How to send multiple messages to mandrill - python

I have around 1000 unique mails with unique content. I want to bulk send them to mandril i.e. I dont want to make individual network calls for every message I am sending. The following document shows the api. But it does not define what I want to.
What I want
mandrill_client = mandrill.Mandrill('YOUR_API_KEY')
messages ={ message1, message2 ....}
result = mandrill_client.messages.send(messages=messages, async=True, ip_pool='Main Pool', send_at='example send_at')
I could not find the above. But this is what I want.

Try this
message = {
#other details
'from_email': '',
'from_name': 'Example Name',
'to': [{'email': '',
'name': 'Recipient Name',
'type': 'to'},2nd reciepient,....],
result = mandrill_client.messages.send(messages=messages, async=True)


Accessing nested data in a supposed dict

Alright, I'm stumped. I have googled everything I can think of from nested Dicts, Dicts inside Lists inside Dicts, to JSON referencing and have no idea how to get to this data.
I have this AWS Lambda handler that is reading Slack events and simply reversing someone's message and then spitting it out back to Slack. However, the bot can respond to itself (creating an infinite loop). I thought I had this solved, however, that was for the legacy stuff. I am Python stupid, so how do reference this data?
Data (slack_body_dict print from below):
{'token': 'NgapUeqidaGeTf4ONWkUQQiP', 'team_id': 'T7BD9RY57', 'api_app_id': 'A01LZHA7R9U', 'event': {'client_msg_id': '383aeac2-a436-4bad-8e19-7fa68facf916', 'type': 'message', 'text': 'rip', 'user': 'U7D1RQ9MM', 'ts': '1612727797.024200', 'team': 'T7BD9RY57', 'blocks': [{'type': 'rich_text', 'block_id': 'gA7K', 'elements': [{'type': 'rich_text_section', 'elements': [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'rip'}]}]}], 'channel': 'D01MK0JSNDP', 'event_ts': '1612727797.024200', 'channel_type': 'im'}, 'type': 'event_callback', 'event_id': 'Ev01MN8LJ117', 'event_time': 1612727797, 'authorizations': [{'enterprise_id': None, 'team_id': 'T7BD9RY57', 'user_id': 'U01MW6UK55W', 'is_bot': True, 'is_enterprise_install': False}], 'is_ext_shared_channel': False, 'event_context': '1-message-T7BD9RY57-D01MK0JSNDP'}
There is an 'is_bot' there under 'authorizations' I want to check. I assume this will let the bot stop responding to itself. However, for the life of me, I cannot reference it. It seems to be nested in there.
I have tried the following:
def lambda_handler(api_event, api_context):
print(f"Received event:\n{api_event}\nWith context:\n{api_context}")
# Grab relevant information form the api_event
slack_body_raw = api_event.get('body')
slack_body_dict = json.loads(slack_body_raw)
request_headers = api_event["headers"]
As you can see I have absolutely no clue how to get to that variable to tell if it is true or false. Every 'is_bot' print reference results in an error. Can someone tell me how to reference that variable or give me something to google? Appreciate it. Code is below in case it is relevant.
import json
import os
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError
def is_challenge(slack_event_body: dict) -> bool:
"""Is the event a challenge from slack? If yes return the correct response to slack
slack_event_body (dict): The slack event JSON
returns True if it is a slack challenge event returns False otherwise
if "challenge" in slack_event_body:"Challenge Data: {slack_event_body['challenge']}")
return True
return False
def lambda_handler(api_event, api_context):
# Grab relevant information form the api_event
slack_body_raw = api_event.get('body')
slack_body_dict = json.loads(slack_body_raw)
request_headers = api_event["headers"]
# This is to appease the slack challenge gods
if is_challenge(slack_body_dict):
challenge_response_body = {
"challenge": slack_body_dict["challenge"]
return helpers.form_response(200, challenge_response_body)
# This parses the slack body dict to get the event JSON
slack_event_dict = slack_body_dict["event"]
# Build the slack client.
slack_client = WebClient(token=os.environ['BOT_TOKEN'])
# We need to discriminate between events generated by
# the users, which we want to process and handle,
# and those generated by the bot.
if slack_body_dict['is_bot']: #THIS IS GIVING ME THE ERROR. I WANT TO CHECK IF BOT HERE.
logging.warning("Ignore bot event")
# Get the text of the message the user sent to the bot,
# and reverse it.
text = slack_event_dict["text"]
reversed_text = text[::-1]
# Get the ID of the channel where the message was posted.
channel_id = slack_event_dict["channel"]
response = slack_client.chat_postMessage(
except SlackApiError as e:
# You will get a SlackApiError if "ok" is False
assert e.response["error"] # str like 'invalid_auth', 'channel_not_found'
The structure of the data is:
"authorizations": [
"is_bot": true
So you would need to first index "authorizations", then to get the first item 0, and lastly "is_bot".
Alternativly, you could iterate over all the authorizations and check if any (or all) of them are marked as a bot like so:
any(auth["is_bot"] for auth in slack_body_dict["authorizations"])

Unable to update data in pymongo

I have a JSON POST data that a user is going to send me every time to fetch some data from a third party service.I plan to cache the data based on a scope id so that I don't keep inserting the data each time the user requests for something.Futhermore I am keeping a time stamp for each user request.Below is the POST data that user is going to send me everytime.
"scope_id": "user1",
"tool_id": "appdynamics",
"api_id": "get metrics",
"input_params": {"user": "myuser", "pwd": "mypwd", "acc_id": "myaccount", "app_id": "TestApp", "metric-path": "ars",
"time-range-type": "BEFORE_NOW", "duration-in-mins": 10},
"output_filters": {}
Below is the code snippet to handle the insertion of data
def post(self):
data = ServiceAPI.parser.parse_args()
print("First data", data)
scope_id = data["scope_id"]
tool_id = data["tool_id"]
api_id = data["api_id"]
input_params = data["input_params"]
output_filter = data["output_filter"]
if all([scope_id, tool_id, api_id]) and all(input_params.values()):
check_id = [j for i in users.find({}) for j in i if j == scope_id]
if check_id and check_id[0] == scope_id:
users.update({scope_id: [tool_id, api_id, input_params]},
{scope_id: [tool_id, api_id, input_params],
"timestamp":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}, upsert=True)
{scope_id: [tool_id, api_id, input_params],
"timestamp":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')})
Here the update statement works great if the user request is exactly the same as last time but makes a new entry if the user demands a new information for example in the POST request api_id = "get logs" when ideally it should have updated the user's data with the latest one.
For the first time when the user makes a POST request, below is the data that gets stored in my database
[{'user1': ['appdynamics', 'get metrics', {'pwd': 'mypwd', 'metric-path': 'ars', 'user': 'myuser', 'time-range-type': 'BEFORE_NOW', 'acc_id': 'myaccount', 'app_id': 'TestApp', 'duration-in-mins': 10}], 'timestamp': '2018-03-24 21:49:28', '_id': ObjectId('5ab67a901899db6d8a266558')}]
Now I make the same request again, it ensures no new entry is made since its made by the same scope id
However now if the user requests some new information for example
"scope_id": "user1",
"tool_id": "appdynamics",
"api_id": "get logs",
"input_params": {"user": "myuser", "pwd": "mypwd", "acc_id": "myaccount", "app_id": "TestApp", "metric-path": "ars",
"time-range-type": "BEFORE_NOW", "duration-in-mins": 10},
"output_filters": {}
Notice I have changed "api_id": "get logs", it makes a new entry instead of just modifying the existing data in my database.Here is the data now
[{'user1': ['appdynamics', 'get metrics', {'pwd': 'mypwd', 'metric-path': 'ars', 'user': 'myuser', 'time-range-type': 'BEFORE_NOW', 'acc_id': 'myaccount', 'app_id': 'TestApp', 'duration-in-mins': 10}], 'timestamp': '2018-03-24 21:49:28', '_id': ObjectId('5ab67a901899db6d8a266558')}, {'user1': ['appdynamics', 'get logs', {'pwd': 'mypwd', 'metric-path': 'ars', 'user': 'myuser', 'time-range-type': 'BEFORE_NOW', 'acc_id': 'myaccount', 'app_id': 'TestApp', 'duration-in-mins': 10}], 'timestamp': '2018-03-24 21:55:29', '_id': ObjectId('5ab67bf9089b16e9e77037f4')}]
So here the update seems to fail.What could be going wrong?
Note: This is a flask app and I suggest not to get into the details of the implementation.I just need to update the given data based on the scope id each time a user makes a request irrespective of whether it is the same request or a different one.
You are passing upsert=True to update(). Upsert tells MongoDB to update an existing document if one matching the query is found, insert a new document otherwise. The first parameter to update() is a query filter to find documents to apply the update to. The update query filter where api_id == "get logs" isn't matching any existing document, so a new document is being created.

Attendees in Google Calendar not always in the same order

So I've just started using the google calendar api and I've had good results so far. I add attendees with their name and email in the events dictionary, like so
events = {
# other stuff here and then this
'items': [
# lots of stuff here, followed by
'attendees': [
'email': email1,
'displayName': name1
'email': email2,
'displayName': name2
Adding them goes fine, but when I access them, I'm never guaranteed of their order. I thought I could just access the emails like this
for event in events['items']:
print "email1 = " + str(event['attendees'][0]['email'])
print "email2 = " + str(event['attendees'][1]['email'])
and I can. And I've learned that lists in python always have their order preserved, which is convenient because I wanted to access the dictionaries inside the list with the index of the list. But what I've learned is that sometimes the 0 index refers to email1 and sometimes it refers to email2. Why the inconsistency? Is it inherent to the google calendar api or is there something about having dictionary objects within a python list that relaxes the order preservation assumption? Or is it something else I'm missing?
So, as #Colonel Thirty Two pointed out, while lists preserve order, how google return data into a list may not be in the same order as it was submitted to them. This order inconsistency with attendees is inconvenient if you are wanting to count on that order for the retrieval of attendees with something like
for event in events['items']:
print "email1 = " + str(event['attendees'][0]['email'])
print "email2 = " + str(event['attendees'][1]['email'])
What's more is that very few fields are writable with the google calendar api. What is writable, however, is comments. So, I added a value to that field to make the attendees identifiable. Like so
'attendees': [
'email': agent_email,
'displayName': agent_name,
'comment': 'agent'
'email': event_attendee_email,
'displayName': event_attendee_name,
'comment': 'client'
Using comment as an identifier helped me in retrieving the email and displayName of each attendee with a simple if-statement.
for i in range(len(event['attendees'])):
if event['attendees'][i]['comment'] == 'client':
event['attendees'][i]['displayName'] = event_attendee_name
event['attendees'][i]['email'] = event_attendee_email
Now it doesn't matter that the google calendar api submits my attendees back to me in a different order than the one in which I added them. I can now retrieve the attendees so I can change them. Problem solved.

Telegram bot API - Inline bot getting Error 400 while trying to answer inline query

I have a problem coding a bot in Python that works with the new inline mode.
The bot gets the query, and while trying to answer, it receives error 400.
Here is a sample of data sent by the bot at this time:
'inline_query_id': '287878416582808857',
'results': [
'type': 'article',
'title': 'Convertion',
'parse_mode': 'Markdown',
'id': '287878416582808857/0',
'message_text': 'blah blah'
I use requests library in to make requests, and here is the line that does it in the code: = "" % (telegram_bot_token, "/answerInlineQuery"), data = myData)
With myData holding the data described in the sample.
Can you help me solve this, please?
I suspect it is because you haven't JSON-serialized the results parameter.
import json
results = [{'type': 'article',
'title': 'Convertion',
'parse_mode': 'Markdown',
'id': '287878416582808857/0',
'message_text': 'blah blah'}]
my_data = {
'inline_query_id': '287878416582808857',
'results': json.dumps(results),
}"" % (telegram_bot_token, "/answerInlineQuery"),
Note that I use params to supply the data.
I am getting the correct response after doing some POC. I am using java com.github.pengrad.
Below the code.
GetUpdatesResponse updatesResponse = bot.execute(new GetUpdates());
List updates = updatesResponse.updates();
for(Update update:updates){
InlineQuery inlineQuery = update.inlineQuery();
if(inlineQuery!=null) {
InlineQueryResult r1 = new InlineQueryResultPhoto("AgADBQADrqcxG5q8tQ0EKSz5JaZjzDWgvzIABL0Neit4ar9MsXYBAAEC", "", "");
BaseResponse baseResponse = bot.execute(new AnswerInlineQuery(, r1)
Below the console output:
Update{update_id=465103212, message=null, edited_message=null, inline_query=InlineQuery{id='995145139265927135', from=User{id=231700283, first_name='Manabendra', last_name='Maji', username='null'}, location=null, query='hi', offset=''}, chosen_inline_result=null, callback_query=null}
InlineQuery{id='995145139265927135', from=User{id=231700283, first_name='Manabendra', last_name='Maji', username='null'}, location=null, query='hi', offset=''}
BaseResponse{ok=true, error_code=0, description='null'}
And I am getting proper response in my mobile telegram app also.

How to find uid of existing python email object

I have been reading through this document. Most of the document is based on finding an email's uid. From the article:
"The way this works is pretty simple: use the uid function, and pass in the string of the command in as the first argument. The rest behaves exactly the same.
result, data = mail.uid('search', None, "ALL") # search and return uids instead
latest_email_uid = data[0].split()[-1]
result, data = mail.uid('fetch', latest_email_uid, '(RFC822)')
raw_email = data[0][1]
I'm working with a django app called django-mailbox ( the purpose of which is to consume emails.
The app creates a "Message" model that looks like:
u'django_mailbox.message': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'Message'},
'body': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}),
'encoded': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'from_header': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}),
u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'in_reply_to': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'replies'", 'null': 'True', 'to': u"orm['django_mailbox.Message']"}),
'mailbox': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'messages'", 'to': u"orm['django_mailbox.Mailbox']"}),
'message_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}),
'outgoing': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'processed': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'read': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': 'None', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}),
'subject': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}),
'to_header': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {})
using the python "email" library I can select a record from a django queryset and turn it into an email object:
qs = Message.objects.filter("my criteria")
first = qs[0]
one = first.get_email_object() // one is an email object
Does the existing data in the db have a uid, and if so how can I grab it.
The strict answer to your question is "no". The document you quote is about looping through an IMAP folder (in this case, a Gmail account), which will certainly get a unique ID (uid) from the server which tracks the unique message ID for each Email message.
Because you are constructing a mail message object using Django, you won't have such a UID. The "ID" field you do get from django.db.models.fields.AutoField is the sequential auto-increment ID that the Gmail/IMAP web page you quote says is "unacceptable".
You may want to look at the "uuid" library ( to generate unique ID values for your messages, but unless you also store those in your database, you'll be re-generating them over and over.
If you care to share more exact information about what you're trying to build (a web-based Email reader, perhaps?) then we as a community might have some better ideas for you.
you will get the uid of your mail in response
email_user = 'your gmail'
email_pass = 'your app password'
mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')
mail.login(email_user, email_pass)'inbox')
status, response = mail.uid('search', None, r'(X-GM-RAW "subject:\"your latest mail subject\"")')
response = response[0].decode('utf-8').split()
response = response[:min(10, len(response))]
print (response)

