Python Regular Expression. Matching once or twice pattern - python

I have a bunch of lines in a file with either one or two occurences of same pattern (id=):
Linetype1 : # "..." means whatever
Linetype2 :
I thought I could write such a regex to grep all my ids and associated values:
>>> l="\\n"
>>> ret = re.findall('(id=[0-9]+).*?(id=[0-9]+)*.*?(value=[0-9]+)',l)
[('id=1234', '', 'value=5678'), ('id=7890', '', 'value=8765')]
I can't get the second "id=4321" part.
This looks very strange to me since I use the non-greedy .*? between first id=[0-9]+ and second.

The middle of your regex has
The empty string matches this, since it is under the Kleene star *. So the regex engine proceeds through the string as follows:
find the first id=[0-9]+ group
expand .*? to the empty string, since it matches
expand (id=[0-9]+)* to the empty string, since it matches
expand .*? to the rest of the string
If you replace the middle group's quantifier with +, or just remove it entirely, then it works.


How to match anything in a regular expression up to a character and not including it?

For example if I have a string abc%12341%%c%9876 I would like to substitute from the last % in the string to the end with an empty string, the final output that I'm trying to get is abc%12341%%c.
I created a regular expression '.*#' to search for the last % meaning abc%12341%%c% , and then getting the index of the the last % and then just replacing it with an empty string.
I was wondering if it can be done in one line using re.sub(..)
Use the following regex pattern, and then replace with empty string:
Sample script:
inp = "abc%12341%%c%9876"
output = re.sub(r'%[^%]*$', '', inp)
print(output) # abc%12341%%c
The regex pattern says to match the final % sign, followed by zero or more non % characters, up to the end of the string. We then replace with empty string, to effectively remove this content from the input.
I think it is called lookahead matching - I will look it up if I am not too slow :-)
Matches if ... matches next, but doesn’t consume any of the string. This is called a lookahead assertion. For example, Isaac (?=Asimov) will match 'Isaac ' only if it’s followed by 'Asimov'

Regex find content in between single quotes, but only if contains certain word

I want to get the content between single quotes, but only if it contains a certain word (i.e 'sample_2'). It additionally should not match ones with white space.
Input example: (The following should match and return only: ../sample_2/file and sample_2/file)
['asdf', '../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file', 'example with space', sample_2, sample]
Right now I just have that matched the first 3 items in the list:
I can't seem to find the right regex that would return those containing the word 'sample_2'
If you want specific words/characters you need to have them in the regular expression and not use the '\S'. The \S is the equivalent to [^\r\n\t\f\v ] or "any non-whitespace character".
import re
teststr = "['asdf', '../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file', 'sample_2 with spaces','example with space', sample_2, sample]"
matches = re.findall(r"'([^\s']*sample_2[^\s]*?)',", teststr)
# ['../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file']
Based on your wording, you suggest the desired word can change. In that case, I would recommend using re.compile() to dynamically create a string which then defines the regular expression.
import re
word = 'sample_2'
teststr = "['asdf', '../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file', ' sample_2 with spaces','example with space', sample_2, sample]"
regex = re.compile("'([^'\\s]*"+word+"[^\\s]*?)',")
matches = regex.findall(teststr)
# ['../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file']
Also if you haven't heard of this tool yet, check out I always build my regular expressions here to make sure I get them correct. It gives you the references, explanation of what is happening and even lets you test it right there in the browser.
Explanation of regex
regex = r"'([^\s']*sample_2[^\s]*?)',"
Find first apostrophe, start group capture. Capture anything except a whitespace character or the corresponding ending apostrophe. It must see the letters "sample_2" before accepting any non-whitespace character. Stop group capture when you see the closing apostrophe and a comma.
Note: In python, a string " or ' prepositioned with the character 'r' means the text is compiled as a regular expression. Strings with the character 'r' also do not require double-escape '\' characters.

The Behavior of Alternative Match "|" with .* in a Regex

I seldom use | together with .* before. But today when I use both of them together, I find some results really confusing. The expression I use is as follows (in python):
>>> s = "abcdefg"
>>> re.findall(r"((a.*?c)|(.*g))",s)
The result of the first caputure is all right, but the second capture is beyond my expectation, for I have expected the second capture would be "abcdefg" (the whole string).
Then I reverse the two alternatives:
>>> re.findall(r"(.*?g)|(a.*?c)",s)
[('abcdefg', '')]
It seems that the regex engine only reads the string once - when the whole string is read in the first alternative, the regex engine will stop and no longer check the second alternative. However, in the first case, after dealing with the first alternative, the regex engine only reads from "a" to "c", and there are still "d" to "g" left in the string, which matches ".*?g" in the second alternative. Have I got it right? What's more, as for an expression with alternatives, the regex engine will check the first alternative first, and if it matches the string, it will never check the second alternative. Is it correct?
Besides, if I want to get both "abc" and "abcdefg" or "abc" and "bcde" (the two results overlap) like in the first case, what expression should I use?
Thank you so much!
You cannot have two matches starting from the same location in the regex (the only regex flavor that does it is Perl6).
In re.findall(r"((a.*?c)|(.*g))",s), re.findall will grab all non-overlapping matches in the string, and since the first one starts at the beginning, ends with c, the next one can only be found after c, within defg.
The (.*?g)|(a.*?c) regex matches abcdefg because the regex engine parses the string from left to right, and .*? will get any 0+ chars as few as possible but up to the first g. And since g is the last char, it will match and capture the whole string into Group 1.
To get abc and abcdefg, you may use, say
See the regex demo
Python demo:
import re
rx = r"(a.*?c)?.*g"
s = "abcdefg"
m =, s)
if m:
print( # => abcdefg
print( # => abc
It might not be what you exactly want, but it should give you a hint: you match the bigger part, and capture a subpart of the string.
Re-read the docs for the re.findall method.
findall "return[s] all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned in the order found."
Specifically, non-overlapping matches, and left-to-right. So if you have a string abcdefg and one pattern will match abc, then any other patterns must (1) not overlap; and (2) be further to the right.
It's perfectly valid to match abc and defg per the description. It would be a bug to match abc and abcdefg or even abc and cdefg because they would overlap.

python regex get value after string

I am trying to parse a comma separated string keyword://pass#ip:port.
The string is a comma separated string, however the password can contain any character including comma. hence I can not use a split operation based on comma as delimiter.
I have tried to use regex to get the string after "myserver://" and later on I can split the rest of the information by using string operation (pass#ip:port/key1) but I could not make it working as I can not fetch the information after the above keyword.
myserver:// is a hardcoded string, and I need to get whatever follows each myserver as a comma separated list (i.e. pass#ip:port/key1, pass2#ip2:port2/key2, etc)
This is the closest I can get:
import re
result ='myserver:\/\/(.*)[,(.*)|\s]', my_servers)
using search I tries to find the occurrence of the "myserver://" keyword followed by any characters, and ends with comma (means it will be followed by myserver://zzz,myserver://qqq) or space (incase of single myserver:// element, but I do not know how to do this better apart of using space as end-indicator). However this does not come out right. How can I do this better with regex?
You may consider the following splitting approach if you do not need to keep myserver:// in the results:
filter(None, re.split(r'\s*,?\s*myserver://', s))
The \s*,?\s*myserver:// pattern matches an optional , enclosed with 0+ whitespaces and then myserver:// substring. See this regex demo. Note we need to remove empty entries to get rid of an empty leading entry as when the match is found at the string start, the empty string at the beginning will be added to the resulting list.
Alternatively, you can use the lookahead based pattern with a lazy dot matching pattern with re.findall:
rx = r"myserver://(.*?)(?=\s*,\s*myserver://|$)"
See the Python demo
myserver:// - a literal substring
(.*?) - Capturing group 1 whose contents will be returned by re.findall matching any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as few as possible, up to the first occurrence (but excluding it)
(?=\s*,\s*myserver://|$) - either of the 2 alternatives:
\s*,\s*myserver:// - , enclosed with 0+ whitespaces and then a literal myserver:// substring
| - or
$ - end of string.
Here is the regex demo.
See a Python demo for the both approaches:
import re
s = "myserver://password,123#ip:port/key1,myserver://pass2#ip2:port2/key2"
rx1 = r'\s*,?\s*myserver://'
res1 = filter(None, re.split(rx1, s))
rx2 = r"myserver://(.*?)(?=\s*,\s*myserver://|$)"
res2 = re.findall(rx2, s)
Both will print ['password,123#ip:port/key1', 'pass2#ip2:port2/key2'].

Python regex: greedy pattern returning multiple empty matches

This pattern is meant simply to grab everything in a string up until the first potential sentence boundary in the data:
>>> pattern = re.compile(r"([^\.?!\r\n]*)")
>>> matches = pattern.findall("Australians go hard!!!") # Actual source snippet, not a personal comment about Australians. :-)
>>> print matches
['Australians go hard', '', '', '', '']
From the Python documentation:
re.findall(pattern, string, flags=0)
Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of
strings. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned
in the order found. If one or more groups are present in the pattern,
return a list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern
has more than one group. Empty matches are included in the result
unless they touch the beginning of another match.
Now, if the string is scanned left to right and the * operator is greedy, it makes perfect sense that the first match returned is the whole string up to the exclamation marks. However, after that portion has been consumed, I do not see how the pattern is producing an empty match exactly four times, presumably by scanning the string leftward after the "d". I do understand that the * operator means this pattern can match the empty string, I just don't see how it would doing that more than once between the trailing "d" of the letters and the leading "!" of the punctuation.
Adding the ^ anchor has this effect:
>>> pattern = re.compile(r"^([^\.?!\r\n]*)")
>>> matches = pattern.findall("Australians go hard!!!")
>>> print matches
['Australians go hard']
Since this eliminates the empty string matches, it would seem to indicate that said empty matches were occurring before the leading "A" of the string. But that would seem to contradict the documentation with respect to the matches being returned in the order found (matches before the leading "A" should have been first) and, again, exactly four empty matches baffles me.
The * quantifier allows the pattern to capture a substring of length zero. In your original code version (without the ^ anchor in front), the additional matches are:
the zero-length string between the end of hard and the first !
the zero-length string between the first and second !
the zero-length string between the second and third !
the zero-length string between the third ! and the end of the text
You can slice/dice this further if you like here.
Adding that ^ anchor to the front now ensures that only a single substring can match the pattern, since the beginning of the input text occurs exactly once.

