NOTE: this question covers why the script is so slow. However, if you are more the kind of person who wants to improve something you can take a look atmy post on CodeReview which aims to improve the performance.
I am working on a project which crunches plain text files (.lst).
The name of the file names (fileName) are important because I'll extract node (e.g. abessijn) and component (e.g. WR-P-E-A) from them into a dataframe. Examples:
Each file consists of one or more line. Each line consists of a sentence (inside <sentence> tags). Example (abessijn.WR-P-E-A.lst)
/home/nobackup/SONAR/COMPACT/WR-P-E-A/ <sentence>Vooral mijn abessijn ruikt heerlijk kruidig .. : ) )</sentence>
/home/nobackup/SONAR/COMPACT/WR-P-E-A/ <sentence>Mijn abessijn denkt daar heel anders over .. : ) ) Maar mijn kinderen richt ik ook niet af , zit niet in mijn bloed .</sentence>
From each line I extract the sentence, do some small modifications to it, and call it sentence. Up next is an element called leftContext, which takes the first part of the split between node (e.g. abessijn) and the sentence it came from. Finally, from leftContext I get precedingWord, which is the word preceding node in sentence, or the right most word in leftContext (with some limitations such as the option of a compound formed with a hyphen). Example:
ID | filename | node | component | precedingWord | leftContext | sentence
1 adapter.WR-P-P-F.lst adapter WR-P-P-F aanpassingseenheid Een aanpassingseenheid ( Een aanpassingseenheid ( adapter ) ,
2 adapter.WR-P-P-F.lst adapter WR-P-P-F toestel Het toestel ( Het toestel ( adapter ) draagt zorg voor de overbrenging van gegevens
3 adapter.WR-P-P-F.lst adapter WR-P-P-F de de aansluiting tussen de sensor en de de aansluiting tussen de sensor en de adapter ,
4 airbag.WS-U-E-A.lst airbag WS-U-E-A den ja voor den ja voor den airbag op te pompen eh :p
5 airbag.WS-U-E-A.lst airbag WS-U-E-A ne Dobby , als ze valt heeft ze dan wel al ne Dobby , als ze valt heeft ze dan wel al ne airbag hee
That dataframe is exported as dataset.csv.
After that, the intention of my project comes at hand: I create a frequency table that takes node and precedingWord into account. From a variable I define neuter and non_neuter, e.g (in Python)
neuter = ["het", "Het"]
non_neuter = ["de","De"]
and a rest category unspecified. When precedingWord is an item from the list, assign it to the variable. Example of a frequency table output:
node | neuter | nonNeuter | unspecified
A-bom 0 4 2
acroniem 3 0 2
act 3 2 1
The frequency list is exported as frequencies.csv.
I started out with R, considering that later on I'd do some statistical analyses on the frequencies. My current R script (also available as paste):
# ---
# STEP 0: Preparations
start_time <- Sys.time()
## 1. Set working directory in R
## 2. Load required library/libraries
## 3. Create directory where we'll save our dataset(s)
dir.create("../R/dataset", showWarnings = FALSE)
# ---
# STEP 1: Loop through files, get data from the filename
## 1. Create first dataframe, based on filename of all files
files <- list.files(pattern="*.lst", full.names=T, recursive=FALSE)
d <- data.frame(fileName = unname(sapply(files, basename)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## 2. Create additional columns (word & component) based on filename
d$node <- sub("\\..+", "", d$fileName, perl=TRUE)
d$node <- tolower(d$node)
d$component <- gsub("^[^\\.]+\\.|\\.lst$", "", d$fileName, perl=TRUE)
# ---
# STEP 2: Loop through files again, but now also through its contents
# In other words: get the sentences
## 1. Create second set which is an rbind of multiple frames
## One two-column data.frame per file
## First column is fileName, second column is data from each file
e <-, lapply(files, function(x) {
data.frame(fileName = x, sentence = readLines(x, encoding="UTF-8"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## 2. Clean fileName
e$fileName <- sub("^\\.\\/", "", e$fileName, perl=TRUE)
## 3. Get the sentence and clean
e$sentence <- gsub(".*?<sentence>(.*?)</sentence>", "\\1", e$sentence, perl=TRUE)
e$sentence <- tolower(e$sentence)
# Remove floating space before/after punctuation
e$sentence <- gsub("\\s(?:(?=[.,:;?!) ])|(?<=\\( ))", "\\1", e$sentence, perl=TRUE)
# Add space after triple dots ...
e$sentence <- gsub("\\.{3}(?=[^\\s])", "... ", e$sentence, perl=TRUE)
# Transform HTML entities into characters
# It is unfortunate that there's no easier way to do this
# E.g. Python provides the HTML package which can unescape (decode) HTML
# characters
e$sentence <- gsub("'", "'", e$sentence, perl=TRUE)
e$sentence <- gsub("&", "&", e$sentence, perl=TRUE)
# Avoid R from wrongly interpreting ", so replace by single quotes
e$sentence <- gsub(""|\"", "'", e$sentence, perl=TRUE)
# Get rid of some characters we can't use such as ³ and ¾
e$sentence <- gsub("[^[:graph:]\\s]", "", e$sentence, perl=TRUE)
# ---
# STEP 3:
# Create final dataframe
## 1. Merge d and e by common column name fileName
df <- merge(d, e, by="fileName", all=TRUE)
## 2. Make sure that only those sentences in which df$node is present in df$sentence are taken into account
matchFunction <- function(x, y) any(x == y)
matchedFrame <- with(df, mapply(matchFunction, node, stri_split_regex(sentence, "[ :?.,]")))
df <- df[matchedFrame, ]
## 3. Create leftContext based on the split of the word and the sentence
# Use paste0 to make sure we are looking for the node, not a compound
# node can only be preceded by a space, but can be followed by punctuation as well
contexts <- strsplit(df$sentence, paste0("(^| )", df$node, "( |[!\",.:;?})\\]])"), perl=TRUE)
df$leftContext <- sapply(contexts, `[`, 1)
## 4. Get the word preceding the node
df$precedingWord <- gsub("^.*\\b(?<!-)(\\w+(?:-\\w+)*)[^\\w]*$","\\1", df$leftContext, perl=TRUE)
## 5. Improve readability by sorting columns
df <- df[c("fileName", "component", "precedingWord", "node", "leftContext", "sentence")]
## 6. Write dataset to dataset dir
# ---
# STEP 4:
# Create dataset with frequencies
## 1. Define neuter and nonNeuter classes
neuter <- c("het")
non.neuter<- c("de")
## 2. Mutate df to fit into usable frame
freq <- mutate(df, gender = ifelse(!df$precedingWord %in% c(neuter, non.neuter), "unspecified",
ifelse(df$precedingWord %in% neuter, "neuter", "non_neuter")))
## 3. Transform into table, but still usable as data frame (i.e. matrix)
## Also add column name "node"
freqTable <- table(freq$node, freq$gender) %>% %>%
mutate(node = row.names(.))
## 4. Small adjustements
freqTable <- freqTable[,c(4,1:3)]
## 5. Write dataset to dataset dir
diff <- Sys.time() - start_time # calculate difference
print(diff) # print in nice format
However, since I'm using a big dataset (16,500 files, all with multiple lines) it seemed to take quite long. On my system the whole process took about an hour and a quarter. I thought to myself that there ought to be a language out there that could do this more quickly, so I went and taught myself some Python and asked a lot of question here on SO.
Finally I came up with the following script (paste).
import os, pandas as pd, numpy as np, regex as re
from glob import glob
from datetime import datetime
from html import unescape
start_time =
# Create empty dataframe with correct column names
columnNames = ["fileName", "component", "precedingWord", "node", "leftContext", "sentence" ]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((0,len(columnNames))), columns=columnNames)
# Create correct path where to fetch files
subdir = "rawdata"
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir, subdir))
# "Cache" regex
# See
p_filename = re.compile(r"[./\\]")
p_sentence = re.compile(r"<sentence>(.*?)</sentence>")
p_typography = re.compile(r" (?:(?=[.,:;?!) ])|(?<=\( ))")
p_non_graph = re.compile(r"[^\x21-\x7E\s]")
p_quote = re.compile(r"\"")
p_ellipsis = re.compile(r"\.{3}(?=[^ ])")
p_last_word = re.compile(r"^.*\b(?<!-)(\w+(?:-\w+)*)[^\w]*$", re.U)
# Loop files in folder
for file in glob(path+"\\*.lst"):
with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
[n, c] = p_filename.split(file.lower())[-3:-1]
fn = ".".join([n, c])
for line in f:
s =
s = s.lower()
s = p_typography.sub("", s)
s = p_non_graph.sub("", s)
s = p_quote.sub("'", s)
s = p_ellipsis.sub("... ", s)
if n in re.split(r"[ :?.,]", s):
lc = re.split(r"(^| )" + n + "( |[!\",.:;?})\]])", s)[0]
pw = p_last_word.sub("\\1", lc)
df = df.append([dict(fileName=fn, component=c,
precedingWord=pw, node=n,
leftContext=lc, sentence=s)])
# Reset indices
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# Export dataset
df.to_csv("dataset/py-dataset.csv", sep="\t", encoding="utf-8")
# Let's make a frequency list
# Create new dataframe
# Define neuter and non_neuter
neuter = ["het"]
non_neuter = ["de"]
# Create crosstab
df.loc[df.precedingWord.isin(neuter), "gender"] = "neuter"
df.loc[df.precedingWord.isin(non_neuter), "gender"] = "non_neuter"
df.loc[df.precedingWord.isin(neuter + non_neuter)==0, "gender"] = "rest"
freqDf = pd.crosstab(df.node, df.gender)
freqDf.to_csv("dataset/py-frequencies.csv", sep="\t", encoding="utf-8")
# How long has the script been running?
time_difference = - start_time
print("Time difference of", time_difference)
After making sure that the output of both scripts is identical, I thought I'd put them to the test.
I am running on Windows 10 64 bit with a quad-core processor and 8 GB Ram. For R I'm using RGui 64 bit 3.2.2 and Python runs on version 3.4.3 (Anaconda) and is executed in Spyder. Note that I'm running Python in 32 bit because I'd like to use the nltk module in the future and they discourage users to use 64 bit.
What I found was that R finished in approximately 55 minutes. But Python has been running for two hours straight already and I can see in the variable explorer that it's only at business.wr-p-p-g.lst (files are sorted alphabetically). It is waaaaayyyy slower!
So what I did was make a test case and see how both scripts perform with a much smaller dataset. I took around 100 files (instead of 16,500) and ran the script. Again, R was much faster. R finished in around 2 seconds, Python in 17!
Seeing that the goal of Python was to make everything go more smoothly, I was confused. I read Python was fast (and R rather slow), so where did I go wrong? What is the problem? Is Python slower in reading files and lines, or in doing regexes? Or is R simply better equipped to dealing with dataframes and can't it be beaten by pandas? Or is my code simply badly optimised and should Python indeed be the victor?
My question is thus: why is Python slower than R in this case, and - if possible - how can we improve Python to shine?
Everyone who is willing to give either script a try can download the test data I used here. Please give me a heads-up when you downloaded the files.
The most horribly inefficient thing you do is calling the DataFrame.append method in a loop, i.e.
df = pandas.DataFrame(...)
for file in files:
for line in file:
df = df.append(...)
NumPy data structures are designed with functional programming in mind, hence this operation is not meant to be used in an iterative imperative fashion, because the call doesn't change your data frame in-place, but it creates a new one, resulting in an enormous increase in time and memory complexity. If you really want to use data frames, accumulate your rows in a list and pass it to the DataFrame constructor, e.g.
pre_df = []
for file in files:
for line in file:
df = pandas.DataFrame(pre_df, ...)
This is the easiest way since it will introduce minimal changes to the code you have. But the better (and computationally beautiful) way is to figure out how to generate your dataset lazily. This can be easily achieved by splitting your workflow into discrete functions (in the sense of functional programming style) and compose them using lazy generator expressions and/or imap, ifilter higher-order functions. Then you can use the resulting generator to build your dataframe, e.g.
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(processed_lines_generator, columns=column_names, ...)
As for reading multiple files in one run you might want to read this.
If you've got performance issues you should profile your code before trying to optimise it.
Im working on a simple project python to practice , im trying to retreive data from file and do some test on a value
in my case i do retreive data as table from a file , and i do test the last value of the table if its true i add the whole line in another file
Here my data
AE300812 AFROUKH HAMZA 21 admis
AE400928 VIEGO SAN 22 refuse
AE400599 IBN KHYAT mohammed 22 admis
B305050 BOUNNEDI SALEM 39 refuse
here my code :
fichier = open("concours.txt","r")
fichier2 = open("admis.txt","w")
contenu =
tab = contenu.split()
for i in range(0,len(tab),5):
if tab[i+4]=="admis":
fichier2.write(tab[i]+" "+tab[i+1]+" "+tab[i+2]+" "+tab[i+3]+" "+tab[i+4]+" "+"\n")
And here the following error :
if tab[i+4]=="admis":
IndexError: list index out of range
You look at tab[i+4], so you have to make sure you stop the loop before that, e.g. with range(0, len(tab)-4, 5). The step=5 alone does not guarantee that you have a full "block" of 5 elements left.
But why does this occur, since each of the lines has 5 elements? They don't! Notice how one line has 6 elements (maybe a double name?), so if you just read and then split, you will run out of sync with the lines. Better iterate lines, and then split each line individually. Also, the actual separator seems to be either a tab \t or double-spaces, not entirely clear from your data. Just split() will split at any whitespace.
Something like this (not tested):
fichier = open("concours.txt","r")
fichier2 = open("admis.txt","w")
for line in fichier:
tab = line.strip().split(" ") # actual separator seems to be tab or double-space
if tab[4]=="admis":
fichier2.write(tab[0]+" "+tab[1]+" "+tab[2]+" "+tab[3]+" "+tab[4]+" "+"\n")
Depending on what you actually want to do, you might also try this:
with open("concours.txt","r") as fichier, open("admis.txt","w") as fichier2:
for line in fichier:
if line.strip().endswith("admis"):
This should just copy the admis lines to the second file, with the origial double-space separator.
The porblem
I have a csv file called data.csv. On each row I have:
timestamp: int
account_id: int
data: float
for instance:
This file is ordered by timestamp.
The number of row is too big to store all rows in memory.
order of magnitude: 100 M rows, number of account: 5 M
How can I quickly get all rows of a given account_id ? What would be the best way to make the data accessible by account_id ?
Things I tried
to generate a sample:
N_ROW = 10**6
N_ACCOUNT = 10**5
# Generate data to split
with open('./data.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
for timestamp in tqdm.tqdm(range(N_ROW), desc='writing csv file to split'):
account_id = random.randint(1,N_ACCOUNT)
data = random.random()
# Clean result folder
if os.path.isdir('./result'):
Solution 1
Write a script that creates a file for each account, read rows one by one on the original csv, write the row on on the file that corresponds to the account (open and close a file for each row).
# Split the data
p_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=N_ROW, desc='splitting csv file')
with open('./data.csv') as data_file:
next(data_file) # skip header
for row in data_file:
account_id = row.split(',')[1]
account_file_path = f'result/{account_id}.csv'
file_opening_mode = 'a' if os.path.isfile(account_file_path) else 'w'
with open(account_file_path, file_opening_mode) as account_file:
It is quite slow (i think it is inefficient to open and close a file on each row). It takes around 4 minutes for 1 M rows. Even if it works, will it be fast ? Given an account_id I know the name of the file I should read but the system has to look over 5M files to find it. Should I create some kind of binary tree with folders with the leafs being the files ?
Solution 2 (works on small example not on large csv file)
Same idea as solution 1 but instead of opening / closing a file for each row, store files in a dictionary
# A dict that will contain all files
account_file_dict = {}
# A function given an account id, returns the file to write in (create new file if do not exist)
def get_account_file(account_id):
file = account_file_dict.get(account_id, None)
if file is None:
file = open(f'./result/{account_id}.csv', 'w')
account_file_dict[account_id] = file
return file
# Split the data
p_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=N_ROW, desc='splitting csv file')
with open('./data.csv') as data_file:
next(data_file) # skip header
for row in data_file:
account_id = row.split(',')[1]
account_file = get_account_file(account_id)
I am not sure it is actually faster.
I have to open simultaneously 5M files (one per account). I get an error OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: './result/33725.csv'.
Solution 3 (works on small example not on large csv file)
Use awk command, solution from: split large csv text file based on column value
after generating the file, run: awk -F, 'NR==1 {h=$0; next} {f="./result/"$2".csv"} !($2 in p) {p[$2]; print h > f} {print >> f}' ./data.csv
I get the following error: input record number 28229, file ./data.csv source line number 1 (number 28229 is an example, it usually fails around 28k). I assume It is also because i am opening too many files
#VinceM :
While not quite 15 GB, I do have a 7.6 GB one with 3 columns :
-- 148 mn prime numbers, their base-2 log, and their hex
in0: 7.59GiB 0:00:09 [ 841MiB/s] [ 841MiB/s] [========>] 100%
148,156,631 lines 7773.641 MB ( 8151253694) /dev/stdin
f="$( grealpath -ePq ~/master_primelist_19d.txt )"
( time ( for __ in '12' '34' '56' '78' '9'; do
( gawk -v ___="${__}" -Mbe 'BEGIN {
} ($_)~___ && ($NF = int(($_)^_))^!_' "${f}" & ) done |
gcat - ) ) | pvE9 > "${DT}/test_primes_squared_00000002.txt"
out9: 13.2GiB 0:02:06 [98.4MiB/s] [ 106MiB/s] [ <=> ]
( for __ in '12' '34' '56' '78' '9'; do; ( gawk -v ___="${__}" -Mbe "${f}" &)
0.36s user 3 out9: 13.2GiB 0:02:06 [ 106MiB/s] [ 106MiB/s]
Using only 5 instances of gawk with big-integer package gnu-GMP, each with a designated subset of leading digit(s) of the prime number,
—- it managed to calculate the full precision squaring of those primes in just 2 minutes 6 seconds, yielding an unsorted 13.2 GB output file
if it can square that quickly, then merely grouping by account_id should be a walk in the park
Have a look at
You could import the data, create required indexes and then run queries normally. No dependencies except for the python itself.
If you have to query raw data every time and you are limited by simple python only, then you can either write a code to read it manually and yield matched rows or use a helper like this:
from convtools.contrib.tables import Table
from convtools import conversion as c
iterable_of_matched_rows = (
Table.from_csv("tmp/in.csv", header=True)
.filter(c.col("account_id") == "1")
However this won't be faster than reading 100M row csv file with csv.reader.
I'm a biologist and I need to take information on a text file
I have a file with plain text like that:
Comparison of two timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocols for management of first insemination postpartum.
TAI|timed artificial insemination|0.999808
Two estrus-synchronization programs were compared and factors influencing their success over a year were evaluated. All cows received a setup injection of PGF2alpha at 39 +/- 3 d postpartum. Fourteen days later they received GnRH, followed in 7 d by a second injection of PGF2alpha. Cows (n = 523) assigned to treatment 1 (modified targeted breeding) were inseminated based on visual signs of estrus at 24, 48, or 72 h after the second PGF2alpha injection. Any cow not observed in estrus was inseminated at 72 h. Cows (n = 440) assigned to treatment 2 received a second GnRH injection 48 h after the second PGF2alpha, and all were inseminated 24 h later. Treatment, season of calving, multiple birth, estrual status at insemination, number of occurrences of estrus before second PGF2alpha, prophylactic use of PGF2alpha, retained fetal membranes, and occurrence of estrus following the setup PGF2alpha influenced success. Conception rate was 31.2% (treatment 1) and 29.1% (treatment 2). A significant interaction occurred between protocol and estrual status at insemination. Cows in estrus at insemination had a 45.8% (treatment 1) or 35.4% (treatment 2) conception rate. The conception rate for cows not expressing estrus at insemination was 19.2% (treatment 1) and 27.7% (treatment 2). Provided good estrous detection exists, modified targeted breeding can be as successful as other timed artificial insemination programs. Nutritional, environmental, and management strategies to reduce postpartum disorders and to minimize the duration of postpartum anestrus are critical if synchronization schemes are used to program first insemination after the voluntary waiting period.
Deletion of the beta-turn/alpha-helix motif at the exon 2/3 boundary of human c-Myc leads to the loss of its immortalizing function.
The protein product (c-Myc) of the human c-myc proto-oncogene carries a beta-turn/alpha-helix motif at the exon2/exon3 boundary. The amino acid (aa) sequence and secondary structure of this motif are highly conserved among several nuclearly localized oncogene products, c-Myc, N-Myc, c-Fos, SV40 large T and adenovirus (Ad) Ela. Removal of this region from Ad E1a results in the loss of the transforming properties of the virus without destroying its known transregulatory functions. In order to analyse whether deletion of the above-mentioned region from c-Myc has a similar effect on its transformation activity, we constructed a deletion mutant (c-myc delta) lacking the respective aa at the exon2/exon3 boundary. In contrast to the c-myc wild-type gene product, constitutive expression of c-myc delta does not lead to the immortalization of primary mouse embryo fibroblast cells (MEF cells). This result indicates that c-Myc and Ad El a share a common domain which is involved in the transformation process by both oncogenes.
aa|amino acid|0.99818
MEF cells|mouse embryo fibroblast cells|0.994648
The first line is the id, the second line is the title, the third line used to be the abstract (sometimes there are abbreviations) and the lasts lines (if there are) are abbreviations with double space, the abbreviation, the meaning, and a number. You can see :
GA|general anesthesia|0.99818
Then there is a line in blank and start again: ID, Title, Abstract, Abbreviations or ID, Title, Abbreviations, Abstract.
And I need to take this data and convert to a TSV file like that:
12018411 TAI timed artificial insemination
8406022 aa amino acids
8406022 Ad adenovirus
... ... ...
First column ID, second column Abbreviation, and third column Meaning of this abbreviation.
I tried to convert first in a Dataframe and then convert to TSV but I don't know how take the information of the text with the structure I need.
And I tried with this code too:
from collections import namedtuple
import pandas as pd
Item= namedtuple('Item', 'ID')
items = []
with open("identify_abbr-out.txt", "r", encoding='UTF-8') as f:
lines= f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line== '\n':
ID= ¿nextline?
if line.startswith(" "):
Abbreviation = line
items.append(Item(ID, Abbreviation))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(items, columns=['ID', 'Abbreviation'])
But I don't know how to read the next line and the code not found because there are some lines in blank in the middle between the corpus and the title sometimes.
I'm using python 3.8
Thank you very much in advance.
Assuming test.txt has your input data, I used simple file read functions to process the data -
file1 = open('test.txt', 'r')
Lines = file1.readlines()
outputlines = []
counter = 0
for l in Lines:
if l.strip()=="":
outputline = ""
counter = 0
elif counter==0:
outputline = outputline + l.strip() + "|"
counter = counter + 1
elif counter==1:
counter = counter + 1
if len(l.split("|"))==3 and l[0:2]==" " :
outputlines.append(outputline + l.strip() +"\n")
counter = counter + 1
file1 = open('myfile.txt', 'w')
Here file is read, line by line, a counter is kept and reset when there is a blank line, and ID is read in just next line. If there are 3 field "|" separated row, with two spaces in beginning, row is exported with ID
I'm looking for help, I have multipath output from centos server in a .txt file, which looks like this.
asm (393040300403de) dm-12 HITACHI
size=35G queue_if_no_path
|- 1:0:0:18 sda 65:48 active ready running
`- 3:0:0:18 sdbc 70:368 active ready running
3600300300a4c dm-120 HITACHI
size=50G queue_if_no_path
|- 1:0:0:98 sdc 70:48 active ready running
`- 3:0:0:98 sdca 131:368 active ready running
It should look like this when exported to a .csv file.
asm 393040300403de 03de dm-12 35G sda sdbc
No_device 3600300300a4c 0a4c dm-120 50G sdc sdca
This is as far i got, but this just reads every line and puts it into a different column every time it finds a space
import csv
readfile = 'multipath.txt'
writefile = 'data.csv'
with open(readfile,'r') as a, open(writefile, 'w') as b:
for line in a:
Assuming that you only have the two types of entry as described in your above sample, you can define each line as a factor of the number of elements within it that will be seperated by line.split(). For example:
disk_name = ""
... # other parameters you need to keep track of across lines. I'd suggest creating a class for each lun/disk_name.
for line in a:
line_data = line.split()
if len(line_data) == 4:
# this will match and 'asm (393040300403de) dm-12 HITACHI'
disk_name, lun, dm_name, _ = line_data
# process these variables accordingly (instantiate a new class member)
continue # to read the next line
else if len(line_data) == 3:
# this will match '3600300300a4c dm-120 HITACHI'
lun, dm_name, _ = line_data
disk_name = "No_device"
# process these variables accordingly
if len(line_data) == 2:
# this will match 'size=35G queue_if_no_path'
size, _ = line_data
# process the size accordingly, associate with the disk_name from earlier
if len(line_data) == 7:
# this will match '|- 1:0:0:18 sda 65:48 active ready running' etc.
_, _, path, _, _, _, _ = line_data
# process the path accordingly, associate with the disk_name from earlier
Of course, using a regex to work if the line contains the type of data that you need, rather than just the right number of items, will be more flexible. But this should get you started.
By processing the lines in this order, you'll always pick up a new disk_name/lun, and then assign the following "data" lines to that disk. When you hit a new disk, the lines following that will be associated with the new disk, etc.
I have a folder with about 50 .txt files containing data in the following format.
=== Predictions on test data ===
inst# actual predicted error distribution (OFTd1_OF_Latency)
1 1:S 2:R + 0.125,*0.875 (73.84)
I need to write a program that combines the following: my index number (i), the letter of the true class (R or S), the letter of the predicted class, and each of the distribution predictions (the decimals less than 1.0).
I would like it to look like the following when finished, but preferably as a .csv file.
ID True Pred S R
1 S R 0.125 0.875
2 R R 0.105 0.895
3 S S 0.945 0.055
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
n S S 0.900 0.100
I'm a beginner and a bit fuzzy on how to get all of that parsed and then concatenated and appended. Here's what I was thinking, but feel free to suggest another direction if that would be easier.
for i in range(1, n):
s = str(i)
readin = open('mydata/output/output'+s+'out','r')
#The files are all named the same but with different numbers associated
output = open("mydata/summary.csv", "a")
storage = []
for line in readin:
#data extraction/concatenation here
if line.startswith('1'):
id = i
true = # split at the ':' and take the letter after it
pred = # split at the second ':' and take the letter after it
#some have error '+'s and some don't so I'm not exactly sure what to do to get the distributions
ds = # split at the ',' and take the string of 5 digits before it
if pred == 'R':
dr = #skip the character after the comma but take the have characters after
#take the five characters after the comma
lineholder = id+' , '+true+' , '+pred+' , '+ds+' , '+dr
else: continue
I think using the indexes would be another option, but it might complicate things if the spacing is off in any of the files and I haven't checked this for sure.
Thank you for your help!
Well first of all, if you want to use CSV, you should use CSV module that comes with python. More about this module here: I won't demonstrate how to use it, because it's pretty simple.
As for reading the input data, here's my suggestion how to break down every line of the data itself. I assume that lines of data in the input file have their values separated by spaces, and each value cannot contain a space:
def process_line(id_, line):
pieces = line.split() # Now we have an array of values
true = pieces[1].split(':')[1] # split at the ':' and take the letter after it
pred = pieces[2].split(':')[1] # split at the second ':' and take the letter after it
if len(pieces) == 6: # There was an error, the + is there
p4 = pieces[4]
else: # There was no '+' only spaces
p4 = pieces[3]
ds = p4.split(',')[0] # split at the ',' and take the string of 5 digits before it
if pred == 'R':
dr = p4.split(',')[0][1:] #skip the character after the comma but take the have??? characters after
dr = p4.split(',')[0]
return id_+' , '+true+' , '+pred+' , '+ds+' , '+dr
What I mainly used here was split function of strings: and in one place this simple syntax of str[1:] to skip the first character of the string (strings are arrays after all, we can use this slicing syntax).
Keep in mind that my function won't handle any errors or lines formated differently than the one you posted as an example. If the values in every line are separated by tabs and not spaces you should replace this line: pieces = line.split() with pieces = line.split('\t').
i think u can separte floats and then combine it with the strings with the help of re module as follows:
import re
file = open('sample.txt','r')
strings=[[num for num in re.findall(r'\d+\.+\d+',i) for i in file.readlines()]]
print (strings)
file = open('sample.txt','r')
num=[[num for num in re.findall(r'\w+\:+\w+',i) for i in file.readlines()]]
print (num)
s= num+strings
print s #[['1:S','2:R'],['0.125','0.875','73.84']] output of the code
this prog is written for one line u can use it for multiple line as well but u need to use a loop for that
contents of sample.txt:
1 1:S 2:R + 0.125,*0.875 (73.84)
2 1:S 2:R + 0.15,*0.85 (69.4)
when you run the prog the result will be:
simply concatenate them
This uses regular expressions and the CSV module.
import re
import csv
matcher = re.compile(r'[[:blank:]]*1.*:(.).*:(.).* ([^ ]*),[^0-9]?(.*) ')
filenametemplate = 'mydata/output/output%iout'
output = csv.writer(open('mydata/summary.csv', 'w'))
for i in range(1, n):
for line in open(filenametemplate % i):
m = matcher.match(line)
if m:
output.write([i] + list(m.groups()))