I have an ontology where I have defined series of classes, subclasses and properties. Now I want to automatically instantiate the ontology with Python code and save it in RDF/XML again and load it in Protege. I have written the following code:
def instantiating_ontology(rdf_address):
from rdflib import *
g = Graph()
input_RDF = g.parse(rdf_address)
#input_RDF = g.open(rdf_address, create=False)
rno = Namespace(myNamespace+"#")
nodeClass = URIRef(rno+"Node")
arcClass = URIRef(rno+"Arc")
#owlNamespace = 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#NamedIndividual'
namedIndividual = URIRef('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#NamedIndividual')
rdftype = URIRef("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type")
for i in range(0,100):
individualName = rno + "arc_"+str(arcID)
#arc_individual= BNode(individualName)
arc_individual = BNode()
#g.add((arc_individual,rdftype, namedIndividual))
g.add((arc_individual,rdftype, arcClass))
g.add((arc_individual,rdftype, arcClass))
output_address ="RNO_V5042_RDF.owl"
g.serialize(destination = output_address)
The file contains the added triples to the rdf/xml:
<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="N0009844208f0490887a02160fbbf8b98">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.semanticweb.org/ehsan.abdolmajidi/ontologies/2015/3/RNO_V5042#Arc"/>
but when I open the file in Protege there are no instances for the classes.
Can someone tell me if the way I defined instances is wrong or I should use different tags?
After playing around with the code and the results, I realized that the notion rdf:nodeID should be replaced with rdf:about. to do so I only needed to change
for i in range(0,100):
individualName = rno + "arc_"+str(arcID)
#arc_individual= BNode(individualName)
arc_individual = BNode() #---> remove this one
arc_individual = URIRef(individualName) #----> add this one
g.add((arc_individual,rdftype, arcClass))
g.add((arc_individual,rdftype, arcClass))
arc_individual = URIRef(individualName)
that might seem easy but took me sometime to understand. I hope this can help others. :D
Let's suppose I'm using this STEP file data as input:
I'm using pythonocc-core to read the STEP file.
Then the following code will print the names of the ADVANCED_FACE instances (face_1,face_2 and face_3):
from OCC.Core.STEPControl import STEPControl_Reader
from OCC.Core.TopExp import TopExp_Explorer
from OCC.Core.TopAbs import TopAbs_FACE
from OCC.Core.StepRepr import StepRepr_RepresentationItem
reader = STEPControl_Reader()
tr = reader.WS().TransferReader()
shape = reader.OneShape()
exp = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
while exp.More():
s = exp.Current()
item = tr.EntityFromShapeResult(s, 1)
item = StepRepr_RepresentationItem.DownCast(item)
name = item.Name().ToCString()
How can I access the identifiers of the individual shapes? (#417,#418 and #419)
Minimal reproduction
Create a STEP model after reader.TransferRoots() like this:
model = reader.StepModel()
And access the ID like this in the loop:
id = model.IdentLabel(item)
The full code looks like this and can also be found on GitHub:
from OCC.Core.STEPControl import STEPControl_Reader
from OCC.Core.TopExp import TopExp_Explorer
from OCC.Core.TopAbs import TopAbs_FACE
from OCC.Core.StepRepr import StepRepr_RepresentationItem
reader = STEPControl_Reader()
tr = reader.WS().TransferReader()
model = reader.StepModel()
shape = reader.OneShape()
exp = TopExp_Explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE)
while exp.More():
s = exp.Current()
item = tr.EntityFromShapeResult(s, 1)
item = StepRepr_RepresentationItem.DownCast(item)
label = item.Name().ToCString()
id = model.IdentLabel(item)
print('label', label)
print('id', id)
Thanks to temurka1 for pointing this out!
I was unable to run your code due to issues installing the pythonocc module, however, I suspect that you should be able to inspect the StepRep_RepresentationItem object (prior to string conversion) by traversing __dict__ on it to discover/access whatever attributes/properties/methods of the object you may need:
entity = tr.EntityFromShapeResult(s, 1)
item = StepRepr_RepresentationItem.DownCast(entity)
If necessary the inspect module exists to pry deeper into the object.
I first wrote the necessary code to get the information I wanted from the internet, and it works. But now I'm trying to make the code look a bit nicer, therefore I want to put it into functions that are in a class. But I'm a bit confused when it comes to the usages of self and _init_. Currently, the code isn't working as I want, meaning it isn't adding the information to my dictionary.
As I have understood, you have to add self as a parameter in every function you create in a class. But I don't think I'm using the _init_ in a correct way.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
# Importing data from Nasdaq
page_link = "https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/aapl/financials?query=balance-sheet"
page_response = requests.get(page_link, timeout=1000)
page_content = BeautifulSoup(page_response.content, "lxml")
# Creating class that gather essential stock information
class CompanySheet:
# creating dictionary to store stock information
def __init__(self):
self.stockInfo = {
"ticker": "",
"sharePrice": "",
"assets": "",
"liabilities": "",
"shareholderEquity": ""
def ticker(self):
# Finding ticker
self.tickerSymbol = page_content.find("div", attrs={"class":"qbreadcrumb"})
self.a_TickerList = self.tickerSymbol.findAll("a")
self.a_TickerList = (self.a_TickerList[2].text)
# Adding ticker to dictionary
self.stockInfo["ticker"] = self.a_TickerList
def share(self):
# Finding share price
self.sharePrice = page_content.findAll("div", attrs={"id":"qwidget_lastsale"})
self.aSharePrice = (self.sharePrice[0].text)
# Transforming share price to desired format
self.aSharePrice = str(self.aSharePrice[1:]).replace( ',' , '' )
self.aSharePrice = float(self.aSharePrice)
# Adding results to dictionary
self.stockInfo["sharePrice"] = self.aSharePrice
def assets(self):
# Finding total assets
totalAssets = page_content.findAll("tr", attrs={"class":"net"})[1]
td_assetList = totalAssets.findAll("td")
tdAssets = (td_assetList[22].text)
# Transforming share price to desired format
tdAssets = str(tdAssets[1:]).replace( ',' , '' )
tdAssets = float(tdAssets)
# Adding results to dictionary
self.stockInfo["assets"] = tdAssets
def liabilites(self):
# Finding total liabilities
totalLiabilities = page_content.findAll("tr", attrs={"class":"net"})[3]
td_liabilityList = totalLiabilities.findAll("td")
tdLiabilities = (td_liabilityList[24].text)
# Transforming share price to desired format
tdLiabilities = str(tdLiabilities[1:]).replace( ',' , '' )
tdLiabilities = float(tdLiabilities)
# Adding results to dictionary
self.stockInfo["liabilities"] = tdLiabilities
def equity(self):
# Finding shareholder equity
netEquity = page_content.findAll("tr", attrs={"class":"net"})[4]
td_equityList = netEquity.findAll("td")
tdShareholderEquity = (td_equityList[24].text)
# Transforming shareholder equity to desired format
tdShareholderEquity = str(tdShareholderEquity[1:]).replace( ',' , '' )
tdShareholderEquity = float(tdShareholderEquity)
# Adding results to dictionary
self.stockInfo["shareholderEquity"] = tdShareholderEquity
companySheet = CompanySheet()
All I want the code to do is for each function to parse it's information to my dictionary. I then want to access it outside of the class. Can someone help to clarify how I can use _init_ in this scenario, or do I even have to use it?
init is a constructor, which is called along with the creation of the class object. Whereas, self is an instance of the class, which is used accessing methods and attributes of a python class.
In your code, firstly change:
_init_(self) to __init__(self)
Then, in the methods:
def share(self):
# Finding share price
sharePrice = page_content.findAll("div", attrs={"id":"qwidget_lastsale"})
self.aSharePrice = (sharePrice[0].text)
# Transforming share price to desired format
self.aSharePrice = str(aSharePrice[1:]).replace( ',' , '' )
self.aSharePrice = float(aSharePrice)
# Adding results to dictionary
self.stockInfo["sharePrice"] = self.aSharePrice
Similarly, in all the remaining methods, access the variable through the self keyword.
Now, you also need to call the methods which are updating your dictionary.
So, after you have created the object, call the methods through the object and then print the dictionary, like this:
companySheet = CompanySheet()
Probably it would work!
I am teaching myself how to use python and django to access the google places api to make nearby searches for different types of gyms.
I was only taught how to use python and django with databases you build locally.
I wrote out a full Get request for they four different searches I am doing. I looked up examples but none seem to work for me.
allgyms = requests.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=38.9208,-77.036&radius=2500&type=gym&key=AIzaSyDOwVK7bGap6b5Mpct1cjKMp7swFGi3uGg')
all_text = allgyms.text
alljson = json.loads(all_text)
healthclubs = requests.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=38.9208,-77.036&radius=2500&type=gym&keyword=healthclub&key=AIzaSyDOwVK7bGap6b5Mpct1cjKMp7swFGi3uGg')
health_text = healthclubs.text
healthjson = json.loads(health_text)
crossfit = requests.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=38.9208,-77.036&radius=2500&type=gym&keyword=crossfit&key=AIzaSyDOwVK7bGap6b5Mpct1cjKMp7swFGi3uGg')
cross_text = crossfit.text
crossjson = json.loads(cross_text)
I really would like to be pointed in the right direction on how to have the api key referenced only one time while changing the keywords.
Try this for better readability and better reusability
BASE_URL = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?'
LOCATION = '38.9208,-77.036'
RADIUS = '2500'
TYPE = 'gym'
API_KEY = 'AIzaSyDOwVK7bGap6b5Mpct1cjKMp7swFGi3uGg'
allgyms = requests.get(BASE_URL+'location='+LOCATION+'&radius='+RADIUS+'&type='+TYPE+'&key='+API_KEY) all_text = allgyms.text
alljson = json.loads(all_text)
KEYWORDS = 'healthclub'
healthclubs = requests.get(BASE_URL+'location='+LOCATION+'&radius='+RADIUS+'&type='+TYPE+'&keyword='+KEYWORDS+'&key='+API_KEY)
health_text = healthclubs.text
healthjson = json.loads(health_text)
KEYWORDS = 'crossfit'
crossfit = requests.get(BASE_URL+'location='+LOCATION+'&radius='+RADIUS+'&type='+TYPE+'&keyword='+KEYWORDS+'&key='+API_KEY)
cross_text = crossfit.text
crossjson = json.loads(cross_text)
as V-R suggested in a comment you can go further and define function which makes things more reusable allowing you to use the that function in other places of your application
Function implementation
def makeRequest(location, radius, type, keywords):
BASE_URL = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?'
API_KEY = 'AIzaSyDOwVK7bGap6b5Mpct1cjKMp7swFGi3uGg'
result = requests.get(BASE_URL+'location='+location+'&radius='+radius+'&type='+type+'&keyword='+keywords+'&key='+API_KEY)
jsonResult = json.loads(result)
return jsonResult
Function invocation
json = makeRequest('38.9208,-77.036', '2500', 'gym', '')
Let me know if there is an issue
I need to update the python module's variable values from another python module.
Values need to be updated permanently to the module, not just for run-time.
So need to update the module file. How should I do that?
VersionInfo.py file has variables with some default values.
This file should be updated while executing another python file ReleaseVersion.py.
__app__ = 'MyApp'
__appName__ = 'My Classic Application'
__version__ = 0.1
__updater__ = 'Kumaresan Lakshmanan'
__updatedOn__ = '2017-08-29'
#Other Lookups
versionStr = "v%s" % __version__
versionInfo ='%s (%s)' % (versionStr, __updatedOn__)
loggerName = __app__
stdLogFile = __app__ + '_log.txt'
errorLogFile = __app__ + '_error.txt'
import VersionInfo
newVersion = VersionInfo.__version__
newVersion += .1
updatedOn = currentDate()
updater = 'Lakshmanan'
VersionInfo.__version__ = newVersion
VersionInfo.__updater__ = updater
VersionInfo.__updatedOn__ = getCurrentDate()
def updateVersionInfo():
# i m planning to go by followin step, need some better logic...
# 1. open versioninfo.py file into a str...
# 2. in str, search for old values and replace with new values
# 3. write back the str to versioninfo.py file
# Any other better logic i can do?
I do realize this is a very old question but maybe someone else has a question similar to this. You could attempt to make sort of a fake database with text files. Since python can easily write and read to text files, it would be very simple. You can create something such as
__app__ = 'MyApp'
__appName__ = 'My Classic Application'
__version__ = 0.1
__updater__ = 'Kumaresan Lakshmanan'
__updatedOn__ = '2017-08-29'
And then import the file and split each line on the equal sign. This way you have a readable text file with all the information needed.
I am trying to get maya to check if the listed object is a blendshape node or not.
This is my code:
def bake(self, *args):
self.items["selection"] = cmds.ls(sl = True)
self.items["shapes"] = cmds.listRelatives(self.items["selection"], ad = True)
shapes = ()
for i in self.items["shapes"]:
bs = cmds.listConnections(i, type = "blendShape", exactType = True)
if cmds.objectType(bs, isType = "blendShape"):
print bs
It returns # Error: RuntimeError: file X:/Documents/maya/scripts\jtBakeCharacter.py line 16: No object name specified
Line 16 is: if cmds.objectType(bs, isType = "blendShape"):
Except that I AM specifying an object name, that object name is bs .. I have printed the result of bs and it has many objects listed. Many.
The code is redundant. You don't need most of the lines. The listConnections already ensures that you have only blendshapes. The exact problem is that you are calling something like:
for some of those extra shapes. And this is illegal. But mostly you code can be encapsulated as follows:
selected = cmds.ls(sl = True, dag=True ,shapes = True)
blends = cmds.listConnections(selected , type = "blendShape", exactType = True)
for item in blends:
print item
But this may not catch your intent perfectly, but shows how may extra steps you take. In reality you don't need the line if cmds.objectType(bs, isType = "blendShape"): for anything
Joojaa's answer is elegant, but you can get it down even shorter by using the default selection behavior:
blendshapes = cmds.ls(cmds.listHistory(pdo=True), type='blendShape') or []
for item in blendshapes:
print item
(In the quest to make it even shorter I'm not checking for the selection, so this one fails if nothing is selected).
PS: if you need to get to the blendshape from one of the upstream shapes, instead of the deformed shape, you can use listHistory (f=True)
You could try this:
from pymel.core import *
for obj in selected():
shapeNode = obj.getChildren()[0]
for output in shapeNode.outputs():
if nodeType(output) == "blendShape":
print obj, "is a blendshape"