I have scraped a lot of ebay titles like this one:
Apple iPhone 5 White 16GB Dual-Core
and I have manually tagged all of them in this way
where B=Brand (Apple) M=Model (iPhone 5) C=Color (White) S=Size (Size) NA=Not Assigned (Dual Core)
Now I need to train a SVM classifier using the libsvm library in python to learn the sequence patterns that occur in the ebay titles.
I need to extract new value for that attributes (Brand, Model, Color, Size) by considering the problem as a classification one. In this way I can predict new models.
I want to considering this features:
* Position
- from the beginning of the title
- to the end of the listing
* Orthographic features
- current word contains a digit
- current word is capitalized
I can't understand how can I give all this info to the library. The official doc lacks a lot of information
My class are Brand, Model, Size, Color, NA
what does the input file of the SVM algo must contain?
how can I create it? could I have an example of that file considering the 4 features that I put as example in my question? Can I also have an example of the code that I must use to elaborate the input file ?
I want to represent these features... How can I must do?
Identity of the current word
I think that I can interpret it in this way
0 --> Brand
1 --> Model
2 --> Color
3 --> Size
4 --> NA
If I know that the word is a Brand I will set that variable to 1 (true).
It is ok to do it in the training test (because I have tagged all the words) but how can I do that for the test set? I don't know what is the category of a word (this is why I'm learning it :D).
N-gram substring features of current word (N=4,5,6)
No Idea, what does it means?
Identity of 2 words before the current word.
How can I model this feature?
Considering the legend that I create for the 1st feature I have 5^(5) combination)
00 10 20 30 40
01 11 21 31 41
02 12 22 32 42
03 13 23 33 43
04 14 24 34 44
How can I convert it to a format that the libsvm (or scikit-learn) can understand?
Membership to the 4 dictionaries of attributes
Again how can I do it?
Having 4 dictionaries (for color, size, model and brand) I thing that I must create a bool variable that I will set to true if and only if I have a match of the current word in one of the 4 dictionaries.
Exclusive membership to dictionary of brand names
I think that like in the 4. feature I must use a bool variable. Do you agree?
Here's a step-by-step guide for how to train an SVM using your data and then evaluate using the same dataset. It's also available at http://nbviewer.ipython.org/gist/anonymous/2cf3b993aab10bf26d5f. At the url you can also see the output of the intermediate data and the resulting accuracy (it's an iPython notebook)
Step 0: Install dependencies
You need to install the following libraries:
From command line:
pip install pandas
pip install scikit-learn
Step 1: Load the data
We will use pandas to load our data.
pandas is a library for easily loading data. For illustration, we first save
sample data to a csv and then load it.
We will train the SVM with train.csv and get test labels with test.csv
import pandas as pd
train_data_contents = """
with open('train.csv', 'w') as output:
train_dataframe = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
Step 2: Process the data
We will convert our dataframe into numpy arrays which is a format that scikit-
learn understands.
We need to convert the labels "B", "M", "C",... to numbers also because svm does
not understand strings.
Then we will train a linear svm with the data
import numpy as np
train_labels = train_dataframe.class_label
labels = list(set(train_labels))
train_labels = np.array([labels.index(x) for x in train_labels])
train_features = train_dataframe.iloc[:,1:]
train_features = np.array(train_features)
print "train labels: "
print train_labels
print "train features:"
print train_features
We see here that the length of train_labels (5) exactly matches how many rows
we have in trainfeatures. Each item in train_labels corresponds to a row.
Step 3: Train the SVM
from sklearn import svm
classifier = svm.SVC()
classifier.fit(train_features, train_labels)
Step 4: Evaluate the SVM on some testing data
test_data_contents = """
with open('test.csv', 'w') as output:
test_dataframe = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
test_labels = test_dataframe.class_label
labels = list(set(test_labels))
test_labels = np.array([labels.index(x) for x in test_labels])
test_features = test_dataframe.iloc[:,1:]
test_features = np.array(test_features)
results = classifier.predict(test_features)
num_correct = (results == test_labels).sum()
recall = num_correct / len(test_labels)
print "model accuracy (%): ", recall * 100, "%"
Links & Tips
Example code for how to load LinearSVC: http://scikitlearn.org/stable/modules/svm.html#svm
Long list of scikit-learn examples: http://scikitlearn.org/stable/auto_examples/index.html. I've found these mildly helpful but
often confusing myself.
If you find that the SVM is taking a long time to train, try LinearSVC
instead: http://scikitlearn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.svm.LinearSVC.html
Here's another tutorial on getting familiar with machine learning models: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/tutorial/basic/tutorial.html
You should be able to take this code and replace train.csv with your training data, test.csv with your testing data, and get predictions for your test data, along with accuracy results.
Note that since you're evaluating using the data you trained on the accuracy will be unusually high.
I echo the comment of #MarcoPashkov but will try to elaborate on the LibSVM file format. I find the documentation comprehensive yet hard to find, for the Python lib I recommend the README on GitHub.
An important piece to recognize is that there is a Sparse format where all features which are 0 get removed and a Dense format where features which are 0 are not removed. These two are equivalent examples of each taken from the README.
# Dense data
>>> y, x = [1,-1], [[1,0,1], [-1,0,-1]]
# Sparse data
>>> y, x = [1,-1], [{1:1, 3:1}, {1:-1,3:-1}]
The y variable stores a list of all the categories for the data.
The x variable stores the feature vector.
assert len(y) == len(x), "Both lists should be the same length"
The format found in the Heart Scale Example is a Sparse format where the dictionary key is the feature index and the dictionary value is the feature value while the first value is the category.
The Sparse format is incredibly useful while using a Bag of Words Representation for your feature vector.
As most documents will typically use a very small subset of the words used in the corpus, the resulting matrix will have many feature values that are zeros (typically more than 99% of them).
For instance a collection of 10,000 short text documents (such as emails) will use a vocabulary with a size in the order of 100,000 unique words in total while each document will use 100 to 1000 unique words individually.
For an example using the feature vector you started with, I trained a basic LibSVM 3.20 model. This code isn't meant to be used but may help in showing how to create and test a model.
from collections import namedtuple
# Using namedtuples for descriptive purposes, in actual code a normal tuple would work fine.
Category = namedtuple("Category", ["index", "name"])
Feature = namedtuple("Feature", ["category_index", "distance_from_beginning", "distance_from_end", "contains_digit", "capitalized"])
# Separate up the set of categories, libsvm requires a numerical index so we associate each with an index.
categories = dict()
for index, name in enumerate("B M C S NA".split(' ')):
# LibSVM expects index to start at 1, not 0.
categories[name] = Category(index + 1, name)
Out[0]: {'B': Category(index=1, name='B'),
'C': Category(index=3, name='C'),
'M': Category(index=2, name='M'),
'NA': Category(index=5, name='NA'),
'S': Category(index=4, name='S')}
# Faked set of CSV input for example purposes.
csv_input_lines = """category_index,distance_from_beginning,distance_from_end,contains_digit,capitalized
# We just ignore the header.
header = csv_input_lines[0]
# A list of Feature namedtuples, this will be trained as lists.
features = list()
for line in csv_input_lines[1:]:
split_values = line.split(',')
# Create a Feature with the values converted to integers.
features.append(Feature(categories[split_values[0]].index, *map(int, split_values[1:])))
Out[1]: [Feature(category_index=1, distance_from_beginning=1, distance_from_end=10, contains_digit=1, capitalized=0),
Feature(category_index=2, distance_from_beginning=10, distance_from_end=1, contains_digit=0, capitalized=1),
Feature(category_index=3, distance_from_beginning=2, distance_from_end=3, contains_digit=0, capitalized=1),
Feature(category_index=4, distance_from_beginning=23, distance_from_end=2, contains_digit=0, capitalized=0),
Feature(category_index=5, distance_from_beginning=12, distance_from_end=0, contains_digit=0, capitalized=1)]
# Y is the category index used in training for each Feature. Now it is an array (order important) of all the trained indexes.
y = map(lambda f: f.category_index, features)
# X is the feature vector, for this we convert all the named tuple's values except the category which is at index 0.
x = map(lambda f: list(f)[1:], features)
from svmutil import svm_parameter, svm_problem, svm_train, svm_predict
# Barebones defaults for SVM
param = svm_parameter()
# The (Y,X) parameters should be the train dataset.
prob = svm_problem(y, x)
model=svm_train(prob, param)
# For actual accuracy checking, the (Y,X) parameters should be the test dataset.
p_labels, p_acc, p_vals = svm_predict(y, x, model)
Out[3]: Accuracy = 100% (5/5) (classification)
I hope this example helps, it shouldn't be used for your training. It is meant as an example only because it is inefficient.
This question already has an answer here:
what is the difference between fit() ,fit_transform() and transform() in scikit_learn? [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm working with SVM model to classify 5 different classes. (N1, N2, N3, W, R)
Feature extractions -> Data normalization -> train SVM
when I tested the model (20%, 80% usual train-test-split), it shows high accuracy enter image description here
But when I tried testing with a completely new dataset, with the same method of
Feature extractions -> Data normalization -> test on trained SVM model
It came out really badly.
Let's say the original dataset used in training is A, and the new test dataset is B.
when I trained the model only with A and tested B, it came out really badly.
First I thought it was model overfitting so I included A and B to train the model and tested with B. It came out badly again...
I think the problem is the normaliztion process. It eventually worked when I tried new dataset C, but this time I brought the train A data, concatenated A+C to normalize, and then cut only C dataset out from it. And when I compared that with the data C normalized alone, it was different..
I used MinMaxScaler from sklearn.
I mean mathematically speaking of course it's different.. because every dataset has different minimum maximum value and normalized data will be different when mixed with other data.
My question is, when you test with new dataset, is it normal to bring the train dataset to normalize it together and then take out the test datapart only?? It's like mixing A(112x12), B(15x12) -> normalize (127x12) together -> take out (15x12)
Or should I start from fixing the code from feature extraction and training SVM?
(I attached the code, and each feature has 12x1 shape which means each stage has 12xN matrix.)
from sklearn import preprocessing
scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
# Load training data
N1_train = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Train_N1_features")
N2_train = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Train_N2_features")
N3_train = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Train_N3_features")
W_train = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Train_W_features")
R_train = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Train_R_features")
# Load test data
N1_test = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Test_N1_features")
N2_test = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Test_N2_features")
N3_test = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Test_N3_features")
W_test = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Test_W_features")
R_test = pd.read_pickle("C:/Users/User/Desktop/EWHADATASETS/Features/Test_R_features")
# normalize with original raw features and take only test out
N1_scaled_test = features.normalize_together(N1_test, N1_train, "N1")
N2_scaled_test = features.normalize_together(N2_test, N2_train, "N2")
N3_scaled_test = features.normalize_together(N3_test, N3_train, "N3")
W_scaled_test = features.normalize_together(W_test, W_train, "W")
R_scaled_test = features.normalize_together(R_test, R_train, "R")
def normalize_together(test, raw, stage_no):
together = pd.concat([test, raw], ignore_index=True)
scaled_test = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(together.iloc[:, :-1]))
scaled_test['label'] = "{}".format(stage_no)
scaled_test = scaled_test.iloc[0:test.shape[0], :]
return scaled_test
Test data should remain unseen during training (includes preprocessing) - don't use both test + train data to compute a common normalisation factor. Normalise the training set. Separately, normalise the test set.
Why? It's vital to use an unseen test partition to evaluate your trained model. Otherwise you have not tested the ability for your model to generalise - imagine playing a game of cards where you have already have prior knowledge of the cards or order of the deck.
I have two files for e-mails some are spam and some are ham, I'm trying to train a classifier using Naive Bayes and then test it on a test set, I'm still trying to figure out how to do that
df = DataFrame()
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
counts = vectorizer.fit_transform(train['message'].values)
classifier = MultinomialNB()
targets = train['class'].values
classifier.fit(counts, targets)
testing_set = vectorizer.fit_transform(test['message'].values)
predictions = classifier.predict(testing_set)
I don't think it's the right way to do that and in addition to that, the last line is giving me an error.
ValueError: dimension mismatch
The idea behind CountVectorizer is that it creates a function that maps word counts to identical places in an array. For example this: a b a c might become [2, 1, 1]. When you call fit_transform it creates that index mapping A -> 0, B-> 1, C -> 2 and then applies that to create the vector of counts. Here you call fit_transform to create a count vectorizer for your training and then again for your testing set. Some words may be in your testing data and not your training data and these get added. To expand on the earlier example example, your test set might be d a b which would create a vector with dimension 4 to account for d. This is likely why the dimensions don't match.
To fix this don't use fit transform the second time so replace:
It is important to make your vectorizier from your training data not all of your data, which is tempting to avoid missing features. This makes your tests more accurate since when really using the model it will encounter unknown words.
This is no guarantee your approach will work but this is likely the source of the dimensionality issue.
I am currently trying to get into machine learning and neural networks, but my lack of programming skills is kind of hindering me at the moment. I am following an online tutorial in which these lines of code were made to evaluate the created model:
pred_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.pandas_input_fn(x=X_test,batch_size=len(X_test),shuffle=False)
predictions = list(model.predict(input_fn=pred_fn))
final_preds = []
for pred in predictions:
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
This works very well for me an tells me the precision I achieved on these 10 inputs I chose from X_test. Unfortunately, I can't really figure out how to be able to predict a particular, single value from X_test or maybe even a manually input value that has the same dimensions as an element of X_test.
X_test is a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame and includes 15 columns and thousands of rows. Therefore, I would find it helpful to maybe predict or evaluate a certain value.
If I missed any essential information, that I should have included, let me know. Thanks in advance!
Why don't you just take sections of the X_test dataframe, or pass in single values as a dataframe with a single row.
Sectioning a dataframe:
temp = X_test[i:i+1]
to test with the ith row, use temp now instead of X_test.
Or create a new dataframe with required data:
temp = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns = X_test.columns)
where data is input as a list (iterable) [[a1,a2,a3...a15]].
again use temp instead of X_test in your code.
Just wondering how is possible next case:
def fit(self, train, target):
xgtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train, label=target, missing=np.nan)
self.model = xgb.train(self.params, xgtrain, self.num_rounds)
I passed the train dataset as csr_matrix with 5233 columns, and after converting to DMatrix I got 5322 features.
Later on predict step, I got an error as cause of above bug :(
def predict(self, test):
if not self.model:
return -1
xgtest = xgb.DMatrix(test)
return self.model.predict(xgtest)
Error: ... training data did not have the following fields: f5232
How can I guarantee correct converting my train/test datasets to DMatrix?
Are there any chance to use in Python something similar to R?
# get same columns for test/train sparse matrixes
col_order <- intersect(colnames(X_train_sparse), colnames(X_test_sparse))
X_train_sparse <- X_train_sparse[,col_order]
X_test_sparse <- X_test_sparse[,col_order]
My approach doesn't work, unfortunately:
def _normalize_columns(self):
columns = (set(self.xgtest.feature_names) - set(self.xgtrain.feature_names)) | \
(set(self.xgtrain.feature_names) - set(self.xgtest.feature_names))
for item in columns:
if item in self.xgtest.feature_names:
# seems, it's immutable structure and can not add any new item!!!
One another possibility is to have one feature level exclusively in training data not in testing data. This situation happens mostly while post one hot encoding whose resultant is big matrix have level for each level of categorical features. In your case it looks like "f5232" is either exclusive in training or test data. If either case model scoring likely to throw error (in most implementations of ML packages) because:
If exclusive to training: Model object will have reference of this feature in model equation. While scoring it will throw error saying I am not able to find this column.
If exclusive to test (lesser likely as test data is usually smaller than training data): Model object will NOT have reference of this feature in model equation. While scoring it will throw error saying I got this column but model equation don't have this column. This is also lesser likely because most implementations are cognizant of this case.
The best "automated" solution is to keep only those columns, which are common to both training and test post one hot encoding.
For adhoc analysis if you can not afford to drop the level of feature because of its importance then do stratified sampling to ensure that all level of feature gets distributed to training and test data.
This situation can happen after one-hot encoding. For example,
ar = np.array([
[1, 2],
[1, 0]
enc = OneHotEncoder().fit(ar)
ar2 = enc.transform(ar)
b = np.array([[1, 0]])
b2 = enc.transform(b)
xgb_ar = xgb.DMatrix(ar2)
xgb_b = xgb.DMatrix(b2)
print(b2.shape) # (1, 3)
print(xgb_b.num_col()) # 2
So, when you have all zero column in sparse matrix, DMatrix drop this column (I think, because this column is useless for XGBoost)
Usually, I add a fake row to matrix which contents 1 in all columns.
Such an issue occurred for me when RandomUnderSampler (RUS) method returned a np.array rather than a Pandas DataFrame with column names.
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
rus = RandomUnderSampler(return_indices=True)
X_rus, y_rus, id_rus = rus.fit_sample(X_train, y_train)
I resolved the issue with this:
X_rus = pd.DataFrame(X_rus, columns = X_train.columns)
Basically taking the output of RUS method and creating a Pandas DataFrame out of it with column names from the original X_train data which was the input of RUS method.
This can be generalized to any similar problem where XGBoost expected to read column names but could not. Just create a Pandas DataFrame and assign the column names accordingly.
I am trying to use scikit-learn 0.12.1 to:
train a LogisticRegression classifier
evaluate the classifer on held out validation data
feed new data to this classifier and retrieve the 5 most probable labels for each observation
Sklearn makes all of this very easy except for one peculiarity. There is no guarantee that every possible label will occur in the data used to fit my classifier. There are hundreds of possible labels and some of them have not occurred in the training data available.
This results in 2 problems:
The label vectorizer doesn't recognize previously unseen labels when they occur in the validation data. This is easily fixed by fitting the labeler to the set of possible labels but it exacerbates problem 2.
The output of the predict_proba method of the LogisticRegression classifier is an [n_samples, n_classes] array, where n_classes consists only of the classes seen in the training data. This means running argsort on the predict_proba array no longer provides values that directly map to the label vectorizer's vocabulary.
My question is, what's the best way to force the classifier to recognize the full set of possible classes, even when some of them don't occur in the training data? Obviously it will have trouble learning about labels it has never seen data for, but 0's are perfectly useable in my situation.
Here's a workaround. Make sure you have a list of all classes called all_classes. Then, if clf is your LogisticRegression classifier,
from itertools import repeat
# determine the classes that were not present in the training set;
# the ones that were are listed in clf.classes_.
classes_not_trained = set(clf.classes_).symmetric_difference(all_classes)
# the order of classes in predict_proba's output matches that in clf.classes_.
prob = clf.predict_proba(test_samples)
for row in prob:
prob_per_class = (zip(clf.classes_, prob)
+ zip(classes_not_trained, repeat(0.)))
produces a list of (cls, prob) pairs.
If what you want is an array like that returned by predict_proba, but with columns corresponding to sorted all_classes, how about:
all_classes = numpy.array(sorted(all_classes))
# Get the probabilities for learnt classes
prob = clf.predict_proba(test_samples)
# Create the result matrix, where all values are initially zero
new_prob = numpy.zeros((prob.shape[0], all_classes.size))
# Set the columns corresponding to clf.classes_
new_prob[:, all_classes.searchsorted(clf.classes_)] = prob
Building on larsman's excellent answer, I ended up with this:
from itertools import repeat
import numpy as np
# determine the classes that were not present in the training set;
# the ones that were are listed in clf.classes_.
classes_not_trained = set(clf.classes_).symmetric_difference(all_classes)
# the order of classes in predict_proba's output matches that in clf.classes_.
prob = clf.predict_proba(test_samples)
new_prob = []
for row in prob:
prob_per_class = zip(clf.classes_, prob) + zip(classes_not_trained, repeat(0.))
# put the probabilities in class order
prob_per_class = sorted(prob_per_class)
new_prob.append(i[1] for i in prob_per_class)
new_prob = np.asarray(new_prob)
new_prob is an [n_samples, n_classes] array just like the output from predict_proba, except now it includes 0 probabilities for the previously unseen classes.