I have a large text file of data mined opinions and each is classified as positive, negative, neutral, or mixed. Every line begins with "+ ", "- ", "= ", or "* " which correspond to these classifiers. Additionally, lines that begin with "!! " represent a comment to ignore.
Below is a simple Python script that is just supposed to count each of the classifiers and ignore the comment lines:
classes = [0, 0, 0, 0] # "+", "-", "=", "*"
f = open("All_Classified.txt")
for i, line in enumerate(f):
line = line.strip()
classifier = line.split(" ")[0]
if classifier == "+": classes[0] += 1
elif classifier == "-": classes[1] += 1
elif classifier == "=": classes[2] += 1
elif classifier == "*": classes[3] += 1
elif classifier == "!!": continue
else: print "Line "+str(i+1)+": \""+line+"\""
print classes
Here is a sample of the first 5 lines of "All_Classified.txt":
!! GROUP 1, 1001 - 1512
= 1001//CD TITLETITLE//NNP How//WRB many//JJ conditioners/conditioner/NNS do//VBP you//PRP have//VBP ?//.
= 1002//CD I//PRP have//VBP two//CD different//JJ kinds/kind/NNS ,//, Garnier//NNP Fructis//NNP Triple//NNP Nutrition//NNP conditioner//NN ,//, and//CC Suave//NNP coconut//NN .//.
= 1003//CD But//CC I//PRP think//VBP I//PRP have//VBP about//IN 8//CD bottles/bottle/NNS of//IN the//DT Suave//NNP coconut//NN My//PRP$ mom//NN gave/give/VBD me//PRP a//DT bunch//NN for//IN Christmas//NNP because//IN she//PRP was/be/VBD getting/get/VBG tired/tire/VBN of//IN me//PRP saying/say/VBG I//PRP was/be/VBD out//IN
= 1004//CD TITLETITLE//NNP Need//VB a//DT gel//NN that//IN works/work/NNS ,//, 8//CD mo//NN ,//, post//NN ,//, ready//JJ to//TO relax//VB edges/edge/NNS ,//, HELP//NNP ,//,
For whatever reason my output is triggering the else statement during the first iteration as if it does not recognize the "!!", I am not sure why. I am getting this as output:
Line 1: "!! GROUP 1, 1001 - 1512"
[2986, 1034, 16278, 535]
Additionally, If I delete the first line from "All_Classified.txt" then it does not recognize the "=" of what would then be the first line. Not sure what has to be done for the first line to be recognized as expected.
Edit (again): As Peter asked, here is the output if I replace else: print "Line "+str(i+1)+": \""+line+"\"" with else: print "Classifier "+classifier+ " Line "+str(i+1)+": \""+line+"\"":
Classifier !! Line 1: "!! GROUP 1, 1001 - 1512"
[2986, 1034, 16278, 535]
Edit: First section using xxd All_Classified.txt:
0000000: efbb bf21 2120 4752 4f55 5020 312c 2031 ...!! GROUP 1, 1
0000010: 3030 3120 2d20 3135 3132 0d0a 3d20 3130 001 - 1512..= 10
0000020: 3031 2f2f 4344 2054 4954 4c45 5449 544c 01//CD TITLETITL
0000030: 452f 2f4e 4e50 2048 6f77 2f2f 5752 4220 E//NNP How//WRB
I suspect your input file isn't what it seems. For example, classifier could contain some control characters that are not shown when you print it (but which affect the comparison):
>>> classifier = '!\0!'
>>> print classifier
>>> classifier == '!!'
edit There you have it:
0000000: efbb bf21 2120
^^^^ ^^
It's the UTF-8 BOM, which becomes part of classifier.
Try opening the file using codecs.open() with "utf-8-sig" as the encoding (see, for example, https://stackoverflow.com/a/13156715/367273).
This question has been asked here in one form or another but not quite the thing I'm looking for. So, this is the situation I shall be having: I already have one file, named file_a and I'm creating another file - file_b. file_a is always bigger than file_b in size. There will be a number of duplicate lines in file_b (hence, in file_a as well) but both the files will have some unique lines. What I want to do is: to copy/merge only the unique lines from file_a to file_b and then sort the line order, so that the file_b becomes the most up-to-date one with all the unique entries. Either of the original files shouldn't be more than 10MB in size. What's the most efficient (and fastest) way I can do that?
I was thinking something like that, which does the merging alright.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys
# Convert Date/time to epoch
def toEpoch(dt):
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
# input files
o_file = "file_a"
c_file = "file_b"
n_file = [o_file,c_file]
m_file = "merged.file"
for x in range(len(n_file)):
P = open(n_file[x],"r")
output = P.readlines()
# Sort the output, order by 2nd last field
#sp_lines = [ line.split('\t') for line in output ]
#sp_lines.sort( lambda a, b: cmp(toEpoch(a[-2]),toEpoch(b[-2])) )
F = open(m_file,'w')
#for line in sp_lines:
for line in output:
if "group_" in line:
But, it's:
not with only the unique lines
not sorted (by next to last field)
and introduces the 3rd file i.e. m_file
Just a side note (long story short): I can't use sorted() here as I'm using v2.3, unfortunately. The input files look like this:
On 23/03/11 00:40:03
JobID Group.User Ctime Wtime Status QDate CDate
430792 group_atlas.pltatl16 0 32 4 02/03/11 21:52:38 02/03/11 22:02:15
430793 group_atlas.atlas084 30 472 4 02/03/11 21:57:43 02/03/11 22:09:35
430794 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 02/03/11 22:02:37 02/03/11 22:05:42
430796 group_atlas.atlas084 8 185 4 02/03/11 22:02:38 02/03/11 22:05:46
I tried to use cmp() to sort by the 2nd last field but, I think, it doesn't work just because of the first 3 lines of the input files.
Can anyone please help? Cheers!!!
Update 1:
For the future reference, as suggested by Jakob, here is the complete script. It worked just fine.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys
from sets import Set as set
def toEpoch(dt):
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
def yield_lines(fileobj):
#I want to discard the headers
for i in xrange(3):
for line in fileobj:
yield line
def app(path1, path2):
file1 = set(yield_lines(open(path1)))
file2 = set(yield_lines(open(path2)))
return file1.union(file2)
# Input files
o_file = "testScript/03"
c_file = "03.bak"
m_file = "finished.file"
print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
# Sorting the output, order by 2nd last field
sp_lines = [ line.split('\t') for line in app(o_file, c_file) ]
sp_lines.sort( lambda a, b: cmp(toEpoch(a[-2]),toEpoch(b[-2])) )
F = open(m_file,'w')
print "No. of lines: ",len(sp_lines)
for line in sp_lines:
MF = '\t'.join(line)
It took about 2m:47s to finish for 145244 lines.
[testac1#serv07 ~]$ ./uniq-merge.py
No. of lines: 145244
Update 2:
Hi eyquem, this is the Error message I get when I run your script(s).
From the first script:
[testac1#serv07 ~]$ ./uniq-merge_2.py
File "./uniq-merge_2.py", line 44
fm.writelines( '\n'.join(v)+'\n' for k,v in output )
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
From the second script:
[testac1#serv07 ~]$ ./uniq-merge_3.py
File "./uniq-merge_3.py", line 24
output = sett(line.rstrip() for line in fa)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Update 3:
The previous one wasn't sorting the list at all. Thanks to eyquem to pointing that out. Well, it does now. This is a further modification to Jakob's version - I converted the set:app(path1, path2) to a list:myList() and then applied the sort( lambda ... ) to the myList to sort the merged file by the nest to last field. This is the final script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys
from sets import Set as set
def toEpoch(dt):
# Convert date/time to epoch
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
def yield_lines(fileobj):
# Discard the headers (1st 3 lines)
for i in xrange(3):
for line in fileobj:
yield line
def app(path1, path2):
# Remove duplicate lines
file1 = set(yield_lines(open(path1)))
file2 = set(yield_lines(open(path2)))
return file1.union(file2)
print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
# I/O files
o_file = "testScript/03"
c_file = "03.bak"
m_file = "finished.file"
# Convert set into to list
myList = list(app(o_file, c_file))
# Sort the list by the date
sp_lines = [ line.split('\t') for line in myList ]
sp_lines.sort( lambda a, b: cmp(toEpoch(a[-2]),toEpoch(b[-2])) )
F = open(m_file,'w')
print "No. of lines: ",len(sp_lines)
# Finally write to the outFile
for line in sp_lines:
MF = '\t'.join(line)
There is no speed boost at all, it took 2m:50s to process the same 145244 lines. Is anyone see any scope of improvement, please let me know. Thanks to Jakob and eyquem for their time. Cheers!!
Update 4:
Just for future reference, this is a modified version of eyguem, which works much better and faster then the previous ones.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
from time import mktime, strptime, strftime
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
# RegEx for Date/time filed
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d')
def kl(lines,pat = pat):
# match only the next to last field
line = lines.split('\t')
line = line[-2]
return mktime(strptime((pat.search(line).group()),'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
output = sett()
head = []
# Separate the header & remove the duplicates
def rmHead(f_n):
for line1 in f_n:
if pat.search(line1): break
else: head.append(line1) # line of the header
for line in f_n:
fa = open(o_file, 'r')
fb = open(c_file, 'r')
# Sorting date-wise
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output if line.rstrip() ]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
# Write to the file & add the header
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head[0]+head[1])))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
c_f = "03_a"
o_f = "03_b"
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'outfile.txt')
This version is much faster - 6.99 sec. for 145244 lines compare to the 2m:47s - then the previous one using lambda a, b: cmp(). Thanks to eyquem for all his support. Cheers!!
My previous codes have problems with output = sett(line.rstrip() for line in fa) and output.sort(key=kl)
Moreover, they have some complications.
So I examined the choice of reading the files directly with a set() function taken by Jakob Bowyer in his code.
Congratulations Jakob ! (and Michal Chruszcz by the way) : set() is unbeatable, it's faster than a reading one line at a time.
Then , I abandonned my idea to read the files line after line.
But I kept my idea to avoid a sorting with the help of cmp() function because, as it is described in the doc:
The sort() method takes an optional
argument specifying a comparison
function of two arguments (list items)
(...) Note that this slows the sorting
process down considerably
Then, I managed to obtain a list of tuples (t,line) in which the t is
time.mktime(time.strptime(( 1st date-and-hour in line ,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
by the instruction
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output]
I tested 2 codes. The following one in which 1st date-and-hour in line is computed thanks to a regex:
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((pat.search(line).group()),'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output if line.rstrip()]
And a second code in which kl() is:
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime(line.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
The results are
Times of execution:
0.03598 seconds for the first code with regex
0.03580 seconds for the second code with split('\t')
that is to say the same
This algorithm is faster than a code using a function cmp() :
a code in which the set of lines output isn't transformed in a list of tuples by
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output]
but is only transformed in a list of the lines (without duplicates, then) and sorted with a function mycmp() (see the doc):
def mycmp(a,b):
return cmp(time.mktime(time.strptime(a.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')),
time.mktime(time.strptime(b.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')))
output = [ line.rstrip() for line in output] # not list(output) , to avoid the problem of newline of the last line of each file
for line in output:
has an execution time of
0.11574 seconds
The code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((pat.search(line).group()),'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
output = sett()
head = []
fa = open(o_file)
fa.readline() # first line is skipped
while True:
line1 = fa.readline()
mat1 = pat.search(line1)
if not mat1: head.append(line1) # line1 is here a line of the header
else: break # the loop ends on the first line1 not being a line of the heading
output = sett( fa )
fb = open(c_file)
while True:
line1 = fb.readline()
if pat.search(line1): break
output = output.union(sett( fb ))
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
This time, I hope it will run correctly, and that the only thing to do is to wait the times of execution on real files much bigger than the ones on which I tested the codes
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+'
'[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'[ \t]+aborted/deleted)')
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+'
'[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'[ \t]+aborted/deleted)')
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((pat.search(line).group()),'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
head = []
output = Set()
fa = open(o_file)
fa.readline() # first line is skipped
for line1 in fa:
if pat.search(line1): break # first line after the heading
else: head.append(line1) # line of the header
for line in fa:
fb = open(c_file)
for line1 in fb:
if pat.search(line1): break
for line in fb:
if '' in output: output.remove('')
output = [ (kl(line),line) for line in output]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
Maybe something along these lines?
from sets import Set as set
def yield_lines(fileobj):
#I want to discard the headers
for i in xrange(3):
for line in fileobj:
yield line
def app(path1, path2):
file1 = set(yield_lines(open(path1)))
file2 = set(yield_lines(open(path2)))
return file1.union(file2)
EDIT: Forgot about with :$
I wrote this new code, with the ease of using a set. It is faster that my previous code. And, it seems, than your code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
# Convert Date/time to epoch
def toEpoch(dt):
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
pat = re.compile('([0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)'
'[ \t]+[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d')
fa = open(o_file)
head = []
while True:
line1 = fa.readline()
mat1 = pat.search(line1)
if not mat1:
output = sett((toEpoch(pat.search(line).group(1)) , line.rstrip())
for line in fa)
output.add((toEpoch(mat1.group(1)) , line1.rstrip()))
fb = open(c_file)
while True:
line1 = fb.readline()
mat1 = pat.search(line1)
if mat1: break
for line in fb:
output.add((toEpoch(pat.search(line).group(1)) , line.rstrip()))
output.add((toEpoch(mat1.group(1)) , line1.rstrip()))
output = list(output)
output[0:0] = head
output[0:0] = [('',time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.writelines( line+'\n' for t,line in output)
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
Note that this code put a heading in the merged file
Aaaaaah... I got it... :-))
Execution's time divided by 3 !
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((pat.search(line).group()),'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
fa = open(o_file)
head = []
while True:
line1 = fa.readline()
mat1 = pat.search(line1)
if not mat1:
output = sett(line.rstrip() for line in fa)
fb = open(c_file)
while True:
line1 = fb.readline()
mat1 = pat.search(line1)
if mat1: break
for line in fb:
output = list(output)
output[0:0] = [time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')] + head
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.writelines( line+'\n' for line in output)
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
Last codes, I hope.
Because I found a killer code.
First , I created two files "xxA.txt" and "yyB.txt" of 30 lines having 30000 lines as
430559 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 04/03/10 01:38:02 02/03/11 22:05:42
430502 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 23/01/10 21:45:05 02/03/11 22:05:42
430544 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 17/06/11 12:58:10 02/03/11 22:05:42
430566 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 25/03/10 23:55:22 02/03/11 22:05:42
with the following code:
create AB.py
from random import choice
n = tuple( str(x) for x in xrange(500,600))
days = ('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
# not '29','30,'31' to avoid problems with strptime() on last days of february
months = days[0:12]
hours = days[0:23]
ms = ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','09'] + [str(x) for x in xrange(10,60)]
repeat = 30000
with open('xxA.txt','w') as f:
# 430794 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 02/03/11 22:02:37 02/03/11 22:05:42
ch = ('On 23/03/11 00:40:03\n'
'JobID Group.User Ctime Wtime Status QDate CDate\n'
for i in xrange(repeat):
line = '430%s group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 \t%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s\t02/03/11 22:05:42\n' %\
with open('yyB.txt','w') as f:
# 430794 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 02/03/11 22:02:37 02/03/11 22:05:42
ch = ('On 25/03/11 13:45:24\n'
'JobID Group.User Ctime Wtime Status QDate CDate\n'
for i in xrange(repeat):
line = '430%s group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 \t%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s\t02/03/11 22:05:42\n' %\
with open('xxA.txt') as g:
print 'readlines of xxA.txt :',len(g.readlines())
print 'set of xxA.txt :',len(set(g))
with open('yyB.txt') as g:
print 'readlines of yyB.txt :',len(g.readlines())
print 'set of yyB.txt :',len(set(g))
Then I ran these 3 programs:
"merging regex.py"
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import clock,mktime,strptime,strftime
from sets import Set
import re
infunc = []
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[0]
pat = re.compile('([0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
output = Set()
def rmHead(filename, a_set):
f_n = open(filename, 'r')
head = []
for line in f_n:
head.append(line) # line of the header
if line.strip('= \r\n')=='': break
for line in f_n:
return head
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[1]
head = rmHead(o_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[2]
head = rmHead(c_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[3]
if '' in output: output.remove('')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[4]
output = [ (mktime(strptime(pat.search(line).group(),'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')),line)
for line in output ]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[5]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[6]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[7]
c_f = "xxA.txt"
o_f = "yyB.txt"
t1 = clock()
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'zz_mergedr.txt')
t2 = clock()
print 'merging regex'
print 'total time of execution :',t2-t1
print ' launching :',infunc[1] - t1
print ' preparation :',infunc[1] - infunc[0]
print ' reading of 1st file :',infunc[2] - infunc[1]
print ' reading of 2nd file :',infunc[3] - infunc[2]
print ' output.remove(\'\') :',infunc[4] - infunc[3]
print 'creation of list output :',infunc[5] - infunc[4]
print ' sorting of output :',infunc[6] - infunc[5]
print 'writing of merging file :',infunc[7] - infunc[6]
print 'closing of the function :',t2-infunc[7]
"merging split.py"
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import clock,mktime,strptime,strftime
from sets import Set
infunc = []
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[0]
output = Set()
def rmHead(filename, a_set):
f_n = open(filename, 'r')
head = []
for line in f_n:
head.append(line) # line of the header
if line.strip('= \r\n')=='': break
for line in f_n:
return head
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[1]
head = rmHead(o_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[2]
head = rmHead(c_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[3]
if '' in output: output.remove('')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[4]
output = [ (mktime(strptime(line.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')),line)
for line in output ]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[5]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[6]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[7]
c_f = "xxA.txt"
o_f = "yyB.txt"
t1 = clock()
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'zz_mergeds.txt')
t2 = clock()
print 'merging split'
print 'total time of execution :',t2-t1
print ' launching :',infunc[1] - t1
print ' preparation :',infunc[1] - infunc[0]
print ' reading of 1st file :',infunc[2] - infunc[1]
print ' reading of 2nd file :',infunc[3] - infunc[2]
print ' output.remove(\'\') :',infunc[4] - infunc[3]
print 'creation of list output :',infunc[5] - infunc[4]
print ' sorting of output :',infunc[6] - infunc[5]
print 'writing of merging file :',infunc[7] - infunc[6]
print 'closing of the function :',t2-infunc[7]
"merging killer"
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import clock,strftime
from sets import Set
import re
infunc = []
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[0]
patk = re.compile('([0123]\d)/([01]\d)/(\d{2}) ([012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
output = Set()
def rmHead(filename, a_set):
f_n = open(filename, 'r')
head = []
for line in f_n:
head.append(line) # line of the header
if line.strip('= \r\n')=='': break
for line in f_n:
return head
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[1]
head = rmHead(o_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[2]
head = rmHead(c_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[3]
if '' in output: output.remove('')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[4]
output = [ (patk.search(line).group(3,2,1,4),line)for line in output ]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[5]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[6]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[7]
c_f = "xxA.txt"
o_f = "yyB.txt"
t1 = clock()
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'zz_mergedk.txt')
t2 = clock()
print 'merging killer'
print 'total time of execution :',t2-t1
print ' launching :',infunc[1] - t1
print ' preparation :',infunc[1] - infunc[0]
print ' reading of 1st file :',infunc[2] - infunc[1]
print ' reading of 2nd file :',infunc[3] - infunc[2]
print ' output.remove(\'\') :',infunc[4] - infunc[3]
print 'creation of list output :',infunc[5] - infunc[4]
print ' sorting of output :',infunc[6] - infunc[5]
print 'writing of merging file :',infunc[7] - infunc[6]
print 'closing of the function :',t2-infunc[7]
merging regex
total time of execution : 14.2816595405
launching : 0.00169211450059
preparation : 0.00168093989599
reading of 1st file : 0.163582242995
reading of 2nd file : 0.141301478261
output.remove('') : 2.37460347614e-05
creation of output : 13.4460212122
sorting of output : 0.216363532237
writing of merging file : 0.232923737514
closing of the function : 0.0797514767938
merging split
total time of execution : 13.7824474898
launching : 4.10666718815e-05
preparation : 2.70984161395e-05
reading of 1st file : 0.154349784679
reading of 2nd file : 0.136050810927
output.remove('') : 2.06730184981e-05
creation of output : 12.9691854691
sorting of output : 0.218704332534
writing of merging file : 0.225259076223
closing of the function : 0.0788362766776
merging killer
total time of execution : 2.14315311024
launching : 0.00206199391263
preparation : 0.00205026057781
reading of 1st file : 0.158711791582
reading of 2nd file : 0.138976601775
output.remove('') : 2.37460347614e-05
creation of output : 0.621466415424
sorting of output : 0.823161602941
writing of merging file : 0.227701565422
closing of the function : 0.171049393149
During killer program, sorting output takes 4 times longer , but time of creation of output as a list is divided by 21 !
Then globaly, the execution's time is reduced at least by 85 %.