I have the following code which compares the input value that comes as a string with the one the function constracts. Basically checks the if the number the user enters is correct. The function works but only for 2 decimal points but the user is allowed to enter 2 to 4 decimal digits... How can I construct the right value?
def check_currency(self, amount):
amount = amount.replace("+", "")
amount = amount.replace("-", "")
sInput = amount.replace(",", ".")
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.LANG)
result = locale.currency(float(sInput), symbol=False, grouping=True)
if (amount == result):
return True
return False
PS: The self.LANG get the respective value based on the system that the code runs on.
You aren't missing anything. locale.currency formats numbers according to the values in the dict returned by locale.localeconv() and that's what it's supposed to do. Naturally, 'frac_digits' is typically 2 since... well... you know.
Regarding what to do:
First, you can check 'int_frac_digits' in localeconv() - maybe it's good enough for you.
If not, since locale.currency is located in a Python source module, you can rig... I mean, override its logic. Looking at the source, the simplest method appears to be to replace locale.localeconv() with a wrapper.
Be wary though since such a change will be global. If you don't want it to affect other code using locale, alter local copies of the entities (or the entire module) or make a changed entity e.g. require an additional parameter to behave differently.
On a conceptual note: locale is actually correct - for its purpose - in not allowing to alter the representation. Its task is to format information of a few types according to the local convention - so whatever culture you user pertains to, they will see information in the way they are used to. If you alter the format in any way - that wouldn't any longer be "the local convention"! In fact, by requiring 3 decimal digits, you are already making assumptions about the local convention - which may not stand. E.g. in a decent share of currencies, even small sums can numerically be in the thousands.
def check_currency(self, amount):
amount = amount.replace("+", "")
amount = amount.replace("-", "")
sInput = amount.replace(",", ".")
length = len(amount)
decimals = len(sInput[sInput.find(".")+1:])
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.LANG)
if not sInput:
return "Empty Value"
if decimals<=2:
digit = decimals
result = locale.format('%%.%if' % digit, abs(Decimal(sInput)), grouping=True, monetary=True)
if decimals>2:
sInput = amount.replace(".", "")
digit = 0
result = locale.format('%%.%if' % digit, abs(Decimal(sInput)), grouping=True, monetary=True)
if (amount == result):
return True
return False
I changed the function as you see above and it works perfect !! You can check the code above for anyone who might need it :)
Thank you again
I am using python 2.7. I wrote a code to generate passwords. For doing this, I used the random module to generate how many characters of different types(uppercase, lowercase, special and numbers) to be used to generate a password of a given length. When a wrote a function for this, it was supposed to return a tuple, but it returns None. Why is it happening?
I tried the casual debugging method of putting print statements in between and figuring out where it went wrong. Everything works just fine, except it returns None.
def passlen(a):
"""Gives length of different characters to be put into passwords"""
uplen=random.randrange(0, a)
lwlen=random.randrange(0, a)
speclen=random.randrange(0, a)
nmbrlen=random.randrange(0, a)
if uplen+lwlen+speclen+nmbrlen==a:
print (uplen, lwlen, speclen, nmbrlen)
return(uplen, lwlen, speclen, nmbrlen)
x=input("how many characters in the password?")
Expected results are 4-tuples, but it gives None instead.
So you want four random numbers that add to a? Of course you can try choosing four random numbers until you find a set that adds up to a, but that might take a while for large values of a (and you definitely don't want to do this recursively).
Much better to choose three split points between 0 and a:
def passlen(a):
splits = sorted([random.randrange(0,a) for _ in range(3)])
uplen = splits[0]
lwlen = splits[1] - uplen
speclen = splits[2] - uplen - lwlen
nmbrlen = a - uplen - lwlen - speclen
return uplen, lwlen, speclen, nmbrlen
Thanks to Kamiccolo for trying to help out.
The function should look like this:
def passlen(a):
"""Gives length of different characters to be put into passwords"""
uplen=int(random.randrange(0, a))
lwlen=int(random.randrange(0, a))
speclen=int(random.randrange(0, a))
nmbrlen=int(random.randrange(0, a))
bab=(uplen, lwlen, speclen, nmbrlen)
if uplen+lwlen+speclen+nmbrlen==a:
return bab
return passlen(a)
A duplicate thread also helped me in this.
I am quite new to the PseudoCode concept... I would like to get an idea of how functions and operands like modulus, floor division and the likes would be written in PseudoCode. Writing the PseudoCode for this code might actually help me understand better...
user_response=input("Input a number: ")
def string (our_input):
if (our_input % 15) == 0 :
return ("fizzbuzz")
elif (our_input % 3) == 0 :
return ("fizz")
elif (our_input % 5) == 0 :
return ("buzz")
else :
return ("null")
Your code really isn't that hard to understand assuming the knowledge of % as the modulus operation. Floor division can really just be written as a regular division. Floor the result, if really necessary.
If you don't know how to express them, then explicitly write modulus(x, y) or floor(z).
Pseudocode is meant to be readable, not complicated.
Pseudocode could even be just words, and not "code". The pseudo part of it comes from the logical expression of operations
The basic idea of PseudoCode is either to
a) Make complicated code understandable, or
b) Express an idea that you are going to code/haven't yet figured out how to code.
For example, if I am going to make a tool that needs to read information in from a database, parse it into fields, get just the info that the user requests, then format the information and print it to the screen, my first draft of the code would be simple PseudoCode as so:
# Header information
# Get user input
# Connect to Database
# Read in values from database
# Gather useful information
# Format information
# Print information
This gives me a basic structure for my program, that way I don't get lost as I'm making it. Also, if someone else is working with me, we can divvy up the work (He works on the code to connect to the database, and I work on the code to get the user input.)
As the program progresses, I would be replacing PseudoCode with real, working code.
# Header information
user_input_row = int(input("Which row (1-10)? "))
user_input_column = input("Which column (A, B, C)? "))
dbase = dbconn("My_Database")
row_of_interest = dbase.getrow(user_input_row)
# Gather useful information
# Format information
# Print information
At any point I might realize there are other things to do in the code, and if I don't want to stop what I'm working on, I add them in to remind myself to come back and code them later.
# Header information #Don't forget to import the database dbconn class
user_input_row = int(input("Which row (1-10)? "))
#Protect against non-integer inputs so that the program doesn't fail
user_input_column = input("Which column (A, B, C)? "))
#Make sure the user gives a valid column before connecting to the database
dbase = dbconn("My_Database")
#Verify that we have a connection to the database and that the database is populated
row_of_interest = dbase.getrow(user_input_row)
# Separate the row by columns -- use .split()
# >> User only wants user_input_column
# Gather useful information
# Format information
# >> Make the table look like this:
# C C1 C2 < User's choice
# _________|________|_______
# Title | Field | Group
# Print information
After you're done coding, the old PseudoCode can even serve to be good comments to your program so that another person will know right away what the different parts of your program are doing.
PseudoCode also works really well when asking a question when you don't know how to code something but you know what you want, for example if you had a question about how to make a certain kind of loop in your program:
my_list = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
for i in range(len(my_list)) but just when i is even:
print (my_list[i]) #How do I get it to print out when i is even?
The PseudoCode helps the reader know what you're trying to do and they can help you easier.
In your case, useful PseudoCode for things like explaining your way through code might look like:
user_response=input("Input a number: ") # Get a number from user as a string
our_input=float(user_response) # Change that string into a float
def string (our_input):
if (our_input % 15) == 0 : # If our input is divisible by 15
return ("fizzbuzz")
elif (our_input % 3) == 0 : # If our input is divisible by 3 but not 15
return ("fizz")
elif (our_input % 5) == 0 : # If our input is divisible by 5 but not 15
return ("buzz")
else : # If our input is not divisible by 3, 5 or 15
return ("null")
print(string(our_input)) # Print out response
user_response=input("Input a number: ")
def string (our_input):
if (our_input % 15) == 0 :
return ("fizzbuzz")
elif (our_input % 3) == 0 :
return ("fizz")
elif (our_input % 5) == 0 :
return ("buzz")
Request an input from the user
Ensure that the input is a number
If the input is divisible by 15
send "fizzbuzz" to the main
But if the input is divisible by 3 and not 15
send "fizz" to the main program
But if the input is divisible by 5 and not 15 or 3
send "buzz" to the main program
Display the result.
A user can input 6.500,00 6,500.00 or 6500 or 6.500 or 6,500 to mean Decimal("6500")
In python, how can you receive any of those as values as inputs and always return the right value as a Decimal?
some kind of a forloop with a lot of replace.
b = ['6.500,00','6,500.00','6.500','6,500','6 500']
for a in b:
if(',' in a and '.' in a):
if(a.index(',') > a.index('.')):
print a.replace('.','').replace(',','.')
print a.replace(',','')
elif(',' in a or ' ' in a or '.' in a):
print a.replace(',','').replace(' ','').replace('.','')
print a
alltough now you never know if the user really wants to input a decimal.
After a bit more of investigating and asking people, I found the python locale module mentioned above by #MarkRansom and also the Babel module that would help with this too. Essentially, if you don't also have the locale, it's practically impossible to know what a number means.
I'm porting a piece of Ruby to Python. I've ported the majority of the code except the following. I can't really figure out what it does.
the variable rest would be a string representing a phone number. Its only really the
country_handler = splitter_mapping[i][presumed_cc]
Which I find confusing. I realise I could probably use kwargs in python but I'm not really sure.
Any ideas?
module Phony
class CountryCodes
attr_reader :splitter_mapping
def split_cc rest
presumed_cc = ''
1.upto(3) do |i|
presumed_cc << rest.slice!(0..0)
country_handler = splitter_mapping[i][presumed_cc]
return [country_handler, presumed_cc, rest] if country_handler
# This line is never reached as CCs are in prefix code.
Well, from the code and Frederick Cheung's comment, I think a translation would go something like this:
def slit_cc(rest):
for i in range(1, 4): # country_code size
presumed_cc = rest[0:i]
country_handler = splitter_mapping[i].get(presumed_cc):
if country_handler:
return [country_handler, presumed_cc, rest]
return None # shouldn't happen
splitter_mapping appears to be a dictionary of dictionaries. The first level keys are country_code sizes (string length), and the second level keys are country codes. The values seem to be a country's telephone dialing prefix.
I'm toying around with writing creating a serial code generator/validator, but I can't seem to get how to do a proper check.
Here's my generator code:
# Serial generator
# Create sequences from which random.choice can choose
Sequence_A = 'ABCDEF'
Sequence_B = 'UVWQYZ'
Sequence_C = 'NOPQRS'
Sequence_D = 'MARTIN'
import random
# Generate a series of random numbers and Letters to later concatenate into a pass code
First = str(random.randint(1,5))
Second = str(random.choice(Sequence_A))
Third = str(random.randint(6,9))
Fourth = str(random.choice(Sequence_B))
Fifth = str(random.randint(0,2))
Sixth = str(random.choice(Sequence_C))
Seventh = str(random.randint(7,8))
Eighth = str(random.choice(Sequence_D))
Ninth = str(random.randint(3,5))
serial = First+Second+Third+Fourth+Fifth+Sixth+Seventh+Eighth+Ninth
print serial
I'd like to make a universal check so that my validation code will accept any key generated by this.
My intuition was to create checks like this:
serial_check = raw_input("Please enter your serial code: ")
# create a control object for while loop
control = True
# Break up user input into list that can be analyzed individually
serial_list = list(serial_check)
while control:
if serial_list[0] == range(1,5):
elif serial_list[0] != range(1,5):
control = False
if serial_list[1] == random.choice('ABCDEF'):
elif serial_list[1] != random.choice('ABCDEF'):
control = False
# and so on until the final, where, if valid, I would print that the key is valid.
if control == False:
print "Invalid Serial Code"
I'm well aware that the second type of check won't work at all, but it's a place holder because I've got no idea how to check that.
But I thought the method for checking numbers would work, but it doesn't either.
The expression `range(1, 5)' creates a list of numbers from 1 to 4. So in your first test, you're asking whether the first character in your serial number is equal to that list:
"1" == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Probably not...
What you probably want to know is whether a digit is in the range (i.e. from 1 to 5, I assume, not 1 to 4).
Your other hurdle is that the first character of the serial is a string, not an integer, so you would want to take the int() of the first character. But that will raise an exception if it's not a digit. So you must first test to make sure it's a digit:
if serial_list[0].isdigit() and int(serial_list[0]) in range(1, 6):
Don't worry, if it's not a digit, Python won't even try to evaluate the part after and. This is called short-circuiting.
However, I would not recommend doing it this way. Instead, simply check to make sure it is at least "1" and no more than "5", like this:
if "1" <= serial_list <= "5":
You can do the same thing with each of your tests, varying only what you're checking.
Also, you don't need to convert the serial number to a list. serial_check is a string and accessing strings by index is perfectly acceptable.
And finally, there's this pattern going on in your code:
if thing == other:
elif thing != other:
(do something)
First, because the conditions you are testing are logical opposites, you don't need elif thing != other -- you can just say else, which means "whatever wasn't matched by any if condition."
if thing == other:
(do something)
But if you're just going to pass when the condition is met, why not just test the opposite condition to begin with? You clearly know how to write it 'cause you were putting it in the elif. Put it right in the if instead!
if thing != other:
(do something)
Yes, each of your if statements can easily be cut in half. In the example I gave you for checking the character range, probably the easiest way to do it is using not:
if not ("1" <= serial_list <= "5"):
Regarding your python, I'm guessing that when your wrote this:
if serial_list[0] == range(1,5):
You probably meant this:
if 1 <= serial_list[0] <= 5:
And when you wrote this:
if serial_list[1] == random.choice('ABCDEF'):
You probably meant this:
if serial_list[1] in 'ABCDEF':
There are various other problems with your code, but I'm sure you'll improve it as you learn python.
At a higher level, you seem to be trying to build something like a software activation code generator/validator. You should know that just generating a string of pseudo-random characters and later checking that each is in range is an extremely weak form of validation. If you want to prevent forgeries, I would suggest learning about HMAC (if you're validating on a secure server) or public key cryptography (if you're validating on a user's computer) and incorporating that into your design. There are libraries available for python that can handle either approach.