What is the order of namespaces in inheritance? - python

A derived class has access to its base class member functions implicitly, unless I am mistaken. A derived class can also access its base class' attributes by prefixing a call to them like this: BaseClass.base_attribute. But I seemingly do not understand how instances of a derived class can use the methods of the base class. Example:
class Visitor():
""" Interface to Visitor
provide an interface to visitors that
perform an operation on a data collection """
def visitProduce():
def visitMeat():
def visitBakedGoods():
def visitDairy():
def visitNonFood():
class PriceVisitor(Visitor):
__cost = 0.0 # total cost of groceries
def __init__(self):
self.__cost = 0.0
def visitProduce(self, p):
self.__cost += p.price()
def visitMeat(self, m):
self.__cost += m.price()
def visitBakedGoods(self, b):
self.__cost += b.price()
def visitDairy(self, d):
self.__cost += d.price()
def visitNonFood(self, nf):
self.__cost += nf.price()
class Groceries():
shopping_cart = [] # list of grocery items
def Groceries(self):
self.shopping_cart = []
def addProduce(self, p):
def addMeat(self, m, lb):
def addBakedGoods(self, b):
def addDairy(self, d):
def addNonFood(self, nf):
def accept(self, v):
def getShoppingCart(self):
def calculateCost(self, v):
for item in self.shopping_cart:
print('Total cost is: $', v.__cost)
class Produce(Groceries):
def addProduce(self):
def accept(self, v):
def price(self):
return self.__price
def details(self):
print(self.__name, ' for: $', self.__price + '')
class Apples(Produce):
__name = None
__price = 3.25
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = name
And here is a test of the Apple, Produce, Groceries, and PriceVisitor classes
import VisitorPattern as vp
def main():
# Visitor object
my_visitor = vp.PriceVisitor()
# Grocery object stores objects in its shopping_cart attribute
my_groceries = vp.Groceries()
# Add items
red_apple = vp.Apples('red apple')
gold_apple = vp.Apples('gold apple')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now, the way I understand it is that upon the construction of the instance of Apple, it has access to Produce's method price(). Calling this method with an instance of the Apple class will then pass its own instance in place of the 'self'. The program then returns the value of the __price attribute belonging to the instance calling the method, in this case Apple. However, I get this error:
C:\Users\josep_000\Documents\School\Summer 2015\Python Assignment 4>python test.
[<VisitorPattern.Apples object at 0x026E0830>, <VisitorPattern.Apples object at
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 23, in <module>
File "test.py", line 20, in main
File "C:\Users\josep_000\Documents\School\Summer 2015\Python Assignment 4\Visi
torPattern.py", line 60, in calculateCost
File "C:\Users\josep_000\Documents\School\Summer 2015\Python Assignment 4\Visi
torPattern.py", line 71, in accept
File "C:\Users\josep_000\Documents\School\Summer 2015\Python Assignment 4\Visi
torPattern.py", line 28, in visitProduce
self.__cost += p.price()
File "C:\Users\josep_000\Documents\School\Summer 2015\Python Assignment 4\Visi
torPattern.py", line 74, in price
return self.__price
AttributeError: 'Apples' object has no attribute '_Produce__price'
How does the binding and namespaces actually work in inheritance? I could just write the price() method in each of Produce's derived classes, but that would defeat the point of inheritance. I think my problem also stems from name mangling, but still don't know what happens if I don't make my attributes 'private'. Clarification would be great. Thanks
I declared the constructor of Groceries wrong:
# Wrong way
def Groceries(self):
self.shopping_cart = []
# Should be
def __init__(self):
self.__shopping_cart = []
The product of a full time job and homework in the evening

What is the order of namespaces in inheritance?
Python uses the Method Resolution Order to find the method bound to that instance of the object.
It also invokes name mangling, which is why you can't find the method, _Produce__price. You're trying to use .__price but when it is inherited, Python adds the name of the class to the front of the name. Don't use two underscores, change the two underscores to one, and your code will work as you expect, and you'll consistently look up ._price which won't invoke the name mangling.
See the docs for more on this:

Not really a direct answer to all your questions but I hope the following code sheds some light on how to do inheritance in Python.
class Produce(object):
def __init__(self, name=None, price=None):
self.__name = name
self.__price = price
def __str__(self):
return self.__name
def bulk_price(self):
return self.__price * 100
class Apple(Produce):
def __init__(self, name="Apple"):
self.__name = name
self.__price = 3.25
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.__name, self.__price)
a = Apple("Gold Apple")
print a
print a.bulk_price
# Gold Apple
# 325.0
As you can see, I made name and price inaccessible in both classes. This way, I cannot just call them explicitly, i.e. a.__price. By using super as well in the child class, I am able to avoid referring to the base class further while still having access to its methods.

I have saw your error, your parent need to call child's function, but you have not transferred child to parent, so it will get the errors.Now I give my example:
class A:
def __init__(self, handler):
self.a = 5
self.real_handler = handler
def get(self):
print "value a = %d"%self.a
class B(A):
def __init__(self):
A.__init__(self, self) ##transport B to A
self.b = 3
def get(self):
print "value b is %d"%self.b
def put(self):
self.b = 6
print "value b change into %d"%self.b
if __name__=="__main__":
b = B()
In parent B, it will call the child A's fuction put(). I hope this can help you.


How to call the __init__ method of the mothe class?

I have the following error:
Error Traceback (most recent call last): line 25,line 14,line 3 AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'Teamname'
Here is my python code:
class Team:
def __init__(self,Name = "Name",Origin= "india"):
self.Teamname = Name
self.Teamorigin= Origin
def DefTeamname(self,Name):
self.Teamname = Name
def defTeamorigin(self,Origin):
self.Teamorigin = Origin
class Player(Team):
def __init__(self,Pname,Ppoints,Tname,Torigin):
self.Playername = Pname
self.Playerpoints = Ppoints
def Scoredpoint(self):
self.Playerpoints += 1
def __str__(self):
return self.Playername + "has scored" + str(self.Playerpoints) + "points"
Player1 = Player('Sid',0,'Gokulam','Kochi')
What am I doing wrong?
Your error is being thrown because the first argument to __init__ is being interpreted as self, and __init__ is therefore trying to mutate it. It only works at all because you use keyword arguments, so Origin is just falling back to the default.
Note for completeness that you can call the method directly on the target class (or any other class for that matter), but that self is not bound and you lose the advantage of super() always pointing to the parent in the MRO. This works:
class A:
def __init__(self, a):
self._a = a
class B:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self._b = b
A.__init__(self, a)
b = B(6, 7)
assert b._a == 6
Incidentally this shows that __init__ is just a function which takes a muteable first arg (self by convention) and mutates that arg.
You really should use super() however. What happens if I redefine A?:
class newA:
def __init__(self):
self._other = True
class A(newA):
If you have used super() all the way through, everything will work fine:
class NewA:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
class A(NewA):
def __init__(self, a=None, **kwargs):
self._a = a
Note the use of keyword arguments to pass up the chain without worrying about the semantics of every class's init.
Further Reading
Python's super considered super
Python's super considered harmful for warnings about how things can go wrong if you don't keep your semantics compatible.
class Player(Team):
def __init__(self,Pname,Ppoints,Tname,Torigin):
You cannot call __init__ yourself on the class, you need to call on the instance by using super() notation, else the self parameter will not be bound correctly

Conditional Inheritance based on arguments in Python

Being new to OOP, I wanted to know if there is any way of inheriting one of multiple classes based on how the child class is called in Python. The reason I am trying to do this is because I have multiple methods with the same name but in three parent classes which have different functionality. The corresponding class will have to be inherited based on certain conditions at the time of object creation.
For example, I tried to make Class C inherit A or B based on whether any arguments were passed at the time of instantiating, but in vain. Can anyone suggest a better way to do this?
class A:
def __init__(self,a):
self.num = a
def print_output(self):
print('Class A is the parent class, the number is 7',self.num)
class B:
def __init__(self):
def print_output(self):
print('Class B is the parent class, no number given')
class C(A if kwargs else B):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
if kwargs:
temp1 = C(a=7)
temp2 = C()
The required output would be 'Class A is the parent class, the number is 7' followed by 'Class B is the parent class, no number given'.
Whether you're just starting out with OOP or have been doing it for a while, I would suggest you get a good book on design patterns. A classic is Design Patterns by Gamma. Helm. Johnson and Vlissides.
Instead of using inheritance, you can use composition with delegation. For example:
class A:
def do_something(self):
# some implementation
class B:
def do_something(self):
# some implementation
class C:
def __init__(self, use_A):
# assign an instance of A or B depending on whether argument use_A is True
self.instance = A() if use_A else B()
def do_something(self):
# delegate to A or B instance:
In response to a comment made by Lev Barenboim, the following demonstrates how you can make composition with delegation appear to be more like regular inheritance so that if class C has has assigned an instance of class A, for example, to self.instance, then attributes of A such as x can be accessed internally as self.x as well as self.instance.x (assuming class C does not define attribute x itself) and likewise if you create an instance of C named c, you can refer to that attribute as c.x as if class C had inherited from class A.
The basis for doing this lies with builtin methods __getattr__ and __getattribute__. __getattr__ can be defined on a class and will be called whenever an attribute is referenced but not defined. __getattribute__ can be called on an object to retrieve an attribute by name.
Note that in the following example, class C no longer even has to define method do_something if all it does is delegate to self.instance:
class A:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def do_something(self):
print('I am A')
class B:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def do_something(self):
print('I am B')
class C:
def __init__(self, use_A, x):
# assign an instance of A or B depending on whether argument use_A is True
self.instance = A(x) if use_A else B(x)
# called when an attribute is not found:
def __getattr__(self, name):
# assume it is implemented by self.instance
return self.instance.__getattribute__(name)
# something unique to class C:
def foo(self):
print ('foo called: x =', self.x)
c = C(True, 7)
# This will throw an Exception:
foo called: x = 7
I am A
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Ron\test\test.py", line 34, in <module>
File "C:\Ron\test\test.py", line 23, in __getattr__
return self.instance.__getattribute__(name)
AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute 'y'
I don't think you can pass values to the condition of the class from inside itself.
Rather, you can define a factory method like this :
class A:
def sayClass(self):
print("Class A")
class B:
def sayClass(self):
print("Class B")
def make_C_from_A_or_B(make_A):
class C(A if make_A else B):
def sayClass(self):
print("Class C")
return C()
which output :
Class A
Class C
Note: You can find information about the factory pattern with an example I found good enough on this article (about a parser factory)

Can't call static method inside class

I am trying to call a static method inside a class to populate the class variable.
import sys
import os
from HelpingData import *
class Inventory(object):
shipping_cost = 400.0
total_stock = calculate_total_stock.__func__()
def __init__(self, attributes={}):
self.inventory = {}
if attributes is None:
self.inventory = {}
for key in attributes:
self.inventory[key] = attributes[key]
def getValue(self,attribute):
return self.inventory[attribute]
def setValue(self,attribute,value):
def calculate_total_stock():
total_stock = dict((item, 0) for item in product_names)
for nation in product_stock:
for item in nation:
total_stock[item] += nation[item]
return total_stock
And this is the error I am getting:
total_stock = calculate_total_stock.__func__()
NameError: name'calculate_total_stock' is not defined
What am I missing here?
You really don't need any workaround here, just give the calling method an additional level of direction.
In the example below you can call the PrintThis() method both internal and external to its defining class.
Call as you normally would
You must add self or the containing class
To produce the error:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.MyValue = 0
def IncrementValue(self):
self.MyValue += 1
PrintThis(f'From MyClass {self.MyValue}')
def PrintThis(arg):
print(f'My Value: {arg}')
The Fix:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.MyValue = 0
def IncrementValue(self):
self.MyValue += 1
self.PrintThis(f'From MyClass {self.MyValue}')
def PrintThis(arg):
print(f'My Value: {arg}')
Run It
class Run:
def __init__(self):
mc = MyClass()
MyClass.PrintThis('From Outside')
My Value: From Outside
My Value: From MyClass 1
My Value: From MyClass 2
I'm not sure :-)
The only thing I noticed is that the static method (PrintThis) is a function, while the non-static method is a bound method.
I am sure there is some explanation to this behavior in Pythons documentation. Please share if you look it up :-)
I know this question is a few years old at this point, however it was the first hit when I googled the fault.
The code at the top level of the Inventory definition (i.e. class attributes and method definitions) runs before the name Inventory exists, so you can't call its own methods within the definition. As you have a #staticmethod, which doesn't require any class or instance argument, why not move it outside?
def calculate_total_stock(product_names, product_stock):
total_stock = dict((item, 0) for item in product_names)
for nation in product_stock:
for item in nation:
total_stock[item] += nation[item]
return total_stock
class Inventory(object):
TOTAL_STOCK = calculate_total_stock(product_names, product_stock)
def __init__(self, attributes=None):
self.inventory = {}
if attributes is not None:
for key in attributes:
self.inventory[key] = attributes[key]
def get_value(self, attribute):
return self.inventory[attribute]
def set_value(self, attribute, value):
self.inventory[attribute] = value
Note that I have done some tidying up, particularly in terms of style and making the explicit arguments to calculate_total_stock.

I want to add an object to a list from a different file

I have 3 files. The first is a Runners file which is abstract. The other two are CharityRunner and ProfessionalRunners. In these I can create runners.
class Runner(object):
def __init__ (self, runnerid, name):
self._runnerid = runnerid
self._name = name
def runnerid(self):
return self._runnerid
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
def get_fee(self, basicfee, moneyraised):
raise NotImplementedError("AbstractMethod")
from Runner import *
class CharityRunner(Runner):
def __init__ (self, runnerid, name, charityname):
super().__init__(runnerid, name)
self._charityname = charityname
def charityname(self):
return self._charityname
def charityname(self, charityname):
self._charityname = charityname
def get_fee(self, basicfee, moneyraised):
if moneyraised >= 100:
basicfee = basicfee * 0.25
elif moneyraised >= 50 and moneyraised < 100:
basicfee = basicfee * 0.5
basicfee = basicfee
return basicfee
from Runner import *
class ProfessionalRunner(Runner):
def __init__ (self, runnerid, name, sponsor):
super().__init__(runnerid, name)
self._sponsor = sponsor
def sponsor(self):
return self._sponsor
def sponsor(self, sponsor):
self._sponsor = sponsor
def get_fee(self, basicfee):
basicfee = basicfee * 2
return basicfee
Now I have also created a club object that has a club id and club name. There is also a list called self._runners = []. I'm trying to get a add function that will add the runners created in the list. But it must make sure that the runner is not already in the list.
The object printing method should be in the format of:
Club: <club id> <club name>
Runner: <runner id 1> <runner name 1>
Runner: <runner id 2> <runner name 2>
At the moment I only have this for the club object:
from Runner import *
class Club (object):
def __init__(self, clubid, name):
self._clubid = clubid
self._name = name
self._runners = []
def clubid(self):
return self._clubid
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self, name):
self._name = name
def add_runner(self):
I'm guessing the part you're missing is:
im trying to get a add function that will add the runners created in the list.
Your existing code does this:
def add_runner(self):
This has multiple problems.
First, you're trying to modify self._runner, which doesn't exist, instead of self._runners.
Next, you're appending the Runner class, when you almost certainly want an instance of it, not the class itself.
In fact, you almost certainly want an instance of one of its subclasses.
And I'm willing to bet you want a specific instance, that someone will pass to the add_runner function, not just some random instance.
So, what you want is probably:
def add_runner(self, runner):
And now that you posted the UML diagram, it says that explicitly: add_runner(Runner: runner). In Python, you write that as:
def add_runner(self, runner):
Or, if you really want:
def add_runner(self, runner: Runner):
… but that will probably mislead you into thinking that this is a Java-style definition that requires an instance of Runner or some subclass thereof and checks it statically, and that it can be overloaded with different parameter types, etc., none of which is true.
To use it, just do this:
doe_club = Club(42, "Doe Family Club")
john_doe = CharityRunner(23, "John Doe", "Toys for John Doe")
But it must make sure that the runner is not already in the list.
You can translate that almost directly from English to Python:
def add_runner(self, runner):
if runner not in self._runners:
However, this does a linear search through the list for each new runner. If you used an appropriate data structure, like a set, this wouldn't be a problem. You could use the same code (but with add instead of append)… but you don't even need to do the checking with a set, because it already takes care of duplicates for you. So, if you set self._runners = {}, you just need:
def add_runner(self, runner):

Python: showing attributes assigned to a class object in the class code

One of my classes does a lot of aggregate calculating on a collection of objects, then assigns an attribute and value appropriate to the specific object: I.e.
class Team(object):
def __init__(self, name): # updated for typo in code, added self
self.name = name
class LeagueDetails(object):
def __init__(self): # added for clarity, corrected another typo
self.team_list = [Team('name'), ...]
self.calculate_league_standings() # added for clarity
def calculate_league_standings(self):
# calculate standings as a team_place_dict
for team in self.team_list:
team.place = team_place_dict[team.name] # a new team attribute
I know, as long as the calculate_league_standings has been run, every team has team.place. What I would like to be able to do is to scan the code for class Team(object) and read all the attributes, both created by class methods and also created by external methods which operate on class objects. I am getting a little sick of typing for p in dir(team): print p just to see what the attribute names are. I could define a bunch of blank attributes in the Team __init__. E.g.
class Team(object):
def __init__(self, name): # updated for typo in code, added self
self.name = name
self.place = None # dummy attribute, but recognizable when the code is scanned
It seems redundant to have calculate_league_standings return team._place and then add
def place(self): return self._place
I know I could comment a list of attributes at the top class Team, which is the obvious solution, but I feel like there has to be a best practice here, something pythonic and elegant here.
If I half understand your question, you want to keep track of which attributes of an instance have been added after initialization. If this is the case, you could use something like this:
#! /usr/bin/python3.2
def trackable (cls):
cls._tracked = {}
oSetter = cls.__setattr__
def setter (self, k, v):
try: self.initialized
except: return oSetter (self, k, v)
try: self.k
if not self in self.__class__._tracked:
self.__class__._tracked [self] = []
self.__class__._tracked [self].append (k)
return oSetter (self, k, v)
cls.__setattr__ = setter
oInit = cls.__init__
def init (self, *args, **kwargs):
o = oInit (self, *args, **kwargs)
self.initialized = 42
return o
cls.__init__ = init
oGetter = cls.__getattribute__
def getter (self, k):
if k == 'tracked': return self.__class__._tracked [self]
return oGetter (self, k)
cls.__getattribute__ = getter
return cls
class Team:
def __init__ (self, name, region):
self.name = name
self.region = region
#set name and region during initialization
t = Team ('A', 'EU')
#set rank and ELO outside (hence trackable)
#in your "aggregate" functions
t.rank = 4 # a new team attribute
t.ELO = 14 # a new team attribute
#see witch attributes have been created after initialization
print (t.tracked)
If I did not understand the question, please do specify which part I got wrong.
Due to Python's dynamic nature, I don't believe there is a general answer to your question. An attribute of an instance can be set in many ways, including pure assignment, setattr(), and writes to __dict__ . Writing a tool to statically analyze Python code and correctly determine all possible attributes of an class by analyzing all these methods would be very difficult.
In your specific case, as the programmer you know that class Team will have a place attribute in many instances, so you can decide to be explicit and write its constructor like so:
class Team(object):
def __init__(name ,place=None):
self.name = name
self.place = place
I would say there is no need to define a property of a simple attribute, unless you wanted side effects or derivations to happen at read or write time.

