Git 2.5.1's bash console doesn't open python interpreter - python

If I do it in CMD, it works without issues, but if I try it in Git Bash it doesn't work. I like to use Git Bash as my only console, but I can't do that if it doesn't work with Python 3.4.
Example is in the picture below. This can be easily reproduced. Uninstall Python and Git if they are installed, install Python 3.4, install Git 2.5.1 and you get that result.
How can I make the Python interpreter work in Git Bash ?

The MinTTY terminal that is the new default terminal for Git simply doesn't support Windows console programs. I don't know why the decision was made to change the default terminal, but I know a few ways to work around this:
Write a Bash alias to launch python with winpty
Bash Alias (put in your .bashrc):
alias python=winpty py.exe
Note: As of Git for Windows 2.7.1, Winpty is included out of the box. winpty can be found installed at Git\usr\bin.
Write a Bash alias to launch python in interactive mode if there are no arguments:
Bash Alias (put in your .bashrc):
function maybe_py() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
/c/Windows/py.exe -i
/c/Windows/py.exe $#
alias python=maybe_py
Launch python in interactive mode explicitly
Note that this may not work correctly using arrow keys to browse command history:
py -i
Or for scripts:
What Is py.exe?
In case you are wondering why I'm referencing C:\Windows\py.exe instead of a particular python.exe installation, I wanted to explain a few benefits of using it (the Python Launcher for Windows:
It's installed with newer installations of Python (Python 3.3+)
It understands and attempts to use the specified installation of python in shebang lines
It works with Virtual Environments (shebang line example for venv)
For changing your preferred/system installation (e.g. for interactive mode), see this answer.

You need to explicit python interactive mode: python -i
You can define an alias in your .bashrc: alias python='python -i', but doing this, you will not be able to run a script file (i.e.: python
Found here:
Using Windows Python from Cygwin

Building onto #Darthfett's answer. I had to make sure there were quote marks and not reference the .exe files
So in the end in your .bashrc
alias python='winpty python'
alias pip='winpty pip' # Rescue pip as well
Then is all works
Tawanda#Tawanda-PC MINGW64 ~
$ alias python='winpty python'
Tawanda#Tawanda-PC MINGW64 ~
$ python
Python 3.5.2 (v3.5.2:4def2a2901a5, Jun 25 2016, 22:18:55) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit()
Tawanda#Tawanda-PC MINGW64 ~
$ alias pip='winpty pip'
Tawanda#Tawanda-PC MINGW64 ~
$ pip -v
pip <command> [options]
install Install packages.
download Download packages.
uninstall Uninstall packages.
freeze Output installed packages in requirements format.
list List installed packages.
show Show information about installed packages.

It's trying to open the console for the output. Unless you compile python or get a version for mingw you may need something like:

Thanks for #darthfett 's answer, which largely solves the problem!
Just FYI: Same symptom also exists when your script is using import getpass; getpass.getpass(), and in this case python -i will NOT fix it, but winpty python still works like a charm. (Lucky that they at least provide Winpty out of box with recent versions of Git For Windows.)
So, to setup once (per virtual environment) and forget it, you can append this line at the end of your env/Script/activate:
alias python='winpty python.exe'
It will work in that bash console. (However, if you happen to be a vim user, it still won't work inside a vim when you do :python in vim.)

You can configure the git bash console by editing the file in your "$HOME/.bashrc"
Add this line to your $HOME/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH;c:/python34

When installing git for windows, choose to use windows default console window as shown in the picture below.
This option allows you to use interactive python or nodejs. Also getpass works on this console.
enter image description here

When installing git for windows, choose to use windows default console window as shown in the picture.
This option allows you to use interactive python or nodejs. Also getpass works on this console.


How can I fix the "zsh: command not found: python" error? (macOS Monterey 12.3, Python 3.10, Atom IDE, and atom-python-run 0.9.7)

Since I got the macOS v12.3 (Monterey) update (not sure it's related though), I have been getting this error when I try to run my Python code in the terminal:
I am using Python 3.10.3, Atom IDE, and run the code in the terminal via atom-python-run package (which used to work perfectly fine). The settings for the package go like this:
The which command in the terminal returns the following (which is odd, because earlier it would return something to just which python):
I gather the error occurs because the terminal calls for python instead of python3, but I am super new to any coding and have no idea why it started now and how to fix it. Nothing of these has worked for me:
I deleted and then reinstalled the Python interpreter from
I tried alias python='python3' (which I saw in one of the threads here).
I tried export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" (which I found here).
To reset zsh and paths, I deleted all associated hidden files in /local/users/ and ran the terminal once again.
I deleted everything and reinstalled Mac OS X and the Python interpreter only to get the same error.
Anyone updating their macOS to Monterey 12.3 will find that they suddenly no longer have the system-provided Python 2.
The reason for this is that Apple removed the system-provided Python 2 installation (details).
So a workaround/solution for this is to use pyenv to install Python 2.7 (or any other specific version you need).
Install pyenv with brew to manage different Python versions: brew install pyenv
List all installable versions with pyenv install --list
Install Python 2.7.18 with pyenv install 2.7.18
List installed versions with pyenv versions
Set global python version with pyenv global 2.7.18
Add eval "$(pyenv init --path)" to ~/.zprofile (or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc, whichever you need)
Relaunch the shell and check that Python works, or run $ source ~/.zprofile (Thanks masoud soroush!)
OK, after a couple of days trying, this is what has worked for me:
I reinstalled Monterey (not sure it was essential, but I just figured I had messed with terminal and $PATH too much).
I installed python via brew rather than from the official website.
It would still return command not found error.
I ran echo "alias python=/usr/bin/python3" >> ~/.zshrc in terminal to alias python with python3.
Problem solved.
As far as I get it, there is no more pre-installed python 2.x in macOS as of 12.3 hence the error. I still find it odd though that atom-python-run would call for python instead of python3 despite the settings.
If you simply installed Python 3, just use python3 as the command instead of just python. In my case, I had to install pynev first via Homebrew (executable brew) using brew install pyenv.
But still after using pynev to install Python 2.7.18 and setting it as a global version using pyenv global 2.7.18, I still ran into an error while trying to run python.
What worked for me (since I already had Python 3 installed) was by changing my command to use python3 instead of just python. Of course, this won't be a solution to everyone who may want to use Python 2.
you should try
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
that solve my problem:)
I just had this problem on a new Macbook Pro with macOS Monterey, and the below worked for me using Homebrew.
Using alias is not necessary when using Pyenv. Tested with Atom 1.60.0 and atom-python-run 0.9.7.
Install pyenv ( and its dependencies (
brew install pyenv
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib tcl-tk
Install Python 3.10.6 but I assume other 3.x versions should work as well:
pyenv install 3.10.6
Add Pyenv to your shell according to the instructions in In your home directory:
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
Make the installed Python available everywhere (this can be overridden per project or folder, if necessary):
pyenv global 3.10.6
Now, the output looks like this:
% which python
% python --version
Python 3.10.6
If some scripts still fail, check that you have added Pyenv to the necessary shell startup file(s) as mentioned in step 3 above.
Since you installed python3.9> ( , you just need to run everything with python3 instead of python. You don't have to downgrade your python to use it... It works fine with suffixing python with 3, i.e. python3 eg.
$ which python3, python3 --version, $ python3 etc
I installed Python then this error occurred and I just run
echo "alias python=/usr/bin/python3" >> ~/.zshrc
and I t worked.on macOS Monterey 12.4, Python 3.8.9
Try the command python3 --version if you have installed Python 3.
I had the same problem with fresh MacOS Ventura with Apple Silicon M1 Pro chip. Seems like brew installs to a different location than before on Apple Silicon?
/usr/bin/ folder had a Python executable and the version for it was 3.9.6.
So I installed Python using brew but then I had to execute it via python3 command so I ran echo "alias python=/opt/homebrew/bin/python3" >> ~/.zshrc and restarted my terminal. I was prompted with the desired version of Python when executing python command.
alias python=/usr/bin/python3
This command works but need to re-enter whenever we restart the termian
If you are using pyenv and on Mac M1, then try switching the python from system version to a version that is installed already (ex: pyenv global 3.8.13, considering 3.8.13 is another version). In order to check what versions installed use pyenv versions.
If you don't have another version, try installing a new one and switch to that new environment (ex: pyenv install 3.8.13). Then install using pip. Everything should work fine. thats what worked for me.
and make sure your pip and python are aliased to pip3 and python3 respective in the respective terminal configuration file.
I First installed python with brew
brew install python
Then I tried linking the python with symlinks using:
brew link python3
And it worked for me.
PS: I was trying to run a shell script and alias approach didn't work.
I got zsh: Command not found python after installing using
I solved it by configuring the ENVIRONMENT. I added a line, alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3.10, into the .zshrc file (you must be sure it is the true path).
My macOS (Apple silicon):
Darwin Johns-MacBook-Pro.local 21.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0: Mon Feb 21 20:35:58 PST 2022; root:xnu-8020.101.4~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64
for 3.10.8
install with python with brew command
brew install python#3.10
if you have .zshrc file just edit like this
alias python='python3'
alias pip ='pip'
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/python#3.10/libexec/bin:$PATH"
if you dont have .zshrc file:
vi .zshrc
and copy/paste the line below
alias python='python3'
alias pip ='pip'
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/python#3.10/libexec/bin:$PATH"
I have a MacBook Pro with an Apple M1 chip and macOS v12.4 (Monterey).
I deleted all Python versions and cleared the trash
Opened Terminal and typed "python"
This prompted an update
Then I downloaded the latest version of Python from (version 2.10.5)
Installed that version
Quit Terminal
Opened Terminal
Typed "python3"
It seems to now be there OK.
I use brew install brew install python#3.9, after installation success I want to know the version of python, I run command python --version, and I got the problem zsh: command not found: python.
If you install it successfully, please check in the terminal. It will show you if you got problem in install if not problem you just change command from python --version to python3 --version.
Just run the below command in your terminal:
echo "alias python=/usr/bin/python3" >> ~/.zshrc
Basically, here we are saying the terminal to treat python as python3.
Works like magic!
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
bash starting will be more slow, just suggest
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.pyenv/shims

VS Code can't find python 3 interpreter

I am installing Python 3.7.2 for the first time, and I'm using the VS Code python extension.
When I run python -V I get Python 2.7.10 which is not correct!
When I select the usr/local/bin/python3 interpreter in VS Code I get this error when running a script:
bash: /Users/erik/Work/Python/usr/local/bin/python3: No such file or directory
But when I look in usr/local/bin I can see that Python3 is there. I'm not sure why VS Code pastes the work directory in front of usr/local/bin ?
My first thought was that Python3 should be in the PATH variable so I ran the included Update Shell Profile command, which gives this feedback:
This script will update your shell profile when
the 'bin' directory of python is not early enough
of the PATH of your shell.
All right, you're a python lover already
Now, after rebooting VS Code I get a new option for selecting an interpreter:
Is that different from the Python in usr/local/bin ? When I select it, I get this error:
The script isort is installed in '/Users/erik/Library/Python/3.7/bin' which is not on PATH.
I also get this sideways related error:
You are using pip version 18.1. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
But, when following these instructions I get yet another error:
bash: pip: command not found
All in all, this process and the official documentation seem less than user-friendly? Apparently I'm required to dig deep through my mac's system files in the terminal before even writing one line of code.
Am I missing an essential step here?
I suggest that you use virtual environment for your project
pip install virtualenv
open cmd in your project directory that you open in VS-Code (it's important that vs-code sees this virtualenv folder that we will create)
mkvirtualenv my_env
and it will activate it automatically. if not run
my_env/bin/Scripts/activate or my_env/Scripts/activate
Then go open vs-code then select my_env for python interpreter
Well, if you want to change your default Python version for the whole system, it might break some applications that are depending on Python 2.
You can alias the commands by adding this line to your ~/.bash_profile:
$ alias python='python3'
The python command will now refer to python3.
If you want to execute the original Python (which refers to python2), you can escape the alias (so \python will launch python2 without touching the alias).
$ unlink /usr/local/bin/python
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.7 /usr/local/bin/python
could also be a workaround for you.

python -v not returning anything in Cygwin

I am trying to run python3.6.8 in cygwin.
Typing python -v just results in the terminal window hanging. I have to escape out of it to make it respond further.
Typing python36 -v results in the error python36 command not found. I definitely installed this module while installing Cygwin.
I notice in /cygdrive/c, only python27 seems to be present. Running python -i also shows me that 2.7 is installed.
I want to run 3.6.8, have tried reinstalling multiple times, same issue.
Running "which python" shows only
How can I troubleshoot this?
Generally all the python versions with 3 can be accessed using python3 as binary. In windows often the path variable doesn't hold the python3 binary path so the binary is not called.
echo $PATH | grep python
Check for the version of the python if python36 is present then do
python3 --version
Look in /usr/bin for all python exe's. Use ls -l /usr/bin/python*.*. I suspect you will not find python3.6m.exe.
Run cygwin setup again and select the python3.6 package. You can also install a version of 3.7, 3.8 or some older ones if you wish. You can only get the latest release of the e.g. 3.6 series.

Make python3 as my default python on Mac

What I'm trying to do here is to make python3 as my default python. Except the python 2.7 which automatically installed on mac, I installed python3 with homebrew. This is the website that I'm following.
I guess I followed every instruction well, got xcode freshly installed, Command line tools, and homebrew. But here's my little confusion occurs.
The script will explain what changes it will make and prompt you before the installation begins. Once you’ve installed Homebrew, insert the Homebrew directory at the top of your PATH environment variable. You can do this by adding the following line at the bottom of your ~/.profile file
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
I was really confused what this was, but I concluded that I should just add this following line at the bottom of ~/.profile file. So I opened the ~/.profile file by open .profile in the terminal, and added following line at the bottom. And now it looks like this.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
# Setting PATH for Python 3.6
# The original version is saved in .profile.pysave
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
And then I did brew install python, and was hoping to see python3 when I do python --version.
But it just shows me python 2.7.10. I want my default python to be python3 not 2.7
And I found a little clue from the website.
Do I have a Python 3 installed?
$ python --version
Python 3.6.4
If you still see 2.7 ensure in PATH /usr/local/bin/ takes pecedence over /usr/bin/
Maybe it has to do something with PATH? Could someone explain in simple English what PATH exactly is and how I could make my default python to be python3 when I run python --version in the terminal?
Probably the safest and easy way is to use brew and then just modify your PATH:
First update brew:
brew update
Next install python:
brew install python
That will install and symlink python3 to python, for more details do:
brew info python
Look for the Caveats:
==> Caveats
Python has been installed as
Unversioned symlinks `python`, `python-config`, `pip` etc. pointing to
`python3`, `python3-config`, `pip3` etc., respectively, have been installed into
Then add to your path /usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:
export PATH=/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH
The order of the PATH is important, by putting first the /usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin will help to give preference to the brew install (python3) than the one is in your system located in /usr/bin/python
Before we make the changes, the default version of python in my system was python 2.7.17.
python --version
Python 2.7.17
To make python3 as default python by replacing python2 in Ubuntu.
Open Terminal
nano ~/.bashrc
alias python=python3 (Add this line on top of .bashrc file)
Press ctr+o (To save the file)
Press Enter
Press ctr+x (To exit the file)
source ~/.bashrc OR . ~/.bashrc (To refresh the bashrc file)
python --version
Python 3.7.5
Changing the default python version system wide can break some applications that depend on python2. The alternative solution would be to create an alias.
If you are using zsh (the default on Mac OS) run the following from terminal:
echo 'alias python="python3"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'alias pip="pip3"' >> ~/.zshrc
According to this S.O. post, changing the default Python interpreter could possibly break some applications that depend on Python 2.
The post also refers to using aliasing as a solution, and this link might also be a good reference on how to do that.
Personally, I just type "Python3" before I run scripts or go into a shell environment instead of "python".

How to set Python's default version to 3.x on OS X? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to change default Python version?
(19 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm running Mountain Lion and the basic default Python version is 2.7. I downloaded Python 3.3 and want to set it as default.
$ python
version 2.7.5
$ python3.3
version 3.3
How do I set it so that every time I run $ python it opens 3.3?
Changing the default python executable's version system-wide could break some applications that depend on python2.
However, you can alias the commands in most shells, Since the default shells in macOS (bash in 10.14 and below; zsh in 10.15) share a similar syntax. You could put
alias python='python3'
in your ~/.profile, and then source ~/.profile in your ~/.bash_profile and/or your~/.zsh_profile with a line like:
[ -e ~/.profile ] && . ~/.profile
This way, your alias will work across shells.
With this, python command now invokes python3. If you want to invoke the "original" python (that refers to python2) on occasion, you can use command python, which will leaving the alias untouched, and works in all shells.
If you launch interpreters more often (I do), you can always create more aliases to add as well, i.e.:
alias 2='python2'
alias 3='python3'
Tip: For scripts, instead of using a shebang like:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This way, the system will use python3 for running python executables.
You can solve it by symbolic link.
unlink /usr/local/bin/python
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.3 /usr/local/bin/python
Open ~/.bash_profile file.
vi ~/.bash_profile
Then put the alias as follows:
alias python='python3'
Now save the file and then run the ~/.bash_profile file.
source ~/.bash_profile
Congratulation !!! Now, you can use python3 by typing python.
python --version
Python 3.7.3
I encountered this issue as well, so I thought I should post an updated answer. Please note that this will only apply to a Mac-based setup (I haven't tried it with Windows or any flavor of Linux). The simplest way to get this working is to install Python via Brew. If you don't have brew installed, you will need to do that first. Once installed, do the following in at the terminal:
brew install python
This will install Python 3. After it's installed, run this:
ls -l /usr/local/bin/python*
You will see all of the links created by brew to its Python install. It will look something like this:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 username admin 36 Oct 1 13:35 /usr/local/bin/python3# -> ../Cellar/python/3.7.4_1/bin/python3
lrwxr-xr-x 1 username admin 43 Oct 1 13:35 /usr/local/bin/python3-config# -> ../Cellar/python/3.7.4_1/bin/python3-config
lrwxr-xr-x 1 username admin 38 Oct 1 13:35 /usr/local/bin/python3.7# -> ../Cellar/python/3.7.4_1/bin/python3.7
lrwxr-xr-x 1 username admin 45 Oct 1 13:35 /usr/local/bin/python3.7-config# -> ../Cellar/python/3.7.4_1/bin/python3.7-config
lrwxr-xr-x 1 username admin 39 Oct 1 13:35 /usr/local/bin/python3.7m# -> ../Cellar/python/3.7.4_1/bin/python3.7m
lrwxr-xr-x 1 username admin 46 Oct 1 13:35 /usr/local/bin/python3.7m-config# -> ../Cellar/python/3.7.4_1/bin/python3.7m-config
The first row in this example shows the python3 symlink. To set it as the default python symlink run the following:
ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
You will have to reload your current terminal shell to use the new symlink in that shell. Run this command to reload your shell:
exec $SHELL -l
You're all set now. Now, you can do:
which python
and it should show:
All newly opened shell sessions will (should) automatically use the new symlink. To test this, open a new terminal shell and run the following:
python --version
Go to terminal type:
alias python=python3.x
This will setup default python as python3.x
This worked for me. I added alias and restarted my terminal:
alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3
The following worked for me
cd /usr/local/bin
mv python python.old
ln -s python3 python
Go to 'Applications', enter 'Python' folder, there should be a bash script called 'Update Shell Profile.command' or similar. Run that script and it should do it.
Update: It looks like you should not update it: how to change default python version?
I believe most of people landed here are using ZSH thorugh iterm or whatever, and that brings you to this answer.
You have to add/modify your commands in ~/.zshrc instead.
$ sudo ln -s -f $(which python3) $(which python)
Mac users just need to run the following code on terminal
brew switch python 3.X.X
3.x.x should be the new python version.
This will update all the system links.
For Newer version of MAC use
brew link python 3.X.X
Suggestions to alias python to python3 will cause problems with virtual environments that set the version of python (eg: pyenv). With pyenv, you can set the version globally like so:
pyenv global 3.8.2
and then in any specific project, you can create a .python-version file which has the python version inside of it:
pyenv local 2.7.1
This is the best way to manage multiple versions of python on a system in my opinion.
I think when you install python it puts export path statements into your ~/.bash_profile file. So if you do not intend to use Python 2 anymore you can just remove that statement from there. Alias as stated above is also a great way to do it.
Here is how to remove the reference from ~/.bash_profile
- vim ./.bash_profile
- remove the reference (AKA something like: export PATH="/Users/bla/anaconda:$PATH")
- save and exit
- source ./.bash_profile to save the changes
On MacOS
Step-1: Upgrade python to latest version by:
$ brew upgrade python
Step-2: Go to home:
$ cd
Step-3: open .bash_profile
$ vi .bash_profile
Setting PATH for Python 3.8
export PATH
Step-4: Save the file. And compile it by:
$ . .bash_profile
Step-5: Check the python version:
$ python -V
Step-6: Thats all.
This is the simplest way from my exp. (if you have brew installed on your mac).
Try this from your terminal:
brew install python3
and then run the below on your terminal :
ls -l /usr/local/bin/python*
** (note down the python version 3.8 or 3.9 thats displayed on the terminal. This will be required in the next step). for e.g. in my case it was:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 user admin 24 May 7 14:33 /usr/local/bin/python -> /usr/local/bin/python3.9
Now run the below command on your terminal:
ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/python3.9 /usr/local/bin/python
(where 3.9 is the version displayed on your terminal with the previous command)
Its DONE !
To test your default version of python:
close the current terminal or start a new terminal and
run the below command :
python --version
Happy Coding!
I'm not sure if this is available on OS X, but on linux I would make use of the module command. See here.
Set up the modulefile correctly, then add something like this to your rc file (e.g. ~/.bashrc):
module load python3.3
This will make it so that your paths get switched around as required when you log in without impacting any system defaults.
For me the solution was using PyCharm and setting the default python version to the the one that i need to work with.
install PyCharm and go to file ==> preferences for new project, then choose the interpreter you want for your projects, in this case python 3.3
If you use macports, you do not need to play with aliases or environment variables, just use the method macports already offers, explained by this Q&A:
How to: Macports select python
sudo port select --set python python27
If you are using a virtualenvwrapper, you can just locate it using which, then open it using vim or any other editor then change the following
# Locate the global Python where virtualenvwrapper is installed.
VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON="$(command \which python)"
Change the line VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON="$(command \which python)" to VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON="$(command \which python3)".
If you are using macports, that has a easier way to do:
port install python37
after install, set default:
sudo port select --set python python37
sudo port select --set python3 python37
restart your cmd window, finished.
Well... It's kinda old. But still deserves a good answer.
And the good one is You Don't Wanna Touch The Default Python On Mac.
Install any Python version you need via Homebrew or whatever and use it in virtualenv. Virtualenv is often considered to be something crap-like, but it's still way, wayyyy better than changing python version system-wide (macOS is likely to protect itself from such actions) or user-wide, bash-wide... whatever. Just forget about the default Python. Using playgrounds like venv is what your OS will be most, very most grateful for.
The case is, for example, many modern Linux distributions get rid of Python2 installed out-of-the-box, leaving only Python3 in the system. But everytime you try to install something old with python2 as a dependency... hope you understand what I mean. A good developer doesn't care. Good developers create clean playgrounds with python version they desire.

