trouble with importing python modules - python

I am trying to import Python packages that I had previously installed but I keep getting this error when trying to import it
"ImportError: No module named gdal"
In the images attached (in the link :P) you can see that the package python-gdal and python-numpy are installed. I am also attaching the python output.
P.S = I am using Ubuntu and running python from the terminal.

You have possibly installed a non-Ubuntu version of Python - Anaconda - yet these packages are installed into the system Python. You should probably remove Anaconda, and/or run the system Python explicitly as /usr/bin/python.


Installing and using npTDMS with Spyder - anaconda3

I have successfully installed npTDMS as seen here:
If I try to install with command line using either pip or conda I get a message confirming it is already installed, and I see the package at D:\Users\username\anaconda3\pkgs.
On Spyder I have tried using the PYTHON path manager (in the tools menu) to add both:
As far as I understand this should be enough to use the npTDMS package, however when I try to import I get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nptdms'.
I'm fairly new to python overall so maybe there is a simple thing I am missing.
This issue comes when there are multiple versions of python or any package you are running at current time. The same issue was with me too when the IDLE was not able to detect the position of where the package is installed.
My suggestion is that uninstall all the versions of python and the module you are using and install them again. Otherwise shift to any other IDLE, in my recommendation - Visual Studio Code.

No module named 'cv2' even though it was successfully installed

I pip installed several packages (opencv, face_recognition, imutils)
They were all successfully installed, but are not recognized
I have a python script named which imports cv2, but when I run it I get the following:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'
I tried using pip list command to see the packages I have installed, but the packages I installed are not showing as you can see below.
I run to check my python version, it says it's using 3.8.2 which is where my packages are stored, as shown below.
I tried using #!/Users/Khuzama/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8 (the path of my packages) in my script, but still the same issue.
I am using jupyter notebook (anaconda navigator)
It is most probably the python environment you installed the packages are not the one you are currently referring to.
Try seeing the output of
which python
if this doesn't point to the anaconda one, then navigate to Users/Khuzama/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8 and run your script from there. Alternatively you can link the python from anaconda as the main python for your system

how to clear unresolved import 'cv2' error?

I have installed Python 3.9 on my ubuntu 18.04 desktop, i have already installed two libraries using pip3 install
Currently i am writing a program in VSCode for which i am importing cv2
I have already default version of python 3.6.9 in my computer. When i use default version as interpreter, program seems to be working fine.But if i switch the interpreter to newly installed python 3.9 , i get an error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'
please someone who has faced such problem and know how to resolve it help me!!!...
The reason is as you described: it is due to the use of the Python environment.
The module "cv2" is installed in "lib\site-packages\" in python3.6.9, but when we use "python3.9" without the module "cv2" installed, VS Code is in "python3.9" The module could not be found in "lib\site-packages\".
You could use the command "pip3 --version" to check the source of the module installation tool, the module is installed in "lib\site-packages\" here:
When using the command "pip3 show opencv-python" to check its installation location: (...\python\python38\lib\site-packages)
Therefore, if you want to use the module "cv2" in "python3.9", please install it in this environment. In addition, it is recommended that you use a virtual environment, it will be stored in "lib\site-packages" in the folder of the project so that you could check it more intuitively.

Python module shows up in pip freeze, but cannot be imported

I'm in Win10 and use vanilla Python 3.7.3 (e.g. not conda or anything). I had a successful pip install for the package, the package shows up in pip freeze, and the package is supposed to be compatible with my version of Python. I've seen several threads with similar issues on OS X and Linux, and have tried to emulate their solutions on Windows, but no luck. I'm guessing it could be an issue with my PATH variable, but I'm not quite sure. The error I get when trying to import is the "No module named" error.
Went into site-packages...for some reason the module was named Bio there (everywhere else it's named biopython, again, including pip freeze) and importing that worked. Not sure if this was just a bad dev choice or what.

Failing to import pyqt5 libraries on a system where both anaconda3 and python 3.5 is installed

I'm new to python trying to figure out some basics. I installed python 3.5 and then, to use jupyter notebook I installed anaconda distrubition. After that, I installed pycharm and started learning python.
After a few weeks, I was able to create a simple project which makes use of pyqt5. My project runs when I run it from pycharm itself, but when I try to run it with "python" command from cmd I get an error, stating that import from pyqt5 has failed. I did some research, and installed pyqt5 using pip, but the problem persists.
So what should I do to run my project without anaconda, using python 3.5?
It seems the anaconda distrubution and python itself were conflicting. Whenever I tried to install a module using pip (like pyqt5), it is installed under anaconda's python so when I try to invoke my own python from console i failed to use those installed modules. Hence there seems to be two option;
Delete all python related stuff from the computer and clean install python only - no anaconda. (I did this)
Or when installing a module, try using different pip's for the two python distrubutions on our computer. Check this link: Install a module using pip for specific python version

