I receive time in the format 12:00 and I also have a timezone in the format <DstTzInfo 'Europe/Paris' PMT+0:09:00 STD>. I want to see, if this date is already passed current time in that timezone.
My current timezone may be different from the timezone I receive, so I use the following:
tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris')
d = parse("14:39").replace(tzinfo=tz)
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz)
print (d - now).total_seconds()
Even though the current time in Paris is 14:39, I still get 6600 seconds. I also tried now = datetime.datetime.replace(tzinfo=tz), but I get -3600 seconds.
What I want is having time in a specified timezone, check whether it passed or not.
What about this:
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import tz
tz = tz.gettz('Europe/Paris')
now = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=tz)
d = datetime.strptime("{0}/{1}/{2} 14:39".format(now.year,now.month,now.day), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=tz)
print (d-now).total_seconds()
I keep the current time in now, in the Europe/Paris timezone, and also create d in the same timezone. If their difference is negative the date is already passed current time in that timezone.
I have date in the as string in the following format: 202001010000
I am trying to convert this to UNIX format and get the result in UTC
I did:
import datetime
stime = "202001010000"
print(int(datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y%m%d%H%M").replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()))
and this is giving me the output in UNIX, but in CEST format.
With the above code I get: 1577836800 but I want the output to be 1577833200
What is the mistake I am doing?
You're setting time zone to UTC when converting to datetime. But since your input represents time in Germany you want a time zone that is active there. EX:
from datetime import datetime
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo # Python 3.9+, can use backports.zoneinfo for older versions
stime = "202001010000"
# stime represents time in Germany so we use time zone
time_zone = ZoneInfo('Europe/Berlin')
# to datetime, with tz set:
dtobj = datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y%m%d%H%M").replace(tzinfo=time_zone)
# unix time
ts = dtobj.timestamp()
# 1577833200.0
# back to datetime, again specify time zone
dtobj = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=time_zone)
# 2020-01-01 00:00:00+01:00
Note that if the input represents the same time zone your OS is configured to use, this works correctly without setting a time zone. But I think it's better to be explicit here, to avoid confusion if you e.g. run this script on a machine configured to use another time zone.
What you're trying to get is 7 hours behind and you cannot do that from your start date. You must push your start date back 1 day and push your hours forward 17. This code will work for you
import datetime
stime = "201912310000"
my_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
my_date_utc = my_date.replace(hour=17)
my_timestamp = my_date_utc.timestamp()
What is this date format 2020-01-13T09:25:19-0330 ? and how can I get the current datetime in this format in python ?
Edited: Also note there are only 4 digits after last -. The API which I need to hit accepts exactly this format.
2nd Edit: Confirmed from api's dev team, last 4 digits are milliseconds, with 0 prepended. ex, 330 is the milliseconds, and they mention it as 0330.
It's an ISO 8601 timestamp format.
In order to get the current time in that format:
from datetime import datetime
In your case, the iso format is truncated to seconds, and has a timezone:
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
tz = timezone(timedelta(hours=-3.5))
current_time = datetime.now(tz)
Where -3.5 is the UTC offset.
If you wish to use the system's local timezone, you can do so like this:
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
current_time = datetime.now().astimezone()
I need to scrap an online database which contain +/- 24h of data at fixed interval using an API query which contain a timestamp. Because i don't know where the server is choose something simple like midnigth UTC.
I found lot of documentation on SO to compute UTC aware of local zone. I'm actually using this protocole to get actual UTC Date :
import datetime
myDate = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
print("TZ INFO = ", myDate.tzinfo) # return UTC+00:00
print("DATE ", myDate) # return 2017-07-08 14:14:24.137003+00:00
print("ISO DATE = ", myDate.timestamp()) # return 1499523264.137003
First question, why the timestamp() returned take in account the local timezone : 1499523264.137003 is equal to ~16h15, so UTC +2 corresponding to France Zone. Why timestamp() doesn't return only the UTC + 0 timestamp ? How can i get an UTC + 0 timestamp ?
Second question, i try to generate a midnight date to query the API, so like i saw on many post on SO, i try to use the replace() function :
myDate = myDate.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0,microsecond=0).astimezone(pytz.utc)
print (myDate) # return 2017-07-08 00:00:00+00:00
But when i try to print (myDate.timestamp()) return another time a UTC + 2 timestamp, so 2AM of 2017-07-08. How can i get midnight UTC + 0 timestamp easily ?
I would suggest using the pendulum module since it makes timezone and date calculations easy to perform.
pendulum is aware of daylight savings time schemes, as indicated here for London and Paris. It can also provide the UTC time shorn of an adjustment for daylight savings time. When you need to provide an adjustment to UTC you can simply using the replace method in conjunction with UTC.
>>> import pendulum
>>> pendulum.create(2017,7,9,0,0,0,0,'Europe/London')
<Pendulum [2017-07-09T00:00:00+01:00]>
>>> pendulum.create(2017,7,9,0,0,0,0,'Europe/Paris')
<Pendulum [2017-07-09T00:00:00+02:00]>
>>> pendulum.create(2017,7,9,0,0,0,0,'UTC')
<Pendulum [2017-07-09T00:00:00+00:00]>
>>> t = pendulum.create(2017,7,9,0,0,0,0,'UTC')
>>> t.replace(hour=+2)
<Pendulum [2017-07-09T02:00:00+00:00]>
How can i actually create a timestamp for the next 6 o'clock, whether that's today or tomorrow?
I tried something with datetime.datetime.today() and replace the day with +1 and hour = 6 but i couldnt convert it into a timestamp.
Need your help
To generate a timestamp for tomorrow at 6 AM, you can use something like the following. This creates a datetime object representing the current time, checks to see if the current hour is < 6 o'clock or not, creates a datetime object for the next 6 o'clock (including adding incrementing the day if necessary), and finally converts the datetime object into a timestamp
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
# Get today's datetime
dtnow = datetime.now()
# Create datetime variable for 6 AM
dt6 = None
# If today's hour is < 6 AM
if dtnow.hour < 6:
# Create date object for today's year, month, day at 6 AM
dt6 = datetime(dtnow.year, dtnow.month, dtnow.day, 6, 0, 0, 0)
# If today is past 6 AM, increment date by 1 day
# Get 1 day duration to add
day = timedelta(days=1)
# Generate tomorrow's datetime
tomorrow = dtnow + day
# Create new datetime object using tomorrow's year, month, day at 6 AM
dt6 = datetime(tomorrow.year, tomorrow.month, tomorrow.day, 6, 0, 0, 0)
# Create timestamp from datetime object
timestamp = time.mktime(dt6.timetuple())
To get the next 6 o'clock while handling timezones that observe Daylight saving time (DST) correctly:
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
import pytz # $ pip install pytz
from tzlocal import get_localzone # $ pip install tzlocal
DAY = timedelta(1)
local_timezone = get_localzone()
now = datetime.now(local_timezone)
naive_dt6 = datetime.combine(now, time(6))
while True:
dt6 = local_timezone.localize(naive_dt6, is_dst=None)
except pytz.NonExistentTimeError: # no such time today
except pytz.AmbiguousTimeError: # DST transition (or similar)
dst = local_timezone.localize(naive_dt6, is_dst=True)
std = local_timezone.localize(naive_dt6, is_dst=False)
if now < min(dst, std):
dt6 = min(dst, std)
elif now < max(dst, std):
dt6 = max(dst, std)
if now < dt6:
naive_dt6 += DAY
Once you have an aware datetime object that represents the next 6 o'clock in the local timezone, it is easy to get the timestamp:
timestamp = dt6.timestamp() # in Python 3.3+
Or on older Python versions:
timestamp = (dt6 - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)).total_seconds()
See Converting datetime.date to UTC timestamp in Python.
The solution works even if any of the following happens:
python (e.g., time.mktime() calls) has no access to a historical timezone database on a given system (notably: Windows)—pytz provides a portable access to the tz database
there is a DST transition between now and the next X hour (where X is 6am in your case) or if the UTC offset for the local timezone has changed for any other reason—"naive datetime object + relativedelta" solution would fail silently to find the correct number of seconds but timezone-aware datetime objects could enable to find the right time difference
the nominal next X hour (today or tomorrow) does not exist or ambiguous in the local time zone (most often, it happens during DST transitions—every year in many timezones). Solutions using dateutil tzinfos or pytz-based solutions that use .localize() without is_dst=None would fail silently. The application should handle NonExistentTimeError and AmbiguousTimeError exceptions explicitly in this case
the current time is after the first time an ambiguous X hour happens in the local timezone but before the second time the X hour happens —"rrule + return min(localize(ndt, is_dst=True), localize(ndt, is_dst=False))" solution would fail silently. The min/max code in the AmbiguousTimeError clause above handles it correctly.
from django.utils import timezone
time_zone = timezone.get_current_timezone_name() # Gives 'Asia/Kolkata'
date_time = datetime.time(12,30,tzinfo=pytz.timezone(str(time_zone)))
Now I need to convert this time to UTC format and save it in Django model. I am not able to use date_time.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC')). How can I convert the time to UTC. Also Back to 'time_zone'.
This is a use case when user type time in a text box and we need to save time time in UTC format. Each user will also select his own time zone that we provide from Django timezone module.
Once the user request back the saved time it must be shown back to him in his selected time zone.
These things are always easier using complete datetime objects, e.g.:
import datetime
import pytz
time_zone = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')
# get naive date
date = datetime.datetime.now().date()
# get naive time
time = datetime.time(12, 30)
# combite to datetime
date_time = datetime.datetime.combine(date, time)
# make time zone aware
date_time = time_zone.localize(date_time)
# convert to UTC
utc_date_time = date_time.astimezone(pytz.utc)
# get time
utc_time = utc_date_time.time()
2014-07-13 12:30:00+05:30
2014-07-13 07:00:00+00:00
right now for me.
set the timezone to UTC in your settings.py. Get the user input of time and timezone in certain format. Suppose you get the user time as 'Jul-7-2014 12:35PM:30' (consider using date input in your html).
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
// convert the time to standard format
user_date = datetime.strptime('Jul-7-2014 12:35PM:30', '%b-%d-%Y %I:%M%p:%S')
user_date_string = user_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
// save the time to model with users timezone
// now when user asks back for his time, add the timezone with timedelta
user_date = datetime.strptime(user_date_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
user_date = user_date + timedelta(hours = 5, minutes = 30)
// finally display it
print user_data.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
*this is not considering django inbuild datetime functions which returns datetime object for datetime model field. If implemented that it will be more simple