Suppose I have a large number of classes defined by an import of a large library codebase, which I don't want to hack around with for reasons of maintainability. They all inherit from BaseClass, and BaseClass contains a method which I want to augment. I think the following is a workable solution
class MyMixin(object):
def method( self, args):
... # 1. a few lines of code copied from BaseClass's def of method
... # 2. some lines of my code that can't go before or after the copied code
... # 3. and the rest of the copied code
class MyAbcClass( MyMixin, AbcClass):
# many similar lines
class MyZzzClass( MyMixin, ZzzClass):
The question. Is there a way to take, say, a list of ("MyXxxClass", XxxClass) tuples, and write code that defines the MyXxxClasses? And is it sufficiently comprehensible that it beats the repetition in the above?
Use three-arg type to define the classes, then set them on the module's global dictionary:
todefine = [('MyAbcClass', AbcClass), ...]
for name, base in todefine:
globals()[name] = type(name, (MyMixin, base), {})
If the names to define follow the fixed pattern you gave (`"My" + base class name), you can repeat yourself even less by dynamically constructing the name to define:
todefine = [AbcClass, ...]
for base in todefine:
name = "My" + base.__name__
globals()[name] = type(name, (MyMixin, base), {})
And if you are trying to wrap all the classes from a given module, you can avoid even explicitly listing the classes by introspecting the module to generate todefine programmatically (if you know the module has or lacks __all__ you can just use the appropriate approach instead of trying one and defaulting to the other):
import inspect
# For modules that define __all__, we want all exported classes
# even if they weren't originally defined in the module
todefine = filter(inspect.isclass, (getattr(somemodule, name) for name in somemodule.__all__))
except AttributeError:
# If __all__ not defined, heuristic approach; exclude private names
# defined with leading underscore, and objects that were imported from
# other modules (so if the module does from itertools import chain,
# we don't wrap chain)
todefine = (obj for name, obj in vars(somemodule).items() if not name.startswith('_') and inspect.isclass(obj) and inspect.getmodule(obj) is somemodule)
getattr(importlib.import_module(__name__), "Some Class")
This is my method.
But this is redundant.
Is there a simpler method?
I use django and I'm trying to pass a dict of model to other class whose name is same as model name.
Roughly, this is my code.
I want to do this without if statement.
instance_list = []
obj_list = [a,b,c,d]
for obj in obj_list:
dic = model_to_dict(obj)
if 'Soccer' == obj.__class__.__name__:
elif 'Tennis' == obj.__class__.__name__:
Another way to get something (not necessarily a class) from the current module by name:
this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
cls = getattr(this_module, "SomeClass")
If the point is to have a module function that returns a class from the same module by it's name, you could indeed rewrite it in a much less convoluted way:
class Foo(object):
def get_class(name):
return globals()[name]
import mymodule
Note that depending on your use case it might be safer to use an explicit dict of classes that are allowed to be looked up by mymodule.get_class(). You may really want to consider this option if the class name comes from user inputs and you know exactly which classes should be allowed.
Also note that for Django models classes you could also use apps.get_model(app_name, model_name) which lets you get models from any app.
I think I understand the concept of "name mangling" in python, but there's something that I probably missed. Take a look at the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
class Base(object):
__data = "Base"
def func(cls):
return "Class name is {}, data is {}".format(cls.__name__, cls.__data)
class A(Base):
__data = "A"
class B(A):
__data = "B"
print Base.func()
print A.func()
print B.func()
Here the output I get:
Class name is Base, data is Base
Class name is A, data is Base
Class name is B, data is Base
Now, I understand that for each class the actual name of the class attribute is mangled to _<Class name>__data. So for instance, for Base it would be _Base__data, for A it would be _A__data, etc.
My question is, inside func it identifies correctly the names of the inherited classes (Base, A and B), but cls.__data always leads to cls._Base__data. Why is that? I mean, if __name__ is A or B, then I know I'm inside class A or B, so I expect cls.__data to be the one of A or B respectively. What am I missing here?
You are not "missing", to the contrary, you just "found out" what name mangling does: it is made to ensure variables with double underscores inside a method will always see the attribute defined in the same class as that method, and in none of its subclasses.
If you simply want to use the attribute as it is overriden in each subclass, that is the normal behavior for all other attributes, but for the ones prefixed by two underscores.
So, what happens is that the .__data name used inside func is itself mangled, at compile time, to _base__data.
Python's collections.OrderedDict have an extra trap: Python offers both a pure-python implementation, which uses the __ for its "private attributes", as explained above, but also have a native code implementation in C, and the private structures of that are not exposed to Python.
And the collections module ends the OrderedDict code block with these lines:
from _collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
# Leave the pure Python version in place.
That is: the normal "collections.OrderedDict" is written in C, with a lot of opaque structures, that can't be tapped in by subclasses.
The only way to have access to the Python defined OrderedDict is by
deleting the _collections.OrderedDict attribute (in the _collections, not collections module), and reload the collections module.
If you do that, and instantiate one ordered dict, the private data structures can be seem:
from imp import reload
import _collections, collections
backup = _collections.OrderedDict
del _collections.OrderedDict
collections = reload(collections)
PyOrderedDict = collections.OrderedDict
_collections.OrderedDict = backup
a = PyOrderedDict()
As you have noticed, the name used for name mangling is the name of the class where a method is declared, not the derived type of the current object.
The documentation for this feature explicitly gives an example about protecting a variable from a derived class (rather than from external code using an instance variable).
Name mangling is helpful for letting subclasses override methods without breaking intraclass method calls. For example:
class Mapping:
def __init__(self, iterable):
self.items_list = []
def update(self, iterable):
for item in iterable:
__update = update # private copy of original update() method
class MappingSubclass(Mapping):
def update(self, keys, values):
# provides new signature for update()
# but does not break __init__()
for item in zip(keys, values):
This is about multiple inheritance. Parent class A provides a few methods and B parent class B a few additional ones. By creating a class inheriting from A and B I could instantiate an object having both method sets.
Now my problem is, that I detect only after having instantiated A, that the methods from B would be helpful too (or more strictly stated, that my object is also of class B).
aInstance.bMethod = types.MethodType(localFunction, aInstance)
works in principle, it has to be repeated for any bMethod, and looks unnecessary complicated. It also requires stand-alone (local) functions instead of a conceptually cleaner class B. Is there a more streamlined approach?
I tried abstract base class with some success, but there only the methods of one additional class could be added.
What I finally achieved is a little routine, which adds all top-level procedures of a given module:
from types import MethodType
from inspect import ismodule, isfunction, getmembers
# adds all functions found in module as methods to given obj
def classMagic(obj, module):
for name, fn in getmembers(module, isfunction):
if not name.startswith("__"):
setattr(obj, name, MethodType(fn, obj))
Functionally this is sufficient, and I'm also pleased with the automatism, that all functions are processed and I don't have separate places of function definition and adding it as method, so maintenace is easy. The only remaining issue is reflected by the startswith line, as an example for a neccessary naming convention, if selected functions shall not be added.
If I understand correctly, you want to add mixins to your class at run time. A very common way of adding mixins in Python is through decorators (rather than inheritance), so we can borrow this idea to do something runtime to the object (instead to the class).
I used functools.partial to freeze the self parameter, to emulate the process of binding a function to an object (i.e. turn a function into a method).
from functools import partial
class SimpleObject():
def MixinA(obj):
def funcA1(self):
print('A1 - propertyA is equal to %s' % self.propertyA)
def funcA2(self):
print('A2 - propertyA is equal to %s' % self.propertyA)
obj.propertyA = 0
obj.funcA1 = partial(funcA1, self=obj)
obj.funcA2 = partial(funcA2, self=obj)
return obj
def MixinB(obj):
def funcB1(self):
obj.funcB1 = partial(funcB1, self=obj)
return obj
o = SimpleObject()
# need A characteristics?
o = MixinA(o)
# need B characteristics?
o = MixinB(o)
Instead of functools.partial, you can also use types.MethodType as you did in your question; I think that is a better/cleaner solution.
What are the best practices for extending an existing Python module – in this case, I want to extend the python-twitter package by adding new methods to the base API class.
I've looked at tweepy, and I like that as well; I just find python-twitter easier to understand and extend with the functionality I want.
I have the methods written already – I'm trying to figure out the most Pythonic and least disruptive way to add them into the python-twitter package module, without changing this modules’ core.
A few ways.
The easy way:
Don't extend the module, extend the classes.
import twitter
class Api(twitter.Api):
# override/add any functions here.
Downside : Every class in twitter must be in, even if it's just a stub (as above)
A harder (possibly un-pythonic) way:
Import * from python-twitter into a module that you then extend.
For instance :
class Ball():
def __init__(self,a):
def __repr__(self):
return "Ball(%s)" % self.a
def makeBall(a):
return Ball(a)
def override():
def dontoverride():
from basemodule import *
import basemodule
def makeBalls(a,b):
foo = makeBall(a)
bar = makeBall(b)
print foo,bar
def override():
def dontoverride():
import extmodule
#code is in extended module
print extmodule.makeBalls(1,2)
#returns Ball(1) Ball(2)
#code is in base module
print extmodule.makeBall(1)
#returns Ball(1)
#function from extended module overwrites base module
#function from extended module calls base module first
I'm not sure if the double import in is pythonic - you could remove it, but then you don't handle the usecase of wanting to extend a function that was in the namespace of basemodule.
As far as extended classes, just create a new API(basemodule.API) class to extend the Twitter API module.
Don't add them to the module. Subclass the classes you want to extend and use your subclasses in your own module, not changing the original stuff at all.
Here’s how you can directly manipulate the module list at runtime – spoiler alert: you get the module type from types module:
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import types
import typing as tx
def modulize(namespace: tx.Dict[str, tx.Any],
modulename: str,
moduledocs: tx.Optional[str] = None) -> types.ModuleType:
""" Convert a dictionary mapping into a legit Python module """
# Create a new module with a trivially namespaced name:
namespacedname: str = f'__dynamic_modules__.{modulename}'
module = types.ModuleType(namespacedname, moduledocs)
# Inspect the new module:
name: str = module.__name__
doc: tx.Optional[str] = module.__doc__
contents: str = ", ".join(sorted(module.__dict__.keys()))
print(f"Module name: {name}")
print(f"Module contents: {contents}")
if doc:
print(f"Module docstring: {doc}")
# Add to sys.modules, as per import machinery:
sys.modules.update({ modulename : module })
# Return the new module instance:
return module
… you could then use such a function like so:
ns = {
'func' : lambda: print("Yo Dogg"), # these can also be normal non-lambda funcs
'otherfunc' : lambda string=None: print(string or 'no dogg.'),
'__all__' : ('func', 'otherfunc'),
'__dir__' : lambda: ['func', 'otherfunc'] # usually this’d reference __all__
modulize(ns, 'wat', "WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE")
import wat
# Call module functions:
wat.otherfunc("Oh, Dogg!")
# Inspect module:
contents = ", ".join(sorted(wat.__dict__.keys()))
print(f"Imported module name: {wat.__name__}")
print(f"Imported module contents: {contents}")
print(f"Imported module docstring: {wat.__doc__}")
… You could also create your own module subclass, by specifying types.ModuleType as the ancestor of your newly declared class, of course; I have never personally found this necessary to do.
(Also, you don’t have to get the module type from the types module – you can always just do something like ModuleType = type(os) after importing os – I specifically pointed out this one source of the type because it is non-obvious; unlike many of its other builtin types, Python doesn’t offer up access to the module type in the global namespace.)
The real action is in the sys.modules dict, where (if you are appropriately intrepid) you can replace existing modules as well as adding your new ones.
Say you have an older module called mod that you use like this:
import mod
obj = mod.Object()
# and so on...
And you want to extend it, without replacing it for your users. Easily done. You can give your new module a different name, or place it by same name at a deeper path and keep the same name, e.g. /path/to/ Then your users can import it in either of these ways:
import newmod as mod # e.g. import unittest2 as unittest idiom from Python 2.6
from import mod # useful in a large code-base
In your module, you'll want to make all the old names available:
from mod import *
or explicitly name every name you import:
from mod import Object, function, name2, name3, name4, name5, name6, name7, name8, name9, name10, name11, name12, name13, name14, name15, name16, name17, name18, name19, name20, name21, name22, name23, name24, name25, name26, name27, name28, name29, name30, name31, name32, name33, name34, name35, name36, name37, name38, name39
I think the import * will be more maintainable for this use-case - if the base module expands functionality, you'll seamlessly keep up (though you might shade new objects with the same name).
If the mod you are extending has a decent __all__, it will restrict the names imported.
You should also declare an __all__ and extend it with the extended module's __all__.
import mod
__all__ = ['NewObject', 'newfunction']
__all__ += mod.__all__
# if it doesn't have an __all__, maybe it's not good enough to extend
# but it could be relying on the convention of import * not importing
# names prefixed with underscores, (_like _this)
Then extend the objects and functionality as you normally would.
class NewObject(object):
def newmethod(self):
"""this method extends Object"""
def newfunction():
"""this function builds on mod's functionality"""
If the new objects provide functionality you intend to replace (or perhaps you are backporting the new functionality into an older code base) you can overwrite the names
May I suggest not to reinvent the Wheel here? I'm building a >6k line Twitter Client for 2 month now, at first I checked python-twitter too, but it's lagging a lot behind the recent API changes,, Development doesn't seem to be that active either, also there was(at least when I last checked) no support for OAuth/xAuth).
So after searching around a bit more I discovered tweepy:
Pros: Active development, OAauth/xAuth and up to date with the API.
Chances are high that what you need is already in there.
So I suggest going with that, it's working for me, the only thing I had to add was xAuth(that got merge back to tweepy :)
Oh an a shameless plug, if you need to parse Tweets and/or format them to HTML use my python version of the twitter-text-* libraries:
This thing is unittestetd an guaranteed to parse Tweets just like does it.
Define a new class, and instead of inherit it from the class you want to extend from the original module, add an instance of the original class as an attribute to your new class.
And here comes the trick: intercept all non-existing method calls on your new class and try to call it on the instance of the old class.
In your NewClass just define new or overridden methods as you like:
import originalmodule
class NewClass:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.old_class_instance = originalmodule.create_oldclass_instance(*args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, methodname):
"""This is a wrapper for the original OldClass class.
If the called method is not part of this NewClass class,
the call will be intercepted and replaced by the method
in the original OldClass instance.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return getattr(self.old_class_instance, methodname)(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def new_method(self, arg1):
"""Does stuff with the OldClass instance"""
thing = self.old_class_instance.get_somelist(arg1)
# returns the first element only
return thing[0]
def overridden_method(self):
"""Overrides an existing method, if OldClass has a method with the same name"""
print("This message is coming from the NewClass and not from the OldClass")
In my case I used this solution when simple inheritance from the old class was not possible, because an instance had to be created not by its constructor, but with an init script from an other class/module. (It is the originalmodule.create_oldclass_instance in the example above.)
Python's inner/nested classes confuse me. Is there something that can't be accomplished without them? If so, what is that thing?
Quoted from
Advantages of inner class:
Logical grouping of classes: If a class is useful to only one other class then it is logical to embed it in that class and keep the two together. Nesting such "helper classes" makes their package more streamlined.
Increased encapsulation: Consider two top-level classes A and B where B needs access to members of A that would otherwise be declared private. By hiding class B within class A A's members can be declared private and B can access them. In addition B itself can be hidden from the outside world.
More readable, maintainable code: Nesting small classes within top-level classes places the code closer to where it is used.
The main advantage is organization. Anything that can be accomplished with inner classes can be accomplished without them.
Is there something that can't be accomplished without them?
No. They are absolutely equivalent to defining the class normally at top level, and then copying a reference to it into the outer class.
I don't think there's any special reason nested classes are ‘allowed’, other than it makes no particular sense to explicitly ‘disallow’ them either.
If you're looking for a class that exists within the lifecycle of the outer/owner object, and always has a reference to an instance of the outer class — inner classes as Java does it – then Python's nested classes are not that thing. But you can hack up something like that thing:
import weakref, new
class innerclass(object):
"""Descriptor for making inner classes.
Adds a property 'owner' to the inner class, pointing to the outer
owner instance.
# Use a weakref dict to memoise previous results so that
# instance.Inner() always returns the same inner classobj.
def __init__(self, inner):
self.inner= inner
self.instances= weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
# Not thread-safe - consider adding a lock.
def __get__(self, instance, _):
if instance is None:
return self.inner
if instance not in self.instances:
self.instances[instance]= new.classobj(
self.inner.__name__, (self.inner,), {'owner': instance}
return self.instances[instance]
# Using an inner class
class Outer(object):
class Inner(object):
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s.%s inner object of %r>' % (
>>> o1= Outer()
>>> o2= Outer()
>>> i1= o1.Inner()
>>> i1
<Outer.Inner inner object of <__main__.Outer object at 0x7fb2cd62de90>>
>>> isinstance(i1, Outer.Inner)
>>> isinstance(i1, o1.Inner)
>>> isinstance(i1, o2.Inner)
(This uses class decorators, which are new in Python 2.6 and 3.0. Otherwise you'd have to say “Inner= innerclass(Inner)” after the class definition.)
There's something you need to wrap your head around to be able to understand this. In most languages, class definitions are directives to the compiler. That is, the class is created before the program is ever run. In python, all statements are executable. That means that this statement:
class foo(object):
is a statement that is executed at runtime just like this one:
x = y + z
This means that not only can you create classes within other classes, you can create classes anywhere you want to. Consider this code:
def foo():
class bar(object):
z = bar()
Thus, the idea of an "inner class" isn't really a language construct; it's a programmer construct. Guido has a very good summary of how this came about here. But essentially, the basic idea is this simplifies the language's grammar.
Nesting classes within classes:
Nested classes bloat the class definition making it harder to see whats going on.
Nested classes can create coupling that would make testing more difficult.
In Python you can put more than one class in a file/module, unlike Java, so the class still remains close to top level class and could even have the class name prefixed with an "_" to help signify that others shouldn't be using it.
The place where nested classes can prove useful is within functions
def some_func(a, b, c):
class SomeClass(a):
def some_method(self):
return b
SomeClass.__doc__ = c
return SomeClass
The class captures the values from the function allowing you to dynamically create a class like template metaprogramming in C++
I understand the arguments against nested classes, but there is a case for using them in some occasions. Imagine I'm creating a doubly-linked list class, and I need to create a node class for maintaing the nodes. I have two choices, create Node class inside the DoublyLinkedList class, or create the Node class outside the DoublyLinkedList class. I prefer the first choice in this case, because the Node class is only meaningful inside the DoublyLinkedList class. While there's no hiding/encapsulation benefit, there is a grouping benefit of being able to say the Node class is part of the DoublyLinkedList class.
Is there something that can't be accomplished without them? If so,
what is that thing?
There is something that cannot be easily done without: inheritance of related classes.
Here is a minimalist example with the related classes A and B:
class A(object):
class B(object):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def make_B(self):
return self.B(self)
class AA(A): # Inheritance
class B(A.B): # Inheritance, same class name
This code leads to a quite reasonable and predictable behaviour:
>>> type(A().make_B())
<class '__main__.A.B'>
>>> type(A().make_B().parent)
<class '__main__.A'>
>>> type(AA().make_B())
<class '__main__.AA.B'>
>>> type(AA().make_B().parent)
<class '__main__.AA'>
If B were a top-level class, you could not write self.B() in the method make_B but would simply write B(), and thus lose the dynamic binding to the adequate classes.
Note that in this construction, you should never refer to class A in the body of class B. This is the motivation for introducing the parent attribute in class B.
Of course, this dynamic binding can be recreated without inner class at the cost of a tedious and error-prone instrumentation of the classes.
1. Two functionally equivalent ways
The two ways shown before are functionally identical. However, there are some subtle differences, and there are situations when you would like to choose one over another.
Way 1: Nested class definition (="Nested class")
class MyOuter1:
class Inner:
def show(self, msg):
Way 2: With module level Inner class attached to Outer class(="Referenced inner class")
class _InnerClass:
def show(self, msg):
class MyOuter2:
Inner = _InnerClass
Underscore is used to follow PEP8 "internal interfaces (packages, modules, classes, functions, attributes or other names) should -- be prefixed with a single leading underscore."
2. Similarities
Below code snippet demonstrates the functional similarities of the "Nested class" vs "Referenced inner class"; They would behave the same way in code checking for the type of an inner class instance. Needless to say, the m.inner.anymethod() would behave similarly with m1 and m2
m1 = MyOuter1()
m2 = MyOuter2()
innercls1 = getattr(m1, 'Inner', None)
innercls2 = getattr(m2, 'Inner', None)
isinstance(innercls1(), MyOuter1.Inner)
# True
isinstance(innercls2(), MyOuter2.Inner)
# True
type(innercls1()) == mypackage.outer1.MyOuter1.Inner
# True (when part of mypackage)
type(innercls2()) == mypackage.outer2.MyOuter2.Inner
# True (when part of mypackage)
3. Differences
The differences of "Nested class" and "Referenced inner class" are listed below. They are not big, but sometimes you would like to choose one or the other based on these.
3.1 Code Encapsulation
With "Nested classes" it is possible to encapsulate code better than with "Referenced inner class". A class in the module namespace is a global variable. The purpose of nested classes is to reduce clutter in the module and put the inner class inside the outer class.
While no-one* is using from packagename import *, low amount of module level variables can be nice for example when using an IDE with code completion / intellisense.
3.2 Readability of code
Django documentation instructs to use inner class Meta for model metadata. It is a bit more clearer* to instruct the framework users to write a class Foo(models.Model) with inner class Meta;
class Ox(models.Model):
horn_length = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
ordering = ["horn_length"]
verbose_name_plural = "oxen"
instead of "write a class _Meta, then write a class Foo(models.Model) with Meta = _Meta";
class _Meta:
ordering = ["horn_length"]
verbose_name_plural = "oxen"
class Ox(models.Model):
Meta = _Meta
horn_length = models.IntegerField()
With the "Nested class" approach the code can be read a nested bullet point list, but with the "Referenced inner class" method one has to scroll back up to see the definition of _Meta to see its "child items" (attributes).
The "Referenced inner class" method can be more readable if your code nesting level grows or the rows are long for some other reason.
* Of course, a matter of taste
3.3 Slightly different error messages
This is not a big deal, but just for completeness: When accessing non-existent attribute for the inner class, we see slighly different exceptions. Continuing the example given in Section 2:
# AttributeError: type object 'Inner' has no attribute 'foo'
# AttributeError: type object '_InnerClass' has no attribute 'foo'
This is because the types of the inner classes are
The main use case I use this for is the prevent proliferation of small modules and to prevent namespace pollution when separate modules are not needed. If I am extending an existing class, but that existing class must reference another subclass that should always be coupled to it. For example, I may have a module that has many helper classes in it, that aren't necessarily coupled together, but I want to reinforce coupling for some of those helper classes. For example, when I implement
import json, decimal
class Helper1(object):
class Helper2(object):
# Here is the notorious JSONEncoder extension to serialize Decimals to JSON floats
class DecimalJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
class _repr_decimal(float): # Because float.__repr__ cannot be monkey patched
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def __repr__(self):
return '{:f}'.format(self._obj)
def default(self, obj): # override JSONEncoder.default
if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
return self._repr_decimal(obj)
# else
super(self.__class__, self).default(obj)
# could also have inherited from object and used return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Then we can:
>>> from utils import DecimalJSONEncoder
>>> import json, decimal
>>> json.dumps({'key1': decimal.Decimal('1.12345678901234'),
... 'key2':'strKey2Value'}, cls=DecimalJSONEncoder)
{"key2": "key2_value", "key_1": 1.12345678901234}
Of course, we could have eschewed inheriting json.JSONEnocder altogether and just override default():
import decimal, json
class Helper1(object):
def json_encoder_decimal(obj):
class _repr_decimal(float):
if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
return _repr_decimal(obj)
return json.JSONEncoder(obj)
>>> json.dumps({'key1': decimal.Decimal('1.12345678901234')}, default=json_decimal_encoder)
'{"key1": 1.12345678901234}'
But sometimes just for convention, you want utils to be composed of classes for extensibility.
Here's another use-case: I want a factory for mutables in my OuterClass without having to invoke copy:
class OuterClass(object):
class DTemplate(dict):
def __init__(self):
self.update({'key1': [1,2,3],
'key2': {'subkey': [4,5,6]})
def __init__(self):
self.outerclass_dict = {
'outerkey1': self.DTemplate(),
'outerkey2': self.DTemplate()}
obj = OuterClass()
assert obj.outerclass_dict['outerkey2']['key2']['subkey'] == [4,5,6]
I prefer this pattern over the #staticmethod decorator you would otherwise use for a factory function.
I have used Python's inner classes to create deliberately buggy subclasses within unittest functions (i.e. inside def test_something():) in order to get closer to 100% test coverage (e.g. testing very rarely triggered logging statements by overriding some methods).
In retrospect it's similar to Ed's answer
Such inner classes should go out of scope and be ready for garbage collection once all references to them have been removed. For instance, take the following file:
class A(object):
def scope():
class Buggy(A):
"""Do tests or something"""
assert isinstance(Buggy(), A)
I get the following curious results under OSX Python 2.7.6:
>>> from inner import A, scope
>>> A.__subclasses__()
>>> scope()
>>> A.__subclasses__()
[<class 'inner.Buggy'>]
>>> del A, scope
>>> from inner import A
>>> A.__subclasses__()
[<class 'inner.Buggy'>]
>>> del A
>>> import gc
>>> gc.collect()
>>> gc.collect() # Yes I needed to call the gc twice, seems reproducible
>>> from inner import A
>>> A.__subclasses__()
Hint - Don't go on and try doing this with Django models, which seemed to keep other (cached?) references to my buggy classes.
So in general, I wouldn't recommend using inner classes for this kind of purpose unless you really do value that 100% test coverage and can't use other methods. Though I think it's nice to be aware that if you use the __subclasses__(), that it can sometimes get polluted by inner classes. Either way if you followed this far, I think we're pretty deep into Python at this point, private dunderscores and all.