I have a consumer reading from kafka which has a continuous stream of events, every so often I have to write to a mongo collection for which I have to have a continuous mongo connection open. My solution to this which is fairly hacky I feel is to re-initialize the connection every 5 minutes or so to avoid Network timeout. This is to avoid periods in which there are no events from kafka and the connection is idle.
Can anyone suggest a better way to do this? Since I'm pretty sure this is the wrong way to go about establishing a continuous connection to mongo.
I'm using the pymongo client.
I have a MongoAdapter class which has helper methods:
from pymongo import MongoClient
import pymongo
import time
class MongoAdapter:
def __init__(self,databaseName,userid,password,host):
def getDatabase(self):
print "authenticated true"
except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure:
print "Error: Please check Database Name, UserId,Password"
and I use the class in the following way to re-connect:
adapter_reinit_threshold=300 #every 300 seconds, instantiate new mongo conn.
while True
if (time.time()-adapter_config_time) > adapter_reinit_threshold:
adapter=MongoAdapter(config.db_name,config.db_user,config.db_password,config.db_host) #re-connect
adapter_config_time=time.time() #update adapter_config_time
The reason I went ahead and did it this way was because I thought the old unused objects (with open connections, would be garbage collected and connections closed). Although this method works fine, I want to know if there's a cleaner way to do it and what the pitfalls of this approach might be.
From the documentation of pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient
If an operation fails because of a network error, ConnectionFailure is
raised and the client reconnects in the background. Application code
should handle this exception (recognizing that the operation failed)
and then continue to execute.
I don't think you need to implement your own re-connection method.
I'm playing around with SQLAlchemy core in Python, and I've read over the documentation numerous times and still need clarification about engine.execute() vs connection.execute().
As I understand it, engine.execute() is the same as doing connection.execute(), followed by connection.close().
The tutorials I've followed let me to use this in my code:
Initial setup in script
engine = db.create_engine("postgres://user:pass#ip/dbname", connect_args={'connect_timeout': 5})
connection = engine.connect()
metadata = db.MetaData()
except exc.OperationalError:
print_error(f":: Could not connect to {db_ip}!")
Then, I have functions that handle my database access, for example:
def add_user(a_username):
query = db.insert(table_users).values(username=a_username)
Am I supposed to be calling connection.close() before my script ends? Or is that handled efficiently enough by itself? Would I be better off closing the connection at the end of add_user(), or is that inefficient?
If I do need to be calling connection.close() before the script ends, does that mean interrupting the script will cause hanging connections on my Postgres DB?
I found this post helpful to better understand the different interaction paradigms in sqlalchemy, in case you haven't read it yet.
Regarding your question as to when to close your db connection: It is indeed very inefficient to create and close connections for every statement execution. However you should make sure that your application does not have connection leaks in it's global flow.
Applications often need to connect to other services (a database, a cache, an API, etc). For sanity and DRY, we'd like to keep all of these connections in one module so the rest of our code base can share connections.
To reduce boilerplate, downstream usage should be simple:
# app/do_stuff.py
from .connections import AwesomeDB
db = AwesomeDB()
def get_stuff():
return db.get('stuff')
And setting up the connection should also be simple:
# app/cli.py or some other main entry point
from .connections import AwesomeDB
db = AwesomeDB()
db.init(username='stuff admin') # Or os.environ['DB_USER']
Web frameworks like Django and Flask do something like this, but it feels a bit clunky:
Connect to a Database in Flask, Which Approach is better?
One big issue with this is that we want a reference to the actual connection object instead of a proxy, because we want to retain tab-completion in iPython and other dev environments.
So what's the Right Way (tm) to do it? After a few iterations, here's my idea:
from awesome_database import AwesomeDB as RealAwesomeDB
from horrible_database import HorribleDB as RealHorribleDB
class ConnectionMixin(object):
__connection = None
def __new__(cls):
cls.__connection = cls.__connection or object.__new__(cls)
return cls.__connection
def __init__(self, real=False, **kwargs):
if real:
def init(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['real'] = True
class AwesomeDB(ConnectionMixin, RealAwesomeDB):
class HorribleDB(ConnectionMixin, RealHorribleDB):
Room for improvement: Set initial __connection to a generic ConnectionProxy instead of None, which catches all attribute access and throws an exception.
I've done quite a bit of poking around here on SO and in various OSS projects and haven't seen anything like this. It feels pretty solid, though it does mean a bunch of modules will be instantiating connection objects as a side effect at import time. Will this blow up in my face? Are there any other negative consequences to this approach?
First, design-wise, I might be missing something, but I don't see why you need the heavy mixin+singleton machinery instead of just defining a helper like so:
_awesome_db = None
def awesome_db(**overrides):
global _awesome_db
if _awesome_db is None:
# Read config/set defaults.
# overrides.setdefault(...)
_awesome_db = RealAwesomeDB(**overrides)
return _awesome_db
Also, there is a bug that might not look like a supported use-case, but anyway: if you make the following 2 calls in a row, you would wrongly get the same connection object twice even though you passed different parameters:
db = AwesomeDB()
db.init(username='stuff admin')
db = AwesomeDB()
db.init(username='not-admin') # You'll get admin connection here.
An easy fix for that would be to use a dict of connections keyed on the input parameters.
Now, on the essence of the question.
I think the answer depends on how your "connection" classes are actually implemented.
Potential downsides with your approach I see are:
In a multithreaded environment you could get problems with unsychronized concurrent access to the global connection object from multiple threads, unless it is already thread-safe. If you care about that, you could change your code and interface a bit and use a thread-local variable.
What if a process forks after creating the connection? Web application servers tend to do that and it might not be safe, again depending on the underlying connection.
Does the connection object have state? What happens if the connection object becomes invalid (due to i.e. connection error/time out)? You might need to replace the broken connection with a new one to return the next time a connection is requested.
Connection management is often already efficiently and safely implemented through a connection pool in client libraries.
For example, the redis-py Redis client uses the following implementation:
The Redis client then uses the connection pool like so:
Requests a connection from the connection pool.
Tries to execute a command on the connection.
If the connection fails, the client closes it.
In any case, finaly it is returned to the connection pool so it can be reused by subsequent calls or other threads.
So since the Redis client handles all of that under the hood, you can safely do what you want directly. Connections will be lazily created until the connection pool reaches full capacity.
# app/connections.py
def redis_client(**kwargs):
# Maybe read configuration/set default arguments
# kwargs.setdefault()
return redis.Redis(**kwargs)
Similarly, SQLAlchemy can use connection pooling as well.
To summarize, my understanding is that:
If your client library supports connection pooling, you don't need to do anything special to share connections between modules and even threads. You could just define a helper similar to redis_client() that reads configuration, or specifies default parameters.
If your client library provides only low-level connection objects, you will need to make sure access to them is thread-safe and fork-safe. Also, you need to make sure each time you return a valid connection (or raise an exception if you can't establish or reuse an existing one).
I am working on an online judge.I am using python 2.7 and Mysql ( as I am working on back end-part)
My Method:
I create a main thread which pulls out submissions from database( 10 at a time) and puts them in a queue.Then I have multiple threads that take submissions from queue, evaluate it and write the result back to database.
Now I have some doubts(I know they are doubts from different topics but approach to some of them also is highly appreciated).
Currently when I start the threads I give them their own db connections, Which they use.Is this a good practice to give one connection per thread. Does sharing of connections between threads create problems.How do I go about this.
My main thread uses a single connection as its only work is to pull submissions from db and put then in queue(also update their status in db to Assessing Submission). But sometimes I get the error: Lost connection to Mysql server while querying. I keep getting it even when I stop the program and start it again.What do I do about it? Also should I implement a Pool of connections for only the main thread?
Also does a db connection stay alive for ever? What to do when its session memory etc gets exhausted how to handle that?
Use a connection pool. Sharing the database connection is not always bad but you have to be careful about it. You can try SQLAlchemy to manage a lot of this for you: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/session.html#unitofwork-contextual
The server might be out of connections, your connection might have been killed because it uses too many resources.. etc. A connection pool could help you solve this.
It all depends, it could stay alive indefinitely theoretically, but usually you have a timeout somewhere.
If you give the same connection to every thread then the threads will not be able to query the database and race condition will occur. So you need to provide separate connection to every thread and indeed it is a good idea. Use a Connection Pool for the purpose it will help you get different connections.
Connection Pool will surely help.
Release the connection once your work is over. There is a limit to connection which is termed as connection time out. So you need to use some third party library to handle that, c3p0 is a good library which can help you in this.
Please refer the below link to configure it:
Best configuration of c3p0
Trying to serve database query results to adhoc client requests, but do not want to open a connection for each individual query. I'm not sure if i'm doing it right.
Current solution is something like this on the "server" side (heavily cut down for clarity):
import rpyc
from rpyc.utils.server import ThreadedServer
import cx_Oracle
conn = cx_Oracle.conect('whatever connect string')
cursor = conn.cursor()
def get_some_data(barcode):
# do something
return cursor.execute("whatever query",{'barcode':barcode})
class data_service(rpyc.Service):
def exposed_get_some_data(self, brcd):
return get_some_data(brcd)
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = ThreadedServer(data_service, port=12345, auto_register=False)
This runs okay for a while. However from time to time the program crashes and so far i haven't been able to track when it does that.
What i wish to confirm, is see how the database connection is created outside of the data_service class. Is this in itself likely to cause problems?
Many thanks any thoughts appreciated.
I don't think the problem is that you're creating the connection outside of the class, that should be fine.
I think the problem is that you are creating just one cursor and using it for a long time, which as far as I understand is not how cursors are meant to be used.
You can use conn.execute without manually creating a cursor, which should be fine for how you're using the database. If I remember correctly, behind the scenes this creates a new cursor for each SQL command. You could also do this yourself in get_some_data(): create a new cursor, use it once, and then close it before returning the data.
In the long run, if you wish your server to be more robust, you'll need to add some error-handling for when database operations fail or the connection is lost.
A final note: Essentially you've written a very basic database proxy server. There are probably various existing solutions for this already, which already handle many issues you are likely to run in to. I recommend at least considering using an existing solution.
I'm using psycopg2 for the cherrypy app I'm currently working on and cli & phpgadmin to handle some operations manually. Here's the python code :
#One connection per thread
cherrypy.thread_data.pgconn = psycopg2.connect("...")
#Later, an object is created by a thread :
class dbobj(object):
def __init__(self):
#Finally, the destructor is called :
def __del__(self):
I'm having a problem with either psycopg or postgres (altough I think the latter is more likely). After having sent a few queries, my connections drop dead. Similarly, phpgadmin -usually- gets dropped as well ; it prompts me to reconnect after having made requests several times. Only the CLI remains persistent.
The problem is, these happen very randomly and I can't even track down what the cause is. I can either get locked down after a few page requests or never really encounter anything after having requested hundreds of pages. The only error I've found in postgres log, after terminating the app is :
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
LOG: could not send data to client: Broken pipe
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
I thought of creating a new connection every time a new dbobj instance is created but I absolutely don't want to do this.
Also, I've read that one may run into similar problems unless all transactions are committed : I use the try/except block for every single INSERT/UPDATE query, but I never use it for SELECT queries nor do I want to write even more boilerplate code (btw, do they need to be committed ?). Even if that's the case, why would phpgadmin close down ?
max_connections is set to 100 in the .conf file, so I don't think that's the reason either. A single cherrypy worker has only 10 threads.
Does anyone have an idea where I should look first ?
Psycopg2 needs a commit or rollback after every transaction, including SELECT queries, or it leaves the connections "IDLE IN TRANSACTION". This is now a warning in the docs:
Warning: By default, any query execution, including a simple SELECT will start a transaction: for long-running programs, if no further action is taken, the session will remain “idle in transaction”, an undesirable condition for several reasons (locks are held by the session, tables bloat...). For long lived scripts, either ensure to terminate a transaction as soon as possible or use an autocommit connection.
It's a bit difficult to see exactly where you're populating and accessing cherrypy.thread_data. I'd recommend investigating psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool instead of trying to bind one conn to each thread yourself.
Even though I don't have any idea why successful SELECT queries block the connection, spilling .commit() after pretty much every single query that doesn't have to work in conjunction with another solved the problem.