I've been working on a small program that takes the input of two numbers and gives the greatest common divisor. I have managed to get the program to at least print out all common divisors until the greatest number is reached, but all I need to print is the max value. Unfortunately, I can't get seem to get this to work. I've tried passing i though max() but was received an error that ''int' objects are not iterable''. Thus I am wondering if anyone could help me find a solution that will allow me to print only the max value as opposed to all values without having to employ much more complex coding methods. Here is the code
def great_divisor():
m = int(raw_input("Choose a number"))
n = int(raw_input("Choose another number"))
#lowest number assigned to d
if m > n:
d = n
d = m
for i in range(1, d + 1):
if (n%i == 0 and m%i == 0):
The easiest way is to use range(d, 0, -1) and just return the first divisor you find. No need to use max.
How about this?
maxn = 0
for i in range(1, d + 1):
if (n%i == 0 and m%i == 0):
maxn = i
return maxn
Max can only be applied to an iterable, a list for example.
You can add all the common divisor in a list and get the max.
for i in range(1, d + 1):
if (n%i == 0 and m%i == 0):
I was given range n and number k. Count the possible ways so that two (not identical) number in that range add up to number k. And can this be done without nested loops?
Here's my approach, the only thing is I'm using a nested loop, which takes times and not computer-friendly. Opposite pairs like (A, B) and (B, A) still count as 1.
n, k = int(input()), int(input())
cnt = 0
for i in range(1, n+1):
for s in range(1, n+1):
if i == 1 and s == 1 or i == n+1 and s==n+1:
if i+s==k:
cnt += 1
example inputs (first line is n, second is k)
explanation(1, 4 and 2, 3), so I should be printing 2
You only need a single loop for this:
n = int(input('N: ')) # range 1 to n
k = int(input('K: '))
r = set(range(1, n+1))
c = 0
while r:
if k - r.pop() in r:
c += 1
If I understood you well it's gonna be just a single while loop counting up to k:
counter = 0
while counter<min(n,k)/2:
if counter+(k-counter) == k: # This is always true actually...
Starting from 0 up to k those pairs are gonna be counter and k - counter (complement to k, so result of subtracting the counter from k)
We should can count up to smaller of the two n and k, cause numbers bigger than k are not gonna add up to k
Actually we should count up to a half of that, cause we're gonna get symmetric results after that.
So considering you don't want to print each pair it's actually:
count = int(min(n,k)//2)
why are you iterating and checking number combinations when you can mathematically derive the count of valid pairs using n and k itself?
depending on whether n or k being larger the number of pairs can be calculated directly
Every number i within n range has a matching pair k-i
and depending on whether n or k which greater we need to validate whether k-i and i both are within the range n and not equal.
for n>=k case the valid range is from 1 to k-1
and for the other case the valid range is from k-n to n
and the count of a range a to b is b-a+1
since in both conditions the pairs are symmetrical these range count should be halved.
so the entire code becomes
n= int(input())
if n>=k:print(int((k-1)/2))
if n<k:print(int((2*n-(k-1))/2))
A problem of combinatorics. The following code uses python's built-in library to generate all possible combinations
from itertools import combinations
n = 10
k = 5
n_range = [i for i in range(1, n+1)]
result = []
for i in n_range:
n_comb = combinations(n_range, i)
for comb in n_comb:
if sum(comb) == k:
I was asked in an interview the following. I didn't get it but trying to solve it at home. I believe we have to use the Median of Median algorithm...
Q: Finding Median in Large Integer File of Integers
Find the median from a large file of integers. You can not access the
numbers by index, can only access it sequentially. And the numbers
cannot fit in memory.
I found a solution online (rewrote in Python) but there are a few things I do not understand.. I kind of get the algorithm but not 100% sure.
a) Why do we check left >= right?
b) When count < k, we call self.findMedianInLargeFile(numbers,k,max(result+1,guess),right). Why do we call max(result+1, guess) as left?
c) when count > k, why do we use result as right?
class Solution:
def findMedianInLargeFile(self, numbers,k,left,right):
if left >= right:
return left
result = left
guess = (left + right ) // 2
count = 0
# count the number that is less than guess
for i in numbers:
if i <= guess:
result = max(result,i)
if count == k:
return result
elif count < k: # if the number of items < guess is < K
return self.findMedianInLargeFile(numbers,k,max(result+1,guess),right)
return self.findMedianInLargeFile(numbers,k,left,result)
def findMedian(self, numbers):
length = len(numbers)
if length % 2 == 1: # odd
return self.findMedianInLargeFile(numbers,length//2 + 1,-999999999,999999999)
return (self.findMedianInLargeFile(numbers,length//2,-999999999,999999999) + self.findMedianInLargeFile(numbers,length//2 +1 ,-999999999,999999999)) / 2
This is just binary search by median value
Compare with example code
function binary_search(A, n, T):
L := 0
R := n − 1
while L <= R:
m := floor((L + R) / 2)
if A[m] < T:
L := m + 1
else if A[m] > T:
R := m - 1
return m
return unsuccessful
if left >= right: stops iterations when borders
when count < k, we call self.findMedianInLargeFile(numbers,k,max(result+1,guess),right) because our guess was too small, and median value is bigger than quessed value.
similar but reversed situation for else case
You could perform merge sort with -- O(nlogn) -- on the external memory as it is implemented to operate on data sequentially.
An interesting solution could be through an order-statistic tree, with the implementation available here: Median of large amount of numbers for each sets of given size
however, if you have any questions -- let me know!
We've been given a challenge to write a program that prints prime factors of an input number. We're given an outline: the program checks for factors of the original number; each such factor gets one point. Then, if that factor is prime, it gets another point. Each factor with two points gets printed.
Here's what I have so far.
print('Please enter a number')
x = int(input('Number:'))
a = int(0)
b = int(0)
c = int(1)
d = int(0)
counter = int(0)
while (a < x-1):
a = a + 1
counter = 0
if (x / a % 1 == 0):
b = a
counter = counter + 1
while(c < b - 1):
c = c + 1
if((b / c) % 1 != 0):
d = b
counter = counter + 1
if(counter == 2):
With input of 15, I get 3 and 5, but also 15 (wrong). With 24, I get 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12; several of these are not prime.
I believe the issue lies somewhere in the innermost loop, but I can't pinpoint the problem.
At first the issue was I wasn't resetting the "counter", so future factors would exceed 2 "points" and nothing would print. I fixed that by resetting it before it enters the innermost loop, but sadly, that didn't fix the problem.
I've also tried getting rid of 'b' and 'd' and just using two variables to see if I was somehow overcomplicating it, but that didn't help either.
EDIT: Edited slightly for clarity.
Your first sentence was enough of a clue for me to unravel the rest of your posting. Your main problems are loop handling and logic of determining a prime factor.
In general, I see your program design as
Input target number
Find each factor of the number
For each factor, determine whether the factor is prime. If so, print it.
Now, let's look at the innermost loop:
while(c < b - 1):
c = c + 1
if((b / c) % 1 != 0):
d = b
counter = counter + 1
if(counter == 2):
As a styling note, please explain why you are building for logic from while loops; this makes your program harder to read. Variable d does nothing for you. Also, your handling of counter is an extra complication: any time you determine that b is a prime number, then simply print it.
The main problem is your logical decision point: you look for factors of b. However, rather than waiting until you know b is prime, you print it as soon as you discover any smaller number that doesn't divide b. Since b-1 is rarely a factor of b (only when b=2), then you will erroneously identify any b value as a prime number.
Instead, you have to wait until you have tried all possible factors. Something like this:
is_prime = True
for c in range(2, b):
if b % c == 0:
is_prime = False
if is_prime:
There are more "Pythonic" ways to do this, but I think that this is more within your current programming sophistication. If it's necessary to fulfill your assignment, you can add a point only when you've found no factors, and then check the count after you leave the for loop.
Can you take it from there?
I'm not entirely sure I follow you're problem description, but here is my attempt at interpreting it as best I can:
import math
def is_factor(n,m):
return m % n == 0
def is_prime(n):
if n % 2 == 0 and n > 2:
return False
return all(n % i for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1, 2))
def assign_points(n):
for i in range(1,n+1):
if is_factor(i,n) and is_prime(i):
print('two points for: ', i)
elif is_factor(i,n):
print('one point for: ', i)
I was trying to make a program which would check a number for its greatest prime factor. I was almost done when this error message came up. list index out of range.
What does this mean and what is wrong with my code?
Here is my code.
def is_prime(n):
for i in range(3, n):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
def Problem3():
x = 144
n = 2
not_a_factor = []
z = []
prime = []
not_a_prime = []
while n < x:
if x%n == 0:
n = n + 1
for i in z:
if is_prime(z[i]) == True:
You're just a bit off. for-loops in Python iterate an object and return it's entities, not a pointer/ index.
So just use the thing you get from each iteration of 'z'
(Side note: might want to check out this post, it'll help you make your is_prime function more performant)
def is_prime(n):
for i in range(3, n):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
def Problem3():
x = 144
n = 2
not_a_factor = []
z = []
prime = []
not_a_prime = []
while n < x:
if x%n == 0:
n =+ 1 # Python version of n++
for i in z: # Python for-loop is more like a say "for each", no need for the indexing
if is_prime(i): # no need for '=='; Python will 'truthify' your object
"list index out of range - what does this mean?"
The message list index out of range refers to an IndexError. Basically, this means that you are attempting to refer to an index in a list that doesn't exist.
Using your code as an example: you generate a list, z, containing the factors of the number 144. You then iterate through each element in this list (for i in z:). This means that for the:
1st iteration: i is the 1st element in z, which is 2;
2nd iteration: i is the 2nd element in z, which is 3;
and so on.
Then, you attempt if isprime(z[i]) == True:. So, as written, your program works like this:
1st iteration: if isprime(z[2]) == True:;
2nd iteration: if isprime(z[3]) == True:;
8th iteration: if isprime(z[16]) == True:
At this point, your code prompts an IndexError, because there are only 13 elements in z.
"what is wrong with my code?"
One way to get the result that you want is to iterate through range(len(z)) instead of each element of z. So, adjust the line for i in z to for i in range(len(z)).
Additionally, since prime is a list, and you want to return the greatest prime factor, change print(prime) to print(max(prime)).
These two changes will give you the result you are looking for.
Additional Learnings
Overall, your program could be written much more efficiently. If you want a simple algorithm to determine the greatest prime factor of a number, here is one possibility:
def greatest_prime_factor(n):
greatest_prime = 1
for i in range(n + 1):
# iterate through range(n). We skip index 0.
if i == 0:
# determine if the number i is a factor of n.
if n % i == 0:
# determine if the number i is prime.
for i_ in range(2,i):
if i % i_ == 0:
# update greatest_prime.
greatest_prime = max(greatest_prime, i)
return greatest_prime
print (greatest_prime_factor(144))
This algorithm saves a lot of memory space when compared with your original program by not initializing lists to store numbers that are primes, that aren't primes, etc. If you want to store those values, that's up to you; there are just far more efficient possibilities for what you appear to want to achieve.
Check this link for some more info on algorithmic efficiency and how to think about time and space complexity.
I'm having trouble with my code. The question is:
"By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the 10 001st prime number?"
This is what it looks like:
div = 10001
i = 2
count = 0
prime = 0
now = []
while count < div:
for x in range (2,i+1):
if len(now) ==2:
elif i%x == 0:
if len(now)==1:
prime = i
count += 1
now = []
I have tried div up to 1000 and it seems to work fine(for div 1000 I receive 7919). However, when I try div = 10001 I get nothing, not even errors. If someone would help me out I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
# 7 10001st prime
import itertools
def is_prime(n):
for i in range(2, n//2 + 1):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
p = 0
for x in itertools.count(1):
if is_prime(x):
if p == 10001:
p += 1
Try this code:
prime_list = lambda x:[i for i in xrange(2, x+1) if all([i%x for x in xrange(2, int(i**0.5+1))])][10000]
print prime_list(120000)
Lambda in Python defines an anonymous function and xrange is similar to range, defining a range of integer numbers. The code uses list comprehension and goes through the numbers twice up to the square root of the final number (thus i**0.5). Each number gets eliminated if it is a multiple of the number that's in the range count. You are left with a list of prime numbers in order. So, you just have to print out the number with the right index.
With just some simple modifications (and simplifications) to your code, you can compute the number you're looking for in 1/3 of a second. First, we only check up to the square root as #Hashman suggests. Next, we only test and divide by odd numbers, dealing with 2 as a special case up front. Finally, we toss the whole now array length logic and simply take advantage of Python's break logic:
limit = 10001
i = 3
count = 1
prime = 2
while count < limit:
for x in range(3, int(i ** 0.5) + 1, 2):
if i % x == 0:
else: # no break
prime = i
count += 1
i += 2
As before, this gives us 7919 for a limit of 1000 and it gives us 104743 for a limit of 10001. But this still is not as fast as a sieve.
while s<=10001:
for i in range(1,m):
if m%i==0:n=i
if n==1:print(m,'is prime',s);s+=1