Getting to parent property in subclasses that uses a baseclass - python

I am creating a module where I need to define a bunch of objects that will be used in the same module.
My ultimate goal is for something like this to work;
m = Mod()
obj1 = m.T1('text')
obj2 = m.T2(23)
m.togheter(obj1, obj2)
The problem I have is that I need to keep track of an ID in my subclasses.
I've gotten this far, which gives me an AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '_cid' from return super(Mod.ModObj, self)._cid
class Mod(object):
current_cid = 0
def _cid(self):
c = self.current_cid
self.current_cid += 1
return c
def togheter(self, obj1, obj2):
# Do something with obj1.text and obj2.number here...
return True
class ModObj(object):
def _cid(self):
return super(Mod.ModObj, self)._cid
class T1(ModObj):
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
print self._cid
class T2(ModObj):
def __init__(self, number):
self.number = number
print self._cid
m = Mod()
print m.current_cid # Should return 2
What is wrong here? I tried several other "trial and error" ways as well, but I am starting to think that I am doing this the completely wrong way...

ModObj doesn't inherit from Mod; it's just a nested class that inherits from object, and object indeed does not have a property (or any attribute) named _cid.

Your class ModObj is not a subclass of Mod, but a member. You probably want to say class ModObj(Mod).
Also note that as long as you do not override _cid in your subclass, there is no need to use super at all, as the superclass members automatically exist in the subclass (that's the point of class inheritance).
Finally - is that really what you want? It seems to me that you want each Mod instance to have a unique ID, and for each ModObj instance to inherit the ID of a specific Mod instance. Class inheritance will not do that. You might be looking for a parent-child relation.


Is there a __repr__() like method for a python class?

I'm solving a funny problem that requires to define a class that can be called like this:
class Chain(2)(3)(4)
And it should print out the multiplication of all arguments.
I ended up a solution like this:
class Chain():
calc = 1
def __new__(cls, a=None):
if a:
cls.calc = cls.calc*a
return cls
return cls.calc
This works fine and self.calc is equal to 24 but i have a wrong representation <class '__main__.Chain'>.
Is there anyway to have representation of multiplication instead of class name like what we have in __repr__ for objects?
note: The call arguments count has no limits and may be different on each call.
First of all to answer your direct question from the title:
As everything in Python, classes are too - objects. And just like classes define how instances are created (what attributes and methods they will have), metaclasses define how classes are created. So let's create a metaclass:
class Meta(type):
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.calc)
class Chain(metaclass=Meta):
calc = 1
def __new__(cls, a=None):
if a:
cls.calc = cls.calc*a
return cls
return cls.calc
This will print, as expected, 24.
A few notes:
Currently Meta simply accesses a calc attribute blindly. A check that it actually exists could be done but the code above was just to make the point.
The way your class is implemented, you can just do Chain(2)(3)(4)() and you will get the same result (that's based on the else part of your __new__).
That's a weird way to implement such behavior - you are returning the class itself (or an int...) from the __new__ method which should return a new object of this class. This is problematic design. A classic way to do what you want is by making the objects callable:
class Chain():
def __init__(self, a=1):
self.calc = a
def __call__(self, a=None):
if a:
return self.__class__(self.calc * a)
return self.calc
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.calc)
This solves your problem of even needing to do what you want, because now you just implement the class' __repr__ (because now each call in the chain returns a new object, and not the class itself).

How to access attribute of object from another object's method, which is one of attributes in Python?

I would like to know if it's possible, and if yes, how to access attribute(s) of a "super" class instance, when having composition implemented.
Example provided below is only to provide idea here and setup common ground on further explanations.
I want to have access to "id" attribute for an instance of MiniVan directly from object "door" (type DoorElement).
My Code
class Car:
def __init__(self, _id): = _id
class CarElement:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def get_car_id(self):
# Body which will access value of attribute "id"
return car_id
class MiniVan(Car):
def __init__(self, _id):
super(MiniVan, self).__init__(_id)
self.door = DoorElement('door')
self.engine = EngineElement('engine')
class DoorElement(CarElement):
def __init__(self, name):
super(DoorElement, self).__init__(name)
class EngineElement(CarElement):
def __init__(self, name):
super(EngineElement, self).__init__(name)
def main():
mini_van = MiniVan(123)
id_from_door = mini_van.door.get_car_id()
id_from_engine = mini_van.engine.get_car_id()
print(id_from_door) # Expected output 123
print(id_from_engine) # Expected output 123
if __name__ == '__main__':
Printed out twice "123"
What I've tried:
Passing required attribute during creating object
I know that I could just define init method with passing "car_id" but for some reasons I would love to avoid it if possible. If not, I would propably just go for it.
to set class attribute, and then call it from CarElement class within classmethod e.g.:
def get_id(cls):
But issue with this solution is that, I can have many child-classes for Car class (MiniVan, Truck, etc.) and I want have it still working.
Trying to use descriptor
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
But I could understand it wrong, and actually getter (as far as I understand clean code) should return instance of a class and not any attribute.
Additional Info
I will ALWAYS use CarElement (or child classes) instances as attributes of instance of Car (or child classes) instances - different usage will be treated as use-error
There can be a lot of different child classes of Car class, but always within inheritance way ( Car <- RacingCar(Car) <- FormulaOneCar(RacingCar) ) but no composition
In order for your code to work, you would have to initialize all CarElement-s with car_id. Currently, the error you are getting comes from lack of such a variable in the scope of the method. My idea of a change is this:
class CarElement:
def __init__(self, name, car_id): = name
self.car_id = car_id
def get_car_id(self):
# Body which will access value of attribute id
return self.car_id
I can't see any other magic way.

Python: Find Instance of a class by value

i created much instances of a class. Then I want to find one instance by its name. But I get the error message TypeError: get() missing 1 required positional argument: 'value'.
class Test(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def get(self, value):
if self.value == value:
return self
return None
test_obj = Test('foobar')
instance = Test.get('foobar')
if instance:
Re-reading your question again, I think all of us have missed the point so far. You wanted to check all instances of the class Test to see if an instance has the value 'foobar' (in this case, test_obj. Referencing this answer, you can modify your code like so:
class Test(object):
# class attribute to keep track of class instances
instances = []
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
# class method to access the get method without any instance
def get(cls, value):
return [inst for inst in cls.instances if inst.value == value]
You can then create multiple tests:
test1 = Test(1)
test2 = Test(2)
test3 = Test(3)
instance = Test.get(3)
# [<__main__.Test object at 0x03F29CD0>]
# 3
It makes sense for me to return a list of instances instead of one single instance. If you however is only interested in the first match, you can modify the return statement accordingly.
Original answer:
instance = Test.get('foobar') is the problem. You're referencing Test by its class, not its instance. So naturally the instance method .get(self, value) is looking for the first argument self for the instance.
Usually if you already have an instance (e.g. Test().get('foobar')) then the instance is passed into the instance method as self by default.
You could still call the instance method, but you just need to explicitly pass the instance in:
Test.get(test, 'foobar')
The get method belongs to the instance, not the class. A class does not know its instances (you could do some dirty tricks to let the class know, but don't). What you need is a list of instances.
One way you could do it
override the equality operator
create a list of the instances
So, something like
class Test:
def __eq__(self, value):
return self.value == value
test_list = [Test(5), Test(2), Test(3)]
position = test_list.index(2)
The "get" method of your class is not a class method therefore you have to call it on the instance:
However if you modify the method to a classmethod than it won't be able to access the instance attributes only the class atributes will be visible.
For a quick solution I think you should store all of the instances in a datastructure (for example in a list) and you can create a function which will loop through the instances and returns the correct one.

Classes returned from class factory have different IDs

I have a class factory method that is used to instantiate an object. With multiple objects are created through this method, I want to be able to compare the classes of the objects. When using isinstance, the comparison is False, as can be seen in the simple example below. Also running id(a.__class__) and id(b.__class__), gives different ids.
Is there a simple way of achieving this? I know that this does not exactly conform to duck-typing, however this is the easiest solution for the program I am writing.
def factory():
class MyClass(object):
def compare(self, other):
print('Comparison Result: {}'.format(isinstance(other, self.__class__)))
return MyClass()
a = factory()
b = factory()
The reason is that MyClass is created dynamically every time you run factory. If you print(id(MyClass)) inside factory you get different results:
>>> a = factory()
>>> b = factory()
This is because they are actually different classes, dynamically created and locally scoped at the time of the call.
One way to fix this is to return (or yield) multiple instances:
>>> def factory(n):
class MyClass(object):
def compare(self, other):
print('Comparison Result: {}'.format(isinstance(other, self.__class__)))
for i in range(n):
yield MyClass()
>>> a, b = factory(2)
Comparison Result: True
is a possible implementation.
EDIT: If the instances are created dynamically, then the above solution is invalid. One way to do it is to create a superclass outside, then inside the factory function subclass from that superclass:
>>> class MyClass(object):
>>> def factory():
class SubClass(MyClass):
def compare(self, other):
print('Comparison Result: {}'.format(isinstance(other, self.__class__)))
return SubClass()
However, this does not work because they are still different classes. So you need to change your comparison method to check against the first superclass:
isinstance(other, self.__class__.__mro__[1])
If your class definition is inside the factory function, than each instance of the class you create will be an instance of a separate class. That's because the class definition is a statement, that's executed just like any other assignment. The name and contents of the different classes will be the same, but their identities will be distinct.
I don't think there's any simple way to get around that without changing the structure of your code in some way. You've said that your actual factory function is a method of a class, which suggests that you might be able to move the class definition somewhere else so that it can be shared by multiple calls to the factory method. Depending on what information you expect the inner class to use from the outer class, you might define it at class level (so there'd be only one class definition used everywhere), or you could define it in another method, like __init__ (which would create a new inner class for every instance of the outer class).
Here's what that last approach might look like:
class Outer(object):
def __init__(self):
class Inner(object):
def compare(self, other):
print('Comparison Result: {}'.format(isinstance(other, self.__class__)))
self.Inner = Inner
def factory(self):
return self.Inner()
f = Outer()
a = f.factory()
b = f.factory()
print( # True
g = Outer() # create another instance of the outer class
c = g.factory()
print( # False
It's not entirely clear what you're asking. It seems to me you want a simpler version of the code you already posted. If that's incorrect, this answer is not relevant.
You can create classes dynamically by explicitly constructing a new instance of the type type.
def compare(self, other):
def factory():
return type("MyClass", (object,), { 'compare': compare }()
type takes three arguments: the name, the parents, and the predefined slots. So this will behave the same way as your previous code.
Working off the answer from #rassar, and adding some more detail to represent the actual implementation (e.g. the factory-method existing in a parent class), I have come up with a working example below.
From #rassar's answer, I realised that the class is dynamically created each time, and so defining it within the parent object (or even above that), means that it will be the same class definition each time it is called.
class Parent(object):
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def compare(self, other):
print('Comparison Result: {}'.format(isinstance(other, self.__class__)))
def factory(self):
return self.MyClass(self)
a = Parent()
b = a.factory()
c = a.factory()

Is it safe to replace a self object by another object of the same type in a method?

I would like to replace an object instance by another instance inside a method like this:
class A:
def method1(self):
self = func(self)
The object is retrieved from a database.
It is unlikely that replacing the 'self' variable will accomplish whatever you're trying to do, that couldn't just be accomplished by storing the result of func(self) in a different variable. 'self' is effectively a local variable only defined for the duration of the method call, used to pass in the instance of the class which is being operated upon. Replacing self will not actually replace references to the original instance of the class held by other objects, nor will it create a lasting reference to the new instance which was assigned to it.
As far as I understand, If you are trying to replace the current object with another object of same type (assuming func won't change the object type) from an member function. I think this will achieve that:
class A:
def method1(self):
newObj = func(self)
It is not a direct answer to the question, but in the posts below there's a solution for what amirouche tried to do:
Python object conversion
Can I dynamically convert an instance of one class to another?
And here's working code sample (Python 3.2.5).
class Men:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def who_are_you(self):
print("I'm a men! My name is " +
def cast_to(self, sex, name):
self.__class__ = sex = name
def method_unique_to_men(self):
print('I made The Matrix')
class Women:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def who_are_you(self):
print("I'm a women! My name is " +
def cast_to(self, sex, name):
self.__class__ = sex = name
def method_unique_to_women(self):
print('I made Cloud Atlas')
men = Men('Larry')
#>>> I'm a men! My name is Larry
#>>> I made The Matrix
men.cast_to(Women, 'Lana')
#>>> I'm a women! My name is Lana
#>>> I made Cloud Atlas
Note the self.__class__ and not self.__class__.__name__. I.e. this technique not only replaces class name, but actually converts an instance of a class (at least both of them have same id()). Also, 1) I don't know whether it is "safe to replace a self object by another object of the same type in [an object own] method"; 2) it works with different types of objects, not only with ones that are of the same type; 3) it works not exactly like amirouche wanted: you can't init class like Class(args), only Class() (I'm not a pro and can't answer why it's like this).
Yes, all that will happen is that you won't be able to reference the current instance of your class A (unless you set another variable to self before you change it.) I wouldn't recommend it though, it makes for less readable code.
Note that you're only changing a variable, just like any other. Doing self = 123 is the same as doing abc = 123. self is only a reference to the current instance within the method. You can't change your instance by setting self.
What func(self) should do is to change the variables of your instance:
def func(obj):
obj.var_a = 123
obj.var_b = 'abc'
Then do this:
class A:
def method1(self):
func(self) # No need to assign self here
In many cases, a good way to achieve what you want is to call __init__ again. For example:
class MyList(list):
def trim(self,n):
x = MyList([1,2,3,4])
assert type(x) == MyList
assert x == [1,2]
Note that this comes with a few assumptions such as the all that you want to change about the object being set in __init__. Also beware that this could cause problems with inheriting classes that redefine __init__ in an incompatible manner.
Yes, there is nothing wrong with this. Haters gonna hate. (Looking at you Pycharm with your in most cases imaginable, there's no point in such reassignment and it indicates an error).
A situation where you could do this is:
some_method(self, ...):
self = self.some_other_method()
return ...
Sure, you could start the method body by reassigning self to some other variable, but if you wouldn't normally do that with other parametres, why do it with self?
One can use the self assignment in a method, to change the class of instance to a derived class.
Of course one could assign it to a new object, but then the use of the new object ripples through the rest of code in the method. Reassiging it to self, leaves the rest of the method untouched.
class aclass:
def methodA(self):
if condition:
self = replace_by_derived(self)
# self is now referencing to an instance of a derived class
# with probably the same values for its data attributes
# all code here remains untouched
self.methodB() # calls the methodB of derivedclass is condition is True
def methodB(self):
# methodB of class aclass
class derivedclass(aclass):
def methodB(self):
#methodB of class derivedclass
But apart from such a special use case, I don't see any advantages to replace self.
You can make the instance a singleton element of the class
and mark the methods with #classmethod.
from enum import IntEnum
from collections import namedtuple
class kind(IntEnum):
circle = 1
square = 2
def attr(y): return [getattr(y, x) for x in 'k l b u r'.split()]
class Shape(namedtuple('Shape', 'k,l,b,u,r')):
self = None
def __repr__(cls):
return "<Shape({},{},{},{},{}) object at {}>".format(
def transform(cls, func):
cls.self = cls.self._replace(**func(cls.self))
Shape.self = Shape(k=1, l=2, b=3, u=4, r=5)
s = Shape.self
def nextkind(self):
return {'k': self.k+1}
print(repr(s)) # <Shape(1,2,3,4,5) object at 139766656561792>
print(repr(s)) # <Shape(2,2,3,4,5) object at 139766656561888>

