I'm applying convolution techniques to convolve 2 datasets, a healpix map with nside = 256 and a primary beam of shape (256, 256) in order to measure the total intensity from the convolved healpix map. My problem is that after convolving my map with the primary beam i get rings in my convolved map. I've tried normalizing it with either lanczos or Gaussian kernel to take care of the rings but all these approaches have failed.
In my code below, i used the query function in scipy to search for the nearest pixels in my healpix map within a given radius and take the sum of the product of the corresponding pixels in the primary beam using map coordinate. The final image i get has rings in it. Please can anyone help me solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
def query_npix(nside, npix, radius):
print 'searching for nearest pixels:......'
t1, t2 = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix))
tree = spatial.cKDTree(zip(t1, t2))
dist, ipix_indx = tree.query(zip(t1, t2), k = 150, distance_upper_bound = radius)
r1, r2 = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix_indx)
ra = r1.T - t1
dec = r2.T - t2
print 'Done searching'
return np.array(dist), np.array(ipix_indx), np.array(ra.T), np.array(dec.T)
def fullSky_convolve(healpix_map, primary_beam_fits, ipix_indx, dist, radius, r1, r2):
measured_map = []
hdulist = openFitsFile(primary_beam_fits)
beam_data = hdulist[0].data
header = hdulist[0].header
nside = hp.get_nside(healpix_map[0, ...])
npix = hp.get_map_size(healpix_map[0, ...]) # total number of pixels in the map must be 12 * nside^2
crpix1, crval1, cdelt1 = [ header.get(x) for x in "CRPIX1", "CRVAL1", "CDELT1" ]
crpix2, crval2, cdelt2 = [ header.get(x) for x in "CRPIX2", "CRVAL2", "CDELT2" ]
# beam centres in pixel coordinates
xc = crpix1-1 + (np.rad2deg(r1.ravel()) - crval1)/(256*cdelt1)
yc = crpix2-1 + (np.rad2deg(r2.ravel()) - crval2)/(256*cdelt2)
#xc = (np.rad2deg(r1.ravel()) )/cdelt1
for j in xrange(4):
print 'started Stokes: %d' %j
for iter in xrange(0 + j, 16, 4):
outpt = np.zeros(shape = npix, dtype=np.float64)
#by = outpt.copy()
# mask beam
bm_data = beam_data[iter]
#masked_beam= beam_data[iter]
shape = bm_data.shape
rad = np.linspace(-shape[0]/2,shape[-1]/2,shape[0])
rad2d = np.sqrt(rad[np.newaxis,:]**2+rad[:,np.newaxis]**2)
mask = rad2d <= radius/abs(cdelt2)
masked_beam = bm_data*mask
s1 = ndimage.map_coordinates(masked_beam, [xc, yc], mode = 'constant')
bm_map = s1.reshape(dist.shape[0], dist.shape[-1])
for itr in xrange(npix):
g_xy = (1.0/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*np.std(dist[itr])))*np.exp(-(dist[itr])**2/(2*np.var(dist[itr])))
#weighted_healpix_map = np.convolve(healpix_map[j, ...][ipix_indx[itr]], g_xy/g_xy.sum(), mode='same')
weighted_healpix_map = ndimage.filters.convolve(healpix_map[j, ...][ipix_indx[itr]], g_xy/g_xy.sum(), mode='reflect')
#outpt[itr] = np.sum(weighted_healpix_map*(bm_map[itr]/bm_map[itr].sum()))
outpt[itr] = np.sum(weighted_healpix_map*(bm_map[itr]))
#print 'itr', itr
alpha = file('pap%d.save'%iter, 'wb')
#h_map = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(outpt, sigma = 3.)
cPickle.dump(outpt, alpha, protocol = cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
print 'Just dumped stripp%d.save:-------'%iter
print 'Loading dumped files:-------'
loaded_objects = []
for itr4 in xrange(16):
alpha = file('stripp%d.save'%itr4, 'rb')
return measured_map
Remember that HEALPix maps can be in either "Ring" or "Nested" format. It sounds like you may need to add the keyword nest=True to your healpy functions like hp.pix2ang. If your input maps are in nested format, this keyword is needed.
For example:
I recently tried using the healpy.smoothing() function, and found my resulting image to have rings (perhaps like you described), upon viewing the output map with healpix.mollview(). The rings disappeared and the image was presented as I expected, after running mollview with the nested=True keyword. Check what ordering schemes your input files use
Healpix supports two different ordering schemes, RING or NESTED. By
default, healpy maps are in RING ordering. In order to work with
NESTED ordering, all map related functions support the nest keyword,
for example: hp.mollview(m, nest=True, title="Mollview image NESTED")
I am trying to convert coordinates from one system to another using the affine transfomation method on python. the code seems to be running but the output is looking strange, here is my code:
import json
import math
import numpy as np
labels = open('labels3.txt')
read_ready = labels.read()
JSONfile = json.loads(read_ready)
#input_system should be the ground plane(georefrenced) images
#notes on this set of coordinates, assuming that the points arent rotated, may introduce the rotation in # the very end
input_sys = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,23133,0],[35093,23133,0],[35093,0,0]])
#output system should be the slant range coords, these arent too special should be pretty straightforward
output_sys = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,16384,0],[16384,16384,0],[16384,0,0]])
#now find which point should be transformed
p = np.array([7954,9338,0])
#finding the transformation
l = len(input_sys)
entry = lambda r,d: np.linalg.det(np.delete(np.vstack([r,input_sys.T,np.ones(l)]),d,axis = 0))
M = np.array([[(-1)**i * entry(R,i) for R in output_sys.T] for i in range(l+1)])
A,t = np.hsplit(M[1:].T/(-M[0])[:,None], [l-1])
t = np.transpose(t)[0]
#output transform
print("Affine transformation matrix:\n", A)
print("Affine transformation translation vector:\n", t)
#for p,P in zip(np.array(input_sys), np.array(output_sys)):
#image_p = np.dot(A,p)+t
#result ="[OK]" if np.allclose(image_p,P) else"[ERROR]"
#print(p, " mapped to: ", image_p, " ; expected: ", P, result)
P = np.dot(A,p)+t
print(p,'mapped to:', P)
the output for the matrix M is a zero matrix which is not correct , can someone help me find a way to get a nonzero matrix out for M?
I am aiming to perform a color correction based on a reference image, using color charts. As a personal goal, I'm trying to correct the colors of an image I previously modified. The chart has been affected by the same layers, of course:
Manually modified:
I'm using the following function that I've written myself to get the matrix:
def _get_matrix_transformation(self,
observed_colors: np.ndarray,
reference_colors: np.ndarray):
observed_colors: colors found in target chart
reference_colors: colors found on source/reference image
# case 1
observed_m = [observed_colors[..., i].mean() for i in range(observed_colors.shape[-1])]
observed_colors = (observed_colors - observed_m).astype(np.float32)
reference_m = [reference_colors[..., i].mean() for i in range(reference_colors.shape[-1])]
reference_colors = (reference_colors - reference_m).astype(np.float32)
# XYZ color conversion
observed_XYZ = cv.cvtColor(observed_colors, cv.COLOR_BGR2XYZ)
observed_XYZ = np.reshape(observed_colors, (observed_XYZ.shape[0] * observed_XYZ.shape[1],
reference_XYZ = cv.cvtColor(reference_colors, cv.COLOR_BGR2XYZ)
reference_XYZ = np.reshape(reference_colors, (reference_XYZ.shape[0] * reference_XYZ.shape[1],
# case 2
# mean subtraction in order to use the covariance matrix
# observed_m = [observed_XYZ[..., i].mean() for i in range(observed_XYZ.shape[-1])]
# observed_XYZ = observed_XYZ - observed_m
# reference_m = [reference_XYZ[..., i].mean() for i in range(reference_XYZ.shape[-1])]
# reference_XYZ = reference_XYZ - reference_m
# apply SVD
H = np.dot(reference_XYZ.T, observed_XYZ)
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H)
# get transformation
self._M = Vt.T * U.T
# consider reflection case
if np.linalg.det(self._M) < 0:
Vt[2, :] *= -1
self._M = Vt.T * U.T
I'm applying the correction like this:
def _apply_profile(self, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
img: image to be corrected.
Corrected image.
# Revert gamma compression
img = adjust_gamma(img, gamma=1/2.2)
# Apply color correction
corrected_img = cv.cvtColor(img.astype(np.float32), cv.COLOR_BGR2XYZ)
corrected_img = corrected_img.reshape((corrected_img.shape[0]*corrected_img.shape[1], corrected_img.shape[2]))
corrected_img = np.dot(self._M, corrected_img.T).T.reshape(img.shape)
corrected_img = cv.cvtColor(corrected_img.astype(np.float32), cv.COLOR_XYZ2BGR)
corrected_img = np.clip(corrected_img, 0, 255)
# Apply gamma
corrected_img = adjust_gamma(corrected_img.astype(np.uint8), gamma=2.2)
return corrected_img
The result I'm currently getting if the transformation is done in BGR (just commented color conversion functions):
In XYZ (don't pay attention to the resizing, that's because of me):
Now, I'm asking these questions:
Is inverting gamma necessary in this case? If so, am I doing it correctly? Should I implement a LUT that works with other data types such as np.float32?
Subtraction of the mean should be done in XYZ on BGR color space (case 1 vs case 2)?
Is considering the reflection case (as in a rigid body rotation problem) necessary?
Is clipping necessary? And if so, are those the correct values and data types?
I've been trying to create a 2D map of blobs of matter (Gaussian random field) using a variance I have calculated. This variance is a 2D array. I have tried using numpy.random.normal since it allows for a 2D input of the variance, but it doesn't really create a map with the trend I expect from the input parameters. One of the important input constants lambda_c should manifest itself as the physical size (diameter) of the blobs. However, when I change my lambda_c, the size of the blobs does not change if at all. For example, if I set lambda_c = 40 parsecs, the map needs blobs that are 40 parsecs in diameter. A MWE to produce the map using my variance:
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import show, plot
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
n = 300
c = 3e8
G = 6.67e-11
M_sun = 1.989e30
pc = 3.086e16 # parsec
Dds = 1097.07889283e6*pc
Ds = 1726.62069147e6*pc
Dd = 1259e6*pc
FOV_arcsec_original = 5.
FOV_arcmin = FOV_arcsec_original/60.
pix2rad = ((FOV_arcmin/60.)/float(n))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix = 1./pix2rad
x_pix = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,n)
y_pix = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,n)
X_pix,Y_pix = np.meshgrid(x_pix,y_pix)
conc = 10.
M = 1e13*M_sun
r_s = 18*1e3*pc
lambda_c = 40*pc ### The important parameter that doesn't seem to manifest itself in the map when changed
rho_s = M/((4*np.pi*r_s**3)*(np.log(1+conc) - (conc/(1+conc))))
sigma_crit = (c**2*Ds)/(4*np.pi*G*Dd*Dds)
k_s = rho_s*r_s/sigma_crit
theta_s = r_s/Dd
Renorm = (4*G/c**2)*(Dds/(Dd*Ds))
#### Here I just interpolate and zoom into my field of view to get better resolutions
A = np.sqrt(X_pix**2 + Y_pix**2)*pix2rad/theta_s
A_1 = A[100:200,0:100]
n_x = n_y = 100
FOV_arcsec_x = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)
FOV_arcmin_x = FOV_arcsec_x/60.
pix2rad_x = ((FOV_arcmin_x/60.)/float(n_x))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_x = 1./pix2rad_x
FOV_arcsec_y = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)
FOV_arcmin_y = FOV_arcsec_y/60.
pix2rad_y = ((FOV_arcmin_y/60.)/float(n_y))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_y = 1./pix2rad_y
x1 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x)
y1 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y)
X1,Y1 = np.meshgrid(x1,y1)
n_x_2 = 500
n_y_2 = 500
x2 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x_2)
y2 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y_2)
X2,Y2 = np.meshgrid(x2,y2)
interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(y1,x1,A_1)
A_2 = interp_spline(y2,x2)
A_3 = A_2[50:450,0:400]
n_x_3 = n_y_3 = 400
FOV_arcsec_x = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)*400./500.
FOV_arcmin_x = FOV_arcsec_x/60.
pix2rad_x = ((FOV_arcmin_x/60.)/float(n_x_3))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_x = 1./pix2rad_x
FOV_arcsec_y = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)*400./500.
FOV_arcmin_y = FOV_arcsec_y/60.
pix2rad_y = ((FOV_arcmin_y/60.)/float(n_y_3))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_y = 1./pix2rad_y
x3 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x_3)
y3 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y_3)
X3,Y3 = np.meshgrid(x3,y3)
n_x_4 = 1000
n_y_4 = 1000
x4 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x_4)
y4 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y_4)
X4,Y4 = np.meshgrid(x4,y4)
interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(y3,x3,A_3)
A_4 = interp_spline(y4,x4)
############### Function to calculate variance
variance = np.zeros((len(A_4),len(A_4)))
def variance_fluctuations(x):
for i in xrange(len(x)):
for j in xrange(len(x)):
if x[j][i] < 1.:
variance[j][i] = (k_s**2)*(lambda_c/r_s)*((np.pi/x[j][i]) - (1./(x[j][i]**2 -1)**3.)*(((6.*x[j][i]**4. - 17.*x[j][i]**2. + 26)/3.)+ (((2.*x[j][i]**6. - 7.*x[j][i]**4. + 8.*x[j][i]**2. - 8)*np.arccosh(1./x[j][i]))/(np.sqrt(1-x[j][i]**2.)))))
elif x[j][i] > 1.:
variance[j][i] = (k_s**2)*(lambda_c/r_s)*((np.pi/x[j][i]) - (1./(x[j][i]**2 -1)**3.)*(((6.*x[j][i]**4. - 17.*x[j][i]**2. + 26)/3.)+ (((2.*x[j][i]**6. - 7.*x[j][i]**4. + 8.*x[j][i]**2. - 8)*np.arccos(1./x[j][i]))/(np.sqrt(x[j][i]**2.-1)))))
#### Creating the map
mean = 0
delta_kappa = np.random.normal(0,variance,A_4.shape)
xfinal = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,1000)
yfinal = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,1000)
Xfinal, Yfinal = np.meshgrid(xfinal,yfinal)
The map looks like this, with the density of blobs increasing towards the right. However, the size of the blobs don't change and the map looks virtually the same whether I use lambda_c = 40*pc or lambda_c = 400*pc.
I'm wondering if the np.random.normal function isn't really doing what I expect it to do? I feel like the pixel scale of the map and the way samples are drawn make no link to the size of the blobs. Maybe there is a better way to create the map using the variance, would appreciate any insight.
I expect the map to look something like this , the blob sizes change based on the input parameters for my variance :
This is quite a well visited problem in (surprise surprise) astronomy and cosmology.
You could use lenstool: https://lenstools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/gaussian_random_field.html
You could also try here:
Not to mention:
I am not reproducing code here because all credit goes to the above authors. However, they did just all come right out a google search :/
Easiest of all is probably a python module FyeldGenerator, apparently designed for this exact purpose:
So (adapted from github example):
pip install FyeldGenerator
from FyeldGenerator import generate_field
from matplotlib import use
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Helper that generates power-law power spectrum
def Pkgen(n):
def Pk(k):
return np.power(k, -n)
return Pk
# Draw samples from a normal distribution
def distrib(shape):
a = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=shape)
b = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=shape)
return a + 1j * b
shape = (512, 512)
field = generate_field(distrib, Pkgen(2), shape)
plt.imshow(field, cmap='jet')
This gives:
Looks pretty straightforward to me :)
PS: FoV implied a telescope observation of the gaussian random field :)
A completely different and much quicker way may be just to blur the delta_kappa array with gaussian filter. Try adjusting sigma parameter to alter the blobs size.
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
dk_gf = gaussian_filter(delta_kappa, sigma=20)
Xfinal, Yfinal = np.meshgrid(xfinal,yfinal)
plt.contourf(Xfinal,Yfinal,dk_ma,100, cmap='jet')
this is image with sigma=20
this is image with sigma=2.5
ThunderFlash, try this code to draw the map:
# function to produce blobs:
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
def blob (positions, mean=(0,0), var=1):
cov = [[var,0],[0,var]]
return multivariate_normal(mean, cov).pdf(positions)
now prepare for blobs generation.
note that I use less dense grid to pick blobs centers (regulated by `step`)
this makes blobs more pronounced and saves calculation time.
use this part instead of your code section below comment #### Creating the map
delta_kappa = np.random.normal(0,variance,A_4.shape) # same
step = 10 #
dk2 = delta_kappa[::step,::step] # taking every 10th element
x2, y2 = xfinal[::step],yfinal[::step]
field = np.dstack((Xfinal,Yfinal))
print (field.shape, dk2.shape, x2.shape, y2.shape)
>> (1000, 1000, 2), (100, 100), (100,), (100,)
result = np.zeros(field.shape[:2])
for x in range (len(x2)):
for y in range (len(y2)):
res2 = blob(field, mean = (x2[x], y2[y]), var=10000)*dk2[x,y]
result += res2
# the cycle above took over 20 minutes on Ryzen 2700X. It could be accelerated by vectorization presumably.
you may want to play with var parameter in blob() to smoothen the image and with step to make it more compressed.
Here is the image that I got using your code (somehow axes are flipped and more dense areas on the top):
I'm trying to implement Reinhard's method to use the color distribution of a target image to color normalize a passed in image for a research project. I've gotten the code to work and it outputs correctly but it's pretty slow. It takes about 20 minutes to iterate through 300 images. I'm pretty sure the bottleneck is how I'm handling applying the function to each image. I'm currently iterating through each pixel of the image and applying the functions below to each channel.
def reinhard(target, img):
#converts image and target from BGR colorspace to l alpha beta
lAB_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)
lAB_tar = cv2.cvtColor(target, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)
#finds mean and standard deviation for each color channel across the entire image
(mean, std) = cv2.meanStdDev(lAB_img)
(mean_tar, std_tar) = cv2.meanStdDev(lAB_tar)
#iterates over image implementing formula to map color normalized pixels to target image
for y in range(512):
for x in range(512):
lAB_tar[x, y, 0] = (lAB_img[x, y, 0] - mean[0]) / std[0] * std_tar[0] + mean_tar[0]
lAB_tar[x, y, 1] = (lAB_img[x, y, 1] - mean[1]) / std[1] * std_tar[1] + mean_tar[1]
lAB_tar[x, y, 2] = (lAB_img[x, y, 2] - mean[2]) / std[2] * std_tar[2] + mean_tar[2]
mapped = cv2.cvtColor(lAB_tar, cv2.COLOR_Lab2BGR)
return mapped
My supervisor told me that I could try using a matrix to apply the function all at once to improve the runtime but I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing that.
The original and the target:
Color transfer reuslts using Reinhard'method in 5 ms:
I prefer to implement the formulat in numpy vectorized operations other than python loops.
# implementing the formula
#(Io - mo)/so*st + mt = Io * (st/so) + mt - mo*(st/so)
ratio = (std_tar/std_ori).reshape(-1)
offset = (mean_tar - mean_ori*std_tar/std_ori).reshape(-1)
lab_tar = cv2.convertScaleAbs(lab_ori*ratio + offset)
Here is the code:
# 2019/02/19 by knight-金
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/54757659/3547485
import numpy as np
import cv2
def reinhard(target, original):
# cvtColor: COLOR_BGR2Lab
lab_tar = cv2.cvtColor(target, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)
lab_ori = cv2.cvtColor(original, cv2.COLOR_BGR2Lab)
# meanStdDev: calculate mean and stadard deviation
mean_tar, std_tar = cv2.meanStdDev(lab_tar)
mean_ori, std_ori = cv2.meanStdDev(lab_ori)
# implementing the formula
#(Io - mo)/so*st + mt = Io * (st/so) + mt - mo*(st/so)
ratio = (std_tar/std_ori).reshape(-1)
offset = (mean_tar - mean_ori*std_tar/std_ori).reshape(-1)
lab_tar = cv2.convertScaleAbs(lab_ori*ratio + offset)
# convert back
mapped = cv2.cvtColor(lab_tar, cv2.COLOR_Lab2BGR)
return mapped
if __name__ == "__main__":
ori = cv2.imread("ori.png")
tar = cv2.imread("tar.png")
mapped = reinhard(tar, ori)
cv2.imwrite("mapped.png", mapped)
mapped_inv = reinhard(ori, tar)
cv2.imwrite("mapped_inv.png", mapped)
I managed to figure it out after looking at the numpy documentation. I just needed to replace my nested for loop with proper array accessing. It took less than a minute to iterate through all 300 images with this.
lAB_tar[:,:,0] = (lAB_img[:,:,0] - mean[0])/std[0] * std_tar[0] + mean_tar[0]
lAB_tar[:,:,1] = (lAB_img[:,:,1] - mean[1])/std[1] * std_tar[1] + mean_tar[1]
lAB_tar[:,:,2] = (lAB_img[:,:,2] - mean[2])/std[2] * std_tar[2] + mean_tar[2]
I'm trying to interpolate between two images in Python.
Images are of shapes (188, 188)
I wish to interpolate the image 'in-between' these two images. Say Image_1 is at location z=0 and Image_2 is at location z=2. I want the interpolated image at location z=1.
I believe this answer (MATLAB) contains a similar problem and solution.
Creating intermediate slices in a 3D MRI volume with MATLAB
I've tried to convert this code to Python as follows:
from scipy.interpolate import interpn
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
# Construct 3D volume from images
# arr.shape = (2, 182, 182)
arr = np.r_['0,3', image_1, image_2]
slices,rows,cols = arr.shape
# Construct meshgrids
[X,Y,Z] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(cols), np.arange(rows), np.arange(slices));
[X2,Y2,Z2] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(cols), np.arange(rows), np.arange(slices*2));
# Run n-dim interpolation
Vi = interpn([X,Y,Z], arr, np.array([X1,Y1,Z1]).T)
However, this produces an error:
ValueError: The points in dimension 0 must be strictly ascending
I suspect I am not constructing my meshgrid(s) properly but am kind of lost on whether or not this approach is correct.
Any ideas?
---------- Edit -----------
Found some MATLAB code that appears to solve this problem:
Interpolating Between Two Planes in 3d space
I attempted to convert this to Python:
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt
from scipy.interpolate import interpn
def ndgrid(*args,**kwargs):
Same as calling ``meshgrid`` with *indexing* = ``'ij'`` (see
``meshgrid`` for documentation).
kwargs['indexing'] = 'ij'
return np.meshgrid(*args,**kwargs)
def bwperim(bw, n=4):
perim = bwperim(bw, n=4)
Find the perimeter of objects in binary images.
A pixel is part of an object perimeter if its value is one and there
is at least one zero-valued pixel in its neighborhood.
By default the neighborhood of a pixel is 4 nearest pixels, but
if `n` is set to 8 the 8 nearest pixels will be considered.
bw : A black-and-white image
n : Connectivity. Must be 4 or 8 (default: 8)
perim : A boolean image
From Mahotas: http://nullege.com/codes/search/mahotas.bwperim
if n not in (4,8):
raise ValueError('mahotas.bwperim: n must be 4 or 8')
rows,cols = bw.shape
# Translate image by one pixel in all directions
north = np.zeros((rows,cols))
south = np.zeros((rows,cols))
west = np.zeros((rows,cols))
east = np.zeros((rows,cols))
north[:-1,:] = bw[1:,:]
south[1:,:] = bw[:-1,:]
west[:,:-1] = bw[:,1:]
east[:,1:] = bw[:,:-1]
idx = (north == bw) & \
(south == bw) & \
(west == bw) & \
(east == bw)
if n == 8:
north_east = np.zeros((rows, cols))
north_west = np.zeros((rows, cols))
south_east = np.zeros((rows, cols))
south_west = np.zeros((rows, cols))
north_east[:-1, 1:] = bw[1:, :-1]
north_west[:-1, :-1] = bw[1:, 1:]
south_east[1:, 1:] = bw[:-1, :-1]
south_west[1:, :-1] = bw[:-1, 1:]
idx &= (north_east == bw) & \
(south_east == bw) & \
(south_west == bw) & \
(north_west == bw)
return ~idx * bw
def signed_bwdist(im):
Find perim and return masked image (signed/reversed)
im = -bwdist(bwperim(im))*np.logical_not(im) + bwdist(bwperim(im))*im
return im
def bwdist(im):
Find distance map of image
dist_im = distance_transform_edt(1-im)
return dist_im
def interp_shape(top, bottom, num):
if num<0 and round(num) == num:
print("Error: number of slices to be interpolated must be integer>0")
top = signed_bwdist(top)
bottom = signed_bwdist(bottom)
r, c = top.shape
t = num+2
print("Rows - Cols - Slices")
print(r, c, t)
# rejoin top, bottom into a single array of shape (2, r, c)
# MATLAB: cat(3,bottom,top)
top_and_bottom = np.r_['0,3', top, bottom]
#top_and_bottom = np.rollaxis(top_and_bottom, 0, 3)
# create ndgrids
x,y,z = np.mgrid[0:r, 0:c, 0:t-1] # existing data
x1,y1,z1 = np.mgrid[0:r, 0:c, 0:t] # including new slice
print("Shape x y z:", x.shape, y.shape, z.shape)
print("Shape x1 y1 z1:", x1.shape, y1.shape, z1.shape)
print(top_and_bottom.shape, len(x), len(y), len(z))
# Do interpolation
out = interpn((x,y,z), top_and_bottom, (x1,y1,z1))
# MATLAB: out = out(:,:,2:end-1)>=0;
array_lim = out[-1]-1
out[out[:,:,2:out] >= 0] = 1
return out
I call this as follows:
new_image = interp_shape(image_1,image_2, 1)
Im pretty sure this is 80% of the way there but I still get this error when running:
ValueError: The points in dimension 0 must be strictly ascending
Again, I am probably not constructing my meshes correctly. I believe np.mgrid should produce the same result as MATLABs ndgrid though.
Is there a better way to construct the ndgrid equivalents?
I figured this out. Or at least a method that produces desirable results.
Based on: Interpolating Between Two Planes in 3d space
def signed_bwdist(im):
Find perim and return masked image (signed/reversed)
im = -bwdist(bwperim(im))*np.logical_not(im) + bwdist(bwperim(im))*im
return im
def bwdist(im):
Find distance map of image
dist_im = distance_transform_edt(1-im)
return dist_im
def interp_shape(top, bottom, precision):
Interpolate between two contours
Input: top
[X,Y] - Image of top contour (mask)
[X,Y] - Image of bottom contour (mask)
float - % between the images to interpolate
Ex: num=0.5 - Interpolate the middle image between top and bottom image
Output: out
[X,Y] - Interpolated image at num (%) between top and bottom
if precision>2:
print("Error: Precision must be between 0 and 1 (float)")
top = signed_bwdist(top)
bottom = signed_bwdist(bottom)
# row,cols definition
r, c = top.shape
# Reverse % indexing
precision = 1+precision
# rejoin top, bottom into a single array of shape (2, r, c)
top_and_bottom = np.stack((top, bottom))
# create ndgrids
points = (np.r_[0, 2], np.arange(r), np.arange(c))
xi = np.rollaxis(np.mgrid[:r, :c], 0, 3).reshape((r**2, 2))
xi = np.c_[np.full((r**2),precision), xi]
# Interpolate for new plane
out = interpn(points, top_and_bottom, xi)
out = out.reshape((r, c))
# Threshold distmap to values above 0
out = out > 0
return out
# Run interpolation
out = interp_shape(image_1,image_2, 0.5)
Example output:
I came across a similar problem where I needed to interpolate the shift between frames where the change did not merely constitute a translation but also changes to the shape itself . I solved this problem by :
Using center_of_mass from scipy.ndimage.measurements to calculate the center of the object we want to move in each frame
Defining a continuous parameter t where t=0 first and t=1 last frame
Interpolate the motion between two nearest frames (with regard to a specific t value) by shifting the image back/forward via shift from scipy.ndimage.interpolation and overlaying them.
Here is the code:
def inter(images,t):
# images: list of arrays/frames ordered according to motion
# t: parameter ranging from 0 to 1 corresponding to first and last frame
#returns: interpolated image
#direction of movement, assumed to be approx. linear
#find index of two nearest frames
arr=np.array([center_of_mass(images[i]) for i in range(len(images))])
v=a+t*(b-a) #convert t into vector
idx1 = (np.linalg.norm((arr - v),axis=1)).argmin()
arr[idx1]=np.array([0,0]) #this is sloppy, should be changed if relevant values are near [0,0]
idx2 = (np.linalg.norm((arr - v),axis=1)).argmin()
if idx1>idx2:
b=np.array(center_of_mass(images[idx1])) #center of mass of nearest contour
a=np.array(center_of_mass(images[idx2])) #center of mass of second nearest contour
tstar=np.linalg.norm(v-a)/np.linalg.norm(b-a) #define parameter ranging from 0 to 1 for interpolation between two nearest frames
im1_shift=shift(images[idx2],(b-a)*tstar) #shift frame 1
im2_shift=shift(images[idx1],-(b-a)*(1-tstar)) #shift frame 2
return im1_shift+im2_shift #return average
if idx1<idx2:
return im1_shift+im2_shift
Result example
I don't know the solution to your problem, but I don't think it's possible to do this with interpn.
I corrected the code that you tried, and used the following input images:
But the result is:
Here's the corrected code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from scipy import interpolate
n = 8
img1 = np.zeros((n, n))
img2 = np.zeros((n, n))
img1[2:4, 2:4] = 1
img2[4:6, 4:6] = 1
plt.imshow(img1, cmap=cm.Greys)
plt.imshow(img2, cmap=cm.Greys)
points = (np.r_[0, 2], np.arange(n), np.arange(n))
values = np.stack((img1, img2))
xi = np.rollaxis(np.mgrid[:n, :n], 0, 3).reshape((n**2, 2))
xi = np.c_[np.ones(n**2), xi]
values_x = interpolate.interpn(points, values, xi, method='linear')
values_x = values_x.reshape((n, n))
plt.imshow(values_x, cmap=cm.Greys)
plt.clim((0, 1))
I think the main difference between your code and mine is in the specification of xi. interpn tends to be somewhat confusing to use, and I've explained it in greater detail in an older answer. If you're curious about the mechanics of how I've specified xi, see this answer of mine explaining what I've done.
This result is not entirely surprising, because interpn just linearly interpolated between the two images: so the parts which had 1 in one image and 0 in the other simply became 0.5.
Over here, since one image is the translation of the other, it's clear that we want an image that's translated "in-between". But how would interpn interpolate two general images? If you had one small circle and one big circle, is it in any way clear that there should be a circle of intermediate size "between" them? What about interpolating between a dog and a cat? Or a dog and a building?
I think you are essentially trying to "draw lines" connecting the edges of the two images and then trying to figure out the image in between. This is similar to sampling a moving video at a half-frame. You might want to check out something like optical flow, which connects adjacent frames using vectors. I'm not aware if and what python packages/implementations are available though.