I have a feature with my application where a user can upload a photo. I would like to convert the photo into a JPG file and then upload it to my servers.
The photo is received in base64. I've seen other answers which suggest using PIL however, it saves the image to a local directory. Instead I would like to convert the received image into a base64 JPG image.
How would I do this? Thanks.
try this:
import base64
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
im = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data)))
output = BytesIO()
im.save(output, 'JPEG')
jpg_img = output.read()
it will save the data to a stream ( the same way tou enter it) and then you can read from that stream
I have the following code to generate GIFs from images, the code works fine and the gif is saved locally, what I want to do rather the saving the GIF locally, I want for example data URI that I could return to my project using a request. How can I generate the GIF and return it without saving it?
my code to generate the GIF
import os
import imageio as iio
import imageio
for file_name in url:
imageio.imwrite('movie.gif', images, format='gif')
I found I can save it as bytes with the following code
gif_encoded = iio.mimsave("<bytes>", images, format='gif')
it will save the GIF as bytes then you can encode it.
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(gif_encoded)
encoded_string = b'data:image/gif;base64,'+encoded_string
decoded_string = encoded_string.decode()
for more examples check this out
I am creating a wordcloud image with this code.
wordcloud = WordCloud(
font_path = font_path,
I show the image with matplotlib like this:
I am using this as part of a web app. I want to convert this image to base64 and store as a string as a value in a dictionary key for a specific instance. I see a lot of posts about how to convert images to base64 but it looks like they involve saving the figure locally before encoding. How do I do this without saving anywhere so I can just go from image to string?
This code looks kind of like what I want.
import base64
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
with open("image.jpg", "rb") as image_file:
data = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
im = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data)))
im.save('image1.png', 'PNG')
If I just did this, would this accomplish my task?
data = base64.b64encode(wordcloud)
If I just did this, would this accomplish my task?
data = base64.b64encode(wordcloud)
No. You need to "save" the image, get that bytestream, and encode that to base64. You don't have to save the image to an actual file; you can actually use a buffer.
w = WordCloud().generate('Test')
buffer = io.BytesIO()
w.to_image().save(buffer, 'png')
b64 = base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue())
And to convert that back and display the image
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(b64)))
I am using tinytags module in python to get the cover art of a mp3 file and want to display or store it. The return type of the variable is showing to be bytes. I have tried fumbling around with PIL using frombytes but to no avail. Is there any method to convert the bytes to image?
from tinytag import TinyTag
tag = TinyTag.get("03. Me, Myself & I.mp3", image=True)
img = tag.get_image()
I actually got a PNG image when I called tag.get_image() but I guess you might get a JPEG. Either way, you can wrap it in a BytesIO and open it with PIL/Pillow or display it. Carrying on from your code:
from PIL import Image
import io
im = tag.get_image()
# Make a PIL Image
pi = Image.open(io.BytesIO(im))
# Save as PNG, or JPEG
# Display
Note that you don't have to use PIL/Pillow. You could look at the first few bytes and if they are a PNG signature (\x89PNG) save data as binary with PNG extension. If the signature is JPEG (\xff \xd8) save data as binary with JPEG extension.
In order to remove sensitive content from a PDF, I am converting it to image and back to PDF again.
I am able to do this while saving the jpeg image, however I would eventually like to adapt my code so that the file is in memory the whole time. PDF in memory -> JPEG in memory -> PDF in memory. I'm having trouble with the intermediary step.
from pdf2image import convert_from_path, convert_from_bytes
import img2pdf
images = convert_from_path('testing.pdf', fmt='jpeg')
image = images[0]
# opening from filename
with open("output/output.pdf","wb") as f:
On the last line, I am getting the error:
ImageOpenError: cannot read input image (not jpeg2000). PIL: error reading image: cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0x1040cc8f0>
I'm not sure how to be converting this image to the string that img2pdf is looking for.
The pdf2image module will extract the images as Pillow images. And according the Pillow tobytes() documention: "This method returns the raw image data from the internal storage." Which is some bitmap representation.
To get your code working use BytesIO module like so:
# opening from filename
import io
with open("output/output.pdf","wb") as f, io.BytesIO() as output:
image.save(output, format='jpg')
This is a code of a JPG/PNG(I don't know exactly)
Here's on google docs
I need to decode it in Python to complete image and show it using Pillow or something like that. Do you know any libraries or ways how to decode it? Thanks!
(for Python 3)
If the image is stored as a binary file, open it directly:
import PIL
# Create Image object
picture = PIL.Image.open('picture_code.dat')
#display image
# print whether JPEG, PNG, etc.
If the image is stored as hex in a plaintext file picture_code.dat similar to your Google Docs link, it needs to first be converted to binary data:
import binascii
import PIL
import io
# Open plaintext file with hex
picture_hex = open('picture_code.dat').read()
# Convert hex to binary data
picture_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(picture_hex)
# Convert bytes to stream (file-like object in memory)
picture_stream = io.BytesIO(picture_bytes)
# Create Image object
picture = PIL.Image.open(picture_stream)
#display image
# print whether JPEG, PNG, etc.