Pyro4 RPC blocking - python

I am currently doing development on a high performance numeric calculations system that posts it results to a web server. We use flask on a seperate process to serve the web page to keep everything interactive and use websockets to send the data to a JS plotter. The calculations are also split using multiprocessing for performance reasons.
We are currently using Pyro4 to get parameters updated in the calculations from the server. However, if the number of updates per second gets high on our Pyro4 settings object it starts blocking and makes it impossible to update any parameters until we restart the server. The proxy calls are made inside of an async websocket callback.
We are currently not getting any tracebacks, nor exceptions which makes debugging this all tricky. Are there any other people that have a lot of experience with Pyro in this context?
Pyro daemon init code:
Pyro4.config.SERVERTYPE = "multiplex"
daemon = Pyro4.Daemon()
ns = Pyro4.locateNS()
settings = cg.Settings(web_opt, src_opt, rec_opt, det_opt)
uri = daemon.register(settings)
ns.register("cg.settings", uri)
Settings class:
class Settings(object):
def __init__(self, web_opt, src_opt, rec_opt, det_opt):
self.pipes = [web_opt, src_opt, rec_opt, det_opt]
def update(self, update):
[pipe.send(update) for pipe in self.pipes]
Proxy call:
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
data = json.loads(payload)
self.factory.content.set_by_uuid(data['id'], data['value'], self.client_address)
settings = Pyro4.Proxy("PYRONAME:cg.settings")
values = self.factory.content.values


python : dynamically spawn multithread workers with flask-socket io and python-binance

Hello fellow developers,
I'm actually trying to create a small webapp that would allow me to monitor multiple binance accounts from a dashboard and maybe in the futur perform some small automatic trading actions.
My frontend is implemented with Vue+quasar and my backend server is based on python Flask for the REST api.
What I would like to do is being able to start a background process dynamically when a specific endpoint of my server is called. Once this process is started on the server, I would like it to communicate via websocket with my Vue client.
Right now I can spawn the worker and create the websocket communication, but somehow, I can't figure out how to make all the threads in my worker to work all together. Let me get a bit more specific:
Once my worker is started, I'm trying to create at least two threads. One is the infinite loop allowing me to automate some small actions and the other one is the flask-socketio server that will handle the sockets connections. Here is the code of that worker :
import time
from flask import Flask
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, send, emit
import threading
import json
import eventlet
# custom class allowing me to communicate with my mongoDD
from db_wrap import DbWrap
from binance.client import Client
from binance.exceptions import BinanceAPIException, BinanceWithdrawException, BinanceRequestException
from binance.websockets import BinanceSocketManager
def process_message(msg):
print('got a websocket message')
class customWorker:
def __init__(self, workerId, sleepTime, dbWrap):
self.workerId = workerId
self.sleepTime = sleepTime
self.socketio = None
self.dbWrap = DbWrap()
# this retrieves worker configuration from database
self.config = json.loads(self.dbWrap.get_worker(workerId))
keys = self.dbWrap.get_worker_keys(workerId)
self.binanceClient = Client(keys['apiKey'], keys['apiSecret'])
def handle_message(self, data):
print ('My PID is {} and I received {}'.format(os.getpid(), data))
def init_websocket_server(self):
app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='eventlet', logger=True, engineio_logger=True, cors_allowed_origins="*")
socketio.on_event('message', self.handle_message)
self.socketio = socketio = app
def launch_main_thread(self):
while True:
print('My PID is {} and workerId {}'
.format(os.getpid(), self.workerId))
if self.socketio is not None:
info = self.binanceClient.get_account()
self.socketio.emit('my_account', info, namespace='/')
def launch_worker(self):
self.socketio.start_background_task(self.launch_main_thread), host="", port=8001, debug=True, use_reloader=False)
Once the REST endpoint is called, the worker is spawned by calling birth_worker() method of "Broker" object available within my server :
from custom_worker import customWorker
def create_worker(self, workerid, sleepTime, dbWrap):
worker = customWorker(workerid, sleepTime, dbWrap)
def birth_worker(workerid, 5, dbwrap):
p = Process(target=self.create_worker, args=(workerid,10, botPipe, dbWrap))
So when this is done, the worker is launched in a separate process that successfully creates threads and listens for socket connection. But my problem is that I can't use my binanceClient in my main thread. I think that it is using threads and the fact that I use eventlet and in particular the monkey_patch() function breaks it. When I try to call the binanceClient.get_account() method I get an error AttributeError: module 'select' has no attribute 'poll'
I'm pretty sure about that it comes from monkey_patch because if I use it in the init() method of my worker (before patching) it works and I can get the account info. So I guess there is a conflict here that I've been trying to resolve unsuccessfully.
I've tried using only the thread mode for my app by using async_mode=threading but then, my flask-socketio app won't start and listen for sockets as the line, host="", port=8001, debug=True, use_reloader=False) blocks everything
I'm pretty sure I have an architecture problem here and that I shouldn't start my app by launching I've been unable to start it with gunicorn for example because I need it to be dynamic and call it from my python scripts. I've been struggling to find the proper way to do this and that's why I'm here today.
Could someone please give me a hint on how is this supposed to be achieved ? How can I dynamically spawn a subprocess that will manage a socket server thread, an infinite loop thread and connections with binanceClient ? I've been roaming stack overflow without success, every advice is welcome, even an architecture reforge.
Here is my environnement:
Manjaro Linux 21.0.1

TWS IB Gateway (version 972/974) Client keeps disconnecting

I am trying to connect with IB Api to download some historical data. I have noticed that my client connects to the API, but then disconnects automatically in a very small period (~a few seconds).
Here's the log in the server:
socket connection for client{10} has closed.
Connection terminated.
Here's my main code for starting the app:
class TestApp(TestWrapper, TestClient):
def __init__(self):
TestClient.__init__(self, wrapper=self)
self.connect(config.ib_hostname, config.ib_port, config.ib_session_id)
self.session_id = int(config.ib_session_id)
self.thread = Thread(target =
setattr(self, "_thread", self.thread)
def reset_connection(self):
def check_contract(self, name, exchange_name, security_type, currency):
ibcontract = IBcontract()
ibcontract.secType = security_type
ibcontract.symbol = name = exchange_name
ibcontract.currency = currency
return self.resolve_ib_contract(ibcontract)
def resolve_contract(self, security):
ibcontract = IBcontract()
ibcontract.secType = security.security_type()
ibcontract.currency = security.currency()
return self.resolve_ib_contract(ibcontract)
def get_historical_data(self, security, duration, bar_size, what_to_show):
data = test_app.get_IB_historical_data(resolved_ibcontract.contract, duration, bar_size, what_to_show)
return data
def create_app():
test_app = TestApp()
return test_app
Any suggestions on what could be the problem? I can show more error messages from the debug if needed.
If you can connect without issue only by changing the client ID, typically that indicates that the previous connection was not properly closed and TWS thinks its still open. To disconnect an API client you should call the EClient.disconnect function explicity, overridden in your example as:
Though its not necessary to disconnect/reconnect after every task, and you can just leave the connection open for extended periods.
You may sometimes encounter problems if an API function, such as reqHistoricalData, is called immediately after connection. Its best to have a small pause after initiating a connection to wait for a callback such as nextValidID to ensure the connection is complete before proceeding.
I'm not sure what the function init_error() is intended for in your example since it would always be called when a TestApp object is created (whether or not there is an error).
Installing the latest version of TWS API (v 9.76) solved the problem.

Load test websocket server?

I have a websocket server I'd like to determine:
max concurrent connections
any errors
As far as I know, to get this job done, I need a decent websocket test suite. I've so far only attempted to use Thor. But it doesn't allow me to send extra data.
The websocket server requires a token for a connection, hence why Thor doesn't work out of the box, I need a way to send a token with the test software. I'd like to keep this part in the test, as it has to authenticate to another machine, and hence would not be a true load test if I remove that part.
code for the tornado file:
class WebSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def check_origin(self, origin):
return True
def open(self, *args): = self.get_argument("id")
accessToken = self.get_argument("accessToken")
#print "socket opened id: %s
clients[] = {"id":, "accessToken":accessToken, "object": self}
Any thoughts on a test suite or method to get Thor working?
When I had to perform load testing of a WebSocket application I used Apache JMeter for it. It doesn't support WebSocket out of box, however it is possible via plugin or some Java coding.
See WebSocket Testing With Apache JMeter guide for approaches and instructions on how to do it with JMeter

using twisted adbapi in ZSI soap

I'm new to python and currently researching its viability to be used as a soap server. I currently have a very rough application that uses the mysql blocking api, but would like to try twisted adbapi. I've successfully used twisted adbapi on regular twisted code using reactors, but can't seem to make it work with code below using ZSI framework. It's not returning anything from mysql. Anyone ever used twisted adbapi with ZSI?
import os
import sys
from dpac_server import *
from ZSI.twisted.wsgi import (SOAPApplication,
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
import MySQLdb
def _soapmethod(op):
op_request = GED("", op).pyclass
op_response = GED("", op + "Response").pyclass
return soapmethod(op_request.typecode, op_response.typecode,operation=op, soapaction=op)
class DPACServer(SOAPApplication):
factory = SOAPHandlerChainFactory
def soap_GetIPOperation(self, request, response, **kw):
dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("MySQLdb", '','def_user', 'def_pwd', 'def_db', cp_reconnect=True)
def _dbSPGeneric(txn, cmts):
txn.execute("call def_db.getip(%s)", (cmts, ))
return txn.fetchall()
def dbSPGeneric(cmts):
return dbpool.runInteraction(_dbSPGeneric, cmts)
def returnResults(results):
response.Result = results
def showError(msg):
response.Error = msg
response.Result = ""
response.Error = ""
d = dbSPGeneric(request.Cmts)
d.addCallbacks(returnResults, showError)
return request, response
def main():
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from ZSI.twisted.wsgi import WSGIApplication
application = WSGIApplication()
httpd = make_server('', 8080, application)
application['dpac'] = DPACServer()
print "listening..."
if __name__ == '__main__':
The code you posted creates a new ConnectionPool per (some kind of) request and it never stops the pool. This means you'll eventually run out of resources and you won't be able to service any more requests. "Eventually" is probably after one or two or three requests.
If you never get any responses perhaps this isn't the problem you've encountered. It will be a problem at some point though.
On closer inspection, I wonder if this code even runs the Twisted reactor at all. On first read, I thought you were using some ZSI Twisted integration to run your server. Now I see that you're using wsgiref.simple_server. I am moderately confident that this won't work.
You're already using Twisted, use Twisted's WSGI server instead.
Beyond that, verify that ZSI executes your callbacks in the correct thread. The default for WSGI applications is to run in a non-reactor thread. Twisted APIs are not thread-safe, so if ZSI doesn't do something to correct for this, you'll have bugs introduced by using un-thread-safe APIs in threads.

Counting the number of requests per second in Tornado

I am new to Python and Tornado WebServer.
I am trying to figure out the number of request and number of requests/second in my server side code. I am using Tornadio2 to implement websockets.
Kindly take a look at the following code and let me know, what modification can be done to it.
I am using the RequestHandler.prepare() to bottleneck all the requests and using a list as it is immutable to store the count.
Consider all modules are included
class IndexHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
"""Regular HTTP handler to serve the chatroom page"""
def prepare(self):
def get(self):
class SocketIOHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class ChatConnection(tornadio2.conn.SocketConnection):
participants = set()
def on_open(self, info):
self.send("Welcome from the server.")
def on_message(self, message):
for p in self.participants:
p.send(self.qmes+" "+str(count[0]))
def on_close(self):
# Create tornadio server
ChatRouter = tornadio2.router.TornadioRouter(ChatConnection)
# Create socket application
sock_app = tornado.web.Application(
flash_policy_port = 843,
flash_policy_file = op.join(ROOT, 'flashpolicy.xml'),
socket_io_port = 8002)
# Create HTTP application
http_app = tornado.web.Application(
[(r"/", IndexHandler), (r"/", SocketIOHandler)])
if __name__ == "__main__":
import logging
# Create http server on port 8001
http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(http_app)
# Create tornadio server on port 8002, but don't start it yet
tornadio2.server.SocketServer(sock_app, auto_start=False)
# Start both servers
Also, I am confused about every Websocket messages. Does each Websocket event got to server in the form of an HTTP request? or a Socket.IO request?
I use Siege - excellent tool for testing requests if your running on linux. Example
siege http://localhost:8000/?q=yourquery -c10 -t10s
-c10 = 10 concurrent users
-t10s = 10 seconds
Tornadio2 has built-in statistics module, which includes incoming connections/s and other counters.
Check following example:
When testing applications, always approach performance testing with a healthy appreciation for the uncertainty principle..
If you want to test a server, hook up two PCs to a HUB where you can monitor traffic from one going to the other. Then bang the hell out of the server. There are a variety of tools for doing this, just look for web load testing tools.
Normal HTTP requests in Tornado create a new RequestHandler instance, which persists until the connection is terminated.
WebSockets use persistent connections. One WebSocketHandler instance is created, and each message sent by the browser to the server calls the on_message method.
From what I understand, Socket.IO/Tornad.IO will use WebSockets if supported by the browser, falling back to long polling.

