I am writing a back end for a mobile app using Django 1.8. The django-push-notifications lib provides the GCMDevice model. The problem is I already have a Device model with some mandatory field and some logic I don't want to lose.
What I wanted to do is to inherit whole GCMDevice functionality and adjust them to my Device model(which btw inherits another mixin providing spatial data fields, with custom object Manager set which I want to keep). I read about 3 different django model inheritance ideas but none of them seem to solve my problem (keeping managers, provide django-push-notifications functionality, keeping my Device model fields). Maybe OneToOne association will do the work?
class Device(MyMixin):
gcm_device = models.OneToOneField(GCMDevice)
my_other_field = models.TextField()
def send_message(self, payload):
Any reason why it is necessary to inherit? Could composition be a substitute for what you are trying to do by inheritance?
----------------- Edited answer -----------------
class Device(models.Model):
gcm_device = models.OneToOneField(GCMDevice)
I have given the most simple case, you could make the GCM device your primary key as well.
Title says it all. I'll illustrate the question by showing what I'm trying to do.
I have extended Django's ModelForm class to create a ResourceForm, which has some functionality built into its clean() method for working with Resources, the details of which are unimportant. The ResourceForm is basically a library class, and there are no models in the app where the ResourceForm class is defined, so I can't just use an existing model from the app (e.g., mock.Mock(spec=SomeModel) is not an option).
I am trying to unit test ResourceForm, but I can't figure out the right way to mock a Django Model, which is required since ResourceForm inherits from ModelForm. This is one of several efforts I have tried (not using mock in this case, but it serves to illustrate what is being attempted):
class ResourceFormTestCase(TestCase):
class SampleModel(Model):
sample_field = CharField()
class SampleResourceForm(ResourceForm):
class Meta():
model = SampleModel
fields = ['sample_field']
def test_unsupported_field_raise_validation_error(self):
print('Test validation error is raised when unsupported field is provided')
form_data = {'sample_field': 'FooBar', 'unsupported_field': 'Baz'}
form = self.SampleResourceForm(data=form_data)
But that raises:
RuntimeError: Model class customer.tests.tests_lib_restless_ext.SampleModel doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.
I'm open to suggestions if I'm way off-base in how I'm trying to test this.
The simplest thing that might work is to use the user model that comes with Django.
If that's not acceptable, I have successfully patched enough of the Django plumbing to make it shut up and run unit tests without a database connection. Look in the django_mock_queries project to see if any of that is helpful.
I'm creating an app in Django and so far I have been using an extended user model like so:
class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser):
with all the user and profile info, but I see a lot of people creating different models for the profile and the user itself on stack overflow, using OneToOneField, although those are mostly old questions.
My question is: which is better and, if there isn't a best among them, what are the advantages for each solution?
It depends on what you want to do -- if you're happy with the User model as it stands in the latest version of Django you should just use that -- it's easy and you'll get a lot functionality that goes along with it -- for example a pretty good permission system, and you can be sure to be compatible with all third party modules. But if you thing you'll need to expand on the User model, it's pretty straightforward how to do it. You might find that in the future you need to add more methods to your model than you expected.
The examples that you see with separate UserProfile / User model are mostly a legacy of django < 1.5, where that was the recommended way to extend the User model. There's no reason to follow that pattern any more -- it's a lot more work to have to use two models where you just want one model
**2019 Update**
If you are starting a new Django project, you should always create your own custom user model that inherits from AbstractUser, as per the Django documentation, i.e.
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
class User(AbstractUser):
even if you don't need any additional functionality. The reason for this is that for very low effort, you are making it easy to customize your user object in the future. It's very laborious to replace the built-in User object with your own after you have run the initial migrations, unless you're able to delete all of your data and migrations and start over.
I find some useful information in Django docs:
Extending Django’s default User¶
If you’re entirely happy with Django’s User model and you just want to
add some additional profile information, you could simply subclass
django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractUser and add your custom profile
fields, although we’d recommend a separate model as described in the
“Model design considerations” note of Specifying a custom User model.
AbstractUser provides the full implementation of the default User as
an abstract model.
Model design considerations
Think carefully before handling information not directly related to
authentication in your custom User Model.
It may be better to store app-specific user information in a model
that has a relation with the User model. That allows each app to
specify its own user data requirements without risking conflicts with
other apps. On the other hand, queries to retrieve this related
information will involve a database join, which may have an effect on
So if I reads it correctly, it means if the fields are related to authentication, then you should consider substitute the original User model. But if it's not related, like profile fields, such birthday, or profile_image, then you might want to create a standalone app that reference the original User model.
And a good tutorial I found: http://riceball.com/d/content/django-18-tutoria-52-adding-user-profile
A ForeignKey is to create a one-to-many relationship. In other words, it will return a queryset. For example, a single car has many wheels, but one wheel isn't attached to several different cars.
A OneToOneField will create a relationship between strictly two objects. For example, the rim belongs to the front-left tire, and only that tire has that rim.
Does that make sense?
I wrote a quest system for an online game. My quests are serialized into json objects for a JavaScript client that fetches those quests then from a REST backend (I use django RestFramework)
Now I'm wondering on which class or django model I should put the "behaviour" that belongs to the data.
I stored the data that belongs to a quest in several separate models:
A model QuestHistory: with models.Fields like Boolean completed, and Datetime started where I put the information belonging to a specific user (it also as a field user).
Then I have a model QuestTemplate : The part that is always the same, fields like quest_title and quest_description
I also have a model Rewards and model Task and TaskHistory that are linked to a quest with a foreign Key field.
To combine this information back to quest I created a pure python class Quest(object): and defined methods on this class like check_quest_completion. This class is the then later serialized. The Problem with this approach is that It becomes quite verbose, for example when I instantiate this class or when I define the Serializer.
Is there a python or django "shortcut" to put all fields of a django model into another class (my Quest class here), something similar to the dict.update method maybe?
Or should I try to put the methods on the models instead and get rid of the Quest class?
I have some other places in my game that look very similar to the quest system for example the inventory system so I'm hoping for a more elegant solution.
You should put the methods of the Quest class on the model itself and get rid of the Quest class.
Does anyone can tell me if it's possible to create a Model class, with some model fields and some other fields taking their data from external data sources. The point is that I would like this model to be exploited the same way as another model by ModelForm for instance. I mean if I redefine "objects" Manager of the model by specifying the actions to get the datas for special fields (those who may not be linked to datas from the database), would the modelForm link the input with the fields not attached to the database ? Similar question about related objects. If I have a Model that has a relation with that special Model, can I get this Model instances through the classic way to get related objects (with both the classic model fields and the non-database fields) ?
Please tell me if I'm not clear, I'll reformulate.
EDIT: I tried to make a Model with custom fields, and then override the default Manager and its functions: all, get, ... to get objects like it would be with classical Model and Manager, it works. However, I don't use QuerySet, and it seems that the only way to get ModelForm, related objects and the admin functionnalities, working with it, is to build the QuerySet properly and let it being returned by the manager. That's why now I'm wondering if it's possible to properly and manually build a QuerySet with data got from external sources, or tell django-admin, model forms and related objects to take care of another class than queryset on this Model.
The way is to define custom methods:
Define custom methods on a model to add custom "row-level"
functionality to your objects. Whereas Manager methods are intended to
do "table-wide" things, model methods should act on a particular model
This is a valuable technique for keeping business logic in one place
-- the model.
I have now a partial solution. I override the Manager and in particular its all() and get() functions (because I only need those functions for now). all() returns a queryset in which I added the result of some logics that give me objects build from external datas (taken through xmlrpc in my case). I added those objects to the qs through _result_cache attribute.
I think it's not clean and in fact my Model is now a custom Model and I don't have any database field. I may use it to fill database Models... However I can use it the same way as classic models: MyModel.objects.all() for example.
If anyone has another idea I'd really appreciate.
Is it possible to use Django's user authentication features with more than one profile?
Currently I have a settings.py file that has this in it:
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'auth.UserProfileA'
and a models.py file that has this in it:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class UserProfileA(models.Model):
company = models.CharField(max_length=30)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
that way, if a user logs in, I can easily get the profile because the User has a get_profile() method. However, I would like to add UserProfileB. From looking around a bit, it seems that the starting point is to create a superclass to use as the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE and have both UserProfileA and UserProfileB inherit from that superclass. The problem is, I don't think the get_profile() method returns the correct profile. It would return an instance of the superclass. I come from a java background (polymorphism) so I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing.
Well I found a way to do it via something called an "inheritance hack" that I found at this site http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1031/
It works really well, however, coming from a java background where this stuff happens automatically, I'm a little unsettled by the fact that someone had to code this up and call it a "hack" to do it in python. Is there a reason why python doesn't enable this?
So the issue you're going to have is that whatever you want for your profile, you need to persist it in a database of some sort. Basically all of the back-ends for django are relational, and thus every field in a persisted object is present in every row of the table. there are a few ways for getting what you want.
Django provides some support for inheritance. You can use the techniques listed and get reasonable results in a polymorphic way.
The most direct approach is to use multiple table inheritance. Roughly:
class UserProfile(models.Model):
# set settings.AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE to this class!
class UserProfileA(UserProfile):
class UserProfileB(UserProfile):
To use it:
profile = user.get_profile().userprofilea
# user profile is UserProfileA
except UserProfileA.DoesNotExist:
# user profile wasn't UserProfileB
profile = user.get_profile().userprofileb
# user profile is UserProfileB
except UserProfileB.DoesNotExist:
# user profile wasn't either a or b...
Edit: Re, your comment.
The relational model implies a number of things that seem to disagree with object oriented philosophy. For a relation to be useful, it requires that every element in the relation to have the same dimensions, so that relational queries are valid for the whole relation. Since this is known a-priori, before encountering an instance of a class stored in the relation, then the row cannot be a subclass. django's orm overcomes this impedance mismatch by storing the subclass information in a different relation (one specific to the subclass), There are other solutions, but they all obey this basic nature of the relational model.
If it helps you come to terms with this, I'd suggest looking at how persistence on a RDBMs works for applications in the absence of an ORM. In particular, relational databases are more about collections and summaries of many rows, rather than applying behaviors to data once fetched from the database.
The specific example of using the profile feature of django.contrib.auth is a rather uninteresting one, especially if the only way that model is ever used is to fetch the profile data associated with a particular django.contrib.auth.models.User instance. If there are no other queries, you don't need a django.models.Model subclass at all. You can pickle a regular python class and store it in a blob field of an otherwise featureless model.
On the other hand, if you want to do more interesting things with profiles, like search for users that live in a particular city, then it will be important for all profiles to have an index for their city property. That's got nothing to do with OOP, and everything to do with relational.
The idios app by the Pinax team aimed at solving the multiple-profile problem. You can tweak the model to make the inheritance of the base profile class either abstract or non-abstract.
Here is the answer to my question of how to get multiple profiles to work:
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
class Contact(models.Model):
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType,editable=False,null=True)
def save(self):
if(not self.content_type):
self.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.__class__)
def as_leaf_class(self):
content_type = self.content_type
model = content_type.model_class()
if(model == Contact):
return self
return model.objects.get(id=self.id)
I don't really understand why it works or why the developers of django/python made inheritance work this way
If you have app-specific options for each user, I would rather recommend to put them into a separate model.
A simplified example:
class UserSettings(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, primary_key = True)
# Settings go here
defaultLocale = models.CharField(max_length = 80, default = "en_US")
This would be used like so:
def getUserSettings(request):
return UserSettings.objects.get(pk = request.user)
except UserSettings.DoesNotExist:
# Use defaults instead, that's why you should define reasonable defaults
# in the UserSettings model
return UserSettings()