Python two arrays, get all points within radius - python

I have two arrays, lets say x and y that contain a few thousand datapoints.
Plotting a scatterplot gives a beautiful representation of them. Now I'd like to select all points within a certain radius. For example r=10
I tried this, but it does not work, as it's not a grid.
x = [1,2,4,5,7,8,....]
y = [-1,4,8,-1,11,17,....]
RAdeccircle = x**2+y**2
r = 10
regstars = np.where(RAdeccircle < r**2)
This is not the same as an nxn array, and RAdeccircle = x**2+y**2 does not seem to work as it does not try all permutations.

You can only perform ** on a numpy array, But in your case you are using lists, and using ** on a list returns an error,so you first need to convert the list to numpy array using np.array()
import numpy as np
x = np.array([1,2,4,5,7,8])
y = np.array([-1,4,8,-1,11,17])
RAdeccircle = x**2+y**2
print RAdeccircle
r = 10
regstars = np.where(RAdeccircle < r**2)
print regstars
>>> [ 2 20 80 26 170 353]
>>> (array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int64),)


repmat in python3 for a 100 by 3 matrix without dimension error. Matlab repmat worked fine but not pytthon3

I have a "100 by 3" matrix called "z". Want to get this matrix repeated for 15 times and do this (x1-w1)**2 + (H-z1)**2) in python3.
See example below. In MATLAB it worked fine with z1=repmat(z,n,1) where n=15. Now how to fix this "z1 repmat" in python3 so that there is no dimension error for (x1-w1)**2 + (H-z1)**2) ?
# some 100 by 3 matrix
z = np.random.rand(100, 3)
H = 10
w1= np.matlib.repmat(w,1,15)
z1=repmat(z,n,1) # where n=15
result = (x1-w1)**2 + (H-z1)**2
I guess you want your z1 to be equal to np.matlib.repmat(z, 1, n) instead of (z, n, 1).
Meaning, to match the shape of the other operand ((x1-w1)**2 of shape (100,15)), for z1 you should be repeating columns of z, not rows. Also, here I assume that your n is equal to 5, since this is the value that fits the example provided.
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
# some 100 by 3 matrix
z = np.random.rand(100, 3)
H = 10
w1= np.matlib.repmat(w,1,15)
print((x1-w1)**2 + (H-z1)**2)

Multiplication for a 3d array and slicing

I have a matrix of size 5 x 98 x 3. I want to find the transpose of each block of 98 x 3 and multiply it with itself to find the standard deviation.
Hence, I want my final answer to be of the size 5 x 3 x 3.
What would be an efficient way of doing this using numpy.
I can currently do this using the following code:
MU.shape[0] = 5
rows = 98
SIGMA = []
for i in np.arange(MU.shape[0]):
SIGMA[i] = np.matmul(np.transpose(diff[i]),diff[i])
SIGMA = np.array(SIGMA)
Here diff is of the size 5 x 98 x 3.
Use np.einsum to sum-reduce the last axes off against each other -
SIGMA = np.einsum('ijk,ijl->ikl',diff,diff)
Use optimize flag with True value in np.einsum to leverage BLAS.
We can also use np.matmul to get those sum-reductions -
SIGMA = np.matmul(diff.swapaxes(1,2),diff)
You can use this:
my_result = arr1.swapaxes(1,2) # arr1
Testing it out:
import numpy as np
arr1 = np.arange(5*NINETY_EIGHT*3).reshape(5,NINETY_EIGHT,3)
my_result = arr1.swapaxes(1,2) # arr1
print (my_result.shape)
(5, 3, 3)

Normalization of a vector using loops in Python

Write a function that normalizes a vector (finds the unit vector). A vector can be normalized by dividing each individual component of the vector by its magnitude. Your input for this function will be a vector i.e. 1 dimensional list containing 3 integers.
According to the solution devised, I have considered a predefined list of 3 elements. But if I want to apply loops, then please explain me that how I could deduce the solution using loops. I tried working on the problem. This is my solution so far:
from math import sqrt
def vector_normalization(my_vector):
result = 0
for x in my_vector:
result = result + (x ** 2)
magnitude = sqrt(result)
nx_vector = my_vector[0] / magnitude
ny_vector = my_vector[1] / magnitude
nz_vector = my_vector[2] / magnitude
n_vector = [nx_vector, ny_vector, nz_vector]
return n_vector
Now, after I calculate the magnitude using for loop of some random list, according to my program I will get only three elements in the list as the output. But I want all the elements in the random list to be normalized. Please suggest me the way to achieve the same.
Also, you can use high order functions in Python like map:
vec = [1,2,3]
magnitude = sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: x**2, vec)))
normalized_vec = list(map(lambda x: x/magnitude, vec))
So normalized_vec becomes:
[0.2672612419124244, 0.5345224838248488, 0.8017837257372732]
Or using Numpy:
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1,2,3])
arr_normalized = arr/sqrt(sum(arr**2))
arr_normalized results in:
array([ 0.26726124, 0.53452248, 0.80178373])
Please try the following code,
vector = [1,2,4]
for x in vector:
y = y**0.5
unit_vector = []
for x in vector:
Hope this helps.
def vector_normalization(vec):
result = 0
for x in vec:
result = result + (x**2)
magnitude = (result)**0.5
x = vec[0]/magnitude
y = vec[1]/magnitude
z = vec[2]/magnitude
vec = [x,y,z]
return vec

Creating uniform random quaternion and multiplication of two quaternions

I have a python (NumPy) function which creates a uniform random quaternion. I would like to get two quaternion multiplication as 2-dimensional returned array from the same or an another function. The formula of quaternion multiplication in my recent case is Q1*Q2 and Q2*Q1. Here, Q1=(w0, x0, y0, z0) and Q2=(w1, x1, y1, z1) are two quaternions. The expected two quaternion multiplication output (as 2-d returned array) should be
return([-x1*x0 - y1*y0 - z1*z0 + w1*w0, x1*w0 + y1*z0 - z1*y0 +
w1*x0, -x1*z0 + y1*w0 + z1*x0 + w1*y0, x1*y0 - y1*x0 + z1*w0 +
Can anyone help me please? My codes are here:
def randQ(N):
#Generates a uniform random quaternion
#James J. Kuffner 2004
#A random array 3xN
s = random.rand(3,N)
sigma1 = sqrt(1.0 - s[0])
sigma2 = sqrt(s[0])
theta1 = 2*pi*s[1]
theta2 = 2*pi*s[2]
w = cos(theta2)*sigma2
x = sin(theta1)*sigma1
y = cos(theta1)*sigma1
z = sin(theta2)*sigma2
return array([w, x, y, z])
I know that the question is old but as I found it interesting, for future reference I herewith write an answer: if no special data type for quaternions is desirable, then a quaternion can be written as a tuple of a real number and a normal vector as an array of floats. Thus, mathematically, based on the process mentioned here, the Hamilton product of two quaternions $\hat{q}_1=(w_1,\mathbf{v}_1k$ and $\hat{q}_2=(w_2,\mathbf{v}_2)$ would be:
$$\hat{q}_1 \hat{q}_2=(w_1 w_2-\mathbf{v}^T_1\mathbf{v}_2, w_1 \mathbf{v}_2+w_2 \mathbf{v}_1+\mathbf{v}_1\times \mathbf{v}_2)$$
Sorry for the math notation that cannot be rendered in Stack Overflow.
Thus in numpy:
import numpy as np
A simple rendition of your request would be:
In [70]: def multQ(Q1,Q2):
...: w0,x0,y0,z0 = Q1 # unpack
...: w1,x1,y1,z1 = Q2
...: return([-x1*x0 - y1*y0 - z1*z0 + w1*w0, x1*w0 + y1*z0 - z1*y0 +
...: w1*x0, -x1*z0 + y1*w0 + z1*x0 + w1*y0, x1*y0 - y1*x0 + z1*w0 +
...: w1*z0])
In [72]: multQ(randQ(1),randQ(2))
[array([-0.37695449, 0.79178506]),
array([-0.38447116, 0.22030199]),
array([ 0.44019022, 0.56496059]),
array([ 0.71855397, 0.07323243])]
The result is a list of 4 arrays. Just wrap it in np.array() to get a 2d array:
In [73]: M=np.array(_)
In [74]: M
array([[-0.37695449, 0.79178506],
[-0.38447116, 0.22030199],
[ 0.44019022, 0.56496059],
[ 0.71855397, 0.07323243]])
I haven't tried to understand or clean up your description - just rendering it as working code.
A 2-Dimensional Array is an array like this: foo[0][1]
You don't need to do that. Multiplying two quaternions yields one single quaternion. I don't see why you would need a two-dimensional array, or how you would even use one.
Just have a function that takes two arrays as arguments:
def multQuat(q1, q2):
then return the relevant array.
return array([-q2[1] * q1[1], ...])
I know the post is pretty old but would like to add a function using the pyquaternion library to calculate quaternion multiplication. The quaternion multiplication mentioned in the question is called the Hamilton product. You can use it like below...
from pyquaternion import Quaternion
q1 = Quaternion()
q2 = Quaternion()
q1_q2 = q1*q2
You can find more about this library here
There is a Python module that adds a quaternion dtype to NumPy.
Please check out the documentation for the quaternion module here.
Here is an example from the documentation. It looks native to the usage of NumPy.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import quaternion
>>> np.quaternion(1,0,0,0)
quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
>>> q1 = np.quaternion(1,2,3,4)
>>> q2 = np.quaternion(5,6,7,8)
>>> q1 * q2
quaternion(-60, 12, 30, 24)
>>> a = np.array([q1, q2])
>>> a
array([quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4), quaternion(5, 6, 7, 8)], dtype=quaternion)
>>> np.exp(a)
array([quaternion(1.69392, -0.78956, -1.18434, -1.57912),
quaternion(138.909, -25.6861, -29.9671, -34.2481)], dtype=quaternion)

Multiplying column and row vectors in Numpy

I'd like to multiply two vectors, one column (i.e., (N+1)x1), one row (i.e., 1x(N+1)) to give a (N+1)x(N+1) matrix. I'm fairly new to Numpy but have some experience with MATLAB, this is the equivalent code in MATLAB to what I want in Numpy:
n = 0:N;
xx = cos(pi*n/N)';
T = cos(acos(xx)*n');
in Numpy I've tried:
import numpy as np
n = range(0,N+1)
pi = np.pi
xx = np.cos(np.multiply(pi / float(N), n))
xxa = np.asarray(xx)
na = np.asarray(n)
nd = np.transpose(na)
T = np.cos(np.multiply(np.arccos(xxa),nd))
I added the asarray line after I noticed that without it Numpy seemed to be treating xx and n as lists. np.shape(n), np.shape(xx), np.shape(na) and np.shape(xxa) gives the same result: (100001L,)
np.multiply only does element by element multiplication. You want an outer product. Use np.outer:
np.outer(np.arccos(xxa), nd)
If you want to use NumPy similar to MATLAB, you have to make sure that your arrays have the right shape. You can check the shape of any NumPy array with arrayname.shape and because your array na has shape (4,) instead of (4,1), the transpose method is effectless and multiply calculates the dot product. Use arrayname.reshape(N+1,1) resp. arrayname.reshape(1,N+1) to transform your arrays:
import numpy as np
n = range(0,N+1)
pi = np.pi
xx = np.cos(np.multiply(pi / float(N), n))
xxa = np.asarray(xx).reshape(N+1,1)
na = np.asarray(n).reshape(N+1,1)
nd = np.transpose(na)
T = np.cos(np.multiply(np.arccos(xxa),nd))
Since Python 3.5, you can use the # operator for matrix multiplication. So it's a walkover to get code that's very similar to MATLAB:
import numpy as np
n = np.arange(N + 1).reshape(N + 1, 1)
xx = np.cos(np.pi * n / N)
T = np.cos(np.arccos(xx) # n.T)
Here n.T denotes the transpose of n.

