We have a ticket software to manage our work, every ticket is assigned to a tech in one field -the normal stuff-, but now we want to assign the same ticket to several technicians eg: tick 5432: tech_id(2,4,7) where 2,4,7 are tech IDs.
Of course we can do that using a separate table with the IDs of the tech and the ticket ID, but we have to convert the data.
The "right" way to do this is to have a separate table of ticket
assignments. Converting the data for something like this is fairly simple on the database end. create table assign as select tech_id from ... followed by creating any necessary foreign key constraints.
Rewriting your interface code can be trickier, but you're going to
have to do that anyway to allow for more than one tech.
You could use an array type, but sometimes database
interfaces don't understand postgres array types. There isn't anything
inherent in arrays that prevents duplicates or imposes ordering, but
you could do that with an appropriate trigger.
I am working on designing a relational database for a meal scheduler web application.
I have it 99% set up, but I am wondering if to use a separate table for the "meal type" entries.
To sum it up, users can add their own meal type(breakfast, snack, dinner) arbitrarily, in any order, and I am currently storing them in a simple list (ordered with javascript in the frontend for convenience).
It won't have more than half a dozen elements at worst (who even plans more than 6 meals a day anyway), so I am saving it all in the database's settings table, which contains rows as key:value pairs.
In this case, it's 'meals': [json string representing the python list]
The problem is that every scheduled recipe needs to be qualified by meal type.
Right now, I'd have to use the exact string saved in the key:value pair in order to associate it with a specific meal type, so meal_type would be "Breakfast" or "Snack", rather than an id. It feels like too much redundant data.
At the same time, I am not sure it would be good to create a separate object (Meal) with a separate table (meal), only to add 4-6 entries and 1-3 columns (id, name, position).
Any suggestions? I am happy to clarify, I realize the explanation might not be as clear as it could.
Thanks in advance
I feel like this is pretty opinion based, and the answer will depend on how you want to interact with the data. If you plan on writing queries that include the meal type, then you might save yourself some pain and just do the extra table, though managing/saving items will be more complex. If it's just a list that you plan on doing everything with in python (or whatever), then serialising a list and saving the text might be the better choice. Whether the extra redundant space will adversely affect you will depend on your application and requirements.
I am designing a web application that has users becoming friends with other users. I am storing the users info in a database using sqlite3.
I am brainstorming on how I can keep track on who is friends with whom.
What I am thinking so far is; to make a column in my database called Friendships where I store the various user_ids( integers) from the user's friends.
I would have to store multiple integers in one column...how would I do that?
Is it possible to store a python list in a column?
I am also open to other ideas on how to store the friendship network information in my database....
The application runs through FLASK
What you are trying to do here is called a "many-to-many" relationship. Rather than making a "Friendships" column, you can make a "Friendship" table with two columns: user1 and user2. Entries in this table indicate that user1 has friended user2.
It is possible to store a list as a string into an sql column.
However, you should instead be looking at creating a Friendships table with primary keys being the user and the friend.
So that you can call the friendships table to pull up the list of friends.
Otherwise, I would suggest looking into a Graph Database, which handles this kind of things well too.
If you want to organize correct storage of data you should know more about relative databases. I recommend you to read this first of all. With some normalization it would perform better (some operations on db will be much more simplier).
As mentioned before you should make another table with friendships to perform first normal form. It would be much easier for you to perform modification of relationships.
I've got a large dataset to work with to create a storage system to monitor movement in a store. There's over like 300 products in that store and the main structure of all tables is the same. The only difference is the data inside. There's a larger data base called StorageTF and I want to create a lot of tables called Product_1,Product_2,Product_3 etc..
The table structure should look like
The main large data set (table) looks like this:
Store_code INTEGER,
Store TEXT,
Product_Date TEXT,
Permission INTEGER,
Product_Code INTEGER,
Product_Name TEXT,
Incoming INTEGER,
Unit_Buying_Price INTEGER,
Total_Buying_Price INTEGER,
Outgoing INTEGER,
Unit_Sell_Price INTEGER,
Total_Sell_Price INTEGER,
Description TEXT)
I want the user to input a code in an entry called PCode
it looks like this
PCode = Entry(root, width=40)
then a function compares the input with all codes in the main table and takes that one and gets the table that has the same product_code.
So the sequence is. All the product tables for all product_Codes in the main table will be created and will have all data from main table that has same product_code.
Then when the program is opened the user inputs a product_code
the program picks the table that has the same code and shows it to the user.
Thanks a lot and I know it's hard but I really need your help and I'm certain you can help me. Thanks.
The product table should look like
CREATE TABLE Product_x (Product_Code INTEGER,
Product_Name TEXT, --taken from main table from lines that has same product code
Entry_Date, TEXT,
Permission_Number INTEGER,
Incoming INTEGER,
Outgoing INTEGER,
Description TEXT,
Total_Quantity_In_Store INTEGER, --which is main table's incoming - outgoing
Total_Value_In_Store INTEGER --main table's total_buying_price - total_sell_price
Thank you for your help and hope you can figure it out because I'm really struggling with it.
From your comment:
I think I'd select some columns from main table but I don't know how I'd update the only some columns with select columns from main table where product code = PCode.get() "which is the entry box". is that possible.
Yes, it is definitely possible to present only certain rows and columns of data to the user.
However, there are many patterns (i.e. programming techniques) that you could follow for presenting data to the user, but every common, best-practice technique always separates the backend data (i.e. database) from the user interface. It is not necessary to limit presentation of data to one entire table at a time. In most cases the data should never be presented and/or exposed to the user exactly as it appears in a table. Of course sometimes the data is simple and direct enough to do that, but most applications re-format and group data in different views for proper presentation. (Here the term view is meant as a very general, abstract term for representing data in alternative ways from how it is stored. I mention specific sqlite views below.)
The entire philosophy behind modern databases is for efficient, well-designed storage that can be queried to return just what data is appropriate for each application. Much of this capability is based on the host-language data models, but sqlite directly supports features to help with this. For instance, a view can be defined to select only certain columns and rows at a time (i.e. choose certain Produce_Code values). An sqlite view is just an SQL query that is saved and can have certain properties and actions defined for it. By default, a sqlite view is read-only, but triggers can be defined to allow updates to the underlying tables via the view.
From my earlier comment: You should research data normalization. That is the key principle for designing relational databases. For instance, you should avoid duplicate data columns like Product_Name. That column should only be in the StoringTF. Calculated columns are also usually redundant and unnecessary--don't store the Total_Value_In_Store column, rather calculate it when needed by query and/or view. Having duplicate columns invites mismatched data or at least unnecessary care to make sure all columns are synced when one is updated. Instead you can just query joined tables to get related values.
Honestly, these concepts can require much study before implementing properly. By all means, go forward with developing a solution that fits your needs, but a Stack Overflow answer is no place for full tutorials which I perceive that you might need. Really your question seems more about overall design and I think my answer can get you started on the right track. Anything more specific and you'll need to ask other questions later on.
Let's say there is a table of People. and let's say that are 1000+ in the system. Each People item has the following fields: name, email, occupation, etc.
And we want to allow a People item to have a list of names (nicknames & such) where no other data is associated with the name - a name is just a string.
Is this exactly what the pickleType is for? what kind of performance benefits are there between using pickle type and creating a Name table to have the name field of People be a one-to-many kind of relationship?
Yes, this is one good use case of sqlalchemy's PickleType field, documented very well here. There are obvious performance advantages to using this.
Using your example, assume you have a People item which uses a one to many database look. This requires the database to perform a JOIN to collect the sub-elements; in this case, the Person's nicknames, if any. However, you have the benefit of having native objects ready to use in your python code, without the cost of deserializing pickles.
In comparison, the list of strings can be pickled and stored as a PickleType in the database, which are internally stores as a LargeBinary. Querying for a Person will only require the database to hit a single table, with no JOINs which will result in an extremely fast return of data. However, you now incur the "cost" of de-pickling each item back into a python object, which can be significant if you're not storing native datatypes; e.g. string, int, list, dict.
Additionally, by storing pickles in the database, you also lose the ability for the underlying database to filter results given a WHERE condition; especially with integers and datetime objects. A native database call can return values within a given numeric or date range, but will have no concept of what the string representing these items really is.
Lastly, a simple change to a single pickle could allow arbitrary code execution within your application. It's unlikely, but must be stated.
IMHO, storing pickles is a nice way to store certain types of data, but will vary greatly on the type of data. I can tell you we use it pretty extensively in our schema, even on several tables with over half a billions records quite nicely.
I am trying/lerning to make application in python that will have information about universitys and their departments.
The problem I have is that I want to use data models, (I know very little about them).
I want to have two databases. One will contain departments, while other will contain universitys and list of departments.
Thanks for help!!!
Thanks for fast answers. I found some tutorials like:
and I started reading them, and some thing are having more sense.
In case you are referring to the structure of your database you might want to read more about E-R Diagrams and Relational Database. I can brief you with the relational database model which might be useful in your case.
At minimum I think it can have three tables in the same database. One for the Department ids mapping to the universities. Another one mapping the departments with course names and unique ids to the departments which offer that course. And the third one mapping the unique student ids with the course ids. Then you can have additional tables mapping from student information to student id. And professor ids with professor info, professor ids with course ids which they would be teaching....and this can go on based on the data you want to store.
Also keep in mind in case you want to create foreign keys for the ids you should use InnoDB Engine as MyISAM doesnot allow foreign keys.