Can I move a virtualenv? - python

This question is not a duplicate.
It pertains not just to renaming a virtual environment, but to actually moving it to a different directory, including, potentially, a different user's directory.
This is not the same as merely renaming a virtual environment, especially to people unfamiliar with virtualenvs.
If I create a virtualenv, and I move it to a different folder, will it still work?
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /home/me/Env/my-python-venv
$ source Env/my-python-venv/bin/activate
(my-python-venv) $
...later that day, the virtual environment MOVED...
(my-python-venv) $ deactivate
$ mkdir -p /home/me/PeskyPartyPEnvs
$ mv /home/me/Env/my-python-venv /home/me/PeskyPartyPEnvs/
Will this work?
$ source /home/me/PeskyPartyPEnvs/my-python-venv/bin/activate
(my-python-venv) $ /home/me/PeskyPartyPEnvs/my-python-venv/bin/pip3 install foaas
I mean this as less of a question about the wisdom of trying this (unless that wisdom is humorous, of course), and more about whether it's possible. I really want to know whether it's possible to do in Python 3, or whether I just have to suck it up and clone it.
Can I just mv a virtualenv like that without sadness? I do want to avoid sadness.

Yes. It is possible to move it on the same platform. You can use --relocatable on an existing environment.
From --help:
--relocatable -- Make an EXISTING virtualenv environment relocatable.
This fixes up scripts and makes all .pth files relative.
HOWEVER, this does NOT seem to change the activate script, and rather only changes the pip* and easy_install* scripts. In the activate script, the $VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable hardcoded as the original /path/to/original/venv. The $VIRTUAL_ENV variable is used to set the PATH of your active environment too, so it must be changed based on the new location in order to call python and pip etc. without absolute path.
To fix this issue, you can change the $VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable in the activate script (for example using sed), and everything should be good to go.
An example of usage:
$ cd ~/first
$ virtualenv my-venv
$ grep 'VIRTUAL_ENV=' my-venv/bin/activate
$ virtualenv --relocatable my-venv
Making script my-venv/bin/easy_install relative
Making script my-venv/bin/easy_install-2.7 relative
Making script my-venv/bin/pip relative
Making script my-venv/bin/pip2 relative
Making script my-venv/bin/pip2.7 relative
### Note that `activate` has not been touched
$ mkdir ~/second
$ mv my-venv ~/second
$ cd ~/second
$ grep 'VIRTUAL_ENV=' my-venv/bin/activate
### (This variable hasn't been changed, it still refers to the old, now non-existent directory!)
$ sed -i -e 's|username/first|username/second|' my-venv/bin/activate
## sed can be used to change the path.
## Note that the `-i` (in place) flag won't work on all machines.
$ source my-venv/bin/activate
(my-venv) $ pip install foass
(my-venv) $ python
> import foass
Hooray, now you can install things and load them into your newly located virtual environment.

For Python 3.3+ (with new venv built-in module)
Short Answer (regardless of version):
There's no clean, direct way to move a virtual environment
Just recreate, it's easy!!
Long Answer:
As of Python v3.3, the virtualenv package has become a built-in module named venv.
The --relocatable option mentioned in other answers has not been included in venv, and currently there is no good, safe way that I'm aware of to either rename or relocate a Python virtual environment.
However, it is fairly simple to recreate a virtual environment, with all its currently installed packages. See this answer, or see the section below. During the process you can recreate the new environment in whatever location and with whatever name you desire.
In the answer linked above, he mentions some 3rd party packages which may support direct renames or moves. If you are settled on pursuing a way to move a virtual environment, you could look into if those work with venv as well.
Note: In that answer, it is focused on virtualenv, rather than venv. See next section for how to translate.
venv vs. older virtualenv command syntax
The command to use venv is:
python -m venv
rather than just virtualenv, which installs as a command in the original package. Where "python" refers to however you run your python executable, which could be a variety of things, such as:
py or py -3.7 or similar (the Python Launcher for Windows for Python 3.3+ and bundled with Python for Windows, or the py package that can be installed separately for Linux [and MacOS?])
python3 (convention for linux environments that dual install python 2 and 3)
If you are having issues, use the absolute path to the python executable you want to run: e.g. c:\program files\python37\python.exe
If you are unsure which version is being run, you can always python --version to find out.
How to recreate a virtual environment
Creating/recreating a virtual environment is easy and should become second nature after you work with them for a bit. This process mirrors what you would do to distribute your script as a package (with it's dependencies) in the first half, and then what someone would do to install your script/package for further development.
First, get an updated list of what is in the virtual environment. With it active, get the Python version it uses and save out the list of dependencies to a file.
Use python --version with the virtual environment activated to see what version of Python it is using.
This is for clarity - you may want to update the Python version for various reasons - at least to the latest patch version
For example, if the existing venv is using Python v3.7.4, but now v3.7.6 is out - use v3.7.6 instead, which should including only non-breaking security and bug fixes.
Use python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt to create the list of current package dependencies and put them into the requirements.txt file. This command works in Linux or the Git Bash for sure - not 100% sure about Powershell or Command Line in Windows.
Now create a new virtual environment and then add the dependencies from the old one.
Make your new venv.
Make sure you are using the correct version of python that you want to install to the venv.
If you want it to be exactly the same Python version:
While in the old venv, type "python --version", then make sure you create the new venv with that version of the python command.
For the new venv folder entry in the command:
Either add an absolute or relative path to the desired final folder location.
Use python -m venv my_new_venv to create a new virtual environment in the current working directory in a new my_new_venv folder.
The name of the venv folder will be the name of the venv (what shows up in the prompt when it is activated).
Install your dependencies from the requirements.txt file.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You might need to reinstall local packages that are in development mode.
Note, if you ever need to see the specific location a package is installed to, use:
python -m pip list -v
The -v or "verbose" option will add some extra information about each package that is installed, including the path it is installed in. This is useful to make sure you are keeping virtual, user, and system installed packages straight.
At this point you can just delete the old venv folder and all contents. I recommend using a GUI for that - file deletions are often permanent from the linux command line, and a small typo can be bad news.

No, you can't simply mv. There are workarounds, but it might be easier to reinstall.
(my-python-venv)$ /home/me/PeskyPartyPEnvs/pip3 install foaas
zsh: /home/me/PeskyPartyPEnvs/pip3: bad interpreter: /home/me/Env/my-python-venv/bin/python3: no such file or directory
(my-python-venv)$ deactivate
... presses enter a lot in frustration, and the following works
$ pip3 search foaas
Except it is not from my-python-venv, ergo sadness.
Want to mv your virtualenv and use it, otherwise unmodified?
Short Answer:
Well, ya can't.

The --relocatable argument to virtualenv appears to allow you to do this.

YES, YOU CAN! (In windows)
The workaround is easy, just move your virtual environment anywhere then edit activate.bat inside scripts\:
Move to the virtual environment to the desired directory
Right-click and edit activate.bat located at venv_folder\scripts.
Change VIRTUAL_ENV variable from:
set VIRTUAL_ENV=C:\old_directory\venv_name
set VIRTUAL_ENV=C:\new_directory\venv_name
Save the edited batch file, and thats it!
NOTE: My solution should work and save windows users setting up new virtual environments, I doubt this will work in other operating system since .bat is from MS-DOS

Yes, this should be possible if you haven't done anything that depends on the current directory of the virtualenv.
However, if you have the choice, the best thing to do is to create new virtualenv and start using the new virtualenv instead. This is the safest choice and least likely to cause issues later.
The documentation does mention that:
Each virtualenv has path information hard-coded into it,
For example, if you have run setvirtualenvproject then it won't be able to switch to the right directory after you run workon ... so in that case you'd need to fix that manually.
In general a virtualenv is little more than a directory with the necessary Python interpreter files plus packages that you need.

Using answers of this and other threads about similar topic, I've made a bash script that, located and executed within the virtualenv directory itself, will help with your virtualenv moves.
After doing virtualenv --relocatable yourenv you'll need to change your VIRTUAL_ENV variable every time you move the directory, so if you don't wan't to change it manually, use this.
#!/bin/bash \n
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
EXISTING=$(grep 'VIRTUAL_ENV=' bin/activate)
sed -i -e "s|$EXISTING|$NEWDIR|" bin/activate
source bin/activate
I hope it helps.

I wrote a venv-move script.
The first argument is the path to the venv. It deletes any __pycache__ under that path.
It detects the old path, and replaces it with the current path, after confirming. It seems to work okay, even when moving to a different machine of the same type.
It would make sense to re-write this in Python, but the program would be longer.
#!/bin/bash -eu
old=`perl -ne '/VIRTUAL_ENV="(.*?)"/ && print "$1\n"' "$venv/bin/activate"`
find "$venv" -name __pycache__ | xargs rm -rf --
files=`fgrep -r "$old" "$venv" -l`
echo "replace $old with $new in:"
echo "$files"
read -p "[yn] ? " YN
[ "$YN" = y ]
sed -i "s:$old:$new:g" $files

virtualenv-clone is included part of virtualenvwrapper
virtualenv-clone /path/to/old/venv /path/to/new/venv
You could also try cpvirtualenv
cpvirtualenv /path/to/old/venv /path/to/new/venv
But cpvirtualenv expects the /path/to/old/venv to be existing inside $WORKON_HOME and if it isn't it fails. Since this calls virtualenv-clone you may as well use that instead; to avoid errors like
mark#Desktop:~/venvs$ cpvirtualenv ./random/ $WORKON_HOME/random
Copying random as /home/mark/.virtualenvs/venvs/random...
Usage: virtualenv-clone [options] /path/to/existing/venv /path/to/cloned/venv
virtualenv-clone: error: src dir '/home/mark/.virtualenvs/venvs/random' does not exist
Warning as per virtualenvwrapper documentation
Copying virtual environments is not well supported. Each virtualenv
has path information hard-coded into it, and there may be cases where
the copy code does not know it needs to update a particular file. Use
with caution.
What does it actually do ?
As per virtualenv-clone PyPi page
A script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv.
Virtualenv provides a way to make virtualenv's relocatable which could
then be copied as we wanted. However making a virtualenv relocatable
this way breaks the no-site-packages isolation of the virtualenv as
well as other aspects that come with relative paths and /usr/bin/env
shebangs that may be undesirable.
Also, the .pth and .egg-link rewriting doesn't seem to work as
intended. This attempts to overcome these issues and provide a way to
easily clone an existing virtualenv.
It performs the following:
copies sys.argv[1] dir to sys.argv[2]
updates the hardcoded VIRTUAL_ENV variable in the activate script to
the new repo location. (--relocatable doesn't touch this)
updates the shebangs of the various scripts in bin to the new Python
if they pointed to the old Python. (version numbering is retained.)
it can also change /usr/bin/env python shebangs to be absolute too,
though this functionality is not exposed at present.
checks sys.path of the cloned virtualenv and if any of the paths are
from the old environment it finds any .pth or .egg link files within
sys.path located in the new environment and makes sure any absolute
paths to the old environment are updated to the new environment.
finally it double checks sys.path again and will fail if there are
still paths from the old environment present.
NOTE: This script requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+


activating virtualenv with direnv doesn't activate virtualenv

I'm using direnv to source my virtualenv when I change into the directory.
/env <--- my virtualenv
source env/bin/activate
When I change directory into /project I get the output:
direnv: loading .envrc
direnv: export +VIRTUAL_ENV -PS2 ~PATH
It prepends the env directory to my PATH environment variable so when I run which python and which pip both point to python and pip that's in my env directory
=> which python
=> which pip
However it doesn't seem to run source env/bin/activate as I expect it to. I expect it to activate my virtualenv by adding the virtualenv name (env) to my CLI prompt and give access to the deactivate command, neither of that happens. Is there something I'm misunderstanding about how direnv and virtualenv work? I'm new to python so I'm not sure if there are existing tools to do something like this.
I think it's important to understand how direnv works to form a proper mental model first; direnv doesn't load the .envrc directly in the current shell. Instead, it starts a new bash shell, executes the .envrc in there, records the changes in environment and exports the diff bash into the current shell.
What is happening here is that:
virtualenv is using $PS1 to set the prompt. This is a local variable and thus not re-exported. direnv also filters PS1 because it causes segfaults on the old macOS bash when it's unset.
The deactivate() function is not exported from the bash sub-shell as it's not an environment variable.
In practice the activation worked as you noticed. python is in the right path and running pip or easy_install is going to install things in the virtualenv. deactivation is not necessary as direnv will automatically unload the environment when cd-ing out of the directory.
To restore the custom prompt, there is more info available on the wiki:
There is a "hidden" feature to do what you want in direnv. You have to take a look at the toolbox that is loaded by direnv for you to use in the .envrc files. You can use the layout command with python (layout python3) to activate a virtualenv on entering the dir, and deactivating it when exiting the directory. It will even take care of creating the virtualenv the first time.
Also take a look at source_up that keep loading .envrc files higher in the file system. I start all my projects by creating a .envrc file with the following:
layout python3
This will create, activate and deactivate a python virtualenv automatically, and keep on reading variables from higher-level .envrc files. Environement variables for the current project only will go in the local .envrc.

Add relative paths to configuration file virtualenv_path_extensions.pth

I'm attempting to find a set of steps necessary to make a virtual environment of python 3.6 on windows relocatable.
1st I created a virtual environment on virtualenv 15.1.0 with the following command:
-a "path\to\project\dir"
-r "path\to\requirements.txt"
After this, I run the following command to use the built in 'make paths relative ' functionality of virtualenv:
virtualenv --relocatable venv_name
Part of my requirements.txt is pypiwin32 library which, at least when installed via pip, wont work until the:
python Scripts/ -install
script is run (See here for details).
At this point, if I search the venv directory for clues of hardcoding, I see them in scripts\activate.bat, which I can make relative by changing this:
set "VIRTUAL_ENV=C:\path\to\venv"
into this:
pushd %~dp0..
There are some other other places where I had to make slight adjustments to make them relative (I used the search in folder feature of sublime with my username as the search parameter - it brought up all the path\to\username\then\some\more style lines in the directory.
There are 2 hardcoded paths which are not so simple:
1. "path\to\venv\Lib\orig-prefix.txt"
I understand that orig-prefix.txt is a record of which is the source python installation on which the venv was based and so cannot really be relative but may need to be left blank if moving the venv to another machine (it's absence may crash the python launcher but its emptiness is fine.)
2. "path\to\venv\Lib\site-packages\virtualenv_path_extensions.pth"
This is trickier. As it is a hard-coded path which is then added to sys.path as a location to look for modules, when I move the venv to another machine where this path doesn't exist, the module load will fail.
Is there a way I can add relative paths to the configuration files such as virtualenv_path_extensions.pth
Normally environments are tied to a specific path. That means that you cannot move an environment around or copy it to another computer. You can fix up an environment to make it relocatable with the command:
$ virtualenv --relocatable ENV
This will make some of the files created by setuptools use relative paths, and will change all the scripts to use instead of using the location of the Python interpreter to select the environment.
Note: scripts which have been made relocatable will only work if the virtualenv is activated, specifically the python executable from the virtualenv must be the first one on the system PATH. Also note that the activate scripts are not currently made relocatable by virtualenv --relocatable.
Note: you must run this after you’ve installed any packages into the environment. If you make an environment relocatable, then install a new package, you must run virtualenv --relocatable again.
Also, this does not make your packages cross-platform. You can move the directory around, but it can only be used on other similar computers. Some known environmental differences that can cause incompatibilities: a different version of Python, when one platform uses UCS2 for its internal unicode representation and another uses UCS4 (a compile-time option), obvious platform changes like Windows vs. Linux, or Intel vs. ARM, and if you have libraries that bind to C libraries on the system, if those C libraries are located somewhere different (either different versions, or a different filesystem layout).

Is there a single line way to run a command in a Python venv?

I have a command that only runs correctly inside a Python virtual environment I've configured (as intended). I know that I can run the command as
$ cmd args
once I've activated the venv. But (due to the constraints of the tool I'm using) I need to activate run (and deactivate?) in one line: something equivalent to running
$ activate_somehow cmd args
outside the command line.
Is there a way to do this?
You can generally run something in a virtual environment simply by using a fully qualified path to the script. For example, if I have:
virtualenv .venv
Then I can install something into that virtual environment without activating it by running:
.venv/bin/pip install foo
This should be true for anything installed using standard Python mechanisms.
After looking into the generated bin/activate script, it seems like the only thing relevant to python is the VIRTUAL_ENV variable, so this should be enough to get going:
$ env VIRTUAL_ENV=path/to/venv python ...
Note that the python executable in the bin directory of target environment is just a symlink to globally installed interpreter, which does nothing other that setting process executable path. Assuming the program does not make use of it, utilizing the main binary itself seems harmless. In case you have installed a package which in turn installs some executables, just specify the absolute path:
$ env VIRTUAL_ENV=path/to/venv path/to/venv/bin/executable
You can create a simple wrapper script which runs activate, executes your command, and then deactivates simply by exiting the script in which your environment was activated.
. ${venv-./env}/bin/activate
This lets you set the environment variable venv to the path of the environment you want to use, or else uses ./env if it is unset. Perhaps a better design would be to pass the env as the first parameter:
. "$1"/bin/activate
Either way, save this somewhere in your PATH ($HOME/bin is a common choice for your private scripts) and give it executable permission.
I found venv-run which should do what you ask:
pip install venv-run
venv-run cmd args
Larsk's answer is probably cleaner, but this is another possible way.
Assuming you use UNIX and your user is user and you have a virtual environment in home (any) directory, ie /home/user/venv, you can make a script like:
export VIRTUAL_ENV=/home/user/venv
export PATH=/home/user/venv/bin:$PATH
python3 "$#"
We can make this script executable (eg call it venv-python3 and do chmod +x venv-python3) and call it as such, or put it some place discoverable in PATH - let's say alongside python. Assuming you have sudo rights:
sudo cp venv-python3 /usr/bin/venv-python3
Then we can call that instead of the python callable. Since the variables are set within the script, explicit call on deactivate is not necessary at exit.
user#machine ~ % venv-python3 --help
This works for at least for virtualenv version 20.0.17 but if adopted, you should be keeping an eye on what variables bin/activate sets, if this ever changes.
Yes, you can execute the python file using a virtual environment in a single line of command on windows.
I installed pgadmin4 in my home directory in a virtual environment called "pgadmin4".
I use fish shell and it runs perfectly fine with:
~/pgadmin4/bin/python3 ~/pgadmin4/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pgadmin4/
Just in case this helps somebody.

Why is my virtualenv's pip listing packages in my lib/python2.7 directory?

In my home, I have a directory named lib/python2.7 (there are actually five directories like that, for different python versions). Since this is a shared hosting (Webfaction), that directory is fundamental to me. There, I have stuff like virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper installed, since as customer of a shared hosting, I have no access to sudo and installing global packages.
However, when I create a virtualenv:
$ mkvirtualenv myenvironment
$ workon myenvironment
$ which pip
# outputs the myenvironment's path to pip
$ pip freeze
The command shows the whole packages list under my lib/python2.7 (this includes the same virtualenv packages, and conflicting packages I have due to... legacy... reasons). This also annoys me if I want to install a package which is the name of a package in lib/python2.7 since it does not allow me to update it.
Right inside the workon environment, I try to check whether the PYTHONPATH has weird stuff, but it is empty:
# shows a blank line
It is also empty if I try that command out of any virtual environment.
It seems that --no-site-packages is default but solves just part of the problem. This means: pip freeze | wc -l displays a lesser value when in an environment than when executing globally, out of any environment, which tells me that there are certain already-provided packages that are being excluded and are from the hosting itself (and not installed by me since, again, the hosting is shared and I don't have access to global space).
My question is: How can I solve this? I want my virtualenv not list the packages in $HOME/lib/python2.7
Please avoid dupe-linking to this question, nothing was useful there and still does not have an accepted answer. I wrote this question after reading and trying each solution in that question
I think you need to specify python version. You can specify python version with which you want to create virtual environment using command like
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.4 virt/virtname --no-site-packages
Because when you not specify a python version, virtualenv creates a environment with pythonv2.7 and hence all packages end up in the folder you mentioned.
Found the solution after deeply digging. This is a Webfaction custom but this could apply to any installation like this if the problem occurs.
The core of the problem is that Webfaction configured a file for us. The file is located at /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/ and adds by itself the contents of ~/lib/pythonX.Y (and conditionally the contents of any python app under ~/webapps if you are working under a directory of it to run a python script).
Even when the virtualenv's python executable is a different one, it will load the said file each time it runs as the base python executable does.
The workaround here? Create an empty in your virtualenv to override the other:
touch ~/.virtualenvs/yourvenv/lib/pythonX.Y/
And it will work. Take this as reference if you are stuck here like I was
Notes: Replace X.Y on each case with the corresponding version you are working. Additionally remember: You cannot remove or edit the base since you are in a shared hosting, in this case. However, overriding will work for each case as long as you do this for every virtualenv you want.

Virtual Environments with Python

Hi I've been reading a lot about virtual environments but I don't seem to get one thing.
So I have my path like this:
Where should I put the virtual environment?
Inside my_appas /my_app/venv/bin,include,lib?
or at the same level as my_app
I don't understand if the location matters or if by using activate it will reference it instead of going to the main environment.
I hope this question makes sense.
I recommend utilizing the root directory which virtualenv creates as the root directory for your source files. Virtual-envirments are designed to be tied to a project, not shared between different projects. Example, lets say I write a lot of code in my ~/school directory. I'd cd to ~/school, do virtualenv ENV. Now I have an ENV directory in which to keep my source files and dependencies for the project. So you can create a ~/school/ENV/source folder in which to keep all your source folders. And all your virtual-environment files are close to your program, easily accessible in the ENV directory.
To address one part of your question: As long as you keep track of your environment, and you source bin/activate before running your python programs and installing dependencies with pip, you can install your virtual environment anywhere.
I don't understand if the location matters or if by using activate it
will reference it instead of going to the main environment.
It doesn't matter, as activate will take care of the paths correctly, but you shouldn't put your virtual environment in your source, as it is not part of your application (and its not portable). Instead, create a file with your requirements and put that under your source control.
You should put it in any directory other than your source code. The activate script will make sure the paths point to the right places.
Here is an example:
$ virtualenv /home/somedir/envs/myenv
... # some output
$ source /home/somedir/envs/myenv/bin/activate
(myenv) $ mkdir /home/somedir/projects
(myenv) $ cd /home/somedir/projects
(myenv) projects $
As you can see, the virtual environment is in the envs directory and is called myenv. Your source is in /home/somedir/projects. Type deactivate to exit your virtual environment.

