I'm building a django app that requires to display (on google map) items near the user current location. (ie. the nearest coffee shop kind of request).
I haven't decided how I will capture those items' location in db.
The requirements aren't final but I'm guessing the user will want to sort by distance, etc.
My question is what solution should I look into?
I looked at geodjango but it seems to be an overkill.
Could you please tell me what solution you would use and why?
Thanks everyone!
You will need to use RDBMS like MySQL or postgresql. Then, create your objects (e.g: cafeshops) with latitude and longitude as flout. Get the user's latitude and longitude and look it up via sin and cos functions.
You will need to write a raw sql query to look up objects based on their latitude and longitude.
Read this: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2569355/Geo-Distance-Search-with-MySQL
Take a look at this: Filter zipcodes by proximity in Django with the Spherical Law of Cosines
and this: latitude/longitude find nearest latitude/longitude - complex sql or complex calculation
Previously I have used OSMnx library in python to get the closest drive way to a particular gps datapoint. To do so I was using following code:
places=['Nebraska, USA']
origin_point = (lat, long)
nearest_edge = ox.get_nearest_edge(G, origin_point)
Now what I want to do is querying OpenStreetMap with Athena for the same thing (still in the python). I want to give bunch of gps datapoints and for each datapoint get the closest road. Does anyone know how I should do this?
Also if you know any documentation which can help I really appreciate it.
Athena and Presto support Geo-spatial functions such as:
SELECT ST_Distance(ST_Point(-71.0882, 42.3607), ST_Point(-74.1197, 40.6976))
Based on the dataset that you want to focus on and its format you can build in S3 a databased on the location that you care about such as roads in Nebraska, USA, and query against it.
In MongoDB if we provide a coordinate and a distance, using $near operator will find us the documents nearby within the provided distance, and sorted by distance to the given point.
Does Redis provide similar functions?
For the people who come accross this old question right now,
Now redis has new geographical commands such as GEOADD and GEORADIUS which covers the question's requirements.
Noelkd was right. There is no inbuilt function in Redis.
I found that the simplest solution is to use geohash to store the hashed lat/lng as keys.
Geohash is able to store locations nearby with similar structure, e.g.
A hash of a certain location is ebc8ycq, then the nearby locations can be queried with the wildcard ebc8yc* in Redis.
Well i want to use facebook's graph api to get checkins from a specific geo-graphical location with python.
In the api documentation area i didn't find the right combinations of api parameters to get it done;
For example , if i want to get all checkins in coffee-shops in Harvard-square(Boston) what would be the api call ? (without going into specifying every coffee-shop in that location)
You can search for coffee places as follows:
You can then narrow narrow your search to a specific location and distance by adding the center parameter (with latitude and longitude) and an optional distance parameter:
This is documented by Facebook here.
I have a large collection (and growing) of geospatial data (lat, lon) points (stored in mongodb, if that helps).
I'd like to generate a choropleth map (http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/ex/choropleth.html), which requires knowing the state which contains that point. Is there a database or algorithm that can do this without requiring call to external APIs (i.e. I'm aware of things like geopy and the google maps API).
Actually, the web app you linked to contains the data you need -
If you look at http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/ex/us_lowres.js for each state, borders[] contains a [lat,long] polyline which outlines the state. Load this data and check for point-in-polygon - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_in_polygon
Per Reverse Geocoding Without Web Access you can speed it up a lot by pre-calculating a bounding box on each state and only testing point-in-polygon if point-in-bounding-box.
Here's how to do it in FORTRAN. Remember FORTRAN? Me neither. Anyway, it looks pretty simple, as every state has its own range.
EDIT It's been point out to me that your starting point is LAT-LONG, not the zipcode.
The algorithm for converting a lat-long to a political division is called "a map". Seriously, that's allan ordinary map is, a mapping of every point in some range to the division it belongs to. A detailed digital map of all 48 contiguous states would be a big database, and then you would need some (fairly simple) code to determine for each state (described as a series of line segments outlining the border) whether a given point was inside it or out.
you can try using Geonames database. It has long/lat as well as city, postal and other location type data. It is free as well.
but If you need to host it locally or import it into your own database , the USGS and NGA provide a comprehensive list of cities with lat/lon. It's updated reguarly, free, and reliable.
Not sure the quality of the data, but give this a shot: http://www.boutell.com/zipcodes/
If you don't mind a very crude solution, you could adapt the click-map here.
I'm building a directory for finding athletic tournaments on GAE with
web2py and a Flex front end. The user selects a location, a radius, and a maximum
date from a set of choices. I have a basic version of this query implemented, but it's
inefficient and slow. One way I know I can improve it is by condensing
the many individual queries I'm using to assemble the objects into
bulk queries. I just learned that was possible. But I'm also thinking about a more extensive redesign that utilizes memcache.
The main problem is that I can't query the datastore by location
because GAE won't allow multiple numerical comparison statements
(<,<=,>=,>) in one query. I'm already using one for date, and I'd need
TWO to check both latitude and longitude, so it's a no go. Currently,
my algorithm looks like this:
1.) Query by date and select
2.) Use destination function from geopy's distance module to find the
max and min latitude and longitudes for supplied distance
3.) Loop through results and remove all with lat/lng outside max/min
4.) Loop through again and use distance function to check exact
distance, because step 2 will include some areas outside the radius.
Remove results outside supplied distance (is this 2/3/4 combination
5.) Assemble many-to-many lists and attach to objects (this is where I
need to switch to bulk operations)
6.) Return to client
Here's my plan for using memcache.. let me know if I'm way out in left
field on this as I have no prior experience with memcache or server
caching in general.
-Keep a list in the cache filled with "geo objects" that represent all
my data. These have five properties: latitude, longitude, event_id,
event_type (in anticipation of expanding beyond tournaments), and
start_date. This list will be sorted by date.
-Also keep a dict of pointers in the cache which represent the start
and end indices in the cache for all the date ranges my app uses (next
week, 2 weeks, month, 3 months, 6 months, year, 2 years).
-Have a scheduled task that updates the pointers daily at 12am.
-Add new inserts to the cache as well as the datastore; update
Using this design, the algorithm would now look like:
1.) Use pointers to slice off appropriate chunk of list based on
supplied date.
2-4.) Same as above algorithm, except with geo objects
5.) Use bulk operation to select full tournaments using remaining geo
objects' event_ids
6.) Assemble many-to-manys
7.) Return to client
Thoughts on this approach? Many thanks for reading and any advice you
can give.
GeoModel is the best I found. You may look how my GAE app return geospatial queries. For instance India http query is with optional cc (country code) using geomodel library lat=20.2095231&lon=79.560344&cc=IN
You might be interested by geohash, which enables you to do an inequality query like this:
SELECT latitude, longitude, title FROM
myMarkers WHERE geohash >= :sw_geohash
AND geohash <= :ne_geohash
Have a look at this fine article which was featured in this month's Google App Engine App Engine Community Update blog post.
As a note on your proposed design, don't forget that entities in Memcache have no guarantee of staying in memory, and that you can not have them "sorted by date".