Kivy - Create new widget and set its position and size - python

got a little problem. So Iam trying to create my own widget, and i have succeed, only except for setting its size and position right(to be same as its parrent).
class Story(App):
def build(self):
return MyWidgets().init()
The app has GridLayout as a holder, into which i want to pass the StoryWidget
class MyWidgets(object):
def init(self):
root = GridLayout(cols=2,rows=1)
return root
Story Widget goes as this:
class StoryWidget(Widget):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
super(StoryWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)
topLayout=BoxLayout(orientation = "vertical")
If I try to get the background color to it, it works fine:
with self.canvas.before:
self.Backgroud = Rectangle(pos=self.pos,size=self.size)
def repaint(self,*args):
self.Backgroud.pos = self.pos
self.Backgroud.size = self.size
The whole firs column of root(Gridlayout) gets correctly repainted in white,
but the Widget stands on defaut pos(0,0) and default size(100,100).
From what i know, its because Widget cant handle these things. Layout should do it automatically somehow. As can be seen, the root widget of StoryWidget is layout. I do not know why it`s not working. I tried to inherit from the Layout instead of Widget, but still nothing. Any advice? Thanks!

Alright, i have figured it out, turns out i forgot to set appropriate attributes. So Iam now using Gridlayout instead of BoxLayout, in which case it needs cols and rows so it should now look like this:
class StoryWidget(GridLayout):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
super(StoryWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)
topLayout=BoxLayout(orientation = "vertical")
with self.canvas.before:
self.Backgroud = Rectangle(pos=self.pos,size=self.size)


In Kivy programming, where should buttons be created/resized/repositioned in a class created to be used other classes?

#This class is to be used with other classes of widgets, not with the class of
class TempatureFloatLayout(FloatLayout):
tempature = NumericProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 1)
self.btn = Button()
def do_something(self, self_button):
def update(self, dt):
self.btn.size = self.size # I can only resize and reposition the button here.
self.btn.pos = self.pos # pos and size are assigned with the pos and size
# values of the widget used
... the other codes
class TempatureFloatLayout(FloatLayout) can be used successfully in other classes. The code works correctly as it is. But, When every update, the position and size of the button is to be resized and repositioned. This doesn't feel right to me. How to bind a widget that is used and a button that is used in a different class. Where did I do wrong or is this usage correct?

Clean way to close splashscreen in kivy after a delay

In Kivy, if you have a ScreenManager with multiple screens already added, you can not change screens with the switch_to function, as that also tries to first add the Screen to the Screenmanager, before switching to it.
Instead, you switch screens simply by setting the current property, like this:
screenmanager.current = "new_screen_name"
The problem is, I wish my SplashScreen to automatically transition to MainScreen after a short delay, using Clock.schedule_once(). But that can only take a function as a parameter, so I I have to write a another function just to change screen, like this:
class MyScreenManager(ScreenManager):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MainScreenManager, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Clock.schedule_once(switch_to_main_screen, 3)
def switch_to_main_screen(self, *args):
self.current = "main_screen
I'm just wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this? e.g can I somhow directly set the "self.current" property in Clock.schedule_once? Or, generally speaking, is there a better way to do this simple task? (i.e have a parameter be set a few seconds in the future)
You can use the setattr() python built-in. Try replacing:
Clock.schedule_once(switch_to_main_screen, 3)
Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: setattr(self, 'current', 'main_screen'), 3)
See the documentation.
Consider this, its my ready sheet in kivy:
import #what u need
class fscreen(Widget):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
class secscreen(Widget):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
class thscreen(Widget):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
class theapp(App):
def build(self):
self.screenm = ScreenManager()
self.fscreen = fscreen() ## as default this is my
screen = Screen(name = "first screen") # my first screen
screen.add_widget(self.fscreen) # if i want second screen
self.screenm.add_widget(screen) # as first i move this below
## secscreen its waay
self.secscreen = secscreen() ### efficient
screen = Screen(name = "secondscreen")
self.thscreen = thscreen()
screen = Screen(name = "thirdscreen")
return self.screenm
if __name__ == "__main__":
theapp = theapp()
This way the fscreen is by default the first screen after the presplash

How to save selected element from combobox as variable in PyQt5?

I'm interested in how to save a selected value from my combobox as variable, so when I press e.g. B then I want it to be saved as SelectedValueCBox = selected value, which would be B in this case.
Thank you for your help
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
import sys
class App(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.title = "PyQt5 - StockWindow"
self.left = 0 = 0
self.width = 200
self.height = 300
self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height)
self.tab_widget = MyTabWidget(self)
class MyTabWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent):
super(QWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
#self.layout = QGridLayout(self)
self.tabs = QTabWidget()
self.tab1 = QWidget()
self.tabs.resize(300, 200)
self.tabs.addTab(self.tab1, "Stock-Picker")
self.tab1.layout = QGridLayout(self)
button = QToolButton()
self.tab1.layout.addWidget(button, 1,1,1,1)
d = {'AEX':['A','B','C'], 'ATX':['D','E','F'], 'BEL20':['G','H','I'], 'BIST100':['J','K','L']}
def callback_factory(k, v):
return lambda: button.setText('{0}_{1}'.format(k, v))
menu = QMenu()
self.tab1.layout.addWidget(menu, 1,1,1,1)
for k, vals in d.items():
sub_menu = menu.addMenu(k)
for v in vals:
action = sub_menu.addAction(str(v))
action.triggered.connect(callback_factory(k, v))
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = App()
Since you're already returning a lambda for the connection, the solution is to use a function instead.
class MyTabWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent):
# ...
def callback_factory(k, v):
def func():
self.selectedValueCBox = v
button.setText('{0}_{1}'.format(k, v))
return func
# ...
self.selectedValueCBox = None
Note that your code also has many issues.
First of all, you should not add the menu to the layout: not only it doesn't make any sense (the menu should pop up, while adding it to a layout makes it "embed" into the widget, and that's not good), but it also creates graphical issues especially because you added the menu to the same grid "slot" (1, 1, 1, 1) which is already occupied by the button.
Creating a layout with a widget as argument automatically sets the layout to that widget. While in your case it doesn't create a big issue (since you've already set the layout) you should not create self.tab1.layout with self. Also, since you've already set the QVBoxLayout (due to the parent argument), there's no need to call setLayout() again.
A widget container makes sense if you're actually going to add more than one widget. You're only adding a QTabWidget to its layout, so it's almost useless, and you should just subclass from QTabWidget instead.
Calling resize on a widget that is going to be added on a layout is useless, as the layout will take care of the resizing and the previous resize call will be completely ignored. resize() makes only sense for top level widgets (windows) or the rare case of widgets not managed by a layout.
self.layout() is an existing property of all QWidgets, you should not overwrite it. The same with self.width() and self.height() you used in the App class.
App should refer to an application class, but you're using it for a QMainWindow. They are radically different types of classes.
Finally, you have no combobox in your code. A combobox is widget that is completely different from a drop down menu like the one you're using. I suggest you to be more careful with the terminology in the future, otherwise your question would result very confusing, preventing people to actually being able to help you.

Removing Row from Kivy GridLayout or Refreshing GridLayout

I have a kivy app that displays data from a pandas dataframe generated from the output of a windows command.
In the GirdLayout I have a button. I am trying to have the button remove a row from the GridLayout after it runs its command.
I have figured out how to remove the button from the GridLayout but can't seem to figure out the rest.
Alternatively refreshing the layout by rerunning the windows command and generating a new dataframe would also work.
I've looked at this answer but haven't been able to apply it to my code in a way that works.
Kivy Removing elements from a Stack- / GridLayout
def removeRow(self, instance):
#This removes the button
#I've tried all 3 of these to refresh the GridLayout
super(MakeTable, self).__init__()
super(MakeTable, self).do_layout()
My init for building the GridLayout
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
table = ["Stuff"]
df = pandas.DataFrame(table)
super(MakeTable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.cols = 2
for index, row in df.iterrows():
btnremove = Button(text="Remove")
lblUser = Label(text=row['USERNAME'])
I changed the container layout to a BoxLayout and changed my init to add the items to a GridLayout and then add it to the BoxLayout.
This allowed me to use remove_widget on the parent of the clicked button.
def removerow(self, instance):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
grid = GridLayout()
grid.cols = 2
lblUser = Label(text=row['USERNAME'])
lblServer = Label(text=row['SERVER'])

addText() change the text color inside a QGraphicsView

I have managed to make a vertical text label inside a QGraphicsView which is imported from showGui.UI. Everything is exactly how I want it except I can't figure out to change the text color. setStyleSheet doesn't work with QGraphicsViews. I made another attempt with QPainter but i couldn't get that to roate correctly or inside of my graphics view. All the documentation I have found is in C++ and that leaves me bewildered. I think adding:
self.trans_graphicsView_cat.drawForeground(QPainter(setPen(QtGui.QColor(168, 34, 3)))
into the createScene Function will do it but I haven't been able to crack it.
My Code:
class MainDialog(QtGui.QMainWindow, showGui.Ui_MainWindow):
dbPath = appDataPath + "barter.db"
dbConn = sqlite3.connect(dbPath)
dbConn.text_factory = str
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainDialog, self).__init__(parent)
self.text ="Categories")
def createScene(self):
scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
item = scene.addText(self.text, QtGui.QFont('Arial Black', 15, QtGui.QFont.Light))
The addText method returns a QGraphicsTextItem. This class has a setDefaultTextColor method which should allow you to change the colour of the text.
Alternatively, you could create your own instance of QGraphicsTextItem and then use addItem to add it to the scene. Note that the QGraphicsTextItem class has a setHtml method which should give you even greater control over the formatting of the text.

