MySQL: Set "diff" bit when insert different value on duplicate key? - python

I have a cronjob (J1) which calculate ~1M customers' product category preference every night. Most customers' preference are stable. But there are exceptions and there are new customers every day. I want to know these changes by setting a "diff" bit to 1. Then another cronjob (J2) can do something (e.g. send notification to them) on such customers and set them back to 0.
The table looks like:
CREATE TABLE customers (
customer_id VARCHAR(255),
preference VARCHAR(255),
diff TINYINT(1),
PRIMARY KEY (customer_id),
KEY (diff)
AFAIK, INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY doesn't know about whether a non-key value is different. So you can't use something similar to the following, right?
INSERT customers AS ("sql for J1") ON DUPLICATE KEY
So what's the best way to do it?
a) Rename table customers to customer_yesterday. Create a new table customers by running J1. LEFT JOIN two tables and set diff bit of customers. (Pros: faster? Cons: need to handle all diffs correctly, e.g. cases when a customer doesn't present in today's output)
b) Loop through output of J1 (using python mysql connector), query customer by customer_id, and insert only when value is different or it's a new customer. (Pros: easy to understand logic; Cons: slow?)
Any better solutions?
As #Barmar asked, let's say sql for J1 is a transaction grouping sql, e.g.
FROM transaction
WHERE date between _30_days_ago_ and _today_;

Make SQL for J1 a query that uses a LEFT JOIN to filter out customers whose preference hasn't changed.
INSERT INTO customers (customer_id, preference)
SELECT customer_id,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT product_category ORDER BY product_category SEPARATOR ',') AS preference
FROM transaction
WHERE date BETWEEN _30_days_ago_ AND _today_) AS t1
LEFT JOIN customers AS c ON t1.customer_id = c.customer_id AND t1.preference = c.preference
WHERE t1.customer_id IS NULL
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE preference = VALUES(preference), diff = 1
I've added an ORDER BY option to GROUP_CONCAT so that it will always return the categoris in a consistent order. Otherwise, it may result in false positives when the order changes.
I feel obliged to point out that storing comma-separated values in a table column is generally poor database design. You should use a many-to-many relationship table instead.


Postres/Python - is it better to use one large query, or several smaller ones? How do you decide number of items to include in 'WHERE IN' clause?

I am writing a Python script that will be run regularly in a production environment where efficiency is key.
Below is an anonymized query that I have which pulls sales data for 3,000 different items.
I think I am getting slower results querying for all of them at once. When I try querying for different sizes, the amount of time it takes varies inconsistently (likely due to my internet connection). For example, sometimes querying for 1000 items 3 times is faster than all 3000 at once. However, running the same test 5 minutes later gets me different results. It is a production database where performance may be dependent on current traffic. I am not a database administrator but work in data science, using mostly similar select queries (I do the rest in Python).
Is there a best practice here? Some sort of logic that determines how many items to put in the WHERE IN clause?
date_min = pd.to_datetime('2021-11-01')
date_max = pd.to_datetime('2022-01-31')
sql = f"""
product_code IN {tuple(item_list)}
and sales_date >= DATE('{date_min}')
and sales_date <= DATE('{date_max}')
sales_date DESC, revenue
df_act = pd.read_sql(sql, di.db_engine)
If your sales_date column is indexed in the database, I think using a function in the where clause (DATE) might cause the plan to not use that index. I believe you will have better luck if you concatenate date_min and date_max as strings (YYYY-MM-DD) into the SQL string and get rid of the function. Also, use BETWEEN...AND rather than >= ... AND ... <=.
As for IN with 1000 items, strongly recommend you don't do that. Create a single-column temp table of those values and index the item, then join to product_code.
Generally, something like this:
FROM VALUES (etc) t(item);
CREATE INDEX idx_items ON _item_list (item);
sales_daily x
INNER JOIN _item_list y ON x.product_code = y.item
sales_date BETWEEN '{date_min}' AND '{date_max}'
sales_date DESC, revenue
As an addendum, try to have the items in the item list in the same order as the index on the product_code.

Insert record into PostgreSQL table and expire old record

I have a set of data that gets updated periodically by a client. Once a month or so we will download a new set of this data. The dataset is about 50k records with a couple hundred columns of data.
I am trying to create a database that houses all of this data so we can run our own analysis on it. I'm using PostgreSQL and Python (psycopg2).
Occasionally, the client will add columns to the dataset, so there are a number of steps I want to take:
Add new records to the database table
Compare the old set of data with the new set of data and update the table where necessary
Keep the old records, and either add an "expired" flag, or an "db_expire_date" to keep track of whether a record is active or expired
Add any new columns of data to the database for all records
I know how to add new records to the database (1) using INSERT INTO, and how to add new columns of data to the database (4) using ALTER TABLE. But having issues with (2) and (3). I figured out how to update a record, using the following code:
rows = zip(*[update_records[col] for col in update_records])
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE temptable (""" + schema_list + """) ON COMMIT DROP""")
cursor.executemany("""INSERT INTO temptable (""" + var +""") VALUES ("""+ perc_s + """)""", rows)
UPDATE tracking.test_table
SET mfg = temptable.mfg, db_updt_dt = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
FROM temptable
WHERE temptable.app_id = tracking.test_table.app_id;
However, this just updated the record based on the app_id as the primary key.
What I'd like to figure out is how to keep the original record and set it as "expired" and then create a new, updated record. It seems that "app_id" shouldn't be my primary key, so i've created a new primary key as '"primary_key" INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY not null,'.
I'm just not sure where to go from here. I think that I could probably just use INSERT INTO to send the new records to the database. But i'm not sure how to "expire" the old records that way. Possibly I could use UPDATE table to set the older values to "expired". But I am wondering if there is a more straightforward way to do this.
I hope my question is clear. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks
A pretty standard data warehousing technique is to define two additional date fields, a from-effective-date and a to-effective-date. You only append rows, never update. You add the candidate record if the source primary key does not exist in your table OR if any column value is different from the most recently added prior record in your table with the same primary key. (Each record supersedes the last).
As you add your record to the table you do 3 things:
The New record's from-effective-date gets the transaction file's date
The New record's to-effective-date gets a date WAY in the future, like 9999-12-31. The important thing here is that it will not expire until you say so.
The most recent prior record (the one you compared values for changes) has its to-effective-date Updated to the transaction file's date minus one day. This has the effect of expiring the old record.
This creates a chain of records with the same source primary key with each one covering a non-overlapping time period. This format is surprisingly easy to select from:
If you want to reproduce the most current transaction file you select Where to-effective-date > Current Date
If you want to reproduce the transaction file at any date for a report, you select Where myreportdate Between from-effective-date And to-effective-date.
If you want the entire update history for a key you select * Where the key = mykeyvalue Order By from-effective-date.
The only thing that is ugly about this scheme is when columns are added, the comparison test also must be altered to include those new columns in case something changes. If you want that to be dynamic, you're going to have to loop through the reflection meta data for each column in the table, but Python will need to know how comparing a text field might be different from comparing a BLOB, for example.
If you actually care about having a primary key (many data warehouses do not have primary keys) you can define a compound key on the source primary key + one of those effective dates, it doesn't really matter which one.
You're looking for the concept of a "natural key", which is how you would identify a unique row, regardless of what the explicit logical constraints on the table are.
This means that you're spot on that you need to change your primary key to be more inclusive. Your new primary key doesn't actually help you decipher which row you are looking for once you have both in there unless you already know which row you are looking for (that "identity" field).
I can think of two likely candidates to add to your natural key: date, or batch.
Either way, you would look for "App = X, [Date|batch] = Y" in the data to find that one. Batch would be upload 1, upload 2, etc. You just make it up, or derive it from the date, or something along those lines.
If you aren't sure which to add, and you aren't ever going to upload multiple times in one day, I would go with Date. That will give you more visibility over time, as you can see when and how often things change.
Once you have a natural key, you want to make it explicit in your data. You can either keep your identity column (see: Surrogate Key) or you can have a compound primary key. With no other input or constraints, I would go with a compound primary key for your situation.
I'm a MySQL DBA, so I'm cribbing a bit from the docs here:
You do NOT want this:
CREATE TABLE test_table (
date DATE,
active BOOLEAN
Instead, you want this:
CREATE TABLE test_table (
app_id INTEGER,
date DATE,
active BOOLEAN,
PRIMARY KEY (app_id, date)
I've added an active column here as well, since you wanted to deactivate rows. This isn't explicitly necessary from what you've described though - you can always assume the most recent upload is active. Or you can expand the columns to have a "active_start" date and an "active_end" date, which will enable another set of queries. But for what you've stated here so far, just the date column should suffice. :)
For step 2)
First, you have to identify the records that have the same data for this you can run a select query with where clause before inserting any recode and count the number of records you receive as output. If the count is more than 0 don't insert the recode otherwise you can insert the recode.
For step 3)
For this, you can insert a column as you mention above with the name 'db_expire_date' and insert the expiration value at the time of record insertion only.
You can also use a column like 'is_expire' but for that, you need to add a cron job that can update the DB periodically for the value of this column.

Deduping a table while keeping record structures

I've got a weekly process which does a full replace operation on a few tables. The process is weekly since there are large amounts of data as a whole. However, we also want to do daily/hourly delta updates, so the system would be more in sync with production.
When we update data, we are creating duplications of rows (updates of an existing row), which I want to get rid of. To achieve this, I've written a python script which runs the following query on a table, inserting the results back into it:
QUERY = """#standardSQL
select {fields}
from (
select *
, max(record_insert_time) over (partition by id) as max_record_insert_time
from {client_name}_{environment}.{table} as a
where 1=1
and record_insert_time = max_record_insert_time"""
The {fields} variable is replaced with a list of all the table columns; I can't use * here because that would only work for 1 run (the next will already have a field called max_record_insert_time and that would cause an ambiguity issue).
Everything is working as expected, with one exception - some of the columns in the table are of RECORD datatype; despite not using aliases for them, and selecting their fully qualified name (e.g. record_name.child_name), when the output is written back into the table, the results are flattened. I've added the flattenResults: False config to my code, but this has not changed the outcome.
I would love to hear thoughts about how to resolve this issue using my existing plan, other methods of deduping, or other methods of handling delta updates altogether.
Perhaps you can use in the outer statement
SELECT * EXCEPT (max_record_insert_time)
This should keep the exact record structure. (for more detailed documentation see
Alternative approach, would be include in {fields} only top level columns even if they are non leaves, i.e. just record_name and not record_name.*
Below answer is definitely not better than use of straightforward SELECT * EXCEPT modifier, but wanted to present alternative version
id, MAX(record_insert_time) AS max_record_insert_time,
ARRAY_AGG(t) AS all_records_for_id
FROM yourTable AS t GROUP BY id
), UNNEST(all_records_for_id) AS t
WHERE t.record_insert_time = max_record_insert_time
What above query does is - first groups all records for each id into array of respective rows along with max value for insert_time. Then, for each id - it simply flattens all (previously aggregated) rows and picks only rows with insert_time matching max time. Result is as expected. No Analytic Function involved but rather simple Aggregation. But extra use of UNNEST ...
Still - at least different option :o)

Get All of Single Column from Every Table in Schema

In our system, we have 1000+ tables, each of which has an 'date' column containing DateTime object. I want to get a list containing every date that exists within all of the tables. I'm sure there should be an easy way to do this, but I've very limited knowledge of either postgresql or sqlalchemy.
In postgresql, I can do a full join on two tables, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do a join on every table in a schema, for a single common field.
I then tried to solve this programmatically in python with sqlalchemy. For each table, I did created a select distinct for the 'date' column, then set that list of selectes that to the selects property of a CompoundSelect object, and executed. As one might expect from an ugly brute force query, it has ben running now for an hour or so, and I am unsure if it has broken silently somewhere and will never return.
Is there a clean and better way to do this?
You definitely want to do this on the server, not at the application level, due to the many round trips between application and server and likely duplication of data in intermediate results.
Since you need to process 1,000+ tables, you should use the system catalogs and dynamically query the tables. You need a function to do that efficiently:
CREATE FUNCTION get_all_dates() RETURNS SETOF date AS $$
tbl name;
FOR tbl IN SELECT 'public.' || tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' LOOP
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
This will process all the tables in the public schema; change as required. If the tables are in multiple schemas you need to insert your additional logic on where tables are stored, or you can make the schema name a parameter of the function and call the function multiple times and UNION the results.
Note that you may get duplicate dates from multiple tables. These duplicates you can weed out in the statement calling the function:
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM get_all_dates() ORDER BY 1;
The function creates a result set in memory, but if the number of distinct dates in the rows in the 1,000+ tables is very large, the results will be written to disk. If you expect this to happen, then you are probably better off creating a temporary table at the beginning of the function and inserting the dates into that temp table.
Ended up reverting back to a previous solution of using SqlAlchemy to run the queries. This allowed me to parallelize things and run a little faster, since it really was a very large query.
I knew a few things with the dataset that helped with this query- I only wanted distinct dates from each table, and that the dates were the PK in my set. I ended up using the approach from this wiki page. Code being sent in the query looked like the following:
(SELECT date FROM schema.tablename ORDER BY date LIMIT 1)
UNION ALL SELECT (SELECT knowledge_date FROM schema.table WHERE date > ORDER BY date LIMIT 1)
I pulled the results of that query into a list of all my dates if they weren't already in the list, then saved that for use later. It's possible that it takes just as long as running it all in the pgsql console, but it was easier for me to save locally than to have to query the temp table in the db.

POSTGRES - Efficient SELECT or INSERT with multiple connections

tl;dr I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to SELECT a record or INSERT it if it doesn't already exist that will work with multiple concurrent connections.
The situation:
I'm constructing a Postgres database (9.3.5, x64) containing a whole bunch of information associated with a customer. This database features a "customers" table that contains an "id" column (SERIAL PRIMARY KEY), and a "system_id" column (VARCHAR(64)). The id column is used as a foreign key in other tables to link to the customer. The "system_id" column must be unique, if it is not null.
CREATE TABLE customers (
system_id VARCHAR(64),
name VARCHAR(256));
An example of a table that references the id in the customers table:
customer_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES customers(id),
filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(256),
I have written a python script that uses the multiprocessing module to push data into the database through multiple connections (from different processes).
The first thing that each process needs to do when pushing data into the database is to check if a customer with a particular system_id is in the customers table. If it is, the associated is cached. If its not already in the table, a new row is added, and the resulting is cached. I have written an SQL function to do this for me:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_or_insert_customer(p_system_id customers.system_id%TYPE, p_name RETURNS AS $$
SELECT id INTO v_id FROM customers WHERE system_id=p_system_id;
IF v_id is NULL THEN
INSERT INTO customers(system_id, name)
RETURN v_id;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
The problem: The table locking was the only way I was able to prevent duplicate system_ids being added to the table by concurrent processes. This isn't really ideal as it effectively serialises all the processing at this point, and basically doubles the amount of time that it takes to push a given amount of data into the db.
I wanted to ask if there was a more efficient/elegant way to implement the "SELECT or INSERT" mechanism that wouldn't cause as much of a slow down? I suspect that there isn't, but figured it was worth asking, just in case.
Many thanks for reading this far. Any advice is much appreciated!
I managed to rewrite the function into plain SQL, changing the order (avoiding the IF and the potential race condition)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_or_insert_customer
( p_system_id customers.system_id%TYPE
, p_name
) RETURNS AS $func$
INSERT INTO customers(system_id, name)
SELECT p_system_id,p_name
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM customers WHERE system_id = p_system_id)
FROM customers WHERE system_id = p_system_id
$func$ LANGUAGE sql;

