it. I'm not sure what the best approach is however, or how to approach it.
I've tried using an example pywin32 program, but it only outputted an array of resolution sizes
I had a look how to change screen resolution using C++ and then translated it to Python:
import win32api
import win32con
import pywintypes
devmode = pywintypes.DEVMODEType()
devmode.PelsWidth = 1366
devmode.PelsHeight = 768
devmode.Fields = win32con.DM_PELSWIDTH | win32con.DM_PELSHEIGHT
win32api.ChangeDisplaySettings(devmode, 0)
We needed a DEVMODE object to pass to the ChangeDisplaySettings function. The pywintypes module which is also part of pywin32 has a function to create objects of type DEVMODE.
We then set the PelsWidth and PelsHeight fields and also the Fields field to tell the API which field's values we want to use.
To change back to the previous resolution, simply call:
win32api.ChangeDisplaySettings(None, 0)
Thanks for asking the question. I've learned something.

How to properly load a file when a function is called (Python 2.7)

I am a newbie in Python and am creating a Tkinter GUI that basically allows users to find desired keywords in .docx files. I have two buttons that both load a pickle file and only one may also add content to the file and save. After using the file under one function(button) and trying to load it up again under the other function(button) the file does not load. It will only load up again after I fully exit the program and run it again. I am not using classes for this program, but I feel that I may have to. I am just not able to bounce between these functions and successfully pass the file. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code that may be most useful for this question:
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox
import sys,os,glob,pickle
root = Tk()
root.title('Potential Candidate Engine')
Pickle_File = ('Diction.pickle')
if os.path.exists(Pickle_File):
with open(Pickle_File,'r') as rPF:
Dictionary = pickle.load(rPF)
def Clear_Window():
RETURN = sys.executable
os.execl(RETURN, RETURN, * sys.argv)
def SR():
global Dictionary
### Scan the document here ###
def CNP():
global Dictionary
### User adds content here, file saves ###
That 'Clear_Window()' function is just a workaround to return to the main window after the user is done with one function and would like to use the other. It is executed when the RETURN button is pushed

Use file like objects for Tk().iconbitmap()

I am writing a program using Tkinter that is to be eventually compiled into an exe using py2exe. I want to include an icon with it for use on the windows. It will be the same one as I have packed as the icon for the exe. Is there a way to include the icon in Tkinter, either by locating the exe file or using a file-like object? I know that win32api can find the current exe file that's running, but I believe that py2exe extracts the original file to temp, and then runs it, so the original exe couldn't be found that way. I also thought of putting it in an include folder, but I don't know if the cwd would be set correctly for that. Thanks for the help in advance!
Tk images have a -data option which lets you embed the image within the code. You just have to base64-encode the image. I think the image has to originally be in the GIF format.
Here's a working example:
import Tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
data = '''R0lGODlhIAAgALMAAAAAAAAAgHCAkC6LV76+vvXeswD/ANzc3DLNMubm+v/6zS9P
img = tk.PhotoImage(data=data)
label = tk.Label(image=img)
You can embedd the icon in the py2exe binary with the icon_resources option
{'script':'', "icon_resources": [(1, "toto.ico")]},
Then you can retrieve it with the windows api
import win32gui, win32api, win32con
from ctypes import c_int, windll
hicon = win32gui.CreateIconFromResource(win32api.LoadResource(None, win32con.RT_ICON, 13), True)
and then attach to a window as long as you know his HWND.
windll.user32.SendMessageA(c_int(hwnd), c_int(win32con.WM_SETICON), c_int(win32con.ICON_SMALL), c_int(hicon))
The 13 constant used in the LoadResource has been retrieved with a tool like ResourceHacker. In ResourceHacker, it corresponds to the folder name of the icon. I don't know how it is calculated by py2exe and if there is a way to force this value.
I don't know also if there is a pure TkInter way to do that and if the icon can be used as-is in a tkinter window.
I hope it helps

