local variable 'texts' referenced before assignment - python
This a code to extract Unicode values from text files but it gives me following error.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import codecs
import os
#from urllib import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
##import nltk
#def remove_content_li(input_document) :
#soup = BeautifulSoup(input_document)
def extract_unicode(input):
_ascii_letters = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]', flags=re.UNICODE)
symbols = re.compile(r'[{} &+( )" =!.?.:.. / | » © : >< # « ,] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ - + ; [ ] %',flags=re.UNICODE)
soup = BeautifulSoup(open(input,'r'),'lxml')
for li in soup.find_all('li'):
texts = soup.findAll(text=True)
def contains_unicode(text):
return True
return False
result = ' '.join((text for text in texts if contains_unicode(texts)))
result =_ascii_letters.sub(" ", result)
result = symbols.sub(" ",result)
## result = nltk.clean_html(result)
result.replace('*', '')
This is the error I get
File "e3.py", line 50, in <module>
extract_unicode((os.path.join(dirname, filename)))
File "e3.py", line 30, in extract_unicode
result = ' '.join((text for text in texts if contains_unicode(texts)))
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'texts' referenced before assignment
The error is telling you exactly what the problem is. You're using a variable texts before you define it. Perhaps soup.find_all('li') is returning an empty list, since you only set texts if it finds something.
Traceback <module> from extractdocx import * <module> from docx import opendocx, getdocumenttext from exceptions import PendingDeprecationWarning
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\xampp\htdocs\Plag\scripts\main.py", line 8, in from extractdocx import * File "C:\xampp\htdocs\Plag\scripts\extractdocx.py", line 18, in from docx import opendocx, getdocumenttext File "C:\Users\zeesh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\docx.py", line 30, in from exceptions import PendingDeprecationWarning ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'exceptions' # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Master script for the plagiarism-checker # Coded by: Shashank S Rao #import other modules from cosineSim import * from htmlstrip import * from extractdocx import * #import required modules import codecs import traceback import sys import operator import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import json as simplejson # Given a text string, remove all non-alphanumeric # characters (using Unicode definition of alphanumeric). def getQueries(text,n): import re sentenceEnders = re.compile('[.!?]') sentenceList = sentenceEnders.split(text) sentencesplits = [] for sentence in sentenceList: x = re.compile(r'\W+', re.UNICODE).split(sentence) x = [ele for ele in x if ele != ''] sentencesplits.append(x) finalq = [] for sentence in sentencesplits: l = len(sentence) l=l/n index = 0 for i in range(0,l): finalq.append(sentence[index:index+n]) index = index + n-1 if index !=len(sentence): finalq.append(sentence[len(sentence)-index:len(sentence)]) return finalq # Search the web for the plagiarised text # Calculate the cosineSimilarity of the given query vs matched content on google # This is returned as 2 dictionaries def searchWeb(text,output,c): try: text = text.encode('utf-8') except: text = text query = urllib.parse.quote_plus(text) if len(query)>60: return output,c #using googleapis for searching web base_url = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=' url = base_url + '%22' + query + '%22' request = urllib.request.Request(url,None,{'Referer':'Google Chrome'}) response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) results = simplejson.load(response) try: if ( len(results) and 'responseData' in results and 'results' in results['responseData'] and results['responseData']['results'] != []): for ele in results['responseData']['results']: Match = results['responseData']['results'][0] content = Match['content'] if Match['url'] in output: #print text #print strip_tags(content) output[Match['url']] = output[Match['url']] + 1 c[Match['url']] = (c[Match['url']]*(output[Match['url']] - 1) + cosineSim(text,strip_tags(content)))/(output[Match['url']]) else: output[Match['url']] = 1 c[Match['url']] = cosineSim(text,strip_tags(content)) except: return output,c return output,c # Use the main function to scrutinize a file for # plagiarism def main(): # n-grams N VALUE SET HERE n=9 if len(sys.argv) <3: print ("Usage: python main.py <input-filename>.txt <output-filename>.txt") sys.exit() if sys.argv[1].endswith(".docx"): t = docxExtract(sys.argv[1]) else: t=open(sys.argv[1],'r') if not t: print ("Invalid Filename") print ("Usage: python main.py <input-filename>.txt <output-filename>.txt") sys.exit() t=t.read() queries = getQueries(t,n) q = [' '.join(d) for d in queries] found = [] #using 2 dictionaries: c and output #output is used to store the url as key and number of occurences of that url in different searches as value #c is used to store url as key and sum of all the cosine similarities of all matches as value output = {} c = {} i=1 count = len(q) if count>100: count=100 for s in q[:100]: output,c=searchWeb(s,output,c) msg = "\r"+str(i)+"/"+str(count)+"completed..." sys.stdout.write(msg); sys.stdout.flush() i=i+1 #print ("\n") f = open(sys.argv[2],"w") for ele in sorted(iter(c.items()),key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True): f.write(str(ele[0])+" "+str(ele[1]*100.00)) f.write("\n") f.close() print ("\nDone!") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except: #writing the error to stdout for better error detection error = traceback.format_exc() print(("\nUh Oh!\n"+"Plagiarism-Checker encountered an error!:\n"+error)) ```
docx, last release was in 2014. The code imports module exceptions that was a top-level module in Python 2.7 but was removed in Python 3: $ python2.7 -c "import exceptions" $ python3.7 -c "import exceptions" Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'exceptions' The bottom line: the package is only for Python 2. Use Python 2.7 or find a different package.
python crawler ieee paper keywords
i trying to use crawler to get ieee paper keywords but now i get a error how can to fix my crawler? my code is here import requests import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup ieee_content = requests.get("http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8465981", timeout=180) soup = BeautifulSoup(ieee_content.text, 'xml') tag = soup.find_all('script') for i in tag[9]: s = json.loads(re.findall('global.document.metadata=(.*;)', i)[0].replace("'", '"').replace(";", '')) and error is here Traceback (most recent call last): File "G:/github/爬蟲/redigg-leancloud/crawlers/sup_ieee_keywords.py", line 90, in <module> a.get_es_data(offset=0, size=1) File "G:/github/爬蟲/redigg-leancloud/crawlers/sup_ieee_keywords.py", line 53, in get_es_data self.get_data(link=ieee_link, esid=es_id) File "G:/github/爬蟲/redigg-leancloud/crawlers/sup_ieee_keywords.py", line 65, in get_data s = json.loads(re.findall('global.document.metadata=(.*;)', i)[0].replace(";", '').replace("'", '"')) IndexError: list index out of range
Here's another answer. I don't know what you are doing with 's' in your code after the load (replace) in my code. The code below doesn't thrown an error, but again how are you using 's' import requests import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup ieee_content = requests.get("http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8465981", timeout=180) soup = BeautifulSoup(ieee_content.text, 'xml') tag = soup.find_all('script') # i is a list for i in tag[9]: metadata_format = re.compile(r'global.document.metadata=.*', re.MULTILINE) metadata = re.findall(metadata_format, i) if len(metadata) != 0: # convert the list convert_to_json = json.dumps(metadata) x = json.loads(convert_to_json) s = x[0].replace("'", '"').replace(";", '') ########################################### # I don't know what you plan to do with 's' ########################################### print (s)
Apparently in line 65 some of the data provided in i did not suite the regex pattern you're trying to use. Therefor your [0] will not work as the data returned is not an array of suitable length. Solution: x = json.loads(re.findall('global.document.metadata=(.*;)', i) if x: s = x[0].replace("'", '"').replace(";", ''))
How do I read this stringified javascript variable into Python?
I'm trying to read _pageData from https://www.simpliowebstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/aWfyh1 into Python 2.7.11 so that I can process it, using this code: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Testing _pageData processing. """ import urllib2 import re import ast import json import yaml BASE_URL = 'https://www.simpliowebstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/aWfyh1' def main(): """ Do the business. """ response = urllib2.urlopen(BASE_URL, None) results = re.findall('var _pageData = \\"(.*?)\\";</script>', response.read()) first_result = results[0] # These all fail data = ast.literal_eval(first_result) # data = yaml.load(first_result) # data = json.loads(first_result) if __name__ == '__main__': main() but get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "./temp.py", line 24, in <module> main() File "./temp.py", line 19, in main data = ast.literal_eval(first_result) File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.11/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ast.py", line 49, in literal_eval node_or_string = parse(node_or_string, mode='eval') File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.11/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ast.py", line 37, in parse return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST) File "<unknown>", line 1 [[1,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,,\"at\",\"\",\"\",1450364255674,\"\",\"en_US\",false,[]\n,\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/thumbnail?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",,,true,\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/print?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/pdf?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",false,false,\"/maps/d\",\"maps/sharing\",\"//www.google.com/intl/en_US/help/terms_maps.html\",true,\"https://docs.google.com/picker\",[]\n,false,true,[[[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-regular-001.png\",143,25]\n,[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-regular-2x-001.png\",286,50]\n]\n,[[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-small-001.png\",113,20]\n,[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-small-2x-001.png\",226,40]\n]\n]\n,1,\"https://www.gstatic.com/mapspro/_/js/k\\u003dmapspro.gmeviewer.en_US.8b9lQX3ifcs.O/m\\u003dgmeviewer_base/rt\\u003dj/d\\u003d0/rs\\u003dABjfnFWonctWGGtD63MaO3UZxCxF6UPKJQ\",true,true,false,true,\"US\",false,true,true,5,false]\n,[\"mf.map\",\"zBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"Hollywood, 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"[[1,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,,\"at\",\"\",\"\",1450364255674,\"\",\"en_US\",false,[]\n,\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/thumbnail?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",,,true,\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/print?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/pdf?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",false,false,\"/maps/d\",\"maps/sharing\",\"//www.google.com/intl/en_US/help/terms_maps.html\",true,\"https://docs.google.com/picker\",[]\n,false,true,[[[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-regular-001.png\",143,25]\n,[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-regular-2x-001.png\",286,50]\n]\n,[[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-small-001.png\",113,20]\n,[\"//www.gstatic.com/mapspro/images/google-my-maps-logo-small-2x-001.png\",226,40]\n]\n]\n,1,\"https://www.gstatic.com/mapspro/_/js/k\\u003dmapspro.gmeviewer.en_US.8b9lQX3ifcs.O/m\\u003dgmeviewer_base/rt\\u003dj/d\\u003d0/rs\\u003dABjfnFWonctWGGtD63MaO3UZxCxF6UPKJQ\",true,true,false,true,\"US\",false,true,true,5,false]\n,[\"mf.map\",\"zBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",\"Hollywood, FL\",\"\",[-80.16005,26.01043,-80.16005,26.01043]\n,[-80.16005,26.01043,-80.16005,26.01043]\n,[[,\"zBghbRiSwHlg.kq4rrF9BNRIg\",\"Untitled layer\",\"\",[[[\"https://mt.googleapis.com/vt/icon/name\\u003dicons/onion/22-blue-dot.png\\u0026scale\\u003d1.0\"]\n,[]\n,1,1,[[,[26.01043,-80.16005]\n]\n,\"MDZBMzJCQjRBOTAwMDAwMQ~CjISKmdlby1tYXBzcHJvLm1hcHNob3AtbGF5ZXItNDUyOWUwMTc0YzhkNmI2ZBgAKAAwABIZACBawIJBU4Fe8v7vNSoAg0dtnhhVotEBLg\",\"vdb:\",\"zBghbRiSwHlg.kq4rrF9BNRIg\",[26.01043,-80.16005]\n,[0,-32]\n,\"06A32BB4A9000001\"]\n,[[\"Hollywood, FL\"]\n]\n,[]\n]\n]\n,,1.0,true,true,,,,[[\"zBghbRiSwHlg.kq4rrF9BNRIg\",1,,,,\"https://mapsengine.google.com/map/kml?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\\u0026lid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.kq4rrF9BNRIg\",,,,,0,2,true,[[[\"06A32BB4A9000001\",[[[26.01043,-80.16005]\n]\n]\n,[]\n,[]\n,0,[[\"name\",[\"Hollywood, FL\"]\n,1]\n,,[]\n,[]\n]\n,,0]\n]\n,[[[\"https://mt.googleapis.com/vt/icon/name\\u003dicons/onion/22-blue-dot.png\\u0026filter\\u003dff\\u0026scale\\u003d1.0\",[16,32]\n,1.0]\n,[[\"0000FF\",0.45098039215686275]\n,5000]\n,[[\"0000FF\",0.45098039215686275]\n,[\"000000\",0.25098039215686274]\n,3000]\n]\n]\n]\n]\n]\n,[]\n,,,,,1]\n]\n,[2]\n,,,\"mapspro\",\"zBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",,true,false,false,\"\",2,false,\"https://mapsengine.google.com/map/kml?mid\\u003dzBghbRiSwHlg.k2ATNtn6BCk0\",3807]\n]\n" I've tried replacing the \" and \n and decoding the \uXXXX before using, without success. I've also tried replacing ,, with ,"", and ,'', without success. Thank you.
It seems like there are three kinds of syntactic errors in your string: , followed by , [ followed by , , followed by ] Assuming that those are supposed to be null elements (or ''?), you can just replace those in the original string -- exactly like you did for the ,, case, but you missed the others. Also, you have to do the ,, replacement twice, otherwise you will miss cases such as ,,,,. Then, you can load the JSON string with json.loads. >>> s = "your messed up json string" >>> s = re.sub(r",\s*,", ", null,", s) >>> s = re.sub(r",\s*,", ", null,", s) >>> s = re.sub(r"\[\s*,", "[ null,", s) >>> s = re.sub(r",\s*\]", ", null]", s) >>> json.loads(s)
I started off using ast.literal.eval(...) because I was under the (mistaken?) impression that javascript arrays and Python lists were mutually compatible, so all I had to do was destringify _pageData. However, I hadn't noticed that Python doesn't like ,, true, false or [,. Fixing them does the trick (thank you #Two-Bit Alchemist and #tobias_k) So, the following appears to work: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Testing _pageData processing. """ import urllib2 import re import ast import json import yaml BASE_URL = 'https://www.simpliowebstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/aWfyh1' def main(): """ Do the business. """ response = urllib2.urlopen(BASE_URL, None) results = re.findall('var _pageData = \\"(.*?)\\";</script>', response.read()) first_result = results[0] first_result = first_result.replace(',,,,,,', ',None,None,None,None,None,') first_result = first_result.replace(',,,,,', ',None,None,None,None,') first_result = first_result.replace(',,,,', ',None,None,None,') first_result = first_result.replace(',,,', ',None,None,') first_result = first_result.replace(',,', ',None,') first_result = first_result.replace('[,', '[None,') first_result = first_result.replace('\\"', '\'') first_result = first_result.replace('\\n', '') first_result = first_result.replace('true', 'True') first_result = first_result.replace('false', 'False') data = ast.literal_eval(first_result) for entry in data: print entry if __name__ == '__main__': main()
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable: Webcrawler to scrape email addresses
I am trying to get the below program working. It is supposed to find email addresses in a website but, it is breaking. I suspect the problem is with initializing result = [] inside the crawl function. Below is the code: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import re import urlparse # In this example we're trying to collect e-mail addresses from a website # Basic e-mail regexp: # letter/number/dot/comma # letter/number/dot/comma . letter/number email_re = re.compile(r'([\w\.,]+#[\w\.,]+\.\w+)') # HTML <a> regexp # Matches href="" attribute link_re = re.compile(r'href="(.*?)"') def crawl(url, maxlevel): result = [] # Limit the recursion, we're not downloading the whole Internet if(maxlevel == 0): return # Get the webpage req = requests.get(url) # Check if successful if(req.status_code != 200): return [] # Find and follow all the links links = link_re.findall(req.text) for link in links: # Get an absolute URL for a link link = urlparse.urljoin(url, link) result += crawl(link, maxlevel - 1) # Find all emails on current page result += email_re.findall(req.text) return result emails = crawl('http://ccs.neu.edu', 2) print "Scrapped e-mail addresses:" for e in emails: print e The error I get is below: C:\Python27\python.exe "C:/Users/Sagar Shah/PycharmProjects/crawler/webcrawler.py" Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/Sagar Shah/PycharmProjects/crawler/webcrawler.py", line 41, in <module> emails = crawl('http://ccs.neu.edu', 2) File "C:/Users/Sagar Shah/PycharmProjects/crawler/webcrawler.py", line 35, in crawl result += crawl(link, maxlevel - 1) File "C:/Users/Sagar Shah/PycharmProjects/crawler/webcrawler.py", line 35, in crawl result += crawl(link, maxlevel - 1) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable Process finished with exit code 1 Any suggestions will help. Thanks!
The problem is this: if(maxlevel == 0): return Currently it return None when maxlevel == 0. You can't concatenate a list with a None object. You need to return an empty list [] to be consistent.
parsing twitter feed using python and pydev
using the code from here i get a error -http://sentdex.com/sentiment-analysisbig-data-and-python-tutorials-algorithmic-trading/how-to-parse-twitter-code-and-tutorial/ the code is import re from re import sub import time import cookielib from cookielib import CookieJar import urllib2 from urllib2 import urlopen import difflib cj = CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')] startingLink = ‘https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=’ def twitParser(): oldTwit = [] newTwit = [] howSimAr = [.5,.5,.5,.5,.5] while 1 < 2: try: sourceCode = opener.open(‘https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=’+keyWord+‘& src=hash’).read() splitSource = re.findall(r’<p class=”js-tweet-text tweet-text”>(.*?)</p>’,sourceCode) for item in splitSource: print ” print ” print ” print ‘ __________________________’ aTweet = re.sub(r’<.*?>’,”,item) print aTweet newTwit.append(aTweet) comparison = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, newTwit, oldTwit) howSim = comparison.ratio() print ‘#############’ print ‘This selection is’,howSim,‘similar to the past’ howSimAr.append(howSim) howSimAr.remove(howSimAr[0]) waitMultiplier = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, howSimAr)/len(howSimAr) print ” print ‘The current similarity array:’,howSimAr print ‘Our current Multiplier:’, waitMultiplier print ‘###############’ oldTwit = [None] for eachItem in newTwit: oldTwit.append(eachItem) newTwit = [None] time.sleep(waitMultiplier*45) except Exception, e: print str(e) print ‘error in the main try’ time.sleep(555) twitParser() i get the error- File "C:\Users\thisismypc\workspace\hithere\hithere", line 16 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file C:\Users\thisismypc\workspace\hithere\hithere on line 16, but no encoding declared; see http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ for details
It looks like you are using the ‘ and ” characters, that are truly Non-ASCII characters. Try substituing them for ' and ", respectively.