I use QTextEdit from PyQt5 and I want to put a frame around selected words. As suggested by musicamante I tried to overwrite the paintEvent. The coordinates for the rectangle I want to extract from the cursor position. So, I put the cursor of my TextEditor at the beginning and at the end of the text and then tried to get the global coordinates from each the start and the end. With these coordinates a rectangle should be drawn. But when I run the code, the output coordinates are wrong and only a dash or a very small rectangle is drawn.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QPen
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, QWidget, QApplication, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
class TextEditor(QTextEdit):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.coordinates = []
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QPainter(self.viewport())
painter.setPen(QPen(, 4, Qt.SolidLine))
if self.coordinates:
for coordinate in self.coordinates:
painter.drawRect(coordinate[0].x(), coordinate[0].y(), coordinate[1].x() - coordinate[0].x(), 10)
super(TextEditor, self).paintEvent(event)
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
edit = TextEditor(self)
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
self.boxes = []
text = "Hello World"
word = "World"
start = text.find(word)
end = start + len(word)
edit.coordinates.append(self.emit_coorindate(start, end, edit))
def emit_coorindate(self, start, end, edit):
cursor = edit.textCursor()
x = edit.cursorRect().topLeft()
y = edit.cursorRect().bottomRight()
return (x, y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
window.setGeometry(800, 100, 1000, 1000)
Note: I'm basing this answer on an earlier version of the question which used QTextCharFormat to set the background of a text fragment. I added further support as I found myself looking for a valid solution for similar issue, but didn't have the opportunity to do it properly until now.
The laying out of text is quite complex, especially when dealing with rich text, including simple aspects like multiple lines.
While the Qt rich text engine allows setting the background of text, there is no support to draw a border around text.
For very basic cases, the answer provided for Getting the bounding box of QTextEdit selection will suffice, but it has some flaws.
First of all, if the text wraps on a new line (i.e. a very long selection), the complete bounding rect will be shown, which will include text that is not part of the selection. As shown in the above answer, you can see the result:
Then, the proposed solution is only valid for static text: whenever the text is updated, the selection is not updated along with it. While it's possible to update the internal selection when the text is changed programmatically, user editing would make it much more complex and prone to errors or unexpected behavior.
Solution: using QTextCharFormat
While the following approach is clearly much more complex, it's more effective, and allows further customization (like setting the border color and width). It works by using existing features of the Qt rich text engine, setting a custom format property that will always be preserved, no matter if the text is changed. Once the format is set for the selected text fragment, what's left is implementing the part that will dynamically compute the rectangles of the borders and, obviously, their painting.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to cycle through the whole document layout and get the exact coordinates of each text fragment that needs "highlighting". This is done by:
iterating through all text blocks of the document;
iterating through all text fragments of each block;
get the possible lines that are part of that fragment (since word wrapping might force even single words to appear on more than one line);
find the extents of the characters belonging to the fragments in those lines, which will be used as coordinates for the borders;
To provide such feature, I used a custom QTextFormat property with a simple QPen instance that will be used to draw the borders, and that property is set for a specific QTextCharFormat set for the wanted text fragment.
Then, a QTimer connected to the relevant signals will compute the geometry of the borders (if any) and eventually request a repaint: this is necessary because any change in the document layout (text contents, but also editor/document size) can potentially change the geometry of the borders.
The paintEvent() will then paint those borders whenever they are included in the event rectangle (for optimization reasons, QTextEdit only redraws portion of the text that actually needs repainting).
Here is the result of the following code:
And here is what happens when breaking the line in the "selection":
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
BorderProperty = QtGui.QTextFormat.UserProperty + 100
class BorderTextEdit(QtWidgets.QTextEdit):
_joinBorders = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._borderData = []
self._updateBordersTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self, singleShot=True,
interval=0, timeout=self._updateBorders)
def scheduleUpdateBorders(self):
def joinBorders(self):
When the *same* border format spans more than one line (due to line
wrap/break) some rectangles can be contiguous.
If this property is False, those borders will always be shown as
separate rectangles.
If this property is True, try to merge contiguous rectangles to
create unique regions.
return self._joinBorders
def joinBorders(self, join):
if self._joinBorders != join:
self._joinBorders = join
def setBordersJoined(self, join):
self.joinBorders = join
def _updateBorders(self):
if not self.toPlainText():
if self._borderData:
doc = self.document()
block = doc.begin()
end = doc.end()
docLayout = doc.documentLayout()
borderRects = []
lastBorderRects = []
lastBorder = None
while block != end:
if not block.text():
block =
blockRect = docLayout.blockBoundingRect(block)
blockX = blockRect.x()
blockY = blockRect.y()
it = block.begin()
while not it.atEnd():
fragment = it.fragment()
fmt = fragment.charFormat()
border =
if lastBorder != border and lastBorderRects:
borderRects.append((lastBorderRects, lastBorder))
lastBorderRects = []
if isinstance(border, QtGui.QPen):
lastBorder = border
blockLayout = block.layout()
fragPos = fragment.position() - block.position()
fragEnd = fragPos + fragment.length()
while True:
line = blockLayout.lineForTextPosition(
if line.isValid():
x, _ = line.cursorToX(fragPos)
right, lineEnd = line.cursorToX(fragEnd)
rect = QtCore.QRectF(
blockX + x, blockY + line.y(),
right - x, line.height()
if lineEnd != fragEnd:
fragPos = lineEnd
it += 1
block =
borderData = []
if lastBorderRects and lastBorder:
borderRects.append((lastBorderRects, lastBorder))
if not self._joinBorders:
for rects, border in borderRects:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
for rect in rects:
path.addRect(rect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1))
path.translate(.5, .5)
borderData.append((border, path))
for rects, border in borderRects:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
for rect in rects:
path.translate(.5, .5)
path = path.simplified()
fixPath = QtGui.QPainterPath()
last = None
# see the [*] note below for this block
for e in range(path.elementCount()):
element = path.elementAt(e)
if element.type != path.MoveToElement:
if element.x < last.x:
last.y -= 1
element.y -= 1
elif element.y > last.y:
last.x -= 1
element.x -= 1
if last:
if last.isMoveTo():
fixPath.moveTo(last.x, last.y)
fixPath.lineTo(last.x, last.y)
last = element
if last.isLineTo():
fixPath.lineTo(last.x, last.y)
borderData.append((border, fixPath))
if self._borderData != borderData:
self._borderData[:] = borderData
# we need to schedule a repainting on the whole viewport
def paintEvent(self, event):
if self._borderData:
offset = QtCore.QPointF(
rect = QtCore.QRectF(event.rect()).translated(-offset)
if self._borderData[-1][1].boundingRect().bottom() >= rect.y():
toDraw = []
for border, path in self._borderData:
if not path.intersects(rect):
if path.boundingRect().y() > rect.y():
toDraw.append((border, path))
if toDraw:
qp = QtGui.QPainter(self.viewport())
for border, path in toDraw:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
editor = BorderTextEdit()
text = 'Hello World'
cursor = editor.textCursor()
word = "World"
start_index = text.find(word)
cursor.setPosition(start_index + len(word), cursor.KeepAnchor)
format = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
format.setProperty(BorderProperty, QtGui.QPen(
[*] - the border should always be within the bounding rect of the text, otherwise there would be overlapping, so the rectangles are always adjusted by 1 pixel left/above for the right/bottom borders; to allow rectangle joining, we must preserve the original rectangles first, so we fix the resulting paths by adjusting the "remaining lines" of those rectangles: since rectangles are always drawn clockwise, we adjust the "right lines" that go from top to bottom (by moving their x points left by one pixel) and the "bottom lines" from right to left (y points moved above by one pixel).
The clipboard issue
Now, there is a problem: since Qt uses the system clipboard also for internal cut/copy/paste operations, all that format data will be lost when trying to use that basic feature.
In order to solve this, a work around is to add the custom data to the clipboard, which stores the formatted contents as HTML. Note that we cannot change the contents of the HTML, becase there is no reliable way to find the specific position of the "border text" in the generated code. The custom data must be stored in other ways.
QTextEdit calls createMimeDataFromSelection() whenever it has to cut/copy a selection, so we can override that function by adding custom data to the returned mimedata object, and eventually read it back when the related insertFromMimeData() function is called for the paste operation.
The border data is read using a similar concept above (cycling through the blocks that are part of the selection) and serialized through the json module. Then, it gets restored by unserializing the data (if it exists) while keeping track of the previous cursor position before pasting.
Note: in the following solution, I just append the serialized data to the HTML (using the <!-- ... ---> comments), but another option is to add further data with a custom format to the mimeData object.
import json
BorderProperty = QtGui.QTextFormat.UserProperty + 100
BorderDataStart = "<!-- BorderData='"
BorderDataEnd = "' -->"
class BorderTextEdit(QtWidgets.QTextEdit):
# ...
def createMimeDataFromSelection(self):
mime = super().createMimeDataFromSelection()
cursor = self.textCursor()
if cursor.hasSelection():
selStart = cursor.selectionStart()
selEnd = cursor.selectionEnd()
block = self.document().findBlock(selStart)
borderData = []
while block.isValid() and block.position() < selEnd:
it = block.begin()
while not it.atEnd():
fragment = it.fragment()
fragStart = fragment.position()
fragEnd = fragStart + fragment.length()
if fragEnd >= selStart and fragStart < selEnd:
fmt = fragment.charFormat()
border =
if isinstance(border, QtGui.QPen):
start = max(0, fragStart - selStart)
end = min(selEnd, fragEnd)
borderDict = {
'start': start,
'length': end - (selStart + start),
'color': border.color().name(),
'width': border.width()
if border.width() != 1:
borderDict['width'] = border.width()
it += 1
block =
if borderData:
+ BorderDataStart
+ json.dumps(borderData)
+ BorderDataEnd)
return mime
def insertFromMimeData(self, source):
cursor = self.textCursor()
# merge the paste operation to avoid multiple levels of editing
self._customPaste(source, cursor.selectionStart())
def _customPaste(self, data, cursorPos):
if not data.hasHtml():
html = data.html()
htmlEnd = html.rfind('</html>')
if htmlEnd < 0:
hasBorderData = html.find(BorderDataStart)
if hasBorderData < 0:
end = html.find(BorderDataEnd)
if end < 0:
borderData = json.loads(
html[hasBorderData + len(BorderDataStart):end])
except ValueError:
cursor = self.textCursor()
keys = set(('start', 'length', 'color'))
for data in borderData:
if not isinstance(data, dict) or keys & set(data) != keys:
start = cursorPos + data['start']
oldFormat = cursor.charFormat()
cursor.setPosition(start + data['length'], cursor.KeepAnchor)
newBorder = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(data['color']))
width = data.get('width')
if width:
if != newBorder:
fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
fmt = oldFormat
fmt.setProperty(BorderProperty, newBorder)
For obvious reasons, this will provide clipboard support for the borders only for instances of BorderTextEdit or its subclasses, and will not be available when pasting into other programs, even if they accept HTML data.
I found a solution with QRubberband, which is pretty close to what I wanted:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextCursor
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, QWidget, QApplication, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5.Qt import QRubberBand
class TextEditor(QTextEdit):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
text = "Hello World"
word = "World"
start_index = text.find(word)
end_index = start_index + len(word)
self.set = set()
self.set.add((start_index, end_index))
def getBoundingRect(self, start, end):
cursor = self.textCursor()
last_rect = end_rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
first_rect = start_rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
if start_rect.y() != end_rect.y():
first_rect = last_rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
while True:
rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
if rect.y() < end_rect.y() and rect.x() > last_rect.x():
last_rect = rect
moved = cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextCharacter)
if not moved or rect.y() > end_rect.y():
last_rect = last_rect.united(end_rect)
return first_rect.united(last_rect)
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
self.edit = TextEditor(self)
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
self.boxes = []
def showBoxes(self):
while self.boxes:
viewport = self.edit.viewport()
for start, end in self.edit.set:
print(start, end)
rect = self.edit.getBoundingRect(start, end)
box = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, viewport)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
window.setGeometry(800, 100, 1000, 1000)
I use QTextEdit from PyQt5 and I want to put a frame around selected words. As suggested by musicamante I tried to overwrite the paintEvent. The coordinates for the rectangle I want to extract from the cursor position. So, I put the cursor of my TextEditor at the beginning and at the end of the text and then tried to get the global coordinates from each the start and the end. With these coordinates a rectangle should be drawn. But when I run the code, the output coordinates are wrong and only a dash or a very small rectangle is drawn.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QPen
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, QWidget, QApplication, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
class TextEditor(QTextEdit):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.coordinates = []
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QPainter(self.viewport())
painter.setPen(QPen(, 4, Qt.SolidLine))
if self.coordinates:
for coordinate in self.coordinates:
painter.drawRect(coordinate[0].x(), coordinate[0].y(), coordinate[1].x() - coordinate[0].x(), 10)
super(TextEditor, self).paintEvent(event)
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
edit = TextEditor(self)
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
self.boxes = []
text = "Hello World"
word = "World"
start = text.find(word)
end = start + len(word)
edit.coordinates.append(self.emit_coorindate(start, end, edit))
def emit_coorindate(self, start, end, edit):
cursor = edit.textCursor()
x = edit.cursorRect().topLeft()
y = edit.cursorRect().bottomRight()
return (x, y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
window.setGeometry(800, 100, 1000, 1000)
Note: I'm basing this answer on an earlier version of the question which used QTextCharFormat to set the background of a text fragment. I added further support as I found myself looking for a valid solution for similar issue, but didn't have the opportunity to do it properly until now.
The laying out of text is quite complex, especially when dealing with rich text, including simple aspects like multiple lines.
While the Qt rich text engine allows setting the background of text, there is no support to draw a border around text.
For very basic cases, the answer provided for Getting the bounding box of QTextEdit selection will suffice, but it has some flaws.
First of all, if the text wraps on a new line (i.e. a very long selection), the complete bounding rect will be shown, which will include text that is not part of the selection. As shown in the above answer, you can see the result:
Then, the proposed solution is only valid for static text: whenever the text is updated, the selection is not updated along with it. While it's possible to update the internal selection when the text is changed programmatically, user editing would make it much more complex and prone to errors or unexpected behavior.
Solution: using QTextCharFormat
While the following approach is clearly much more complex, it's more effective, and allows further customization (like setting the border color and width). It works by using existing features of the Qt rich text engine, setting a custom format property that will always be preserved, no matter if the text is changed. Once the format is set for the selected text fragment, what's left is implementing the part that will dynamically compute the rectangles of the borders and, obviously, their painting.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to cycle through the whole document layout and get the exact coordinates of each text fragment that needs "highlighting". This is done by:
iterating through all text blocks of the document;
iterating through all text fragments of each block;
get the possible lines that are part of that fragment (since word wrapping might force even single words to appear on more than one line);
find the extents of the characters belonging to the fragments in those lines, which will be used as coordinates for the borders;
To provide such feature, I used a custom QTextFormat property with a simple QPen instance that will be used to draw the borders, and that property is set for a specific QTextCharFormat set for the wanted text fragment.
Then, a QTimer connected to the relevant signals will compute the geometry of the borders (if any) and eventually request a repaint: this is necessary because any change in the document layout (text contents, but also editor/document size) can potentially change the geometry of the borders.
The paintEvent() will then paint those borders whenever they are included in the event rectangle (for optimization reasons, QTextEdit only redraws portion of the text that actually needs repainting).
Here is the result of the following code:
And here is what happens when breaking the line in the "selection":
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
BorderProperty = QtGui.QTextFormat.UserProperty + 100
class BorderTextEdit(QtWidgets.QTextEdit):
_joinBorders = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._borderData = []
self._updateBordersTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self, singleShot=True,
interval=0, timeout=self._updateBorders)
def scheduleUpdateBorders(self):
def joinBorders(self):
When the *same* border format spans more than one line (due to line
wrap/break) some rectangles can be contiguous.
If this property is False, those borders will always be shown as
separate rectangles.
If this property is True, try to merge contiguous rectangles to
create unique regions.
return self._joinBorders
def joinBorders(self, join):
if self._joinBorders != join:
self._joinBorders = join
def setBordersJoined(self, join):
self.joinBorders = join
def _updateBorders(self):
if not self.toPlainText():
if self._borderData:
doc = self.document()
block = doc.begin()
end = doc.end()
docLayout = doc.documentLayout()
borderRects = []
lastBorderRects = []
lastBorder = None
while block != end:
if not block.text():
block =
blockRect = docLayout.blockBoundingRect(block)
blockX = blockRect.x()
blockY = blockRect.y()
it = block.begin()
while not it.atEnd():
fragment = it.fragment()
fmt = fragment.charFormat()
border =
if lastBorder != border and lastBorderRects:
borderRects.append((lastBorderRects, lastBorder))
lastBorderRects = []
if isinstance(border, QtGui.QPen):
lastBorder = border
blockLayout = block.layout()
fragPos = fragment.position() - block.position()
fragEnd = fragPos + fragment.length()
while True:
line = blockLayout.lineForTextPosition(
if line.isValid():
x, _ = line.cursorToX(fragPos)
right, lineEnd = line.cursorToX(fragEnd)
rect = QtCore.QRectF(
blockX + x, blockY + line.y(),
right - x, line.height()
if lineEnd != fragEnd:
fragPos = lineEnd
it += 1
block =
borderData = []
if lastBorderRects and lastBorder:
borderRects.append((lastBorderRects, lastBorder))
if not self._joinBorders:
for rects, border in borderRects:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
for rect in rects:
path.addRect(rect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1))
path.translate(.5, .5)
borderData.append((border, path))
for rects, border in borderRects:
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
for rect in rects:
path.translate(.5, .5)
path = path.simplified()
fixPath = QtGui.QPainterPath()
last = None
# see the [*] note below for this block
for e in range(path.elementCount()):
element = path.elementAt(e)
if element.type != path.MoveToElement:
if element.x < last.x:
last.y -= 1
element.y -= 1
elif element.y > last.y:
last.x -= 1
element.x -= 1
if last:
if last.isMoveTo():
fixPath.moveTo(last.x, last.y)
fixPath.lineTo(last.x, last.y)
last = element
if last.isLineTo():
fixPath.lineTo(last.x, last.y)
borderData.append((border, fixPath))
if self._borderData != borderData:
self._borderData[:] = borderData
# we need to schedule a repainting on the whole viewport
def paintEvent(self, event):
if self._borderData:
offset = QtCore.QPointF(
rect = QtCore.QRectF(event.rect()).translated(-offset)
if self._borderData[-1][1].boundingRect().bottom() >= rect.y():
toDraw = []
for border, path in self._borderData:
if not path.intersects(rect):
if path.boundingRect().y() > rect.y():
toDraw.append((border, path))
if toDraw:
qp = QtGui.QPainter(self.viewport())
for border, path in toDraw:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
editor = BorderTextEdit()
text = 'Hello World'
cursor = editor.textCursor()
word = "World"
start_index = text.find(word)
cursor.setPosition(start_index + len(word), cursor.KeepAnchor)
format = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
format.setProperty(BorderProperty, QtGui.QPen(
[*] - the border should always be within the bounding rect of the text, otherwise there would be overlapping, so the rectangles are always adjusted by 1 pixel left/above for the right/bottom borders; to allow rectangle joining, we must preserve the original rectangles first, so we fix the resulting paths by adjusting the "remaining lines" of those rectangles: since rectangles are always drawn clockwise, we adjust the "right lines" that go from top to bottom (by moving their x points left by one pixel) and the "bottom lines" from right to left (y points moved above by one pixel).
The clipboard issue
Now, there is a problem: since Qt uses the system clipboard also for internal cut/copy/paste operations, all that format data will be lost when trying to use that basic feature.
In order to solve this, a work around is to add the custom data to the clipboard, which stores the formatted contents as HTML. Note that we cannot change the contents of the HTML, becase there is no reliable way to find the specific position of the "border text" in the generated code. The custom data must be stored in other ways.
QTextEdit calls createMimeDataFromSelection() whenever it has to cut/copy a selection, so we can override that function by adding custom data to the returned mimedata object, and eventually read it back when the related insertFromMimeData() function is called for the paste operation.
The border data is read using a similar concept above (cycling through the blocks that are part of the selection) and serialized through the json module. Then, it gets restored by unserializing the data (if it exists) while keeping track of the previous cursor position before pasting.
Note: in the following solution, I just append the serialized data to the HTML (using the <!-- ... ---> comments), but another option is to add further data with a custom format to the mimeData object.
import json
BorderProperty = QtGui.QTextFormat.UserProperty + 100
BorderDataStart = "<!-- BorderData='"
BorderDataEnd = "' -->"
class BorderTextEdit(QtWidgets.QTextEdit):
# ...
def createMimeDataFromSelection(self):
mime = super().createMimeDataFromSelection()
cursor = self.textCursor()
if cursor.hasSelection():
selStart = cursor.selectionStart()
selEnd = cursor.selectionEnd()
block = self.document().findBlock(selStart)
borderData = []
while block.isValid() and block.position() < selEnd:
it = block.begin()
while not it.atEnd():
fragment = it.fragment()
fragStart = fragment.position()
fragEnd = fragStart + fragment.length()
if fragEnd >= selStart and fragStart < selEnd:
fmt = fragment.charFormat()
border =
if isinstance(border, QtGui.QPen):
start = max(0, fragStart - selStart)
end = min(selEnd, fragEnd)
borderDict = {
'start': start,
'length': end - (selStart + start),
'color': border.color().name(),
'width': border.width()
if border.width() != 1:
borderDict['width'] = border.width()
it += 1
block =
if borderData:
+ BorderDataStart
+ json.dumps(borderData)
+ BorderDataEnd)
return mime
def insertFromMimeData(self, source):
cursor = self.textCursor()
# merge the paste operation to avoid multiple levels of editing
self._customPaste(source, cursor.selectionStart())
def _customPaste(self, data, cursorPos):
if not data.hasHtml():
html = data.html()
htmlEnd = html.rfind('</html>')
if htmlEnd < 0:
hasBorderData = html.find(BorderDataStart)
if hasBorderData < 0:
end = html.find(BorderDataEnd)
if end < 0:
borderData = json.loads(
html[hasBorderData + len(BorderDataStart):end])
except ValueError:
cursor = self.textCursor()
keys = set(('start', 'length', 'color'))
for data in borderData:
if not isinstance(data, dict) or keys & set(data) != keys:
start = cursorPos + data['start']
oldFormat = cursor.charFormat()
cursor.setPosition(start + data['length'], cursor.KeepAnchor)
newBorder = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(data['color']))
width = data.get('width')
if width:
if != newBorder:
fmt = QtGui.QTextCharFormat()
fmt = oldFormat
fmt.setProperty(BorderProperty, newBorder)
For obvious reasons, this will provide clipboard support for the borders only for instances of BorderTextEdit or its subclasses, and will not be available when pasting into other programs, even if they accept HTML data.
I found a solution with QRubberband, which is pretty close to what I wanted:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtGui import QTextCursor
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, QWidget, QApplication, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5.Qt import QRubberBand
class TextEditor(QTextEdit):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
text = "Hello World"
word = "World"
start_index = text.find(word)
end_index = start_index + len(word)
self.set = set()
self.set.add((start_index, end_index))
def getBoundingRect(self, start, end):
cursor = self.textCursor()
last_rect = end_rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
first_rect = start_rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
if start_rect.y() != end_rect.y():
first_rect = last_rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
while True:
rect = self.cursorRect(cursor)
if rect.y() < end_rect.y() and rect.x() > last_rect.x():
last_rect = rect
moved = cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextCharacter)
if not moved or rect.y() > end_rect.y():
last_rect = last_rect.united(end_rect)
return first_rect.united(last_rect)
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
self.edit = TextEditor(self)
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
self.boxes = []
def showBoxes(self):
while self.boxes:
viewport = self.edit.viewport()
for start, end in self.edit.set:
print(start, end)
rect = self.edit.getBoundingRect(start, end)
box = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, viewport)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
window.setGeometry(800, 100, 1000, 1000)
I have a window with a QGraphicsScene as painter, and i want to render its elements to a pdf file on press of a button.
def generateReport(self):
lineList = {}
for i in self.circleList:
for j,k in i.lineItems:
if j not in lineList:
lineList[j] = [i, k]
printed = QPdfWriter("Output.pdf")
printer = QPainter(printed)
for i,j in enumerate(lineList):
# j.scene().render(printer)
# lineList[j][0].scene().render(printer)
# lineList[j][1].scene().render(printer)
printer.drawText(0, self.painter.height() + i*200, f'{j.nameItem.toPlainText()}: {lineList[j][0].m_items[4].toPlainText()}, {lineList[j][1].m_items[4].toPlainText()}')
nameItem on j is the name label for the line, m_items[4] is the name label for each circle.
My issue is that i cant seem to get the exact height of the rendered scene, moreover I have zero clue as to how i could overflow the text to the next page should the contents not fit in one.
it would be lovely if i could somehow render every line and its corresponding circles seperately for each connection, stored in lineList
note: the line is a child of every circle , and the names of every line and circle are children of theirs, implemented much in the same way as the answer to my previous question where in lies my final issue of the grip items also being rendered.
I have discovered that I can create a new scene, move each item one by one and render it out to the pdf but this raises two separate issues
I cant add a line break and avoid overdrawing the new render over the previous one, and
I cant position the text as addText doesnt take positional arguments.
import random
from fbs_runtime.application_context.PyQt5 import ApplicationContext
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QPdfWriter, QBrush, QPagedPaintDevice
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QGraphicsScene,
QGraphicsView, QGridLayout,
QPushButton, QGraphicsEllipseItem)
class gui(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(gui, self).__init__(parent)
self.resize(1280, 720)
self.painter = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, self.width() - 50, self.height() - 70)
self.canvas = QGraphicsView(self.painter)
mainLayout = QGridLayout()
mainLayout.addWidget(self.canvas, 0, 0, -1, -1)
def circleList(self):
return [item for item in self.painter.items() if isinstance(item, QGraphicsEllipseItem)]
def newCircle(self):
self.painter.addEllipse( random.randint(100, 400), random.randint(100, 400), 50 + random.random() * 200, 50 + random.random() * 200)
def generateReport(self):
printed = QPdfWriter("Output.pdf")
printer = QPainter(printed)
for i,j in enumerate(self.circleList):
printer.drawText(0, printer.viewport().height() + i*200, 'test')
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = ApplicationContext()
test = gui()
if possible , the ability to print, test then circle for all circles would be decent enough for me.
Incorrect output example:
To understand what painting is like, you have to understand how QGraphicsScene::render() method works:
void QGraphicsScene::render(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &target = QRectF(), const QRectF &source = QRectF(), Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::KeepAspectRatio)
Renders the source rect from scene into target, using painter. This
function is useful for capturing the contents of the scene onto a
paint device, such as a QImage (e.g., to take a screenshot), or for
printing with QPrinter. For example:
QGraphicsScene scene;
QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
QPainter painter(&printer);
If source is a null rect, this function will use sceneRect() to
determine what to render. If target is a null rect, the dimensions of
painter's paint device will be used.
The source rect contents will be transformed according to
aspectRatioMode to fit into the target rect. By default, the aspect
ratio is kept, and source is scaled to fit in target.
See also QGraphicsView::render().
In your case, if the source is not passed, the entire sceneRect (0, 0, 1230, 650) will be copied and painted on the pdf page, if the sizes do not match, the sizes will be scaled. So from the above it follows that if you want to print an item then you must pass as source the space it occupies in the scene and hide the other items, and the target is the place where you want to paint, which involves calculating the new position based on where the previous item was printed.
Considering the above, a possible solution is the following:
import random
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
class Gui(QtWidgets.QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Gui, self).__init__(parent)
self.resize(1280, 720)
self.scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(
0, 0, self.width() - 50, self.height() - 70
self.canvas = QtWidgets.QGraphicsView(self.scene)
mainLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self)
def circleList(self):
return [
for item in self.scene.items()
if isinstance(item, QtWidgets.QGraphicsEllipseItem)
def newCircle(self):
random.randint(100, 400),
random.randint(100, 400),
50 + random.random() * 200,
50 + random.random() * 200,
def generateReport(self):
printer = QtGui.QPdfWriter("Output.pdf")
painter = QtGui.QPainter(printer)
delta = 20
f = painter.font()
# hide all items
last_states = []
for item in self.scene.items():
target = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, printer.width(), 0)
for i, item in enumerate(self.circleList):
source = item.mapToScene(item.boundingRect()).boundingRect()
if target.bottom() > printer.height():
self.scene.render(painter, target, source)
f = painter.font()
target.bottomLeft(), QtCore.QSizeF(printer.width(), delta + 5)
target.setTop(target.bottom() + delta + 20)
# restore visibility
for item, state in zip(self.scene.items(), last_states):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
w = Gui()
for _ in range(200):
I have user-adjustable annotations in a graphics scene. The size/rotation of annotations is handled by dragging corners of a rectangle about the annotation. I'm using a custom rect (instead of the boundingRect) so it follows the rotation of the parent annotation. The control corners are marked by two ellipses whose parent is the rect so transformations of rect/ellipse/annotation are seamless.
I want to detect when the cursor is over one of the corners, which corner it is, and the exact coordinates. For this task it seems that I should filter the hoverevents with the parent rect using a sceneEventFilter.
I've tried umpty zilch ways of implementing the sceneEventFilter to no avail. All events go directly to the hoverEnterEvent function. I've only found a few bits of example code that do something like this but I'm just plain stuck. btw, I'm totally self taught on Python and QT over the past 3 months, so please bear with me. I'm sure I'm missing something very basic. The code is a simplified gui with two ellipses. We're looking to capture events in the sceneEventFilter but always goes to hoverEnterEvent.
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsItem
import sys
class myHandle(QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(myHandle, self).__init__(parent)
def addTheHandle(self, h_parent = 'null', kind = 'null'):
handle_w = 40
if kind == 'scaling handle':
handle_x = h_parent.boundingRect().topRight().x() - handle_w/2
handle_y = h_parent.boundingRect().topRight().y() - handle_w/2
if kind == 'rotation handle':
handle_x = h_parent.boundingRect().topLeft().x() - handle_w/2
handle_y = h_parent.boundingRect().topLeft().y() - handle_w/2
the_handle = QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem(QtCore.QRectF(handle_x, handle_y, handle_w, handle_w))
the_handle.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(255, 100, 0), 3))
the_handle.kind = kind
return the_handle
class myRect(QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(myRect, self).__init__(parent)
def rectThing(self, boundingrectangle):
mh = myHandle()
rotation_handle = mh.addTheHandle(h_parent = self, kind = 'rotation handle')
scaling_handle = mh.addTheHandle(h_parent = self, kind = 'scaling handle')
return self, rotation_handle, scaling_handle
def sceneEventFilter(self, event):
print('scene ev filter')
return False
def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
print('hover enter event')
class Basic(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(Basic, self).__init__()
def eventFilter(self, source, event):
return QtGui.QMainWindow.eventFilter(self, source, event)
def exit_the_program(self):
def initUI(self):
self.resize(300, 300)
self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget()
self.h_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.centralwidget)
self.exit_program = QtGui.QPushButton('Exit')
self.this_scene = QGraphicsScene()
self.this_view = QGraphicsView(self.this_scene)
self.h_layout.addWidget(self.this_view) = self.this_scene.addEllipse(QtCore.QRectF(40, 40, 65, 65), QtGui.QPen(
mr = myRect()
the_rect, rotation_handle, scaling_handle = mr.rectThing(
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
main = Basic()
if __name__ == '__main__':
The main problem is that you are installing the event filter of the target items on the rectangle: the event filter of the rectangle will never receive anything. Moreover, sceneEventFilter accepts two arguments (the watched item and the event), but you only used one.
What you should do is to install the event filter of the rectangle on the target items:
That said, if you want to use those ellipse items for scaling or rotation of the source circle, your approach is a bit wrong to begin with.
from math import sqrt
# ...
class myRect(QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem):
def __init__(self, parent):
super(myRect, self).__init__(parent)
# rotation is usually based on the center of an object
# a rectangle that has a center at (0, 0)
handleRect = QtCore.QRectF(-20, -20, 40, 40)
self.rotation_handle = QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem(handleRect, self)
self.scaling_handle = QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem(handleRect, self)
# position the handles by centering them at the right corners
for source in (self.rotation_handle, self.scaling_handle):
# install the *self* event filter on the handles
source.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(255, 100, 0), 3))
def sceneEventFilter(self, source, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseMove:
# map the handle event position to the ellipse parent item; we could
# also map to "self", but using the parent is more consistent
localPos = self.parentItem().mapFromItem(source, event.pos())
if source == self.rotation_handle:
# create a temporary line to get the rotation angle
line = QtCore.QLineF(self.boundingRect().center(), localPos)
# add the current rotation to the angle between the center and the
# top left corner, then subtract the new line angle
self.parentItem().setRotation(135 + self.parentItem().rotation() - line.angle())
# note that I'm assuming that the ellipse is a circle, so the top
# left angle will always be at 135°; if it's not a circle, the
# rect width and height won't match and the angle will be
# different, so you'll need to compute that
# parentRect = self.parentItem().rect()
# oldLine = QtCore.QLineF(, parentRect.topLeft())
# self.parentItem().setRotation(
# oldLine.angle() + self.parentItem().rotation() - line.angle())
elif source == self.scaling_handle:
# still assuming a perfect circle, so the rectangle is a square;
# the line from the center to the top right corner is used to
# compute the square side size, which is the double of a
# right-triangle cathetus where the hypotenuse is the line
# between the center and any of its corners;
# if the ellipse is not a perfect circle, you'll have to
# compute both of the catheti
hyp = QtCore.QLineF(self.boundingRect().center(), localPos)
size = sqrt(2) * hyp.length()
rect = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, size, size)
# update the positions of both handles
return True
elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.GraphicsSceneMousePress:
# return True to the press event (which is almost as setting it as
# accepted, so that it won't be processed further more by the scene,
# allowing the sceneEventFilter to capture the following mouseMove
# events that the watched graphics items will receive
return True
return super(myRect, self).sceneEventFilter(source, event)
class Basic(QtGui.QMainWindow):
# ...
def initUI(self):
# ... = self.this_scene.addEllipse(QtCore.QRectF(40, 40, 65, 65), QtGui.QPen(
mr = myRect(
I currently am having an issue with a delete button I created that is linked to a QGraphicsScene class. The button is created in the Window class not the MyView class. I am trying to have the user be able to delete marks that were made on a scene but right now it is only deleting the last ellipse item I create and nothing else. The error that pops up usually says that the other objects you are trying to delete are in a different scene. Also the location of the circle object that wants to be deleted is important. So if the user has the cursor over a particular circle that circle item should delete and nothing else. Here's my code:
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
#this sets the scene for drawing and the microscope image
class MyView(QtGui.QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self,window):
self.window = window
self.scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene(self)
self.item = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem(400, 400, 400, 400)
def paintMarkers(self,event):
##self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor()
p = self.mapToScene(event.x(),event.y())
self.circleItem = QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem(p.x(),p.y(),5,5)
self.circleItem.setPen(QtGui.QPen(, 1.5))
def deleteMarkers(self):
#print "Hello world"
#def mousePressEvent(self,QMouseEvent):
def mousePressEvent(self,event):
if self.window.btnPaintDot.isChecked():
if self.window.btnDeleteMarks.isChecked():
return QtGui.QGraphicsView.mousePressEvent(self,event)
class Window(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
#This initializes the main window or form
self.setWindowTitle("Pre-Alignment system")
self.view = MyView()
#makes deletemarks button checked when pressed
def paintDeleteMarks(self):
if self.btnDeleteMarks.isChecked():
Much thanks please ask questions if my explanation needs more...well explaining.
If you carefully read over your code, you will see that you are deleting the item stored in self.circleItem. The item stored in that variable is always only the last one created (you overwrite the variable each time you create a new item).
You need to modify your code so that it finds items based on the current x-y coordinate of the mouse event. Use QGraphicsScene.itemAt() to find the item at a particular x-y coordinate (remember to correctly transform the coordinates relative to the scene before looking up the item at that location).
Here is the code that fixed the issue thanks to three_pineapples!
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
#this sets the scene for drawing and the microscope image
class MyView(QtGui.QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self,window):
self.window = window
self.scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene(self)
self.item = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem(400, 400, 400, 400)
def paintMarkers(self,event):
##self.cursor = QtGui.QCursor()
p = self.mapToScene(event.x(),event.y())
if (p.x() > 400 and p.x() < 800) and (p.y() > 400 and p.y() < 800):
self.circleItem = QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem(p.x(),p.y(),5,5)
self.circleItem.setPen(QtGui.QPen(, 1.5))
def deleteMarkers(self,event):
p = self.mapToScene(event.x(),event.y())
if self.scene.itemAt(p.x(),p.y()) != self.item:
#print "Hello world"
#def mousePressEvent(self,QMouseEvent):
def mousePressEvent(self,event):
if self.window.btnPaintDot.isChecked():
if self.window.btnDeleteMarks.isChecked():
return QtGui.QGraphicsView.mousePressEvent(self,event)