Inversing a list recursively - python

I created a function that will inverse a list recursively but it uses an global list in witch it puts the elements.
Can this be rewritten so that it won't use an outside variable/list to achieve the same result.
Here is the code:
invs = []
def inv_list(list_, elem):
global invs
if elem is not None:
if not list_:
return invs
el = list_.pop()
inv_list(list_, el)
except Exception:

What about:
def inv_list(lst):
if not lst:
return []
return inv_list(lst[1:]) + lst[:1]

it looks like you are doing a whole lot more work than you need to
def reverse_recurse(a_list):
if not a_list:
return []
return [a_list.pop(),] + reverse_recurse(a_list)

While your implementation could be improved in various ways, when I find that I want to build something recursive without using globals and without making the interface feel dirty is create a nested helper function:
def inv_list(list_):
invs = []
def helper(elem):
if elem is not None:
if not list_:
return invs
el = list_.pop()
return helper(el)
except Exception:
return helper(None)
That way, you can have values that are at the scope of the outer function.

The problematic way to do it is simple, just use default arguments.
def rec_reverse(input=[], output=[]):
if len(input) == 0:
rec_reverse(input, output)
return output
x = list(range(10))
y = list(range(20))
print(rec_reverse(x, []))
print(rec_reverse(y, []))
Just remember to pass a new list to the output, so that you can call it again without getting old values.
Nevertheless, you can use the safe approach without using default arguments:
def rec_reverse(input):
if not input:
return input
return [input.pop(), ] + rec_reverse(input)
And you can also use its recursive equivalent as a lambda expression:
rec_reverse = lambda input=[]: [] if not input else [input.pop(), ] + rec_reverse(input)
Keep in mind though, that there's an even simpler solution without using recursion at all:
x = list(range(10))
rec_reverse = lambda input: input[::-1]
Since in Python, you can reverse any list using extended slice notation.
Also, you can just use reverse() and spare you the trouble.
def reverse(input):
return input

Building on Rederick Deathwill, here is a simplified version of your function:
def inv_list(list_):
def inner(list_, invs):
if not list_:
return invs
return inner(list_, invs)
return inner(list_, [])
It uses a default value for invs, getting rid of the need for a global variable to hold the inverted list. With subsequent invocation, invs is passed along so that the next call can build on it.
Once the bottom of the call stack is reached, the function returns the reversed list. A nice addition to the original is the return inner(list_, invs) line, which allows the caller to capture the new list as the return value.
This is not the shortest, but I think it is at least readable.


Return value of the function when calling another function

This is what I encounter when trying to do a LeetCode question. I wrote a function to call another recursive function.
This is the way that the output is correct.
def generateParenthesis(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
right = n
left = n
item = ''
result = []
self.helper(item, left, right, result)
return result
def helper(self, item, l, r, result):
if l==0 and r==0:
return result.append(item)
if l > r:
if l > 0:
self.helper(item+'(', l-1,r, result)
if r > 0:
self.helper(item+')', l, r-1, result)
However, when I change the first function to this, I will get a empty list [].
def generateParenthesis(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
right = n
left = n
item = ''
result = []
return self.helper(item, left, right, result)
Cannot quite figure out how the return works in the function, need some help from you guys.
The helper function as shown in your source code uses tail recursion. This is evident from the fact that the helper function essentially stores information from the previous recursive call in its argument parameter; hence, the arguments are updated in each recursive call.
But even if this concept is foreign to you, as pointed out by #63677, we can commence from the observation that the helper function does not return anything. The return result.append(item) might seem like it is returning something, but the append function in Python does not return anything (it returns None). Therefore, all that helper does is to update the argument parameter until it hits the base case.
Calling self.helper(item, left, right, result) within the generateParenthesis function is going to alter the contents of result according to the operations defined in helper. The generateParenthesis then simply returns that altered result.
Your modified code doesn't work since helper does not return anything as it is defined (to be more technical, it is tail recursive instead of just recursive). Therefore, the modified code will not work since calling self.helper will simply return None.

A memoized function that takes a tuple of strings to return an integer?

Suppose I have arrays of tuples like so:
a = [('shape', 'rectangle'), ('fill', 'no'), ('size', 'huge')]
b = [('shape', 'rectangle'), ('fill', 'yes'), ('size', 'large')]
I am trying to turn these arrays into numerical vectors with each dimension representing a feature.
So the expected output we be something like:
amod = [1, 0, 1] # or [1, 1, 1]
bmod = [1, 1, 2] # or [1, 2, 2]
So the vector that gets created is dependent on what it has seen before (i.e rectangle is still coded as 1 but the new value 'large' gets coded as a next step up as 2).
I think I could use some combination of yield and a memoize function to help me with this. This is what I've tried so far:
def memoize(f):
memo = {}
def helper(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = f(x)
return memo[x]
return helper
def verbal_to_value(tup):
u = 1
if tup[0] == 'shape':
yield u
u += 1
if tup[0] == 'fill':
yield u
u += 1
if tup[0] == 'size':
yield u
u += 1
But I keep getting this error:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Is there a way I can create this function that has a memory of what it has seen? Bonus points if it could add keys dynamically so I don't have to hardcode things like 'shape' or 'fill'.
First off: this is my preferred implementation of the memoize
decorator, mostly because of speed ...
def memoize(f):
class memodict(dict):
__slots__ = ()
def __missing__(self, key):
self[key] = ret = f(key)
return ret
return memodict().__getitem__
except for some a few edge cases it has the same effect as yours:
def memoize(f):
memo = {}
def helper(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = f(x)
# pass
return memo[x]
return helper
but is somewhat faster because the if x not in memo: happens in
native code instead of in python. To understand it you merely need
to know that under normal circumstances: to interpret adict[item]
python calls adict.__getitem__(key), if adict doesn't contain key,
__getitem__() calls adict.__missing__(key) so we can leverage the
python magic methods protocols for our gain...
#This the first idea I had how I would implement your
#verbal_to_value() using memoization:
from collections import defaultdict
def verbal_to_value(kv):
k, v = kv
aset = work[k] #work creates a new set, if not already created.
aset.add(v) #add value if not already added
return len(aset)
including the memoize decorator, that's 15 lines of code...
#test suite:
def vectorize(alist):
return [verbal_to_value(kv) for kv in alist]
a = [('shape', 'rectangle'), ('fill', 'no'), ('size', 'huge')]
b = [('shape', 'rectangle'), ('fill', 'yes'), ('size', 'large')]
print (vectorize(a)) #shows [1,1,1]
print (vectorize(b)) #shows [1,2,2]
defaultdict is a powerful object that has almost the same logic
as memoize: a standard dictionary in every way, except that when the
lookup fails, it runs the callback function to create the missing
value. In our case set()
Unfortunately this problem requires either access to the tupple that
is being used as the key, or to the dictionary state itself. With the
result that we cannot just write a simple function for .default_factory
But we can write a new object based on the memoize/defaultdict pattern:
#This how I would implement your verbal_to_value without
#memoization, though the worker class is so similar to #memoize,
#that it's easy to see why memoize is a good pattern to work from:
class sloter(dict):
__slots__ = ()
def __missing__(self,key):
self[key] = ret = len(self) + 1
#this + 1 bothers me, why can't these vectors be 0 based? ;)
return ret
from collections import defaultdict
work2 = defaultdict(sloter)
def verbal_to_value2(kv):
k, v = kv
return work2[k][v]
#~10 lines of code?
#test suite2:
def vectorize2(alist):
return [verbal_to_value2(kv) for kv in alist]
print (vectorize2(a)) #shows [1,1,1]
print (vectorize2(b)) #shows [1,2,2]
You might have seen something like sloter before, because it's
sometimes used for exactly this sort of situation. Converting member
names to numbers and back. Because of this, we have the advantage of
being able to reverse things like this:
def unvectorize2(a_vector, pattern=('shape','fill','size')):
reverser = [{v:k2 for k2,v in work2[k].items()} for k in pattern]
for index, vect in enumerate(a_vector):
yield pattern[index], reverser[index][vect]
print (list(unvectorize2(vectorize2(a))))
print (list(unvectorize2(vectorize2(b))))
But I saw those yields in your original post, and they've got me
thinking... what if there was a memoize / defaultdict like object
that could take a generator instead of a function and knew to just
advance the generator rather than calling it. Then I realized ...
that yes generators come with a callable called __next__() which
meant that we didn't need a new defaultdict implementation, just a
careful extraction of the correct member funtion...
def count(start=0): #same as: from itertools import count
while True:
yield start
start += 1
#so we could get the exact same behavior as above, (except faster)
#by saying:
sloter3=lambda :defaultdict(count(1).__next__)
#and then
work3 = defaultdict(sloter3)
#or just:
work3 = defaultdict(lambda :defaultdict(count(1).__next__))
#which yes, is a bit of a mindwarp if you've never needed to do that
#the outer defaultdict interprets the first item. Every time a new
#first item is received, the lambda is called, which creates a new
#count() generator (starting from 1), and passes it's .__next__ method
#to a new inner defaultdict.
def verbal_to_value3(kv):
k, v = kv
return work3[k][v]
#you *could* call that 8 lines of code, but we managed to use
#defaultdict twice, and didn't need to define it, so I wouldn't call
#it 'less complex' or anything.
#test suite3:
def vectorize3(alist):
return [verbal_to_value3(kv) for kv in alist]
print (vectorize3(a)) #shows [1,1,1]
print (vectorize3(b)) #shows [1,2,2]
#so yes, that can also work.
#and since the internal state in `work3` is stored in the exact same
#format, it be accessed the same way as `work2` to reconstruct input
#from output.
def unvectorize3(a_vector, pattern=('shape','fill','size')):
reverser = [{v:k2 for k2,v in work3[k].items()} for k in pattern]
for index, vect in enumerate(a_vector):
yield pattern[index], reverser[index][vect]
print (list(unvectorize3(vectorize3(a))))
print (list(unvectorize3(vectorize3(b))))
Final comments:
Each of these implementations suffer from storing state in a global
variable. Which I find anti-aesthetic but depending on what you're
planning to do with that vector later, that might be a feature. As I
Another day of meditating on this, and the sorts of situations where I might need it,
I think that I'd encapsulate this feature like this:
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import count
class slotter4:
def __init__(self):
#keep track what order we expect to see keys
self.pattern = defaultdict(count(1).__next__)
#keep track of what values we've seen and what number we've assigned to mean them. = defaultdict(lambda :defaultdict(count(1).__next__))
def slot(self, kv, i=False):
"""used to be named verbal_to_value"""
k, v = kv
if i and i != self.pattern[k]:# keep track of order we saw initial keys
raise ValueError("Input fields out of order")
#in theory we could ignore this error, and just know
#that we're going to default to the field order we saw
#first. Or we could just not keep track, which might be
#required, if our code runs to slow, but then we cannot
#make pattern optional in .unvectorize()
def vectorize(self, alist):
return [self.slot(kv, i) for i, kv in enumerate(alist,1)]
#if we're not keeping track of field pattern, we could do this instead
#return [[k][v] for k, v in alist]
def unvectorize(self, a_vector, pattern=None):
if pattern is None:
pattern = [k for k,v in sorted(self.pattern.items(), key=lambda a:a[1])]
reverser = [{v:k2 for k2,v in work3[k].items()} for k in pattern]
return [(pattern[index], reverser[index][vect])
for index, vect in enumerate(a_vector)]
#test suite4:
s = slotter4()
if __name__=='__main__':
Av = s.vectorize(a)
Bv = s.vectorize(b)
print (Av) #shows [1,1,1]
print (Bv) #shows [1,2,2]
print (s.unvectorize(Av))#shows a
print (s.unvectorize(Bv))#shows b
#run the test silently, and only complain if something has broken
assert s.unvectorize(s.vectorize(a))==a
assert s.unvectorize(s.vectorize(b))==b
Good luck out there!
Not the best approach, but may help you to figure out a better solution
class Shape:
counter = {}
def to_tuple(self, tuples):
self.tuples = tuples
l = []
for i,v in self.tuples:
return l
def _add(self):
for i,v in self.tuples:
if i in self.counter.keys():
if v not in self.counter[i]:
self.counter[i][v] = max(self.counter[i].values()) +1
self.counter[i] = {v: 0}
a = [('shape', 'rectangle'), ('fill', 'no'), ('size', 'huge')]
b = [('shape', 'rectangle'), ('fill', 'yes'), ('size', 'large')]
s = Shape()

Optional yield or return in python3. How to?

I would like to have a function that can, optionally, return or yield the result.
Here is an example.
def f(option=True):
if option:
yield result
if not option:
return results
Of course, this doesn't work, I have tried with python3 and I always get a generator no matter what option value I set.
As far I have understood, python checks the body of the function and if a yield is present, then the result will be a generator.
Is there any way to get around this and make a function that can return or yield at will?
You can't. Any use of yield makes the function a generator.
You could wrap your function with one that uses list() to store all values the generator produces in a list object and returns that:
def f_wrapper(option=True):
gen = f()
if option:
return gen # return the generator unchanged
return list(gen) # return all values of the generator as a list
However, generally speaking, this is bad design. Don't have your functions alter behaviour like this; stick to one return type (a generator or an object) and don't have it switch between the two.
Consider splitting this into two functions instead:
def f():
yield result
def f_as_list():
return list(f())
and use either f() if you need the generator, and f_as_list() if you want to have a list instead.
Since list(), (and next() to access just one value of a generator) are built-in functions, you rarely need to use a wrapper. Just call those functions directly:
# access elements one by one
gen = f()
one_value = next(gen)
# convert the generator to a list
all_values = list(f())
What about this?
def make_f_or_generator(option):
def f():
return "I am a function."
def g():
yield "I am a generator."
if option:
return f
return g
This gives you at least the choice to create a function or a generator.
class based approach
class FunctionAndGenerator:
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
# You need a variable to indicate if dunder next should return the string or raise StopIteration.
# Raising StopIteration will stop the loop from iterating more.
# You'll have to teach next to raise StopIteration at some point
def __next__(self):
self.counter += 1
if self.counter > 1 :
raise StopIteration
return f"I'm a generator and I've generated {self.counter} times"
def __call__(self):
return "I'm a function"
x = FunctionAndGenerator()
for i in x:
I'm a function
I'm a generator and I've generated 1 times
[Program finished]

Nest multiple yield functions without eval

I have the following structure (which might need a rework but to me this feels natural):
def get(baseVar):
if type(baseVar) == GeneratorType:
yield from baseVar
yield baseVar
def multiply(baseVar):
if type(baseVar) == GeneratorType:
for item in baseVar:
yield item*2
yield baseVar*2
funcs = {'get' : get, 'multiply' : multiply}
result = 10
for f in funcs:
result = funcs[f](result)
Another approach would be (but this isn't dynamic at all) that performance wise works like i want it to, where an iterator object is passed to each functions thus gaining more momentum (theoretically) out of the functions:
for result in multiply(get(10)):
How can i nest multiple yield functions in a row and pass the generator object without hard-coding the function names, getattr?
I'm not sure, what you want to do. If you have different functions, that work on single elements, use map:
def get(x):
return x
def multiply(x):
return x*2
How would you like to get the names of you function? From external source, then your dict is the correct way, from internal, then you can use the functions directly:
funcs = (get, multiply)
result = [10]
for f in funcs:
result = map(funcs,result)

What is a good way to decorate an iterator to alter the value before next is called in python?

I am working on a problem that involves validating a format from within unified diff patch.
The variables within the inner format can span multiple lines at a time, so I wrote a generator that pulls each line and yields the variable when it is complete.
To avoid having to rewrite this function when reading from a unified diff file, I created a generator to strip the unified diff characters from the line before passing it to the inner format validator. However, I am getting stuck in an infinite loop (both in the code and in my head). I have abstracted to problem to the following code. I'm sure there is a better way to do this. I just don't know what it is.
from collections import Iterable
def inner_format_validator(inner_item):
# Do some validation to inner items
return inner_item[0] != '+'
def inner_gen(iterable):
for inner_item in iterable:
# Operates only on inner_info type data
yield inner_format_validator(inner_item)
def outer_gen(iterable):
class DecoratedGenerator(Iterable):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
# Using iterable from closure
for outer_item in iterable:
self.outer_info = outer_item[0]
inner_item = outer_item[1:]
return inner_item
decorated_gen = DecoratedGenerator()
for inner_item in inner_gen(decorated_gen):
yield inner_item, decorated_gen.outer_info
if __name__ == '__main__':
def wrap(string):
# The point here is that I don't know what the first character will be
pseudo_rand = len(string)
if pseudo_rand * pseudo_rand % 2 == 0:
return '+' + string
return '-' + string
inner_items = ["whatever"] * 3
# wrap screws up inner_format_validator
outer_items = [wrap("whatever")] * 3
# I need to be able to
# iterate over inner_items
for inner_info in inner_gen(inner_items):
# and iterate over outer_items
for outer_info, inner_info in outer_gen(outer_items):
# This is an infinite loop
Any ideas as to a better, more pythonic way to do this?
I would do something simpler, like this:
def outer_gen(iterable):
iterable = iter(iterable)
first_item = next(iterable)
info = first_item[0]
yield info, first_item[1:]
for item in iterable:
yield info, item
This will execute the 4 first lines only once, then enter the loop and yield what you want.
You probably want to add some try/except to cacth IndexErrors here and there.
If you want to take values while they start with something or the contrary, remember you can use a lot of stuff from the itertools toolbox, and in particular dropwhile, takewhile and chain:
>>> import itertools
>>> l = ['+foo', '-bar', '+foo']
>>> list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x.startswith('+'), l))
>>> list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x.startswith('+'), l))
['-bar', '+foo']
>>> a = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x.startswith('+'), l)
>>> b = itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: x.startswith('+'), l)
>>> list(itertools.chain(a, b))
['+foo', '-bar', '+foo']
And remember that you can create generators like comprehension lists, store them in variables and chain them, just like you would pipe linux commands:
import random
def create_item():
return random.choice(('+', '-')) + random.choice(('foo', 'bar'))
random_items = (create_item() for s in xrange(10))
added_items = ((i[0], i[1:]) for i in random_items if i.startswith('+'))
valid_items = ((prefix, line) for prefix, line in added_items if 'foo' in line)
print list(valid_items)
With all this, you should be able to find some pythonic way to solve your problem :-)
I still don't like this very much, but at least it's shorter and a tad more pythonic:
from itertools import imap, izip
from functools import partial
def inner_format_validator(inner_item):
return not inner_item.startswith('+')
inner_gen = partial(imap, inner_format_validator)
def split(astr):
return astr[0], astr[1:]
def outer_gen(iterable):
outer_stuff, inner_stuff = izip(*imap(split, iterable))
return izip(inner_gen(inner_stuff), outer_stuff)
[EDIT] inner_gen() and outer_gen() without imap and partial:
def inner_gen(iterable):
for each in iterable:
yield inner_format_validator(each)
def outer_gen(iterable):
outer_stuff, inner_stuff = izip(*(split(each) for each in iterable))
return izip(inner_gen(inner_stuff), outer_stuff)
Maybe this is a better, though different, solution:
def transmogrify(iter_of_iters, *transmogrifiers):
for iters in iter_of_iters:
yield (
trans(each) if trans else each
for trans, each in izip(transmogrifiers, iters)
for outer, inner in transmogrify(imap(split, stuff), inner_format_validator, None):
print inner, outer
I think it will do what you intended if you change the definition of DecoratedGenerator to this:
class DecoratedGenerator(Iterable):
def __iter__(self):
# Using iterable from closure
for outer_item in iterable:
self.outer_info = outer_item[0]
inner_item = outer_item[1:]
yield inner_item
Your original version never terminated because its next() method was stateless and would return the same value every time it was called. You didn't need to have a next() method at all, though--you can implement __iter__() yourself (as I did), and then it all works fine.

