I have a csv file with several hundred organism IDs and a second csv file with several thousand organism IDs and additional characteristics (taxonomic information, abundances per sample, etc)
I am trying to write a code that will extract the information from the larger csv using the smaller csv file as a reference. Meaning it will look at both smaller and larger files, and if the IDs are in both files, it will extract all the information form the larger file and write that in a new file (basically write the entire row for that ID).
so far I have written the following, and while the code does not error out on me, I get a blank file in the end and I don't exactly know why. I am a graduate student that knows some simple coding but I'm still very much a novice,
thank you
import sys
import csv
import os.path
for record in ids:
if idstopull[0]=="OTUid":
if idstopull[0] in d:
I'm not sure what you're trying to do in your code but you can try this:
def csv_to_dict(csv_file_path):
csv_file = open(csv_file_path, 'rb')
sniffdialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(csv_file.read(10000), delimiters='\t,;')
dict_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, dialect=sniffdialect)
dict_data = []
for record in dict_reader:
return dict_data
def dict_to_csv(csv_file_path, dict_data):
csv_file = open(csv_file_path, 'wb')
writer = csv.writer(csv_file, dialect='excel')
headers = dict_data[0].keys()
# headers must be the same with dat.keys()
for dat in dict_data:
line = []
for field in headers:
if __name__ == "__main__":
big_csv = csv_to_dict('/path/to/big_csv_file.csv')
small_csv = csv_to_dict('/path/to/small_csv_file.csv')
output = []
for s in small_csv:
for b in big_csv:
if s['id'] == b['id']:
if output:
dict_to_csv('/path/to/output.csv', output)
print "Nothing."
Hope that will help.
You need to read the data into a data structure, assuming OTUid is unique you can store this into a dictionary for fast lookup:
with open(sys.argv[1],"rU") as SparCCnames:
d = csv.DictReader(SparCCnames)
fieldnames = d.fieldnames
data = {i['OTUid']: i for i in d}
with open(sys.argv[2],"rU") as OTU_table, open(sys.argv[3],"w") as new_file:
Sparcc_OTUs = csv.DictWriter(new_file, fieldnames)
ids = csv.DictReader(OTU_table)
for record in ids:
if record['OTUid'] in data:
Thank you everyone for your help. I played with things and consulted with an advisor, and finally got a working script. I am posting it in case it helps someone else in the future.
import sys
import csv
input_file = csv.DictReader(open(sys.argv[1], "rU")) #has all info
ref_list = csv.DictReader(open(sys.argv[2], "rU")) #reference list
output_file = csv.DictWriter(
open(sys.argv[3], "w"), input_file.fieldnames) #to write output file with headers
output_file.writeheader() #write headers in output file
white_list={} #create empty dictionary
for record in ref_list: #for every line in my reference list
white_list[record["Sample_ID"]] = None #store into the dictionary the ID's as keys
for record in input_file: #for every line in my input file
record_id = record["Sample_ID"] #store ID's into variable record_id
if (record_id in white_list): #if the ID is in the reference list
output_file.writerow(record) #write the entire row into a new file
else: #if it is not in my reference list
continue #ignore it and continue iterating through the file
I'm trying to download files from a site and due to search result limitations (max 300), I need to search each item individually. I have a csv file that has a complete list which I've written some basic code to return the ID# column.
With some help, I've got another script that iterates through each search result and downloads a file. What I need to do now is to combine the two so that it will search each individual ID# and download the file.
I know my loop is messed up here, I just can't figure out where and if I'm even looping in the right order
import requests, json, csv
faciltiyList = []
with open('Facility List.csv', 'r') as f:
csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for searchterm in csv_reader:
url = "https://siera.oshpd.ca.gov/FindFacility.aspx"
r = requests.get(url+"?term="+str(searchterm))
searchresults = json.loads(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
for report in searchresults:
rpt_id = report['RPT_ID']
reporturl = f"https://siera.oshpd.ca.gov/DownloadPublicFile.aspx?archrptsegid={rpt_id}&reporttype=58&exportformatid=8&versionid=1&pageid=1"
r = requests.get(reporturl)
a = r.headers['Content-Disposition']
filename = a[a.find("filename=")+9:len(a)]
file = open(filename, "wb")
The original code I have is here:
import requests, json
searchterm="ALAMEDA (COUNTY)"
for report in searchresults:
file = open(filename, "wb")
The searchterm ="ALAMEDA (COUNTY)" results in more than 300 results, so I'm trying to replace "ALAMEDA (COUNTY)" with a list that'll run through each name (ID# in this case) so that I'll get just one result, then run again for the next on the list
CSV - just 1 line
Tested with a CSV file with just 1 line:
406014324,"HOLISTIC PALLIATIVE CARE, INC.",550004188,Parent Facility,5707 REDWOOD RD,OAKLAND,94619,1,ALAMEDA,Not Applicable,,Open,1/1/2018,Home Health Agency/Hospice,Hospice,37.79996,-122.17075
Python code
This script reads the IDs from the CSV file. Then, it fetches the results from URL and finally writes the desired contents to the disk.
import requests, json, csv
# read Ids from csv
facilityIds = []
with open('Facility List.csv', 'r') as f:
csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for searchterm in csv_reader:
# fetch and write file contents
url = "https://siera.oshpd.ca.gov/FindFacility.aspx"
for facilityId in facilityIds:
r = requests.get(url+"?term="+str(facilityId))
reports = json.loads(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
# print(f"reports = {reports}")
for report in reports:
rpt_id = report['RPT_ID']
reporturl = f"https://siera.oshpd.ca.gov/DownloadPublicFile.aspx?archrptsegid={rpt_id}&reporttype=58&exportformatid=8&versionid=1&pageid=1"
r = requests.get(reporturl)
a = r.headers['Content-Disposition']
filename = a[a.find("filename=")+9:len(a)]
# print(f"filename = {filename}")
with open(filename, "wb") as o:
Repl.it link
I'm trying to convert text file to excel sheet in python. The txt file contains data in the below specified formart
Column names: reg no, zip code, loc id, emp id, lastname, first name. Each record has one or more error numbers. Each record have their column names listed above the values. I would like to create an excel sheet containing reg no, firstname, lastname and errors listed in separate rows for each record.
How can I put the records in excel sheet ? Should I be using regular expressions ? And how can I insert error numbers in different rows for that corresponding record?
Expected output:
Here is the link to the input file:
Any code snippets or suggestions are kindly appreciated.
Here is a draft code. Let me know if any changes needed:
# import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date
import csv
with open('in.txt') as f:
with open('out.csv', 'wb') as csvfile:
spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
#Remove inital clutter
while("INPUT DATA" not in f.readline()):
header = ["REG NO", "ZIP CODE", "LOC ID", "EMP ID", "LASTNAME", "FIRSTNAME", "ERROR"]; data = list(); errors = list()
print header
line = f.readline()
errors = list()
if("END" in line):
data = line.strip().split()
f.readline() # get rid of \n
line = f.readline()
while("ERROR" in line):
line = f.readline()
spamwriter.writerow(data + errors)
# while(True):
# line = f.readline()
Use python-2 to run. The errors are appended as subsequent columns. It's slightly complicated the way you want it. I can fix it if still needed
Output looks like:
You can do this using the openpyxl library which is capable of depositing items directly into a spreadsheet. This code shows how to do that for your particular situation.
def Line_items():
with open('katherine.txt') as katherine:
for line in katherine:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
items = line.split()
if items[0].isnumeric():
yield NEW_PERSON, items
elif items[:2] == ['ERROR', 'NUM']:
yield ERROR_LINE, line
from openpyxl import Workbook
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active
ws['A2'] = 'REG NO'
ws['B2'] = 'LASTNAME'
ws['C2'] = 'FIRSTNAME'
ws['D2'] = 'ERROR'
row = 2
for kind, data in Line_items():
if kind == NEW_PERSON:
row += 2
ws['A{:d}'.format(row)] = int(data[0])
ws['B{:d}'.format(row)] = data[-2]
ws['C{:d}'.format(row)] = data[-1]
first = True
if first:
first = False
row += 1
ws['D{:d}'.format(row)] = data
This is a screen snapshot of the result.
Here's my code:
def update_win():
stud_ID = str(ID_num.get())
stud_name = str(name.get())
stud_course = str(Crs.get())
stud_year = str(Yr.get())
searchID = str(sID_num.get())#ID NUMBER FOR SEARCH
filename = str(files.get())#FILENAME
tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
fields = ['ID', 'Name', 'Course', 'Year']
with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile, tempfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=fields)
writer = csv.DictWriter(tempfile, fieldnames=fields)
for row in reader:
if row['ID'] == searchID:
row['Name'], row['Course'], row['Year'] = stud_name, stud_course, stud_year
msg = Label(upd_win, text="Update Successful", font="fixedsys 12 bold").place(x=3,y=200)
row = {'ID': row['ID'], 'Name': row['Name'], 'Course': row['Course'], 'Year': row['Year']}
shutil.move(tempfile.name, filename)
So this code is an UPDATE, it searches that ID number from the CSV, and shows its rows via a GUI as you can see its not print but Label, after that it prompts the user to enter the new ID number, new name, new course, and new year, you want to replace to the row you have selected.
It does get through, but the value doesn't change. Any ideas what happened here and how I fix it?
Sometimes you need to isolate your problem by writing separate scripts to test your processes. This exercise is the first step to creating a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example for posting here. Oftentimes, creating an mcve helps you find the problem even before you post the question.
Here is a script to test whether the read-modify-write process works:
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import io
s = '''one, two, three
data_csv = io.StringIO(s)
g = NamedTemporaryFile(mode = 'w', delete = False)
fields = ['a', 'b', 'c']
# read-modify-write
with data_csv as f, g:
w = csv.DictWriter(g, fields)
r = csv.DictReader(f, fields)
for line in r:
line['b'] = 'bar'
# test - did the modifications get written to a temp file?
with open(g.name) as f:
Which does seem to be working, the tempfile has modified data in it.
Maybe HOW you modified the data is the problem - but changing the test script to match the form of your code also works fine
for line in r:
line['a'], line['b'], line['c'] = line['a'], 'foo', line['c']
line = {'a':line['a'], 'b':line['b'], 'c':line['c']}
Assuming all the .get()'s in the first lines of the function are working, filename in the line
shutil.move(tempfile.name, filename)
must not have the correct path.
OR the conditional
if row['ID'] == searchID:
isn't working.
Food for thought:
Moving code into functions, like the read-modify-write portion, can not only help with readability, it can make testing easier.
update_win() works by using a side effect (shutil.move(tempfile.name, filename)) instead of returning something that can be acted on. Side effects can make testing harder.
That isn't necessarily bad (sometimes it is practical), you just need to be aware that you are doing it.
You have opened both files for 'r' read and you are trying to write to temp file.
You can use 'r+' mode with one file handle in order to read and write to a file
with open(filename, 'r+') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=fields)
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fields)
I have this csv file:
89,Network activity,ip-dst,,,1,20160929
89,Payload delivery,md5,4ad2924ced722ab65ff978f83a40448e,,1,20160929
89,Network activity,domain,alkamaihd.net,,1,20160929
90,Payload delivery,md5,197c018922237828683783654d3c632a,,1,20160929
90,Network activity,domain,dnsrecordsolver.tk,,1,20160929
90,Network activity,ip-dst,,,1,20160929
90,Payload delivery,filename,Airline.xls,,1,20160929
91,Payload delivery,md5,23a9bbf8d64ae893db17777bedccdc05,,1,20160929
91,Payload delivery,md5,07e47f06c5ed05a062e674f8d11b01d8,,1,20160929
91,Payload delivery,md5,bd75af219f417413a4e0fae8cd89febd,,1,20160929
91,Payload delivery,md5,9f4023f2aefc8c4c261bfdd4bd911952,,1,20160929
91,Network activity,domain,mailsinfo.net,,1,20160929
91,Payload delivery,md5,1e4653631feebf507faeb9406664792f,,1,20160929
92,Payload delivery,md5,6fa869f17b703a1282b8f386d0d87bd4,,1,20160929
92,Payload delivery,md5,24befa319fd96dea587f82eb945f5d2a,,1,20160929
I need to divide this csv file to 4 csv files where as the condition is the event number at the beginning of every row. so far I created a set that includes al the event numbers {89,90,91,92}, and I know that I need to make loop in a loop and copy each row to its dedicated csv file.
data = {
'89': [],
'90': [],
'91': [],
'92': []
with open('yourfile.csv') as infile:
for line in infile:
prefix = line[:2]
for prefix in data.keys():
with open('csv' + prefix + '.csv', 'w') as csv:
However if your are open to solutions other than python then this can be easily accomplished by running four commands
grep ^89 file.csv > 89.csv
grep ^90 file.csv > 90.csv
Similarly for other values.
It would be best to not hardcode the event numbers in your code so it's not dependent on the values of the data. I also prefer to use the csv module which has been optimized to read and write .csv files.
Here's a way to do that:
import csv
prefix = 'events' # of output csv file names
data = {}
with open('conditions.csv', 'rb') as conditions:
reader = csv.reader(conditions)
for row in reader:
data.setdefault(row[0], []).append(row)
for event in sorted(data):
csv_filename = '{}_{}.csv'.format(prefix, event)
with open(csv_filename, 'wb') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
The approach implemented above first reads the entire csv file into memory, and then writes the all the rows associated with each event value into a separate output file, one at a time.
A more memory-efficient approach would be to open multiple output files simultaneously and write each row immediately after it has been read out to the proper destination file. Doing this requires keeping track of what files are already open. Something else the file managing code needs to do is make sure all the files are closed when processing is complete.
In the code below all of this has been accomplished by defining and using a Python Context Manager type to centralize the handling of all the csv output files that might be generated depending on how many different event values there are in the input file.
import csv
import sys
PY3 = sys.version_info.major > 2
class MultiCSVOutputFileManager(object):
"""Context manager to open and close multiple csv files and csv writers.
def __enter__(self):
self.files = {}
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
for file, csv_writer in self.files.values():
print('closing file: {}'.format(file.name))
return None
def get_csv_writer(self, filename):
if filename not in self.files: # new file?
open_kwargs = dict(mode='w', newline='') if PY3 else dict(mode='wb')
print('opening file: {}'.format(filename))
file = open(filename, **open_kwargs)
self.files[filename] = file, csv.writer(file)
return self.files[filename][1] # return associated csv.writer object
And here's how to use it:
prefix = 'events' # to name of each csv output file
with open('conditions.csv', 'rb') as conditions:
reader = csv.reader(conditions)
with MultiCSVOutputFileManager() as file_manager:
for row in reader:
csv_filename = '{}_{}.csv'.format(prefix, row[0]) # row[0] is event
writer = file_manager.get_csv_writer(csv_filename)
You can even dynamically create the resulting files if the first field has not been encountered by keeping a mapping of that id and the associated file:
files = {}
with open('file.csv') as fd:
for line in fd:
if 0 == len(line.strip()): continue # skip empty lines
id_field = line.split(',', 1)[0] # extract first field
if not id in files.keys(): # if not encountered open a new result file
files[id] = open(id + '.csv')
files[id].write(line) # write the line in proper file
except Exception as e:
print('ERR', line, e) # catchall in case of problems...
I wanted to edit a csv file which reads the value from one of my another json file in python 2.7
my csv is : a.csv
my json file is a.json
i want my where the column 'a' will try to match in json file. if their is a match. it should copy that value from json and paste it to my csv file and the final output of my csv file should be looks like this.
Till now I what I have tried is
fileCSV = open('a.csv', 'a')
fileJSON = open('a.json', 'r')
jsonData = fileJSON.json()
for k in range(jsonData):
for i in csvRow:
for j in jsonData.keys():
if i == j:
if self.count == 0:
self.data = jsonData[j]
self.count = 1
self.data = self.data + "," + jsonData[j]
self.count = 0
k += 1
print("File created successfully")
I will be really thankful if anyone can help me for this.
please ignore any syntactical and indentation error.
Thank You.
Some basic string parsing will get you here.. I wrote a script which works for the simple scenario which you refer to.
check if this solves your problem:
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
def list_to_csv(listdat):
csv = ""
for val in listdat:
csv = csv+","+str(val)
return csv[1:]
lines = []
csvfile = "csvfile.csv"
outcsvfile = "outcsvfile.csv"
jsonfile = "jsonfile.json"
with open(csvfile, encoding='UTF-8') as a_file:
for line in a_file:
columns = lines[0].split(",")
data = lines[1:]
whole_data = []
for row in data:
fields = row.split(",")
i = 0
rowData = OrderedDict()
for column in columns:
rowData[columns[i]] = fields[i]
i += 1
with open(jsonfile) as json_file:
jsondata = json.load(json_file)
keys = list(jsondata.keys())
for key in keys:
value = jsondata[key]
for each_row in whole_data:
each_row[key] = value
with open(outcsvfile, mode='w', encoding='UTF-8') as b_file:
for row_data in whole_data:
row_list = []
for ecolumn in columns:
CSV output is not written to the source file but to a different file.
The output file is also always truncated and written, hence the 'w' mode.
I would recommend using csv.DictReader and csv.DictWriter classes which will read into and out of python dicts. This would make it easier to modify the dict values that you read in from the JSON file.