How to keep track of time in python without sleeping? - python

I'm wondering how I can play a .wav file after some time has passed without using the sleep function. Essentially, I was wondering if there is a way to keep track of time in Python, so that, after say 15 seconds has elapsed, I can play a sound without pausing my code.
# checks if I should play the sound or not and, sets the variable
def Tyler(self):
if self.started == 1:
if self.isTaiwan == 0:
if self.myListNames[self.current_player_id / 3].lower() == "tyler":
self.isTyler = 1
self.isTyler = 0
if self.isTyler == 1:
winsound.PlaySound("tyler.wav", winsound.SND_ASYNC)
# This is where I would want to check to see
# if some time has passed and the conditions haven't changed.

from time import time
def delay(secs):
init_time = time()
while time() < init_time+secs: pass
This won't use sleep but it is similar. Still uses time module


How long does it take for a loop to run in Python?

I'm making a program that runs something for the amount of minutes the user alots (it's an idle game in beta). I put on a timer for one minute and noticed that the program ran over the minute by a couple of seconds-- Not very noticable, but I was wondering if this is because of how long a loop takes to execute? This is my code:
import time
foreverloop = True
automodeOn = False
idleSec = 0
idleMin = 0
pages = 0
pps = 0
while foreverloop:
if automodeOn == False:
msg = input("BTCG Command >> ")
if msg == 'auto':
autotime = input("How long would you like to go idle for? Answer in minutes.")
automodeOn = True
elif msg == 'autoMORE':
pps += .5
pages += pps
print("You have auto-read",pps,"pages.")
idleSec += 1
if idleSec == 60:
idleSec = 0
idleMin += 1
if idleMin == int(autotime):
print("Idle mode turning off.")
automodeOn = False
You could measure the time it takes for a number of lines of code to execute by measuring the start time:
start = time.time()
before any number of lines you'd like to measure the time, then at the end adding:
end = time.time()
the time elapse is then calculated as their subtraction:
elapsed_time = end-start
I suggest that you read about code complexity, the most popular of which is the Big O notation.
edit: as denoted in a comment, timeit is the better option if you're looking to precisely measure the time it takes for a certain line or function to execute, the main difference between the 2 approaches is that timeit is made specifically for this purpose and as part of this takes as a parameter a variable number indicating the number of times the specified code is run before determining how long it takes on average to run.
Instead of making the program wait in adittion to the time it takes to execute, I would use time.time() to get the system's current UNIX time in seconds as a float and only continue if a certain time has passed:
import time
time_begin = time.time()
wait_time = 60 # seconds to wait
while time.time() < time_begin + wait_time:
# do logic
print("Time passed:", time.time() - time_begin)
time.sleep(1) # can be whatever
print(wait_time, "seconds has passed!")

How to sleep python script for xx minutes after every hour execution?

I am trying to make a python script that works in a loop mode with iteration through a text file to run for periods of one hour and make 30minute pauses between each hour loop .
After some searching I found this piece of code :
import datetime
import time
delta_hour = 0
now_hour =
if delta_hour != now_hour:
# run your code
delta_hour = now_hour
time.sleep(1800) # 1800 seconds sleep
# add some way to exit the infinite loop
This code has a few issues though :
It does not consider one hour periods since the script starts running
It does not seem to work continuously for periods over one hour
Considering what I am trying to achieve (running script 1hour before each time it pauses for 30mins) what is the best approach to this ? Cron is not an option here .
For clarification :
1hour run -- 30min pause -- repeat
Here is a so simple code, I have written for teaching purposes, which is very clear
from datetime import datetime
class control_process():
def __init__(self, woking_period, sleeping_period):
self.woking_period = woking_period # working period in minutes
self.sleeping_period = sleeping_period # sleeping period in minutes
def reset(self):
self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() # set starting point
def manage(self):
m = (datetime.utcnow() - self.start_time).seconds / 60 # how long since starting point
if m >= self.woking_period: # if exceeded the working period
time.sleep(self.sleeping_period * 60) # time to sleep in seconds
self.reset() # then reset time again
return # go to continue working
cp = control_process(60, 30) # release for 60 minutes and sleep for 30 minutes
while True: # you code loop
your code
in which 'control_processobject - I calledcp- callscp.manage()` inside your executing loop.
you reset time via cp.reset() before going in the loop or whenever you want
Based on Comments
The simplicity I mean is to add this class to your general library so you can use it whenever you want by instantiation of cp then one or two controlling functions 'cp.manage()` which control the working cycles, and cp.reset() if you want to use it in another location of the code. I believe that use a function is better than a long condition statement.
Using the default library you could do something like call the script itself using subprocess. By checking whether conditions are met the process could do a task and call itself. Extending the logic with a kill pill would make it stop (I leave that up to you).
import argparse, time
from subprocess import call
DELAY = 60 * 30 # minutes
WORK_TIME = 60 * 60 # minutes
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help = "interval start time",
type = float,
default = time.time())
help = "interval stop time",
type = float,
default = time.time() + WORK_TIME)
def do_task():
# implement task
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
start = args.s
stop = args.t
# work
if start < time.time() < stop:
# shift target
start = time.time() + DELAY
stop = start + WORK_TIME
call(f"python -t {stop} -s {start}".split())
The simplest solution I could come up with was the following piece of code, which I added inside my main thread :
start_time = int(time())
... #main thread code
#main thread code end
if int(time() - start_time >= 60 * 60):
print("pausing time")
sleep(30 * 60)
start_time = int(time())
From the moment the script starts this will pause every hour for 30mins and resume afterwards .
Simple yet effective !

Problems with python alarm at specified hours

I'm trying to make a "alarm" for my classes and it does that when a certain hour comes it does something (in this case it just prints, and i will change that when the code works) and it repeats until next alarm.The problem here is that when i run the code 1 min before it prints it's time , and then it reaches the alarm time and it still prints the same and not not yet.
I want the code to keep running after the if statements. Here's the code:
from datetime import datetime
import time
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M")
today = now.strftime("%A")
cn = "22:14"
ing ="21:23"
day = {0:"Monday", 1:"Tuesday", 2:"Wednesday"
, 3:"Thursday", 4:"Friday", 5:"Saturday", 6:"Sunday"}
def mday():
if (today == day[0]) and (current_time == cn):
print("its time")
print("not yet")
The main problem with your code (why it does not work at all), is that you do not update the values of the today and current_time variables. That you sleep for one second in each call to mday() does not affect these variables. You need to update them right at the entry to mday.
The second problem is that you have infinite recursion here. Infinite loops run forever, which is what you want, I guess. Infinite recursion, on the other hand, simply uses up the stack, and crashes you application. You would need to convert the recursive function mday to one with an infinite loop. To do that, place all the if statement from inside mday inside a forever loop: (while True:), and
also remove the two recursive calls from the end of the branches. You can also take the sleep calls out of the if - remove one of them, and place the other after the the content of the else block:
from datetime import datetime
import time
cn = "22:14"
ing ="21:23"
day = {
def mday():
while True:
# Update current time values
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M")
today = now.strftime("%A")
# Print alarm/no-alarm message
if (today == day[0]) and (current_time == cn):
print("its time")
print("not yet")
There are many ways this code can be optimized, but the above will produce roughly the result you want.

Set a timer for running a process, pause the timer under certain conditions

I've got this program:
import multiprocessing
import time
def timer(sleepTime):
fooProcess.join() #line said to "cleanup", not sure if it is required, refer to
def foo():
while 1
print i
if i==4:
#pause timerProcess for X seconds
fooProcess = multiprocessing.Process(target=foo, name="Foo", args=())
And as you can see in the comment, under certain conditions (in this example i has to be 4) the timer has to stop for a certain X time, while foo() keeps working.
Now, how do I implement this?
N.B.: this code is just an example, the point is that I want to pause a process under certain conditions for a certain amount of time.
I am think you're going about this wrong for game design. Games always (no exceptions come to mind) use a primary event loop controlled in software.
Each time through the loop you check the time and fire off all the necessary events based on how much time has elapsed. At the end of the loop you sleep only as long as necessary before you got the next timer or event or refresh or ai check or other state change.
This gives you the best performance regarding lag, consistency, predictability, and other timing features that matter in games.
get the current timestamp at the time start time (time.time(), I presume)
sleep with Event.wait(timeout=...)
wake up on an Event or timeout.
if on Event: get timestamp, subtract initial on, subtract result from timer; wait until foo() stops; repeat Event.wait(timeout=[result from 4.])
if on timeout: exit.
Here is an example, how I understand, what your Programm should do:
import threading, time, datetime
def main():
while ACTIVE:
print "im working"
def run(thread, timeout):
global ACTIVE
ACTIVE = False
proc = threading.Thread(target = main)
run(proc, 2) # run for 2 seconds
In main() it does a periodic task, here printing something. In the run() method you can say, how long main should do the task.
This code producess following output:
2014-05-25 17:10:54.390000
im working
im working
im working
im working
im working
im working
im working
2014-05-25 17:10:56.495000
please correct me, if I've understood you wrong.
I would use multiprocessing.Pipe for signaling, combined with select for timing:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import multiprocessing
import select
import time
def timer(sleeptime,pipe):
start = time.time()
while time.time() < start + sleeptime:
n =[pipe],[],[],1) # sleep in 1s intervals
for conn in n[0]:
val = conn.recv()
print 'got',val
start += float(val)
def foo(pipe):
i = 0
while True:
print i
i += 1
if i%7 == 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
mainpipe,foopipe = multiprocessing.Pipe()
fooProcess = multiprocessing.Process(target=foo,name="Foo",args=(foopipe,))
# since we terminated, mainpipe and foopipe are corrupt
del mainpipe, foopipe
# ...
print 'Done'
I'm assuming that you want some condition in the foo process to extend the timer. In the sample I have set up, every time foo hits a multiple of 7 it extends the timer by 5 seconds while the timer initially counts down 10 seconds. At the end of the timer we terminate the process - foo won't finish nicely at all, and the pipes will get corrupted, but you can be certain that it'll die. Otherwise you can send a signal back along mainpipe that foo can listen for and exit nicely while you join.

What's the proper way to write a game loop in Python?

I'm trying to write a python game loop that hopefully takes into account FPS. What is the correct way to call the loop? Some of the possibilities I've considered are below. I'm trying not to use a library like pygame.
while True:
def mainLoop():
# run some game code
def mainLoop():
# run some game code
threading.timer(Interval, mainLoop).start()
Use sched.scheduler?
If I understood correctly you want to base your game logic on a time delta.
Try getting a time delta between every frame and then have your objects move with respect to that time delta.
import time
while True:
# dt is the time delta in seconds (float).
currentTime = time.time()
dt = currentTime - lastFrameTime
lastFrameTime = currentTime
def game_logic(dt):
# Where speed might be a vector. E.g speed.x = 1 means
# you will move by 1 unit per second on x's direction.
plane.position += speed * dt;
If you also want to limit your frames per second, an easy way would be sleeping the appropriate amount of time after every update.
FPS = 60
while True:
sleepTime = 1./FPS - (currentTime - lastFrameTime)
if sleepTime > 0:
Be aware thought that this will only work if your hardware is more than fast enough for your game. For more information about game loops check this.
PS) Sorry for the Javaish variable names... Just took a break from some Java coding.

