I want to create square subplots which are publication quality using Matplotlib. Currently, I have 2 subplots which are made in a figure of size 8,5 and the X limits for both plots are different.
I would want both the subplots to be of square size rather than the Y axis being taller. Any suggestions ?
Alternatively, is there a way where I can explicitly control the ratio of width and height of a subplot in matplotlib?
Below is the sample image which I have right now.
You can explicitly control the figure size, and you can explicitly set the axes' positions within a figure, as a fraction of the figure size.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8])
ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8])
In addition, you can supply aspect='equal' to functions that create axes (add_axes, add_subplot) to force the axes shape to match the axes scales (not relevant for your linear-log plot).
How do I use colorbar attributes such as in this snippet:
import seaborn as sns
uniform_data = np.random.rand(10, 12) # random data
ax = sns.heatmap(uniform_data)
cbar = ax.collections[0].colorbar
To shrink the colorbar and put it to the bottom and anchored to the lower left corner (that is, NOT centered)?
Something like this, but with the colorbar shrunk to, let's say 70% and anchored to the bottom left
I am unsure how to search for the methods as cbar.set_location() is not available.
If you want infinite customizability, you need to go more low level than you will get with seaborn, which gives convenience, but can't have knobs for everything.
The most straightforward way to get what you want is to place the colorbar axes manually. Note that you will need to play with the y offset, which I set here to -0.2.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
uniform_data = np.random.rand(10, 12) # random data
fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained')
pc = ax.imshow(uniform_data)
cbax = ax.inset_axes([0, -0.2, 0.7, 0.05], transform=ax.transAxes)
fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax, cax=cbax, shrink=0.7, orientation='horizontal')
You could create the colorbar via seaborn, extract its position, adapt it and set it again:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
uniform_data = np.random.rand(10, 12)
ax = sns.heatmap(uniform_data, cmap='rocket_r', cbar_kws={'orientation': 'horizontal', 'ticks': np.linspace(0, 1, 6)})
cax = ax.collections[0].colorbar.ax # get the ax of the colorbar
pos = cax.get_position() # get the original position
cax.set_position([pos.x0, pos.y0, pos.width * 0.6, pos.height]) # set a new position
cax.invert_xaxis() # invert the direction of the colorbar
for spine in cax.spines.values(): # show the colorbar frame again
spine.set(visible=True, lw=.8, edgecolor='black')
Note that you need cbar_kws={'orientation': 'horizontal'} for a horizontal colorbar that by default is aligned with the x-axis.
After using .set_position, something like plt.tight_layout() won't work anymore.
About your new questions:
cax.invert_xaxis() doesn't invert the colorbar direction
Yes it does. You seem to want to reverse the colormap. Matplotlib's convention is to append _r to the colormap name. In this case, seaborn is using the rocket colormap, rocket_r would be the reverse. Note that changing the ticks doesn't work the way you try it, as these are just numeric positions which will be sorted before they are applied.
If you want to show 0 and 1 in the colorbar (while the values in the heatmap are e.g. between 0.001 and 0.999, you could use vmin and vmax. E.g. sns.heatmap(..., vmin=0, vmax=1). vmin and vmax are one way to change the mapping between the values and the colors. By default, vmin=data.min() and vmax=data.max().
To show the colorbar outline: Add a black frame around a colorbar
ax.collections[0].colorbar is a colorbar, which in the latest versions also supports some functions to set ticks
ax.collections[0].colorbar.ax is an Axes object (a subplot). Matplotlib creates a small subplot on which the colorbar will be drawn. axs support a huge number of functions to change how the subplot looks or to add new elements. Note that a stackoverflow answer isn't meant to put of full matplotlib tutorial. The standard tutorials could be a starting point.
Im trying to scatter a single (square) marker such that it fills the whole figure (no more, no less).
As for simplification, I'm creating a figure such that x- and y- axes both go from -0.5 to 0.5. That is, the plotting area is the unit square, centred at the origin.
The marker now shall be scattered at the origin. What size should it be so that it occupies exactly the unit square?
I looked at this Finding the right marker size for a scatter plot and this pyplot scatter plot marker size but couldn't get it right so far.
This is what I tried:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,4));
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 0.5);
ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5);
figsize = fig.get_size_inches()[0]
dpi = fig.dpi
print(f'figsize = {int(figsize)}')
print(f'dpi = {int(dpi)}')
print(f'figure is {int(figsize*dpi)} x {int(figsize*dpi)} pixels\n')
print(f'setting the marker size to be {int(figsize*dpi)}**2 = {int((figsize*dpi)**2)}')
ax.scatter(0, 0, s=(figsize*dpi)**2, marker='s');
It turns out that the marker (blue area) does fill the unit square but it is actually filling way more than that. After manually trying different sizes, the right value seems to be around 46000 (opposed to the 82944 suggested at the second post).
You will need to apply the aspect, then get the axes width and transform it to display space (or transform the axes position first, then get its width). This can be used to calculate the width of the axes in units of points.
The square of that number is the markersize of the scatter if it shall be as large as the axes.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,4))
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 0.5)
ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5)
s = ax.get_position().transformed(fig.transFigure).width*72/fig.dpi
ax.scatter(0, 0, s=s**2, marker='s');
subplots by hand.
I am referring following link
The most basic method of creating an axes is to use the plt.axes function. As we've seen previously, by default this creates a standard axes object that fills the entire figure. plt.axes also takes an optional argument that is a list of four numbers in the figure coordinate system. These numbers represent [left, bottom, width, height] in the figure coordinate system, which ranges from 0 at the bottom left of the figure to 1 at the top right of the figure.
For example, we might create an inset axes at the top-right corner of another axes by setting the x and y position to 0.65 (that is, starting at 65% of the width and 65% of the height of the figure) and the x and y extents to 0.2 (that is, the size of the axes is 20% of the width and 20% of the height of the figure):
ax1 = plt.axes() # standard axes
ax2 = plt.axes([0.65, 0.65, 0.2, 0.2])
Here above example I am expecting ax2 at location starting (0.65,0.65) as we have bottom and left at 0.65 and 0.65 but i am observing (0.65, 0.7) and lenght and height is 0.2 i.e, right vertical line at location 0.85 but i am observing at 0.9? Why is this differnces. Kindly explain.
The numbers given to plt.axes are in figure units, where the figure is 1 unit wide and 1 unit heigh.
Let me just highlight the important part:
For example, we might create an inset axes at the top-right corner of another axes by setting the x and y position to 0.65 (that is, starting at 65% of the width and 65% of the height of the figure) and the x and y extents to 0.2 (that is, the size of the axes is 20% of the width and 20% of the height of the figure)
Maybe an image helps more to understand that
That said there is a little subtlety when this code is being used with the inline backend in IPython or jupyter. In that case the size of the figure shown in the output may slightly differ from the original figure as it is cropped or expanded to fit nicely to everything that is drawn inside. This is equivalent to the bbox_to_inched="tight" option of savefig. Hence, if you want to verify that the subplot is indeed placed at 65% of figure size and is 20% large, you would need to run the code as a script outside the notebook, or save the figure plt.savefig("test.png") (without using the bbox_to_inched="tight" option).
A final note: While add_axes may be an easy option to add an axes in figure coordintes, it is often desireable to add an inset in axes coordinates, i.e. in percentage of the axes width and height instead of the figure width and height. This can be done as follows:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import InsetPosition
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax2 = plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
ip = InsetPosition(ax1, [0.4, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7])
#posx, posy, width, height in coordinates of ax1
I using matplotlib to plot some data in python and the plots require a standard colour bar. The data consists of a series of NxM matrices containing frequency information so that a simple imshow() plot gives a 2D histogram with colour describing frequency. Each matrix contains data in different, but overlapping ranges. Imshow normalizes the data in each matrix to the range 0-1 which means that, for example, the plot of matrix A, will appear identical to the plot of the matrix 2*A (though the colour bar will show double the values). What I would like is for the colour red, for example, to correspond to the same frequency in all of the plots. In other words, a single colour bar would suffice for all the plots. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Not to steal #ianilis's answer, but I wanted to add an example...
There are multiple ways, but the simplest is just to specify the vmin and vmax kwargs to imshow. Alternately, you can make a matplotlib.cm.Colormap instance and specify it, but that's more complicated than necessary for simple cases.
Here's a quick example with a single colorbar for all images:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Generate some data that where each slice has a different range
# (The overall range is from 0 to 2)
data = np.random.random((4,10,10))
data *= np.array([0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0])[:,None,None]
# Plot each slice as an independent subplot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)
for dat, ax in zip(data, axes.flat):
# The vmin and vmax arguments specify the color limits
im = ax.imshow(dat, vmin=0, vmax=2)
# Make an axis for the colorbar on the right side
cax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8])
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
Easiest solution is to call clim(lower_limit, upper_limit) with the same arguments for each plot.
This only answer half of the question, or rather starts a new one.
If you change
data *= np.array([0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0])[:,None,None]
data *= np.array([2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.5])[:,None,None]
your colorbar will go from 0 to 0.5 which in this case is dark blue to slightly lighter blue and will not cover the whole range (0 to 2).
The colorbar will only show the colors from the last image or contour regardless of vmin and vmax.
I wasn't happy with the solutions that suggested to manually set vmin and vmax, so I decided to read the limits of each plot and automatically set vmin and vmax.
The example below shows three plots of samples taken from normal distributions with increasing mean value.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
import numpy as np
numberOfPlots = 3
data = []
for i in range(numberOfPlots):
mean = i
data.append(np.random.normal(mean, size=(100,100)))
fig = plt.figure()
grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(1,numberOfPlots), cbar_mode='single')
ims = []
for i in range(numberOfPlots):
grid[i].set_title("Mean = " + str(i))
clims = [im.get_clim() for im in ims]
vmin = min([clim[0] for clim in clims])
vmax = max([clim[1] for clim in clims])
for im in ims:
grid[0].cax.colorbar(ims[0]) # with cbar_mode="single", cax attribute of all axes are identical
I am trying to plot the following numbers on a log scale as a scatter plot in matplotlib. Both the quantities on the x and y axes have very different scales, and one of the variables has a huge dynamic range (nearly 0 to 12 million roughly) while the other is between nearly 0 and 2. I think it might be good to plot both on a log scale.
I tried the following, for a subset of the values of the two variables:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
plt.scatter([1.341, 0.1034, 0.6076, 1.4278, 0.0374],
[0.37, 0.12, 0.22, 0.4, 0.08])
The x-axes appear log scaled but the points do not appear -- only two points appear. Any idea how to fix this? Also, how can I make this log scale appear on a square axes, so that the correlation between the two variables can be interpreted from the scatter plot?
I don't know why you only get those two points. For this case, you can manually adjust the limits to make sure all your points fit. I ran:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) # You were missing the =
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
plt.scatter([1.341, 0.1034, 0.6076, 1.4278, 0.0374],
[0.37, 0.12, 0.22, 0.4, 0.08])
plt.xlim(0.01, 10) # Fix the x limits to fit all the points
I'm not sure I understand understand what "Also, how can I make this log scale appear on a square axes, so that the correlation between the two variables can be interpreted from the scatter plot?" means. Perhaps someone else will understand, or maybe you can clarify?
You can also just do,
plt.loglog([1.341, 0.1034, 0.6076, 1.4278, 0.0374],
[0.37, 0.12, 0.22, 0.4, 0.08], 'o')
This produces the plot you want with properly scaled axes, though it doesn't have all the flexibility of a true scatter plot.