I have a practice question that requires me to generate x number of alternating substrings, namely "#-" & "#--" using both recursion as well as iteration. Eg.string_iteration(3) generates "#-#--#-".
I have successfully implemented the solution for the iterative method,
but I'm having trouble getting started on the recursive method. How can I proceed?
Iterative method
def string_iteration(x):
odd_block = '#-'
even_block = '#--'
current_block = ''
if x == 0:
return ''
for i in range(1,x+1):
if i % 2 != 0:
current_block += odd_block
elif i % 2 == 0:
current_block += even_block
i += 1
return current_block
For recursion, you almost always just need a base case and everything else. Here, your base case it pretty simple — when x < 1, you can return an empty string:
if x < 1:
return ''
After than you just need to return the block + the result of string_iteration(x-1). After than it's just a matter of deciding which block to choose. For example:
def string_iteration(x):
# base case
if x < 1:
return ''
blocks = ('#--', '#-')
# recursion
return string_iteration(x-1) + blocks[x % 2]
# '#-#--#-#--#-'
This boils down to
string_iteration(1) + string_iteration(2) ... string_iteration(x)
The other answer doesn't give the same result as your iterative method. If you always want it to start with the odd block, you should add the block on the right of the recursive call instead of the left:
def string_recursion(x):
odd_block = '#-'
even_block = '#--'
if x == 0:
return ''
if x % 2 != 0:
return string_recursion(x - 1) + odd_block
elif x % 2 == 0:
return string_recursion(x - 1) + even_block
For recursive solution, you need a base case and calling the function again with some other value so that at the end you will have the desired output. Here, we can break this problem recursively like - string_recursive(x) = string_recursive(x-1) + string_recursive(x-2) + ... + string_recursive(1).
def string_recursion(x, parity):
final_str = ''
if x == 0:
return ''
if parity == -1: # when parity -1 we will add odd block
final_str += odd_block
elif parity == 1:
final_str += even_block
parity *= -1 # flip the parity every time
final_str += string_recursion(x-1, parity)
return final_str
odd_block = '#-'
even_block = '#--'
print(string_recursion(3, -1)) # for x=1 case we have odd parity, hence -1
# Output: #-#--#-
I recently decided to try to code "yet another" brainfuck interpreter, but I have a problem. It prints out the wrong numbers, when it should put our hello,world!. Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks in advance! I cannot figure out why it's doing this. Please help! I am only a beginner. Sorry for the bad coding style, but please don't change the whole thing. I would rather recieve tips.
from copy import copy
import sys
def brainfuckintepreter(program):
# find pairs of brackets
brackets = {}
bbrackets = {}
def findmatchingclosingbracket(ctr):
level = 0
if program[ctr] == '[':
while True:
if program[ctr] == '[':
level += 1
elif program[ctr] == ']':
level -= 1
if level == 0:
return ctr
ctr += 1
def findmatchingopeningbracket(ctr):
level = 0
if program[ctr] == ']':
while True:
if program[ctr] == '[':
level -= 1
elif program[ctr] == ']':
level += 1
if level == 0:
return ctr
ctr -= 1
ctr = 0
for a in program:
if a == '[':
f = copy(findmatchingclosingbracket(ctr))
brackets[ctr] = f
bbrackets[f] = ctr
ctr += 1
# running the program
tape = [0] * 3000
pointer = 1500
counter = 0
results = ""
valid = True
while counter != len(program) and valid:
a = program[counter]
# move right
if a == '>':
if pointer == len(tape) - 1:
pointer += 1
# move left
elif a == '<':
if pointer == 0:
raise ValueError("On index ", counter, ", the program tried to move to -1 on the tape")
valid = False
return valid
pointer -= 1
# increment
elif a == '+':
if tape[pointer] == 255:
tape[pointer] = 0
tape[pointer] += 1
# decrement
elif a == '-':
if tape[pointer] == 0:
tape[pointer] = 255
tape[pointer] -= 1
# output character
elif a == '.':
t = chr(tape[pointer])
results += t
print(t, end='')
# input character
elif a == ',':
tape[pointer] = ord(sys.stdin.read(1))
# opening bracket
elif a == '[':
if tape[pointer] == 0:
pointer = findmatchingclosingbracket(pointer)
# closing bracket
elif a == ']':
if tape[pointer] != 0:
pointer = findmatchingopeningbracket(counter)
counter += 1
for b in tape:
if b != 0:
I changed my code after some revisions, but same problem.
Your loops are the problem.
level = 0
while level > 0:
That loop will never be entered. The condition is immediately false (you're setting level to 0, right before checking if it is greater than 0).
You could change that to a do..while loop instead of a while loop (make a while true loop and check the condition at the end to decide whether to break out of the loop or not) and start checking at the current pointer position (include the current [ or ]), not at the next character after it.
Also here:
if tape[pointer] == 0:
pointer = findmatchingclosingbracket(pointer)
you should be passing and updating the program counter, not the tape pointer on the second line. And likewise for the other one just below it.
My understanding is that while basically every discussion of dynamic programming I can find has one store the pointers as the matrix is populated, it is faster to instead to re-calculate the previous cells during the traceback step instead.
I have my dynamic programming algorithm to build the matrix correctly as far as I can tell, but I am confused on how to do the traceback calculations. I also have been told that it is necessary to recalculate the values (instead of just looking them up) but I don't see how that will come up with different numbers.
The version of SW I am implementing includes an option for gaps in both sequences to open up, so the recurrence relation for each matrix has three options. Below is the current version of my global alignment class. From my hand calculations I believe that score_align properly generates the matrix, but obviously traceback_col_seq does not work.
INF = 2147483647 #max size of int32
class global_aligner():
def __init__(self, subst, open=10, extend=2, double=3):
self.extend, self.open, self.double, self.subst = extend, open, double, subst
def __call__(self, row_seq, col_seq):
#add alphabet error checking?
score_align(row_seq, col_seq)
return traceback_col_seq()
def init_array(self):
self.M = zeros((self.maxI, self.maxJ), int)
self.Ic = zeros((self.maxI, self.maxJ), int)
self.Ir = zeros((self.maxI, self.maxJ), int)
for i in xrange(self.maxI):
self.M[i][0], self.Ir[i][0], self.Ic[i][0] = \
-INF, -INF, -(self.open+self.extend*i)
for j in xrange(self.maxJ):
self.M[0][j], self.Ic[0][j], self.Ir[0][j] = \
-INF, -INF, -(self.open+self.extend*j)
self.M[0][0] = 0
self.Ic[0][0] = -self.open
def score_cell(self, i, j, chars):
thisM = [self.Ic[i-1][j-1]+self.subst[chars], self.M[i-1][j-1]+\
self.subst[chars], self.Ir[i-1][j-1]+self.subst[chars]]
thisC = [self.Ic[i][j-1]-self.extend, self.M[i][j-1]-self.open, \
thisR = [self.M[i-1][j]-self.open, self.Ir[i-1][j]-self.extend, \
return max(thisM), max(thisC), max(thisR)
def score_align(self, row_seq, col_seq):
self.row_seq, self.col_seq = list(row_seq), list(col_seq)
self.maxI, self.maxJ = len(self.row_seq)+1, len(self.col_seq)+1
for i in xrange(1, self.maxI):
row_char = self.row_seq[i-1]
for j in xrange(1, self.maxJ):
chars = row_char+self.col_seq[j-1]
self.M[i][j], self.Ic[i][j], self.Ir[i][j] = \
self.score_cell(i, j, chars)
def traceback_col_seq(self):
self.traceback = list()
i, j = self.maxI-1, self.maxJ-1
while i > 1 and j > 1:
cell = [self.M[i][j], self.Ic[i][j], self.Ir[i][j]]
cellMax = max(cell)
chars = self.row_seq[i-1]+self.col_seq[j-1]
if cell.index(cellMax) == 0: #M
diag = [diagM, diagC, diagR] = self.score_cell(i-1, j-1, chars)
diagMax = max(diag)
if diag.index(diagMax) == 0: #match
elif diag.index(diagMax) == 1: #insert column (open)
elif diag.index(diagMax) == 2: #insert row (open other)
i, j = i-1, j-1
elif cell.index(cellMax) == 1: #Ic
up = [upM, upC, upR] = self.score_cell(i-1, j, chars)
upMax = max(up)
if up.index(upMax) == 0: #match (close)
elif up.index(upMax) == 1: #insert column (extend)
elif up.index(upMax) == 2: #insert row (double)
i -= 1
elif cell.index(cellMax) == 2: #Ir
left = [leftM, leftC, leftR] = self.score_cell(i, j-1, chars)
leftMax = max(left)
if left.index(leftMax) == 0: #match (close)
elif left.index(leftMax) == 1: #insert column (double)
elif left.index(leftMax) == 2: #insert row (extend other)
j -= 1
for j in xrange(0,j,-1):
for i in xrange(0,i, -1):
return ''.join(self.traceback[::-1])
test = global_aligner(blosumMatrix)
I think the main problem is that you aren't taking the matrix that you're currently in into account when generating the cells that you could potentially have come from. cell = [self.M[i][j], self.Ic[i][j], self.Ir[i][j]] is right for the first time through the while loop, but after that you can't just choose the matrix that has the highest score. Your options are constrained by where you're coming from. I'm having a bit of trouble following your code, but I think you're taking that into account in the if statements in the while loop. If that's the case, then I think changes along the lines of these should be sufficient:
cell = [self.M[i][j], self.Ic[i][j], self.Ir[i][j]]
cellIndex = cell.index(max(cell))
while i > 1 and j > 1:
chars = self.row_seq[i-1]+self.col_seq[j-1]
if cellIndex == 0: #M
diag = [diagM, diagC, diagR] = self.score_cell(i-1, j-1, chars)
diagMax = max(diag)
cellIndex = diagMax
i, j = i-1, j-1
elif cell.index(cellMax) == 1: #Ic
up = [upM, upC, upR] = self.score_cell(i-1, j, chars)
upMax = max(up)
cellIndex = upMax
i -= 1
elif cell.index(cellMax) == 2: #Ir
left = [leftM, leftC, leftR] = self.score_cell(i, j-1, chars)
leftMax = max(left)
cellIndex = leftMax
j -= 1
Like I said, I'm not positive that I'm following your code correctly, but see if that helps.
I am currently working on my Python game, in ika, which uses python 2.5
I decided to use A* pathfinding for the AI. However, I find it too slow for my needs (3-4 enemies can lag the game, but I would like to supply up to 4-5 without problems). I know, that such complex search like A* is not mean to be scripted in python, but I am pretty sure, that my pathfinder is also implemented in the wrong way.
My question is: How can I speed up this algorithm?
I wrote my own binary heap, and there are some try: except: lines inside some functions. Those lines can create large overhead? Are there better methods maintaining the open list?
I supplied the algorithm with graphics interface, for testing purposes (when the pathfinder finishes searching, it will write the number of iterations and seconds it takes to find the path, inside the ika.txt file. Also, Pressing A will do a complete search, and S does that step by step.)
Graphical version:
Also, here is a pastebin version:
Here is the main code I use for pathfinding:
import ika
import time
class Node:
def __init__(self,x,y,parent=None,g=0,h=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.parent = parent
self.g = g
self.h = h
def cost(self):
return self.g + self.h
def equal(self,node):
if self.x == node.x and self.y == node.y:
return True
return False
class Emerald_Pathfinder:
def __init__(self):
def setup(self,start,goal):
self.start = start
self.goal = goal
self.openlist = [None,start] # Implemented as binary heap
self.closedlist = {} # Implemented as hash
self.onopenlist = {} # Hash, for searching the openlist
self.found = False
self.current = None
self.iterations = 0
def lowest_cost(self):
def add_nodes(self,current):
nodes = []
x = current.x
y = current.y
# Dont cut across corners
up = map.is_obstacle((x,y-1),x,y-1)
down = map.is_obstacle((x,y+1),x,y+1)
left = map.is_obstacle((x-1,y),x-1,y)
right = map.is_obstacle((x+1,y),x+1,y)
if right == False and down == False:
if left == False and up == False:
if right == False and up == False:
if left == False and down == False:
return nodes
def heuristic(self,x1,y1,x2,y2):
return (abs(x1-x2)+abs(y1-y2))*10
def add_node(self,x,y,parent,cost,list):
# If not obstructed
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == False:
g = parent.g + cost
h = self.heuristic(x,y,self.goal.x,self.goal.y)
node = Node(x,y,parent,g,h)
def ignore(self,node,current):
# If its on the closed list, or open list, ignore
if self.closedlist[(node.x,node.y)] == True:
return True
# If the node is on the openlist, do the following
# If its on the open list
if self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] != None:
# Get the id number of the item on the real open list
index = self.openlist.index(self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)])
# If one of the coordinates equal, its not diagonal.
if node.x == current.x or node.y == current.y:
cost = 10
cost = 14
# Check, is this items G cost is higher, than the current G + cost
if self.openlist[index].g > (current.g + cost):
# If so, then, make the list items parent, the current node.
self.openlist[index].g = current.g + cost
self.openlist[index].parent = current
# Now resort the binary heap, in the right order.
# And ignore the node
return True
return False
def resort_binary_heap(self,index):
m = index
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_add(self,node):
# Add item to the onopenlist.
self.onopenlist[(node.x,node.y)] = node
m = len(self.openlist)-1
while m > 1:
if self.openlist[m/2].cost() > self.openlist[m].cost():
temp = self.openlist[m/2]
self.openlist[m/2] = self.openlist[m]
self.openlist[m] = temp
m = m / 2
def heap_remove(self):
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
first = self.openlist[1]
# Remove the first item from the onopenlist
self.onopenlist[(self.openlist[1].x,self.openlist[1].y)] = None
last = self.openlist.pop(len(self.openlist)-1)
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
return last
self.openlist[1] = last
v = 1
while True:
u = v
# If there is two children
if (2*u)+1 < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
if self.openlist[(2*u)+1].cost() <= self.openlist[v].cost():
v = (2*u)+1
# If there is only one children
elif 2*u < len(self.openlist):
if self.openlist[2*u].cost() <= self.openlist[u].cost():
v = 2*u
# If at least one child is smaller, than parent, swap them
if u != v:
temp = self.openlist[u]
self.openlist[u] = self.openlist[v]
self.openlist[v] = temp
return first
def iterate(self):
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
def iterateloop(self):
time1 = time.clock()
while 1:
# If the open list is empty, exit the game
if len(self.openlist) == 1:
ika.Exit("no path found")
# Expand iteration by one
self.iterations += 1
# Make the current node the lowest cost
self.current = self.heap_remove()
# Add it to the closed list
self.closedlist[(self.current.x,self.current.y)] = True
# Are we there yet?
if self.current.equal(self.goal) == True:
# Target reached
self.goal = self.current
self.found = True
print "Number of iterations"
print self.iterations
# Add the adjacent nodes, and check them
nodes_around = self.add_nodes(self.current)
for na in nodes_around:
if self.ignore(na,self.current) == False:
time2 = time.clock()
time3 = time2-time1
print "Seconds to find path:"
print time3
class Map:
def __init__(self):
self.map_size_x = 20
self.map_size_y = 15
self.obstructed = {} # Library, containing x,y couples
self.start = [2*40,3*40]
self.unit = [16*40,8*40]
def is_obstacle(self,couple,x,y):
if (x >= self.map_size_x or x < 0) or (y >= self.map_size_y or y < 0):
return True
if self.obstructed[(couple)] != None:
return True
return False
def render_screen():
# Draw the Character
# Draw walls
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if map.is_obstacle((x,y),x,y) == True:
# Draw openlist items
for node in path.openlist:
if node == None:
x = node.x
y = node.y
# Draw closedlist items
for x in range(0,map.map_size_x):
for y in range(0,map.map_size_y):
if path.closedlist[(x,y)] == True:
# Draw the current square
ika.Video.DrawRect(path.current.x*40,path.current.y*40,(path.current.x*40)+40,(path.current.y*40)+40,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
ika.Video.DrawRect(mouse_x.Position(),mouse_y.Position(),mouse_x.Position()+8,mouse_y.Position()+8,ika.RGB(128,128,128), 1)
# Draw the path, if reached
if path.found == True:
node = path.goal
while node.parent:
node = node.parent
# Draw the Target
def mainloop():
while 1:
if mouse_middle.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_right.Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["A"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder
if path.found == False:
elif ika.Input.keyboard["S"].Pressed():
# Iterate pathfinder by one
if path.found == False:
elif mouse_left.Position():
# Add a square to the map, to be obstructed
if path.iterations == 0:
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
map.obstructed[(int(x/40),int(y/40))] = True
# Mouse preview
x = mouse_x.Position()
y = mouse_y.Position()
mx = int(x/40)*40
my = int(y/40)*40
map = Map()
path = Emerald_Pathfinder()
mouse_middle = ika.Input.mouse.middle
mouse_right = ika.Input.mouse.right
mouse_left = ika.Input.mouse.left
mouse_x = ika.Input.mouse.x
mouse_y = ika.Input.mouse.y
# Initialize loop
I appreciate any help!
(sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)
I think a proper implementation in python will be fast enough for your purposes. But the boost library has an astar implementation and python bindings. https://github.com/erwinvaneijk/bgl-python
I am new to python. My code runs into infinite loop, keeps adding & printing numberCycles. My logic in C++ works fine.
Would you please help to identify why?
The first line of input is the number of simulations.
The next line is the number of minutes for a single reproductive cycle.
The next line is the number of rows (x), followed by a single space, and followed by number of columns (y).
The next group of y lines will have x number of characters, with a single period (.) representing a blank space and a single capitol B representing a starting Bunny tries to reproduce to up, right, down, left direction. If there is a existing bunny, then it goes to sleep.
2 # 2 simulations
5 # 5 minutes/cycle
3 3 # 3*3 map
4 4
#!/usr/bin/env python
class Spot(object):
isBunny = bool()
nextCycle = 0
UP = 0
DOWN = 2
LEFT = 3
def __init__(self, newIsBunny):
self.isBunny = newIsBunny
self.nextCycle = self.UP
def setNextCycle(self):
if (self.nextCycle != self.SLEEP):
self.nextCycle += 1
def getNextCycle(self):
return self.nextCycle
def getIsBunny(self):
return self.isBunny
def makeBunny(self):
if not self.isBunny:
self.nextCycle = self.UP
self.isBunny = True
#!/usr/bin/env python
from Spot import Spot
import os
class Bunny(object):
def main(cls, args):
with open(os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/input.txt')) as f:
numSims = int(f.readline())
myMap = []
print numSims
minPerCycle= int(f.readline())
print minPerCycle
for k in xrange(numSims):
xyLine= f.readline()
row = int(xyLine.split()[0])
col = int(xyLine.split()[1])
print row,col
for i in range(0,row):
myLine = f.readline()
for j in range(0,col):
myMap[i].append(Spot(myLine[j] == 'B'))
numCycles = 1
if cls.isFilled(row,col,myMap):
numCycles = 0
while not cls.isFilled(row,col,myMap):
numCycles += 1
print numCycles
for m in range(0,row):
for n in range(0,col):
if myMap[m][n].getIsBunny():
if myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.UP:
if m>0:
elif myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.RIGHT:
if n<col-1:
elif myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.DOWN:
if m<row-1:
myMap[m+ 1][n].makeBunny()
elif myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.SLEEP:
if n>0:
myMap[m][n- 1].makeBunny()
time = numCycles * minPerCycle
print "It took " , time , " minutes for the bunnies to take over the world!\n"
del myMap[:]
def isFilled(cls,row,col,myMap):
for a in range(0,row):
for b in range(0,col):
if not myMap[a][b].getIsBunny():
return False
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
It never goes to the left. Also, you set a break for the inner loop, so, myMap[m][n].setNextCycle() is never called. I just saw your C++ code and you translated it to Python with errors (using Spot.SLEEP instead of Spot.LEFT).
The break statement makes sense in C++ because you want to break the switch. Here, you are using if..else.
It should be something like:
while not cls.isFilled(row, col, myMap):
numCycles += 1
print numCycles
for m in range(0,row):
for n in range(0,col):
if myMap[m][n].getIsBunny():
if myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.UP:
if m>0:
elif myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.RIGHT:
if n<col-1:
elif myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.DOWN:
if m<row-1:
myMap[m+ 1][n].makeBunny()
elif myMap[m][n].getNextCycle() == Spot.LEFT:
if n>0: