How to open PYW files in Windows 8 - python

Someone gave me a python file to open and use as a resource. The only issue is I don't know anything about python, it's very different from my basic knowledge of coding.
The file is not a normal .py file, but rather a console-less .pyw file. I have imported the newest version of python and installed PySide, but I have had no successful attempts at opening the file.
I was wondering if someone might know how to open this kind of file? Does it need to be somewhere specific?

Right-click the file, click properties, under general it says "opens with:"...
Click the "Change" button to the right of that, and then click more options. On that menu there should be an option called "pythonw" click that. Then on the bottom-right click "apply", then "OK". Then just double-click on the file and it should run with no console window so you won't be able to see it running.


Why do .py files always save before running in Spyder despite disabling the option?

I have already disabled the selected choice by clicking on Tools > Preferences > Editor > Advanced Tab and then unchecking the “save files after each run” radio button, but whenever I run a file it still shows up.
There’s no other relevant question addressing this issue on here or any major Anaconda-related forum, so I would appreciate advice to solve the bug.
You cannot run a *.py file without saving it first. So, while you try to run the file, it implicitly saves the file first and then runs. That is true regardless of your editor / IDE of choice.

Naming a new file in PyCharm

I just started learning python. Up until now, I primarly worked with jupyter notebooks, but now wanted to try out some IDEs. So I tried out PyCharm.
So I started creating some files in a project and started trying out the commands and stuff and there is one thing which just drives me crazy, cause I can not seem to find an answer.
Everytime I create a new python file and name it something like "simple_message", it just saves as a normal file and I can't run any code in it. As soon as I remove the underscore, the file convention changes to an actual python file and I can run the code written in it. So I thought it might be the underscore that makes trouble, so I tried creating other files with underscores but all of them worked. Can someone enlighten me, why does the file name "simple_message" not work as a python file?
Thank you!
From this To this
For me I have to right click on a directory (folder) and select "New" → "Python File" to make a python file. If I go "New" → "File" it will create a text document. So long as you click the correct option you shouldn't have to worry about typing the '.py' or '.txt'
Alternatively I can right click and select "New" → "File" and then name it "" and it will save as a python file correctly, but I must include the .py using this method
Currently PyCharm context menu lets you choose the file type to create.
If you choose "file" you MUST provide the extension .py
If You choose "Python File" pycharm handles the extension for You.
You may need to right click in the text of your .py file and manually choose run from the menu.
Pycharm doesn’t automatically reindex when you create a new .py file, and so it probably just doesn’t know what you want it to run when you hit the green play button.
If you’re saying your python interpreter won’t run a .py file because it has an underscore in the name, that’s just not possible unless you have a modded interpreter or have done something really strange to your OS and I’m guessing you haven’t done either.
Update: it sounds like you don’t have the .py file extension on your file. This will not run for reasons that have nothing to do with Pycharm. Pycharm may “bridge the gap” for you automatically in some situations, but no reason to rely on that.

cannot open python script by double clicking

i have searched on multiple forums and looks like others met similar issues but I haven't read a straightforward explanation yet. what I am trying to do is to simply open my python script by double clicking it. it used to work, but not anymore. my python scripts can still be opened via idle. and executable when it is opened and F5 pressed.
if on windows or linux, right click, open with ... select python executable, or Idle. whichever you want the default action to be.
then select the option to "always use this to open .py files"
If on a Mac, you can CTRL+Click the file, Get info > Open With and change it to Python Launcher. Click Change All. Double clicking should run the script.
Another way is to use pyinstaller which makes the script into an executable. It is pretty straightforward to use.
Change the "open with..." preference for the py files by shift + right click and choose open with from the menu. Make sure you tick the use always option

"Edit with IDLE" option missing from context menu

I have Python 2.7.5 that installed with ArcGIS 10.2.2. When I first right-clicked a .py script I'd previously written it listed the "Edit with IDLE" option in the context menu. However, this option no longer appears when I right-click a .py file.
I have read numerous threads concerning this issue and attempted some of them, such as modifying/removing registry keys and then reinstalling/repairing the software. I am not interested in using an IDE at this point, though many will be happy to know I intend to use an IDE later on. Right now, the purpose is to fix the problem rather than avoid and work around it.
I appreciate the help I've gotten from the online community in the past, and I'm confident someone will come through with a solution for me.
How do I get "Edit with IDLE" back in the context menu?
Most of the time when this problem occurs, people will read answers directing them into the windows registry, often unnecessarily.
In the majority of cases, the registry key
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\Edit with IDLE\command
will already exist and have the correct value, but it will only be used by Windows shell context menu if .py files are set by default to open with python.exe.
This is the first thing to check, and solves the problem in the majority of cases:
right click on a .py file
open with...
choose default program...
tick always use the selected program to open this kind of file
choose python.exe
This runs the script in a terminal, but also sets the filetype back to python.
Now check the right click menu again.
As a newer update, for people that are having the "missing idle" issue with Windows 10 using Python 3.6 (64-bit).
From my experience, this happens when you install other python editors, and you change your default app to open with that editor.
The easiest way to fix this issue is to click the "start" button, then navigate to settings --> System --> Default Apps --> "Choose default apps by file type". Scroll down till you find ".py" file type and click on the icon and choose "Python"(has a little rocket ship in the icon). This will change your default app back to "Python.exe", and the context menu "edit with idle" will appear once again on your ".py" files.
Hope this helps!
Directly from:
Here's a reg file to add the command to edit with IDLE for Python.File (.py) and Python.NoConFile (.pyw) file types. It's for Python 2.7, installed in C:\Python27, so substitute the paths to pythonw.exe and idle.pyw that are relevant to your installation. Save it to a .reg file. Then right-click and choose Merge.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\Edit with IDLE\command]
#="\"C:\\Python27\\pythonw.exe\" \"C:\\Python27\\Lib\\idlelib\\idle.pyw\" -e \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.NoConFile\shell\Edit with IDLE\command]
#="\"C:\\Python27\\pythonw.exe\" \"C:\\Python27\\Lib\\idlelib\\idle.pyw\" -e \"%1\""
Another option would be to just open the file with the idle by choosing open with:
as the default program.
I got the "Edit with IDLE" back with the option "Repair" of the deinstallation-menu.
Adding a little more detail to Teodorico Levoff's answer for those who need a little more explanation, like myself.
Open a text editor, such as Notepad, and copy/paste the following, but be sure to modify the paths to pythonw.exe and idle.pyw so that they match the paths in your own system:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\Edit with IDLE\command]
#="\"C:\Python27\pythonw.exe\" \"C:\Python27\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw\" -e \"%1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.NoConFile\shell\Edit with IDLE\command]
#="\"C:\Python27\pythonw.exe\" \"C:\Python27\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw\" -e \"%1\""
Save this text file as idle.reg in the Python27 folder, so you now have a file that resembles this (with your own file path, of course):
Right-click the idle.reg file, and in the context menu, click Merge. A couple instructions may appear or notices that require a Yes or Continue that I selected. In the end, my .py files give me the option to "Edit in IDLE" again.
I hope these explanations are helpful. Big thank you to those who've solved this problem before and shared there solutions.
For opening your file in IDLE mode or in python exe mode u can follow this simple steps. Works for me in my windows 7 system.
For IDLE mode:
Select the file and press right mouse
press open with---->choose default program
press browse and go to the folder where your python programm is installed
in python folder search IDLE and select the batch file
press open and your file will be open in IDLE edit mode
For python.exe mode:
In command prompt write "where python"
copy the path from cmd
Select the file and press right mouse
press open with---->choose default program
press browse and go to the selected path
press open and your file will be open in IDLE edit mode
As click to save button to save your python code there will be Two Extensions...1) .py and 2) .pyw.
So for Python 2 you have to save python program using extension .pyw.
I think the majority of cases are caused by the Py launcher that comes with Python 3. When you install Python 3 alongside Python 2.x, the *.py and *.pyw files are associated to run with the new Py launcher. Since *.py and *.pyw files are no longer associated with Python.exe, that breaks the "Edit with IDLE" and similar context menu options, despite all relevant registry entries being present and correct.
Right clicking a file and choosing Python.exe and selecting "always use the selected program to open this kind of file" option fixes the problem (even if Python.exe seems to be already set as the default program) but then you lose the Py launcher functionality. This may well be considered a bug with the Python 3.x installer and I think should be fixed at that level by the Python developers.
Meanwhile, I'm sure registry wizards can find a workaround for this but unfortunately, that's beyond me at the moment.
I followed Teodorico Levoff's directions above, as well as Abyx's from the following page:
However, it only works partially. When I right-click on a .py file, no 'Edit with IDLE' shows up. Choosing 'Edit' opens the file with IDLE. Also, the python icon is not associated with .py files. I decide to associate it with Notepad, then associate it with Python again. That works the magic. The icon is back, and so is the 'Edit with IDLE' option. Hope it helps.
This issue is arising because of the problem in the registry of Python installation. While one may edit the registry and resolve the issue, the simple solution for this can be:
DELETE ALL THE REGISTRIES pertaining to the py extensions and
Re-install Python and let installation take its course of action.
The problem will definitely resolve.
Happy Programming
After uninstalling both 2.7 and 3.6, reinstalling 3.6, I ran the ,, and idle.pyw found in C:\Program Files\python\Lib\idlelib and the edit with menu reappeared

can't execute pyw on windows

I want to hide the console window of a python program, so I change the file extensions to "pyw", but when I open it, the python IDLE show up even though I choose open it with "pythonw.exe"
If I use "pythonw" in cmd, it works.
So I want to know what's wrong with this and how to solve this, thank you.
Change the program that opens python files.
Assuming you're using Windows, right click any python file (in your case any .pyw file, not .py), properties, change Opens with to pythonw instead of IDLE
For me, I had multiple version of Python installed that was causing issues. Once I had only had one version, I applied that pythonw.exe was the default for .pyw files and it worked.

