pymongo nested embedded document field update - python

I have a document as:
"name": "restaurant 1",
{"name": "room1",
"desks": [
"name": "desk1",
"unique": "abcde",
"busy": False
"name": "desk2",
"unique": "abcdf",
"busy": True
{"name": "room2",
"desks": [
"name": "desk1",
"unique": "bbcde",
"busy": False
"name": "desk2",
"unique": "bbcdf",
"busy": False
My pymongo search query:
{'rooms.desks.unique': 'bbcdf')},
{'$set': {'rooms.$.desks.$$.busy': True}}
I couldn't update "busy" field of the desk. $$ part didn't work. What should I replace "$$" with?
How can I find the index of the desk.
Thanks in advance

According to documentation it's not possible:
The positional $ operator cannot be used for queries which traverse more than one array, such as queries that traverse arrays nested within other arrays, because the replacement for the $ placeholder is a single value.
Most likely you will need to redesign your database schema.


Positional operator not working in MongoDB with array elements FastAPI

I have a document that looks like this:
"_id": "cc3a8d7f-5962-47e9-a3eb-09b0a57c9fdb",
"isDeleted": false,
"user": {
"timestamp": "2023-02-12",
"name": "john",
"surname": "doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "+012345678912",
"age": 25,
"gender": "female",
"nationality": "smth",
"universityMajor": "ENGINEERING",
"preferences": null,
"highPrivacy": false,
"postings": [
"id": "f61b103d-8118-4054-8b24-b26e2f4febc4",
"isDeleted": false,
"timestamp": "2023-02-12",
"houseType": "apartment",
"totalNumOfRoommates": 5,
"location": {
"neighborhood": "Oran",
"district": "Çankaya",
"city": "Adana"
"startDate": "2022-11-10",
"endDate": "2022-11-15",
"postingType": "House Sharer",
"title": "House sharer post 1",
"description": "This is house sharer post 1",
"price": 2500,
"houseSize": "2 + 0"
"id": "b7d34113-1b13-4265-ba9b-766accecd267",
"isDeleted": false,
"timestamp": "2023-02-12",
"houseType": "apartment",
"totalNumOfRoommates": 5,
"location": {
"neighborhood": "Dikmen",
"district": "Çankaya",
"city": "Adana"
"startDate": "2022-09-13",
"endDate": "2023-12-24",
"postingType": "House Seeker",
"startPrice": 2002,
"endPrice": 2500
Each posting object has an ID. I am trying to "delete" (setting the property isDeleted to True, rather than actual deletion) the post whose ID is specified in the code below:
#router.delete('/{id}', response_description='Deletes a single posting')
async def deletePost(id: str):
update_result = await dbConnection.update_one({"": id, "postings.isDeleted" : False},
{"$set" : {"postings.$.isDeleted" : True} })
if update_result.modified_count == 1:
return Response(status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Post {id} not found or has already been deleted")
The issue is that the first document (the one with ID f61b103d-8118-4054-8b24-b26e2f4febc4) is being "deleted" even when I supply the ID b7d34113-1b13-4265-ba9b-766accecd267 to the function. If I hit the endpoint again with the same ID, it "deletes" the array elements in order regardless of which ID I supply. Even though I am using the positional operator to set the specific element's property isDeleted to True.
What exactly could be the problem here?
Here is a link with the earlier setup in Mongo Playground:
P.S although #ray's answer does work in MongoPlayground, I had to change a couple of things in the query with FastAPI, for anyone interested, the working query is below:
update_result = await dbConnection.update_one(
{"": id},
"$set": {
"postings.$[p].isDeleted": True
"": id,
"p.isDeleted": False
Your query now is kind of like searching documents through 2 criteria in a "or" behaviour.
"": "b7d34113-1b13-4265-ba9b-766accecd267" - find document with any postings element with id b7d34113-1b13-4265-ba9b-766accecd267
"postings.isDeleted": false - find document with any postings element with deleted is false
Note the "any". That means the 2 criteria are not required to be happened on the same array element. So, that is kind of "or" behaviour.
You can use arrayFilters to achieve what you want.
"$set": {
"postings.$[p].isDeleted": true
arrayFilters: [
"": "b7d34113-1b13-4265-ba9b-766accecd267",
"p.isDeleted": false
Mongo Playground

How can I retrieve relative document in MongoDB?

I'm using Flask with Jinja2 template engine and MongoDB via pymongo. This are my documents from two collections (phone and factory):
phone = db.get_collection("phone")
"_id": ObjectId("63d8d39206c9f93e68d27206"),
"brand": "Apple",
"model": "iPhone XR",
"year": NumberInt("2016"),
"image": "",
"CPU": {
"manufacturer": "A12 Bionic",
"cores": NumberInt("10")
"misc": [
"Bluetooth 5.0",
"factory_id": ObjectId("63d8d42b7a4d7a7e825ef956")
factory = db.get_collection("factory")
"_id": ObjectId("63d8d42b7a4d7a7e825ef956"),
"name": "Foxconn",
"stock": NumberInt("1000")
In my python code to retrieve the data I do:
models = list(
phone.find({"brand": brand}, projection={"model": True, "image": True, "factory_id": True})
How can I retrieve relative factory document by factory_id and have it as an embedded document in a models list?
I think you are looking for this query using aggregation stage $lookup.
So this query:
First $match by your desired brand.
Then do a "join" between collections based on the factory_id and store it in an array called "factory". The $lookup output is always an array because can be more than one match.
Last project only values you want. In this case, as _id is unique you can get the factory using $arrayElemAt position 0.
So the code can be like this (I'm not a python expert)
models = list(
"$match": {
"brand": brand
"$lookup": {
"from": "factory",
"localField": "factory_id",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "factories"
"$project": {
"model": True,
"image": True,
"factory": {
"$arrayElemAt": [

check if a property contains a specific value in a document with pymongo

I have a collection of documents that looks like this
"_id": "4",
"contacts": [
"email": "",
"name": "A1",
"phone": "00",
"crashNotificationEnabled": false,
"locationShared": true,
"creationDate": ISODate("2020-10-19T15:19:04.498Z")
"email": "",
"name": "AG2",
"phone": "00",
"crashNotificationEnabled": false,
"locationShared": false,
"creationDate": ISODate("2020-10-19T15:19:04.498Z")
"creationDate": ISODate("2020-10-19T15:19:04.498Z"),
"_class": ".model.UserContacts"
And i would like to iterate through all documents to check if either crashNotificationEnabled or locationShared is true and add +1 to a counter if its the case, im quite new to python and mongosql so i actually have a hard time trying to do that, i tried a lot of things but there is my last try :
def users_with_guardian_angel(mongoclient):
mydb = mongoclient["main"]
userContacts = mydb["userContacts"]
users = userContacts.find()
for user in users:
result = userContacts.find_one({contacts : { $in: [true]}})
if result:
count_users = count_users + 1
print(f"{count_users} have at least one notificiation enabled")
But the result variable stays empty all the time, so if somebody could help me to accomplish what i want to do and tell what i did wrong here ?
Thanks !
Here's one way you could do it by letting the MongoDB server do all the work.
N.B.: This doesn't consider the possibility of multiple entries of the same user.
"$unwind": "$contacts"
"$match": {
"$expr": {
"$or": [
"$count": "userCountWithNotificationsEnabled"
Try it on
Example output:
"userCountWithNotificationsEnabled": 436

Update document if value there is no match

In Mongodb, how do you skip an update if one field of the document exists?
To give an example, I have the following document structure, and I'd like to only update it if the link key is not matching.
"_id": {
"$oid": "56e9978732beb44a2f2ac6ae"
"domain": "",
"good": [
"crawled": true,
"added": {
"$date": "2016-03-16T17:27:17.461Z"
"link": "/url-1"
"crawled": false,
"added": {
"$date": "2016-03-16T17:27:17.461Z"
"link": "url-2"
My update query is:
"domain": ""
{"crawled": False, 'link':"/url-1"} }}, True)
Part of the problem is the crawl field could be set to True or False and the date will also always be different - I don't want to add to the array if the URL exists, regardless of the crawled status.
Just for clarity, if the URL is not within the document, I want it to be added to the existing array, for example, if /url-3 was introduced, the document would look like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "56e9978732beb44a2f2ac6ae"
"domain": "",
"good": [
"crawled": true,
"added": {
"$date": "2016-03-16T17:27:17.461Z"
"link": "/url-1"
"crawled": false,
"added": {
"$date": "2016-03-16T17:27:17.461Z"
"link": "url-2"
"crawled": false,
"added": {
"$date": "2016-04-16T17:27:17.461Z"
"link": "url-3"
The domain will be unique and specific to the link and I want it to insert the link within the good array if it doesn't exist and do nothing if it does exist.
The only way to do this is to find if there is any document in the collection that matches your criteria using the find_one method, also you need to consider the "" field in your filter criteria. If no document matches you run your update query using the update_one method, but this time you don't use the "" field in your query criteria. Also you don't need the $addToSet operator as it's not doing anything simple use the $push update operator, it makes your intention clear. You also don't need to "upsert" option here.
if not link.find_one({"domain": "", "": "/url-1"}):
link.update_one({"domain": ""},
{"$push": {"good": {"crawled": False, 'link':"/url-1"}}})
in your find section of the query you are matching all documents where
"domain": ""
you need to add that you don't want to match
so try
"domain": "",
"": {$ne: "/url-1"}
The accepted answer is not correct by saying the only way to do it is using findOne first.
You can do it in a single db call by using the aggregation pipelined updates feature, this allows you to use aggregation operators within an update, now the strategy will be to concat two arrays, the first array will always be the "good" array, the second array will either be [new link] or an empty array based on the condition if the links exists or not using $cond, like so:
"domain": ""
"$set": {
"good": {
"$ifNull": [
"$set": {
"good": {
"$concatArrays": [
"$cond": [
"$in": [
"crawled": False,
"link": "/url-1"
], True)
Mongo Playground

Elastic Search: including #/hashtags in search results

Using elastic search's query DSL this is how I am currently constructing my query:
elastic_sort = [
{ "timestamp": {"order": "desc" }},
{ "name": { "order": "desc" }},
{ "channel": { "order": "desc" }},
elastic_query = {
"fuzzy_like_this" : {
"fields" : [ "", "msgs.msg", "" ],
"like_text" : search_string,
"max_query_terms" : 10,
"fuzziness": 0.7,
res ="chat", body={
"from" : from_result, "size" : results_per_page,
"track_scores": True,
"query": elastic_query,
"sort": elastic_sort,
I've been trying to implement a filter or an analyzer that will allow the inclusion of "#" in searches (I want a search for "#thing" to return results that include "#thing"), but I am coming up short. The error messages I am getting are not helpful and just telling me that my query is malformed.
I attempted to incorporate the method found here : but it doesn't make any sense to me in context.
Does anyone have a clue how I can do this?
Did you create a mapping for you index? You can specify within your mapping to not analyze certain fields.
For example, a tweet mapping can be something like:
"tweet": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "long"
"msg": {
"type": "string"
"hashtags": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
You can then perform a term query on "hashtags" for an exact string match, including "#" character.
If you want "hashtags" to be tokenized as well, you can always create a multi-field for "hashtags".

