I would like to make some experiments in Python with constraint satisfaction problems from this database: all of the examples there are given in both the AMPL and GAMS file format. Is there a tool to convert these equations to simple python functions that looks like
def quadratic(X):
return (X[0]**2 - X[1]**2, 2*X[0]*X[1])
and similar?
I have started reading this manual but am not sure if that's the right direction. (I'm not very strong at programming.) I will be grateful for possible hints.
I've recently written a parser for a subset of AMPL in Python which is available here. It is incomplete but can already handle many AMPL expressions and can be easily extended.
Here's an example of converting an objective function from AMPL into Python:
import ampl, sys
class AMPLToPythonConverter:
def __init__(self, stream):
self.stream = stream
def visit_reference(self, expr):
def visit_binary(self, expr):
self.stream.write(' {} '.format(expr.op))
def visit_decl(self, decl):
if decl.kind == 'minimize':
self.stream.write("def {}(x):\n".format(decl.name))
self.stream.write(" return ");
compound_stmt = ampl.parse(
var x;
minimize f: x * x;
""", "input")
for node in compound_stmt.nodes:
Running this code prints:
def f(x):
return x * x
To keep things simple the example hardcodes argument name x, but it is possible to derive it from the AST.
The following connection between GAMS and Pyomo might be of use:
Pyomo is a Python-based open-source software package that supports a diverse set of optimization capabilities for formulating, solving, and analyzing optimization models.
The convert function provided by GAMS allows you to generate a Pyomo Concrete scalar model from a GAMS-model.
Hence, you should be able to convert the GAMS model to a Pyomo model and then access its functions via the capabilities provided by Pyomo.
I want to build a library in python for scientific computing. Precisely for natural coordinates mechanics. I want to think a bit before jumping into the code. This post asks for any advice, bad or good ideas. I'm not a pro in python, and I'm sure. There can be experts around.
First, I want my library to be usable with numpy (numeric computing) and casadi (symbolic computing). To be as simple as possible, I'd like the library to be loadable:
import my_package_numpy # option 1
import my_package_casadi # option 2
Second, I want each class or each function and method to work both with these two types of objects ndarrays (numpy) and MX (casadi).
my_var_np = np.array([2,2]) # numeric
my var_mx = MX.sym("var",[2,1]) # symbolic
from my_package_numpy import HelloWorld # option 1
hw = HelloWorld(my_var_np)
from my_package_casadi import HelloWorld # option 2
hw = HelloWorld(my_var_mx)
Third, I want to be able to switch to know when the user uses one or another backend in specific methods. because maths operations may be defined differently. (Is there a global variable available to know that ?)
class HelloWorld:
def __init__(value):
self.value = value
if numpy:
self.transpose_value = value.transpose()
elif casadi:
self.transpose_value = transpose(value)
I know the if are not well written, I don't know where to get this value.
This library could grow fast. I want to avoid as much as possible copied code and things to be written only once.
Any help, advice, or comment, would be appreciated.
I'm trying to build a package with two math backends. And I expect it to be as simple as possible for the user. but I don't know how to build the backend
Maybe you could use an if condition to check the type of the value like this (if the value is a numpy array then use numpy):
class HelloWorld:
def __init__(value):
if type(value) == np.ndarray:
numpy = True
self.value = value
if numpy:
self.transpose_value = value.transpose()
elif casadi:
self.transpose_value = transpose(value)
I don't know if this is the right way, but maybe it works for you :)
So what I'm doing is dynamically generating a function that returns the output of a mathematical equation f(x,y) = z like so:
def compile(self) -> callable[[tuple(float)], float]:
# user input is something like: xsin(y) + 1 = xcos(y)
# input is tokenised and syntax is analysed
# tokens converted to 'eval-able' python code
# this gives: axes[0]*np.sin(axes[1])+1-axes[0]*np.cos(axes[1])
# this is stored in evalString
def func(axes: tuple(float)) -> float:
v = type(self).variables # user-defined variables
f = type(self).functions # user-defined functions
return eval(evalString)
return func
Is there a better way to generate a function like this? I have been told to avoid using exec() due to security issues, but have also been told that eval() isn't much better. I believe that most ways of executing potentially malicious code should be ruled out within the compilation stages, but I am aware that this may not be true and will require further testing.
I am also wondering if using eval() is the best/most efficient way to approach to this or if I should do/use something else?
Many thanks!
I (repeatedly) need numeric gradient information of a nonlinear pyomo constraint con at a given point (i.e. the variables of the corresponding pyomo model are all set to a specific value). I have read this post and decided that the (slightly modified) lines
from pyomo.core.base.symbolic import differentiate
var_list = list(model.component_objects(Var, active=True))
grad_num = [value(partial) for partial in differentiate(g_nu.body, wrt_list=vars)]
should serve my purpose.
However, the example below already fails, presumably due to the appearance of the exponential function:
from pyomo.environ import *
model = ConcreteModel()
model.x_1 = Var()
model.x_2 = Var()
model.constr = Constraint(expr = 2*(model.x_1)**4+exp(model.x_2)<=3)
varList = list(model.component_objects(Var, active=True))
grad = [value(partial) for partial in differentiate(model.constr.body, wrt_list=varList)]
DeveloperError: Internal Pyomo implementation error:
"sympy expression type 'exp' not found in the operator map for expression >exp(x1)"
Please report this to the Pyomo Developers.
So, my question is: Can pyomo generally differentiate expressions like the exponential function/ square root etc. and is my example just an unfortunate coincidence which can be easily fixed? I will deal with various models from the MINLPLIB and some tool for differentiating the appearing expressions is crucial.
This error existed through Pyomo 5.2 and was resolved in Pyomo 5.3. Upgrading to 5.3 fixes the problem, and your example works fine (after adding from pyomo.core.base.symbolic import differentiate).
I was recently introduced to PyTorch and began running through the library's documentation and tutorials.
In the "Creating extensions using numpy and scipy" tutorial, under "Parameter-less example", a sample function is created using numpy called BadFFTFunction.
The description for the function states:
"This layer doesn’t particularly do anything useful or mathematically
It is aptly named BadFFTFunction"
The function and its usage are given as:
from numpy.fft import rfft2, irfft2
class BadFFTFunction(Function):
def forward(self, input):
numpy_input = input.numpy()
result = abs(rfft2(numpy_input))
return torch.FloatTensor(result)
def backward(self, grad_output):
numpy_go = grad_output.numpy()
result = irfft2(numpy_go)
return torch.FloatTensor(result)
def incorrect_fft(input):
return BadFFTFunction()(input)
input = Variable(torch.randn(8, 8), requires_grad=True)
result = incorrect_fft(input)
Unfortunately, I was only recently introduced to signal processing as well, and am unsure of where the (likely obvious) error is in this function.
I am wondering, how might one go about fixing this function so that its forward and backward outputs are correct?
How can BadFFTFunction be fixed so that a differentiable FFT function can be used in PyTorch?
I think the errors are: First, the function, despite having FFT in its name, only returns the amplitudes/absolute values of the FFT output, not the full complex coefficients. Also, just using the inverse FFT to compute the gradient of the amplitudes probably doesn't make much sense mathematically (?).
There is a package called pytorch-fft that tries to make an FFT-function available in pytorch. You can see some experimental code for autograd functionality here. Also note discussion in this issue.
As of version 1.8, PyTorch has torch.fft:
I am developing a GUI application (in the civil engineering context) with python3 and QT and want to display an equation in three different ways:
symbolic: sigma=N/A
with values: sigma=200kN/20cm²
as a result: sigma=10kN/cm²
The layout of the equation and the order of symbols has to be the same for both (1) and (2), but i only want to enter the equation once in my sourcecode. I searched a lot, this is the best i could get:
class myfancy_equation():
def __init__(self):
self.a = Symbol('a')
self.b = Symbol('b',commutative=False)
self.x = Symbol('x')
self.expr = (self.b * self.a)/self.x
def mlatex(self):
return latex(self.expr)
def mevaluate(self,a_in,b_in,x_in):
unev = self.expr.subs({self.a:a_in,self.b:b_in,self.x:x_in})
symb_names = dict()
symb_names[self.a] = str(a_in)
symb_names[self.b] = str(b_in)
symb_names[self.x] = str(x_in)
# unev_latex = latex(self.expr.subs({self.a:a_in,self.b:b_in,self.x:x_in}))
unev_latex = latex(self.expr,symbol_names=symb_names)
ev = self.expr.subs({self.a:a_in,self.b:b_in,self.x:x_in}).evalf()
return unev,unev_latex,ev
mfe = myfancy_equation()
lat = mfe.mlatex()
un,unl,ev = mfe.mevaluate(5,7,3)
print("Original, unevaluated, evaluated:")
print( lat,"=",unl,'=',ev)
I have read that sympy was not primarly developed for displaying equations, but the result is hardly readable (and unpredictable) for more complex equations. i tried playing around with the "commutative" parameter, but always end up with a mixed equation like this:
am i missing the point or is it just impossible with sympy?
btw: i encountered a different behaviour of the commutative parameter when using python2.
commutative=False will only mark that one symbol as non-commutative. SymPy will put the commuting part (in this case, everything else) first, and follow it by the non-commuting symbols in the correct order.
But you shouldn't use that anyhow. It will not give you what you want (e.g., you'll get a*b**-1 instead of a/b if a and b are noncommutative, since a*b**-1 and b**-1*a are different).
I would recommend just getting the latex for the individual parts that you want, and piecing them together in the order you want using string formatting.
Alternately, you can write your own printer that orders things the way you want. See http://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/printing.html if you are interested in taking that route, and you should also read the source code for the existing printer, since you'll probably want to just take what is already there and modify it a little. This method is good if you want to be more general, and the basic string concatenation gets too messy. If the example you showed is as complicated as it will get, it may be overkill, but if you need to support potentially arbitrarily complicated expressions, it may be better to do it this way.
If you decide to take that second route and need help writing a custom printer, feel free to ask here or on the SymPy mailing list.