I'm currently working on a hangman game in python using tkinter. My code is working but I would like to make it better. My question is how do I change the existing word list into a input from another player? I think I have to create a play button for the actual game to start how?
Thanks for your time!
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import *
import random
#Setting up the window
window = Tk()
window.title("Välkommen till Rädda Gubbe")
lblspel = Label(window, text="Rädda Gubbe", font=('Arial', '16', 'bold', 'italic'), justify='center', fg='Red'
).pack(side=TOP, anchor=CENTER,pady=7)
Namnlbl = Label(window, text="Skriv in det hemliga ordet: ", font=('Arial', '11', 'bold', 'italic'), justify='center'
e = Entry(window, font=('Arial', 12), justify='center')
startaspelet = Button(window, text="Starta Spelet", relief="solid", font=("arial", 12, "bold"), command=lambda: spelet).place(x=30, y=70)
def spelet():
window2 = Tk()
window2.title("Rädda Gubbe")
window2.resizable(0, 0)
def newGame():
global the_word_withSpaces
global numberOfGuesses
the_word_withSpaces=" ".join(the_word)
lblWord.set(" ".join("_"*len(the_word)))
def guess(letter):
global numberOfGuesses
if numberOfGuesses<11:
if the_word_withSpaces.count(letter)>0:
for c in range(len(txt)):
if txt[c]==letter:
if lblWord.get()==the_word_withSpaces:
messagebox.showinfo("Hangman","You guessed it!")
if numberOfGuesses==11:
messagebox.showwarning("Hangman","Game over")
Label(window, textvariable=lblWord, font=("Consolas 24 bold")).grid(row=0, column=3, columnspan=6, padx=10)
btn1 = Button(window2, text="A",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("A"))
btn1.grid(column=1, row=1)
btn2 = Button(window2, text="B",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("B"))
btn2.grid(column=2, row=1)
btn3 = Button(window2, text="C",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("C"))
btn3.grid(column=3, row=1)
btn4 = Button(window2, text="D",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("D"))
btn4.grid(column=4, row=1)
btn5 = Button(window2, text="E",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("E"))
btn5.grid(column=5, row=1)
btn6 = Button(window2, text="F",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("F"))
btn6.grid(column=6, row=1)
btn7 = Button(window2, text="G",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("G"))
btn7.grid(column=7, row=1)
btn9 = Button(window2, text="H",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("H"))
btn9.grid(column=1, row=2)
btn10 = Button(window2, text="I",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("I"))
btn10.grid(column=2, row=2)
btn11 = Button(window2, text="J",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("J"))
btn11.grid(column=3, row=2)
btn12 = Button(window2, text="K",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("K"))
btn12.grid(column=4, row=2)
btn13 = Button(window2, text="L",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("L"))
btn13.grid(column=5, row=2)
btn14 = Button(window2, text="M",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("M"))
btn14.grid(column=6, row=2)
btn15 = Button(window2, text="N",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("N"))
btn15.grid(column=7, row=2)
btn16 = Button(window2, text="O",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("O"))
btn16.grid(column=1, row=3)
btn17 = Button(window2, text="P",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("P"))
btn17.grid(column=2, row=3)
btn18 = Button(window2, text="Q",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("Q"))
btn18.grid(column=3, row=3)
btn19 = Button(window2, text="R",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("R"))
btn19.grid(column=4, row=3)
btn20 = Button(window2, text="S",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("S"))
btn20.grid(column=5, row=3)
btn21 = Button(window2, text="T",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("T"))
btn21.grid(column=6, row=3)
btn22 = Button(window2, text="U",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("U"))
btn22.grid(column=7, row=3)
btn23 = Button(window2, text="V",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("V"))
btn23.grid(column=1, row=4)
btn24 = Button(window2, text="W",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("W"))
btn24.grid(column=2, row=4)
btn25 = Button(window2, text="X",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("X"))
btn25.grid(column=3, row=4)
btn26 = Button(window2, text="Y",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("Z"))
btn26.grid(column=4, row=4)
btn27 = Button(window2, text="Å",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("Å"))
btn27.grid(column=5, row=4)
btn28 = Button(window2, text="Ä",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("Ä"))
btn28.grid(column=6, row=4)
btn29 = Button(window2, text="Ö",bg="skyBlue", fg="Black",width=3,height=1,font=('Helvetica','20'), command= lambda : guess("Ö"))
btn29.grid(column=7, row=4)
Button(window, text="New\nGame", command=lambda:newGame(), font=("Helvetica 10 bold")).grid(row=3, column=8, sticky="NSWE")
The easiest way is to create file words.txt where second player can put his words:
File words.txt:
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import *
import random
from string import ascii_uppercase
# Setting up the window
window = Tk()
window.resizable(0, 0)
def newGame():
global the_word_withSpaces
global numberOfGuesses
numberOfGuesses = 0
with open('words.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
words = [w.strip().upper() for w in f.readlines()]
the_word = random.choice(words)
the_word_withSpaces = " ".join(the_word)
lblWord.set(" ".join("_" * len(the_word)))
def guess(letter):
global numberOfGuesses
if numberOfGuesses < 11:
txt = list(the_word_withSpaces)
guessed = list(lblWord.get())
if the_word_withSpaces.count(letter) > 0:
for c in range(len(txt)):
if txt[c] == letter:
guessed[c] = letter
if lblWord.get() == the_word_withSpaces:
messagebox.showinfo("Hangman", "You guessed it!")
numberOfGuesses += 1
if numberOfGuesses == 11:
messagebox.showwarning("Hangman", "Game over")
lblWord = StringVar()
Label(window, textvariable=lblWord, font=("Consolas 24 bold")).grid(row=0, column=3, columnspan=6, padx=10)
btn1 = Button(window, text="A", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("A"))
btn1.grid(column=1, row=1)
btn2 = Button(window, text="B", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("B"))
btn2.grid(column=2, row=1)
btn3 = Button(window, text="C", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("C"))
btn3.grid(column=3, row=1)
btn4 = Button(window, text="D", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("D"))
btn4.grid(column=4, row=1)
btn5 = Button(window, text="E", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("E"))
btn5.grid(column=5, row=1)
btn6 = Button(window, text="F", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("F"))
btn6.grid(column=6, row=1)
btn7 = Button(window, text="G", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("G"))
btn7.grid(column=7, row=1)
btn9 = Button(window, text="H", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("H"))
btn9.grid(column=1, row=2)
btn10 = Button(window, text="I", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("I"))
btn10.grid(column=2, row=2)
btn11 = Button(window, text="J", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("J"))
btn11.grid(column=3, row=2)
btn12 = Button(window, text="K", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("K"))
btn12.grid(column=4, row=2)
btn13 = Button(window, text="L", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("L"))
btn13.grid(column=5, row=2)
btn14 = Button(window, text="M", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("M"))
btn14.grid(column=6, row=2)
btn15 = Button(window, text="N", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("N"))
btn15.grid(column=7, row=2)
btn16 = Button(window, text="O", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("O"))
btn16.grid(column=1, row=3)
btn17 = Button(window, text="P", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("P"))
btn17.grid(column=2, row=3)
btn18 = Button(window, text="Q", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("Q"))
btn18.grid(column=3, row=3)
btn19 = Button(window, text="R", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("R"))
btn19.grid(column=4, row=3)
btn20 = Button(window, text="S", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("S"))
btn20.grid(column=5, row=3)
btn21 = Button(window, text="T", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("T"))
btn21.grid(column=6, row=3)
btn22 = Button(window, text="U", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("U"))
btn22.grid(column=7, row=3)
btn23 = Button(window, text="V", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("V"))
btn23.grid(column=1, row=4)
btn24 = Button(window, text="W", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("W"))
btn24.grid(column=2, row=4)
btn25 = Button(window, text="X", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("X"))
btn25.grid(column=3, row=4)
btn26 = Button(window, text="Y", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("Z"))
btn26.grid(column=4, row=4)
btn27 = Button(window, text="Å", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("Å"))
btn27.grid(column=5, row=4)
btn28 = Button(window, text="Ä", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("Ä"))
btn28.grid(column=6, row=4)
btn29 = Button(window, text="Ö", bg="skyBlue", fg="Black", width=3, height=1, font=('Helvetica', '20'),
command=lambda: guess("Ö"))
btn29.grid(column=7, row=4)
Button(window, text="New\nGame", command=lambda: newGame(), font=("Helvetica 10 bold")).grid(row=3, column=8,
I have coded the basic idea. Add 2 frames one a game_frame and the other home_frame. Now just use .pack and .pack_forget to switch between frames
Here is the sample code (modify this to suit your need)
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import random
def assignWord(word):
global guess_word, the_word_withSpaces
guess_word = word.upper()
guess_var.set(" ".join("_"*len(guess_word)))
the_word_withSpaces = " ".join(word.upper())
def createWord():
global currentPlayer
currentPlayer = playerChoose.get()
top = Toplevel(window)
ent = Entry(top, show='*')
Button(top, text='Submit', command= lambda : [assignWord(ent.get()), top.destroy()]).pack()
def newGame():
global numberOfGuesses
numberOfGuesses = 0
def guess(btn):
global numberOfGuesses
letter = btn['text']
if numberOfGuesses<11:
if the_word_withSpaces.count(letter)>0:
for c in range(len(txt)):
if txt[c]==letter:
if guess_var.get()==the_word_withSpaces:
messagebox.showinfo("Hangman",f"{currentPlayer} guessed it!")
if numberOfGuesses==11:
messagebox.showwarning("Hangman","Game over")
window = Tk()
window.title("Välkommen till Rädda Gubbe")
numberOfGuesses = 0
players = ['Player1', 'Player2']
guess_word = "HELLO"
the_word_withSpaces = ''
currentPlayer = players[0]
alpha = [chr(x) for x in range(65,89)]
home_frame = Frame(window)
Label(home_frame, text="Choose the player to enter a word: ").pack()
playerChoose = ttk.Combobox(home_frame, values=players, state='readonly')
Button(home_frame, text='Enter word', command=createWord).pack()
game_frame = Frame(window)
guess_var = StringVar()
Label(game_frame, textvariable = guess_var).pack(side=TOP, anchor=CENTER,pady=7)
btn_frame = Frame(game_frame)
row, column = 0, 0
for x in alpha:
if column%7 == 0:
row += 1
column = 0
btn = Button(btn_frame, text=x)
btn.config(command = lambda b=btn: guess(b))
btn.grid(row=row, column=column)
column += 1
I have two files in my directory (first.py and second.py). The first.py has a button. So on clicking the button in first.py gui window, it should be directed to second.py gui window.
first.py window photo and second.py window photo. So on clicking the sign up button in the first.py, it should go to the sign up page in second.py.
How to do the connection or linking between the two scripts?
import tkinter as tk
root.title("My Bank")
label = tk.Label(root, image=photo)
label.image = photo
label.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
tfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50)
w = tk.Label(tfm, text="MY bank", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="yellow", anchor="e", fg="black", padx=350, pady=10)
bfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50, bg="gray")
w = tk.Label(root, text="Main Menu", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="black", fg="white", padx=350, pady=10)
w.pack(padx=10, pady=30)
button1 = tk.Button(root, text="Sign Up", width=12, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button1.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button2 = tk.Button(root, text="Sign In", width=12, height=1,
bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button2.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button3 = tk.Button(root, text="Admin Sign In", width=12, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button3.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button4 = tk.Button(root, text="Quit!", width=5, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="10", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button4.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
import tkinter as tk
root.title("My Bank")
label = tk.Label(root, image=photo)
label.image = photo
label.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
tfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50)
w = tk.Label(tfm, text="MY bank", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="yellow", anchor="e", fg="black", padx=350, pady=10)
bfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50, bg="gray")
w = tk.Label(root, text="Sign Up", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="black", fg="white", padx=350, pady=10)
w.pack(padx=10, pady=30)
e1 = tk.Entry(root, width=20, font=("Times", "14", "bold"), bd=3, fg="blue")
e1.insert(0, 'Username')
e1.pack(padx=150, pady=10)
e2 = tk.Entry(root, width=20, font=("Times", "14", "bold"), bd=3, fg="blue")
e2.insert(0, 'Email')
e2.pack(padx=150, pady=10)
e3 = tk.Entry(root, width=20, font=("Times", "14", "bold"), bd=3, fg="blue")
e3.insert(0, 'Password')
e3.pack(padx=150, pady=10)
button1 = tk.Button(root, text="Sign Up", width=12, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button1.pack(padx=100, pady=20)
I went through your problem and I guess you want to open another file when the button is clicked. To do this you need to import the file which you want to load on button click. And create another tkinter function in the external script. While running through your code i even came across the error which is tkinter.TclError: image "pyimage3" doesn't exist as of now I even fixed this for more information visit this link. Here is the code which i made all the changes.
Spyder Editor
This is a temporary script file.
import second
import tkinter as tk
root.title("My Bank")
label = tk.Label(root, image=photo)
label.image = photo
label.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
tfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50)
w = tk.Label(tfm, text="MY bank", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="yellow", anchor="e", fg="black", padx=350, pady=10)
bfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50, bg="gray")
w = tk.Label(root, text="Main Menu", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="black", fg="white", padx=350, pady=10)
w.pack(padx=10, pady=30)
button1 = tk.Button(root, text="Sign Up", command=lambda : second.signup() , width=12, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button1.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button2 = tk.Button(root, text="Sign In", width=12, height=1,
bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button2.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button3 = tk.Button(root, text="Admin Sign In", width=12, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button3.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
button4 = tk.Button(root, text="Quit!", width=5, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="10", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button4.pack(padx=10, pady=10)
and the other one
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 7 11:09:28 2018
#author: kedar
import tkinter as tk
def signup():
root.title("My Bank")
label = tk.Label(root, image=photo)
label.image = photo
label.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
tfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50)
w = tk.Label(tfm, text="MY bank", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="yellow", anchor="e", fg="black", padx=350, pady=10)
bfm = tk.Frame(root, width=2000, height=50, bg="gray")
w = tk.Label(root, text="Sign Up", font=("Times", "24", "bold"), bg="black", fg="white", padx=350, pady=10)
w.pack(padx=10, pady=30)
e1 = tk.Entry(root, width=20, font=("Times", "14", "bold"), bd=3, fg="blue")
e1.insert(0, 'Username')
e1.pack(padx=150, pady=10)
e2 = tk.Entry(root, width=20, font=("Times", "14", "bold"), bd=3, fg="blue")
e2.insert(0, 'Email')
e2.pack(padx=150, pady=10)
e3 = tk.Entry(root, width=20, font=("Times", "14", "bold"), bd=3, fg="blue")
e3.insert(0, 'Password')
e3.pack(padx=150, pady=10)
button1 = tk.Button(root, text="Sign Up", width=12, height=1, bg="black",fg="white", bd="8", font=("Helvetica", "12", "bold"))
button1.pack(padx=100, pady=20)
For now you can just copy this and use it. I hope it helps.
So my intention is when the user clicks one of the buttons, for the rest of the other buttons not to perform anything even when clicked, so basically to stop the buttons from performing their commands when the user clicks them ONLY if they have clicked in another button previously, I don't know if I expressed myself well so I am sorry if I dind't but here's my code:
from tkinter import *
import random
screen = Tk()
ticket = random.randint(1,3)
def test():
def test1():
if ticket == button1:
button_1 = Button(screen, text="RIP", fg="white", bg="red", width=15, height=2)
button_1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w")
button_2 = Button(screen, text="+1", fg="white", bg="green", width=15, height=2)
button_2.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w")
def test2():
if ticket == button2:
button_3 = Button(screen, text="RIP", fg="white", bg="red", width=15, height=2)
button_3.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w")
button_4 = Button(screen, text="+1", fg="white", bg="green", width=15, height=2)
button_4.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w")
def test3():
if ticket == button3:
button_5 = Button(screen, text="RIP", fg="white", bg="red", width=15, height=2)
button_5.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="w")
button_6 = Button(screen, text="+1", fg="white", bg="green", width=15, height=2)
button_6.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="w")
ticket = random.randint(1,3)
button1 = Button(screen, text="1", fg="white", bg="blue", width=15, height=2, command=test1)
button1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w")
button1 = 1
button2 = Button(screen, text="2", fg="white", bg="blue", width=15, height=2, command=test2)
button2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w"+"e"+"n"+"s")
button2 = 2
button3 = Button(screen, text="3", fg="white", bg="blue", width=15, height=2, command=test3)
button3.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="e")
button3 = 3
button1 = Button(screen, text="START", fg="black", bg="orange", width=25, height=2, command=test)
button1.grid(row=1, columnspan=3, sticky="w"+"e"+"n"+"s")
You can set the state of the other Buttons to DISABLED to grey them out and prevent clicks. This would be the ideal place to use a subclass that keeps track of its instances.
from tkinter import *
import random
screen = Tk()
class MykoButton(Button):
instances = []
def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, command=self.run, **kwargs)
def run(self):
for button in self.instances:
if button is not self:
if random.randint(1,3) == 1:
self.config(text="RIP", fg="white", bg="red") # update the button
self.config(text="+1", fg="white", bg="green")
def test():
for i in range(3):
button = MykoButton(screen, text="1", fg="white", bg="blue", width=15, height=2)
button.grid(row=0, column=i)
button1 = Button(screen, text="START", fg="black", bg="orange", width=25, height=2, command=test)
button1.grid(row=1, columnspan=3, sticky="w"+"e"+"n"+"s")
Also, note that I changed your code to update the clicked button, rather than put a new button on top of it.