import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
class Buffon_needle_problem:
def __init__(self,x,y,n,m):
self.x = x #width of the needle
self.y = y #witdh of the space
self.r = []#coordinated of the centre of the needle
self.z = []#measure of the alingment of the needle
self.n = n#no of throws
self.m = m#no of simulations
self.pi_approx = []
def samples(self):
# throwing the needles
for i in range(self.n):
return [self.r,self.z]
def simulation(self):
# m simulation
for j in range(self.m):
# n throw
hits = 0 #setting the succes to 0
for i in range(self.n):
#condition for a hit
if self.r[i]+self.z[i]>=self.y or self.r[i]-self.z[i] <= 0.0:
hits += 1
hits = 2*(self.x/self.y)*float(self.n/hits)
return self.pi_approx
y = Buffon_needle_problem(1,2,40000,5)
print (y.simulation())
For those who unfamiliar with Buffon's problem, here is the
implementing the same idea (and output)
My expected output should be the value of pi but my code give me around 4. Can anyone point out the logical error?
The sampling of the needle's alignment should be a uniform cosine. See the following link for the method:
Also, there were a few logical problems with the program. Here is a working version.
import numpy as np
def sample_cosine():
while rr > 1.:
return cc
class Buffon_needle_problem:
def __init__(self,x,y,n,m):
self.x = float(x) #width of the needle
self.y = float(y) #witdh of the space
self.r = [] #coordinated of the centre of the needle
self.z = [] #measure of the alignment of the needle
self.n = n #no of throws
self.m = m #no of simulations
self.p = self.x/self.y
self.pi_approx = []
def samples(self):
# throwing the needles
for i in range(self.n):
return [self.r,self.z]
def simulation(self):
# m simulation
for j in range(self.m):
# n throw
hits = 0 #setting the success to 0
for i in range(self.n):
#condition for a hit
if self.r[i]+self.z[i]>=self.y or self.r[i]-self.z[i]<0.:
hits += 1
est =self.p*float(self.n)/float(hits)
return self.pi_approx
y = Buffon_needle_problem(1,2,80000,5)
print (y.simulation())
Buffon's needle work accurately only when the distance between the two lines is double the length of needle. Make sure to cross check it.
I have seen many baffon's online simulation which are doing this mistake. They just take the distance between two adjacent lines to be equal to the needle's length. That's their main logical errors.
I would say that the problem is that you are defining the alignment of the needle by a simple linear function, when in fact the effective length of the needle from its centre is defined by a sinusoidal function.
You want to calculate the effective length of the needle (at 90° to the lines) by using a function that will calculate it from its angle.
Something like:
self.z.append(np.cos(np.random.uniform(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2))*self.x)
This will give the cosine of a random angle between -90° and +90°, times the length of the needle.
For reference, cos(+/-90) = 0 and cos(0) = 1, so at 90°, the needle with have effectively zero length, and at 0°, its full length.
I have neither mathplotlib or numpy installed on this machine, so I can't see if this fixes it, but it's definitely necessary.
Looks like you were committing a simple rounding error. The code below works, though the results are not very close to pi...
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
class Buffon_needle_problem:
def __init__(self,x,y,n,m):
self.x = x #width of the needle
self.y = y #witdh of the space
self.r = []#coordinated of the centre of the needle
self.z = []#measure of the alingment of the needle
self.n = n#no of throws
self.m = m#no of simulations
self.pi_approx = []
def samples(self):
# throwing the needles
for i in range(self.n):
return [self.r,self.z]
def simulation(self):
# m simulations
for j in range(self.m):
for i in range(self.n):
# n throws
hits = 0 # setting the succes to 0
for i in range(self.n):
# condition for a hit
if self.r[i]+self.z[i]>=self.y or self.r[i]-self.z[i] <= 0.0:
hits += 1
hits = 2.0*(float(self.x)/self.y)*float(self.n)/float(hits)
return self.pi_approx
y = Buffon_needle_problem(1,2,40000,5)
print (y.simulation())
Also note that you were using the same sample for all simulations!
I used Python turtle to approximate the value of Pi:
from turtle import *
from random import *
setworldcoordinates(-100, -200, 200, 200)
ht(); speed(0); color('blue')
drops = 20 # increase number of drops for better approximation
hits = 0 # hits counter
# draw parallel lines with distance 20 between adjacent lines
for i in range(0, 120, 20):
pu(); setpos(0, i); pd()
fd(100) # length of line
# throw needles
for j in range(drops):
goto(randrange(10, 90), randrange(0,100))
y1 = ycor() # keep ycor of start point
pd(); fd(20) # draw needle of length 20
y2 = ycor() # keep ycor of end point
if y1//20 != y2//20: # decisive test: if it is a hit then ...
hits += 1 # increase the hits counter by 1
print(2 * drops / hits)
Output samples
With 50 drops 3.225806451612903
with 200 drops 3.3057851239669422
with 1000 drops 3.1645569620253164
NOT answer to original question, if you just want the pi estimate, here's some simple code from I did in a computational revision exercise yesterday at Uni Sydney (Aust), against my early inclinations, to reduce complexity, we only modelled for a random point between zero and distance between lines and a random angle from zero to 90 degrees.
import random
from numpy import pi, sin
def buffon(L, D, N):
BUFFON takes L (needle length),
D = distance between lines and N = number of drops,
returns probability of hitting line
generate random number 'd' between 0 and D
generate theta between 0 and pi/2
hit when L*sin(theta)) - d is great than D
hit = 0;
for loop in range(N) :
theta = pi*random.random()/2
if L * sin(theta) > D - D*random.random(): # d = random*D
hit += 1
return hit/N
#% Prob_hit = 2*L/(D*pi) hence: Pi_est = 2*L / (P_hit*D);
L = 1
D = 4
N = int(1e8)
Pi_est = 2*L / (buffon(L,D,N)*D)
It was in MatLab, I wanted to try it in Python, see if I could use any comprehension lists, any ideas to speed this up WELCOME.
It should be noted that the Monte Carlo method is not the best for this kind of calculation (calculating the number pi). One way or another, it is necessary to throw quite a lot of needles (or points, in the case of a quarter circle) in order to get a more accurate pi. The main disadvantage of the Monte Carlo method is its unpredictability.
enter image description here
I'm currently really stuck with some of my code and I can't seem to find the issue. Here is what I am trying to do:
I have a big outer circle in which I want to display smaller dots. These dots should be randomly distributed but should not overlap, thus they should have a minimum distance to each other.
What I have tried is to first randomly generate a point, check wether it is in the outer circle and if it is, append it to the final list of dot positions. Then another point is created, checked if in circle and then it should be checked if the dot has a minimum distance to the other dot(s) in the final list.
However, I seem to have some issues with my code as it will not run through whenever I set the required distances higher than 1. I have changed multiple things, but I cannot make it work.
Does anyone have an idea about what the problem might be?
Here's what I have been trying:
import random
import numpy as np
import math
radiusOC = 57
size_obj = 7
required_dist = 5
no_stimuli = 3
def CreatePos(radiusOC, size_obj, required_dist, no_stimuli):
final_list = []
def GenRandPos(radiusOC,size_obj):
Takes the radius of the outer circle and generates random dots within this radius. Then checks if the the dots are located
within the outer circle.
while True:
xPos = random.randint(-radiusOC,radiusOC)
yPos = random.randint(-radiusOC,radiusOC)
# check if in Circle
on_circle = (xPos- 0)**2 + (yPos-0)**2
if (radiusOC-size_obj)**2 >= on_circle:
print("Still in circle",on_circle, xPos, yPos )
position = [xPos, yPos]
print("Not in circle",on_circle, xPos, yPos )
return position
def CheckSurrounding(position, final_list, required_dist):
Takes dot positions that are in the visual field, the list of positions, and the distances dots are required to have from each other.
It is checked if there are dots close by or not.
X1 = position[0]
Y1 = position[1]
dist_list = []
for elem in final_list:
for i in elem:
X2 = elem[0]
Y2 = elem[1]
dist = math.sqrt((X1-X2)**2 + (Y1-Y2)**2)
if all(dist_list) >= required_dist:
return position
return None
# append the first dot to the list
position = GenRandPos(radiusOC, size_obj)
# now append the rest of the dots if they have a certain distance to each other
while len(final_list) < no_stimuli:
position = GenRandPos(radiusOC, size_obj)
if CheckSurrounding(position, final_list, required_dist) != None:
position = CheckSurrounding(position, final_list, required_dist)
return final_list
In the line
if all(dist_list) >= required_dist:
all(dist_list) will be either True or False, which is numerically equivalent to either 1 or 0. If required_dist is greater than 1 the inequality will never be satisfied. I think that you intended this to be
if all(dist_list >= required_dist):
but this will not work since you cannot compare a list dist_list to a number required_dist. To fix it, convert dist_list to a numpy array:
if np.all(np.array(dist_list) >= required_dist):
By the way, the random points you are selecting will always have integer coordinates since you are using random.randint(), I am not sure if this is intentional.
The whole code can be made more efficient by using numpy arrays. For example:
import numpy as np
def CreatePos(radiusOC, size_obj, required_dist, no_stimuli):
final_list = []
def GenRandPos(radiusOC, size_obj):
Takes the radius of the outer circle and generates
random dots within this radius. Then checks if the dots are
located within the outer circle.
while True:
position = (2 * np.random.random(2) - 1) * radiusOC
# check if in Circle
if (radiusOC - size_obj)**2 >= (position**2).sum():
return position
def CheckSurrounding(position, final_list, required_dist):
Takes dot positions that are in the visual field,
the list of positions, and the distances dots are
required to have from each other.
It is checked if there are dots close by or not.
final_arr = np.array(final_list)
dist = ((np.array(final_list) - position)**2).sum(axis=1)
if np.all(np.array(dist) >= required_dist**2):
return position
# append the first dot to the list
position = GenRandPos(radiusOC, size_obj)
# now append the rest of the dots if they have a certain distance to each other
while len(final_list) < no_stimuli:
position = GenRandPos(radiusOC, size_obj)
if CheckSurrounding(position, final_list, required_dist) is not None:
return final_list
Note that this returns a list of points with coordinates given by floats, not integers.
Sample usage:
radiusOC = 57
size_obj = 7
required_dist = 3
no_stimuli = 400
final_list = np.array(CreatePos(radiusOC, size_obj, required_dist, no_stimuli))
Plot the resulting points:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.scatter(f[:, 0], f[:, 1])
This gives:
I would add a condition in the final while loop so it can break if a new point cannot be found after some number of attempts. Otherwise, it may end up running indefinitely.
You need to figure out a way to estimate the max number of points given the distance. This can be extrapolated from the circle packing problem. I will comment if I have an easy check to do.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
def random_in_circle(num_points=1000, R=1, min_dist=0.2):
assert min_dist < R, "Min distance between points must be smaller than the radius of outer circle"
assert R / (2 ** (num_points - 1)) < min_dist, "Min dist is too large"
points = []
while len(points) < num_points:
a = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi # random angle
r = R * np.random.rand() # random radius
point = r * np.array([np.cos(a), np.sin(a)])
if len(points) == 0:
elif np.all(cdist([point], points) > min_dist):
return np.vstack(points)
points = random_in_circle(num_points=1000, min_dist=0.01)
plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])
I'm trying to create a list of N random (x,y,z) points using python, in a way that each point is at least a distance r away from any other point.
I'm super new to programming and so far I'm only able to generate x, y, and z separately (then put together) by using
import random
def RandX(start, end, num):
res = []
for j in range(num):
res.append(random.randint(start, end))
return res
num = N
start = 0
end = 100
print(RandX(start, end, num))
but I have no idea how to control or check the positions of the points(x, y, z) so that the points are a distance away from each other.
To check the distance between two points (x,y,z) and (a,b,c) (stored as tuples), you can try:
def distance(p1,p2):
for i in range(3):
return d**(1/2)
Once you generate xyz randomly, you can set the following:
If your numbers are not too large, while this is inefficient, you can generate random numbers until they satisfy the distance condition.
Here is my solution: all we need is a distance function and a loop to generate random points and check for minimum distance criteria within our already-generated list:
def dist(new_point, points, r_threshold):
for point in points:
dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(new_point-point)))
if dist < r_threshold:
return False
return True
def RandX(N, r_threshold):
points = []
scope = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
while len(points) < N:
new_point = np.random.choice(scope, 3)
if dist(new_point, points, r_threshold):
return points
For example:
RandX(5, 4)
[array([3.5, 2.6, 7.6]),
array([9.9, 0.1, 7.2]),
array([4. , 2.8, 0.3]),
array([0.2, 7.4, 5.1]),
array([7.4, 6.3, 5.2])]
Something like this. (It can be optimised but should serve you as very first version)
from collections import namedtuple
import random
import math
Point = namedtuple('Point', ' x y z')
MIN = 0
MAX = 1000
def fill_points_list(points, number_of_required_points, min_distance):
def _get_distance(p1, p2):
return math.sqrt(sum([(a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(p1, p2)]))
while len(points) < number_of_required_points:
temp = Point(random.randint(MIN, MAX), random.randint(MIN, MAX), random.randint(MIN, MAX))
count = 0
for p in points:
if _get_distance(temp, p) > min_distance:
count += 1
if len(points) == count:
number_of_required_points = 9
min_distance = 51
points = []
fill_points_list(points, number_of_required_points, min_distance)
[Point(x=771, y=590, z=226), Point(x=385, y=835, z=900), Point(x=551, y=294, z=800), Point(x=824, y=306, z=333), Point(x=892, y=548, z=879), Point(x=520, y=660, z=384), Point(x=409, y=193, z=331), Point(x=411, y=706, z=300), Point(x=272, y=116, z=719)]
You could try to generate randomly a number of points, and then filter them based on the distance criteria. The numpy and sklearn packages can be helpful make the process more efficient. You could imagine something like this:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
r = 2
# Generate 100 points (3-tuples) between 0 and 10
points = np.random.randint(0,100,[1000,3])
# Pairwise distances between points
distances = euclidean_distances(points)
# "Remove" distance to itself by setting to a distance of r+1 (to discard it later)
distances += np.identity(len(distances)) * (r+1)
# Retrieve the distance to the closest point
min_dist = np.min(distances,axis=1)
# Filter your set of points
filtered_points = points[min_dist>r]
This should run pretty fast.
Im trying to write a Python class that creates a matrix of zeros, then uses a random number generator to pick spots on the matrix. It changes the zero in that spot to a one, until the matrix is all ones. Can someone critique/correct my code? (I also want the generator to check its proximity on the matrix, and try 3 times to find a spot that is 2 spots away from any ones.)
import random
import numpy as np
#agents is amount of agents available to fill grid
class Gridmodel():
def __init__(self, gridsize, agents):
self.gridsize = gridsize
self.agents = agents
self.gridmodel = np.zeros([self.gridsize, self.gridsize],dtype=int)
def foundspot(self):
foundspot = False
tries = 0
while foundspot == False and tries <= 3:
x = random.randint(0, self.gridsize)
y = random.randint(0, self.gridsize)
if self.gridmodel[x][y] < 0:
foundspot = True
tries += 1
def goodspot(self, x, y):
goodspot = self.gridmodel[x][y]
for i in range(-1,2):
for j in range(-1,2):
print i, j, self.gridmodel[i][j]
I'm currently trying to simulate many particles in a box bouncing around.
I've taken into account #kalhartt's suggestions and this is the improved code to initialize the particles inside the box:
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 2D container parameters
# Actual container is 50x50 but chose 49x49 to account for particle radius.
limit_x = 20
limit_y = 20
#Number and radius of particles
number_of_particles = 350
radius = 1
def force_init(n):
# equivalent to np.array(list(range(number_of_particles)))
count = np.linspace(0, number_of_particles-1, number_of_particles)
x = (count + 2) % (limit_x-1) + radius
y = (count + 2) / (limit_x-1) + radius
return np.column_stack((x, y))
position = force_init(number_of_particles)
velocity = np.random.randn(number_of_particles, 2)
The initialized positions look like this:
Once I have the particles initialized I'd like to update them at each time-step. The code for updating follows the previous code immediately and is as follows:
# Updating
while np.amax(abs(velocity)) > 0.01:
# Assume that velocity slowly dying out
position += velocity
velocity *= 0.995
#Get pair-wise distance matrix
pair_dist = d.cdist(position, position)
pair_d = pair_dist<=4
#If pdist [i,j] is <=4 then the particles are too close and so treat as collision
for i in range(len(pair_d)):
for j in range(i):
# Only looking at upper triangular matrix (not inc. diagonal)
if pair_d[i,j] ==True:
# If two particles are too close then swap velocities
# It's a bad hack but it'll work for now.
vel_1 = velocity[j][:]
velocity[j] = velocity[i][:]*0.9
velocity[i] = vel_1*0.9
# Masks for particles beyond the boundary
xmax = position[:, 0] > limit_x
xmin = position[:, 0] < 0
ymax = position[:, 1] > limit_y
ymin = position[:, 1] < 0
# flip velocity and assume that it looses 10% of energy
velocity[xmax | xmin, 0] *= -0.9
velocity[ymax | ymin, 1] *= -0.9
# Force maximum positions of being +/- 2*radius from edge
position[xmax, 0] = limit_x-2*radius
position[xmin, 0] = 2*radius
position[ymax, 0] = limit_y-2*radius
position[ymin, 0] = 2*radius
After updating it and letting it run to completion I get this result:
This is infinitely better than before but there are still patches that are too close together - such as:
Too close together. I think the updating works... and thanks to #kalhartt my code is wayyyy better and faster (and I learnt some things about numpy... props #kalhartt) but I still don't know where it's screwing up. I've tried changing the order of the actual updates with the pair-wise distance going last or the position +=velocity going last but to no avail. I added the *0.9 to make the entire thing die down faster and I tried it with 4 to make sure that 2*radius (=2) wasn't too tight a criteria... but nothing seems to work.
Any and all help would be appreciated.
There are just two typos standing in your way. First for i in range(len(positions)/2): only iterates over half of your particles. This is why half the particles stay in the x bounds (if you watch for large iterations its more clear). Second, the second y condition should be a minimum (I assume) position[i][1] < 0. The following block works to bound the particles for me (I didn't test with the collision code so there could be problems there).
for i in range(len(position)):
if position[i][0] > limit_x or position[i][0] < 0:
velocity[i][0] = -velocity[i][0]
if position[i][1] > limit_y or position[i][1] < 0:
velocity[i][1] = -velocity[i][1]
As an aside, try to leverage numpy to eliminate loops when possible. It is faster, more efficient, and in my opinion more readable. For example force_init would look like this:
def force_init(n):
# equivalent to np.array(list(range(number_of_particles)))
count = np.linspace(0, number_of_particles-1, number_of_particles)
x = (count * 2) % limit_x + radius
y = (count * 2) / limit_x + radius
return np.column_stack((x, y))
And your boundary conditions would look like this:
while np.amax(abs(velocity)) > 0.01:
position += velocity
velocity *= 0.995
# Masks for particles beyond the boundary
xmax = position[:, 0] > limit_x
xmin = position[:, 0] < 0
ymax = position[:, 1] > limit_y
ymin = position[:, 1] < 0
# flip velocity
velocity[xmax | xmin, 0] *= -1
velocity[ymax | ymin, 1] *= -1
Final note, it is probably a good idea to hard clip position to the bounding box with something like position[xmax, 0] = limit_x; position[xmin, 0] = 0. There may be cases where velocity is small and a particle outside the box will be reflected but not make it inside in the next iteration. So it will just sit outside the box being reflected forever.
EDIT: Collision
The collision detection is a much harder problem, but lets see what we can do. Lets take a look at your current implementation.
pair_dist = d.cdist(position, position)
pair_d = pair_dist<=4
for i in range(len(pair_d)):
for j in range(i):
# Only looking at upper triangular matrix (not inc. diagonal)
if pair_d[i,j] ==True:
# If two particles are too close then swap velocities
# It's a bad hack but it'll work for now.
vel_1 = velocity[j][:]
velocity[j] = velocity[i][:]*0.9
velocity[i] = vel_1*0.9
Overall a very good approach, cdist will efficiently calculate the distance
between sets of points and you find which points collide with pair_d = pair_dist<=4.
The nested for loops are the first problem. We need to iterate over True values of pair_d where j > i. First your code actually iterate over the lower triangular region by using for j in range(i) so that j < i, not particularly important in this instance as long since i,j pairs are not repeated. However Numpy has two builtins we can use instead, np.triu lets us set all values below a diagonal to 0 and np.nonzero will give us the indices of non-zero elements in a matrix. So this:
pair_dist = d.cdist(position, position)
pair_d = pair_dist<=4
for i in range(len(pair_d)):
for j in range(i+1, len(pair_d)):
if pair_d[i, j]:
is equivalent to
pair_dist = d.cdist(position, position)
pair_d = np.triu(pair_dist<=4, k=1) # k=1 to exclude the diagonal
for i, j in zip(*np.nonzero(pair_d)):
The second problem (as you noted) is that the velocities are just switched and scaled instead of reflected. What we really want to do is negate and scale the component of each particles velocity along the axis that connects them. Note that to do this we will need the vector connecting them position[j] - position[i] and the length of the vector connecting them (which we already calculated). So unfortunately part of the cdist calculation gets repeated. Lets quit using cdist and do it ourselves instead. The goal here is to make two arrays diff and norm where diff[i][j] is a vector pointing from particle i to j (so diff is a 3D array) and norm[i][j] is the distance between particles i and j. We can do this with numpy like so:
nop = number_of_particles
# Give pos a 3rd index so we can use np.repeat below
# equivalent to `pos3d = np.array([ position ])
pos3d = position.reshape(1, nop, 2)
# 3D arras with a repeated index so we can form combinations
# diff_i[i][j] = position[i] (for all j)
# diff_j[i][j] = position[j] (for all i)
diff_i = np.repeat(pos3d, nop, axis=1).reshape(nop, nop, 2)
diff_j = np.repeat(pos3d, nop, axis=0)
# diff[i][j] = vector pointing from position[i] to position[j]
diff = diff_j - diff_i
# norm[i][j] = sqrt( diff[i][j]**2 )
norm = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=2)
# check for collisions and take the region above the diagonal
collided = np.triu(norm < radius, k=1)
for i, j in zip(*np.nonzero(collided)):
# unit vector from i to j
unit = diff[i][j] / norm[i][j]
# flip velocity
velocity[i] -= 1.9 *, velocity[i]) * unit
velocity[j] -= 1.9 *, velocity[j]) * unit
# push particle j to be radius units from i
# This isn't particularly effective when 3+ points are close together
position[j] += (radius - norm[i][j]) * unit
Since this post is long enough already, here is a gist of the code with my modifications.
I have currently made quite a large code in python and when I run it, it takes about 3 minutes for it to make the full calculation. Eventually, I want to increase my N to about 400 and change my m in the for loop to an even larger number - This would probably take hours to calculate which I want to cut down.
It's steps 1-6 that take a long time.
When attempting to run this with cython (I.E. importing pyximport then importing my file)
I get the following error FDC.pyx:49:19: 'range' not a valid cython language construct and
FDC.pyx:49:19: 'range' not a valid cython attribute or is being used incorrectly
from physics import *
from operator import add, sub
import pylab
################ PRODUCING CHARGES AT RANDOM IN r #############
N=11 #Number of point charges
x = zeros(N,float) #grid
y = zeros(N,float)
while i < N: #code to produce values of x and y within r
x[i] = random.uniform(0,1)
y[i] = random.uniform(0,1)
if x[i] ** 2 + y[i] ** 2 <= 1:
print x, y
def r(x,y): #distance between particles
return sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
o = 0; k = 0; W=0 #sum of energy for initial charges
for o in range(0, N):
for k in range(0, N):
if o==k:
W+= 0.5/(r(xdist,ydist))
print "Initial Energy:", W
##################### STEPS 1-6 ######################
d=0.01 #fixed change in length
l=0; m=0; n=0
prevsW = 0.
for q in range(0,100):
for m in range(0, 4000): #steps 1 - 6 in notes looped over
xRef = random.randint(0,1) #Choosing x or y
yRef = random.randint(0,N-1) #choosing the element of xRef
j = charge[xRef][yRef] #Chooses specific axis of a charge and stores it as 'j'
prevops = None #assigns prevops as having no variable
while True: #code to randomly change charge positions and ensure they do not leave the disc
ops =(add, sub); op=random.choice(ops)
tempJ = op(j, d)
#print xRef, yRef, n, tempJ
charge[xRef][yRef] = tempJ
ret = r(charge[0][yRef],charge[1][yRef])
if ret<=1.0:
#print "working", n
elif prevops != ops and prevops != None: #!= is 'not equal to' so that if both addition and subtraction operations dont work the code breaks
prevops = ops #####
o = 0; k = 0; sW=0 #New energy with altered x coordinate
for o in range(0, N):
for k in range(0, N):
if o==k:
xdist = x[o] - x[k]
ydist = y[o] - y[k]
sW+=0.5/(r( xdist , ydist ))
difference = sW - prevsW
prevsW = sW
if difference < 0: #accept change
charge[xRef][yRef] = j
#print 'step 5'
randomnum = random.uniform(0,1) #r
if difference > 0: #acceptance with a probability
p = exp( -difference / T )
#print 'step 6', p
if randomnum >= p:
charge[xRef][yRef] = op(tempJ, -d) #revert coordinate to original if r>p
#print charge[xRef][yRef], 'r>p'
#print m, charge, difference
o = 0; k = 0; DW=0 #sum of energy for initial charges
for o in range(0, N):
for k in range(0, N):
if o==k:
DW+= 0.5/(r(xdist,ydist))
print charge
print 'Final Energy:', DW
################### plotting circle ###################
# use radians instead of degrees
list_radians = [0]
for i in range(0,360):
float_div = 180.0/(i+1)
# list of coordinates for each point
list_x2_axis = []
list_y2_axis = []
# calculate coordinates
# and append to above list
for a in list_radians:
# plot the coordinates
pylab.title('Distribution of Charges on a Disc')
What is taking time seems to be this:
for q in range(0,100):
for m in range(0, 4000): #steps 1 - 6 in notes looped over
while True: #code to randomly change charge positions and ensure they do not leave the disc
for o in range(0, N): # <----- N will be brought up to 400
for k in range(0, N):
100 x 4000 x (while loop) + 100 x 4000 x 400 x 400 = [400,000 x while loop] + [64,000,000,000]
Before looking into a faster language, maybe there is a better way to build your simulation?
Other than that, you will likely have immediate performance gains if you:
- shift to numpy arrays i/o python lists.
- Use xrange i/o range
[edit to try to answer question in the comments]:
import numpy as np, random
N=11 #Number of point charges
x = np.random.uniform(0,1,N)
y = np.random.uniform(0,1,N)
z = np.zeros(N)
z = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) # <--- this could maybe replace r(x,y) (called quite often in your code)
print x, y, z
You also could look into all the variables that are assigned or recalculated many many times inside your main loop (the one described above), and pull all that outside the loop(s) so it is not repeatedly assigned or recalculated.
for instance,
ops =(add, sub); op=random.choice(ops)
maybe could be replaced by
ops = random.choice(add, sub)
Lastly, and here I am out on a limb because I've never used it myself, but it might be a little bit simpler for you to use a package like Numba or Jit as opposed to cython; they allow you to decorate a critical part of your code and have it precompiled prior to execution, with none or very minor changes.