Python: Writing peoples scores to individual lines - python

I have a task where I need to record peoples scores in a text file. My Idea was to set it out like this:
Jon: 4, 1, 3
Simon: 1, 3, 6
This has the name they inputted along with their 3 last scores (Only 3 should be recorded).
Now for my question; Can anyone point me in the right direction to do this? Im not asking for you to write my code for me, Im simply asking for some tips.
Edit: Im guessing it would look something like this: I dont know how I'd add scores after their first though like above.
def File():
score = str(Name) + ": " + str(correct)
File = open('Test.txt', 'w+')
Name = input("Name: ")
correct = input("Number: ")

You could use pandas to_csv() function and store your data in a dictionary. It will be much easier than creating your own format.
from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv
import pandas as pd
def tfile(names):
df = DataFrame(data = names, columns = names.keys())
with open('directory','w') as f:
f.write(df.to_string(index=False, header=True))
names = {}
for i in xrange(num_people):
name = input('Name: ')
if name not in names:
names[name] = []
for j in xrange(3):
score = input('Score: ')
Simon Jon
1 4
3 1
6 3
This should meet your text requirement now. It converts it to a string and then writes the string to the .txt file. If you need to read it back in you can use pandas read_table(). Here's a link if you want to read about it.

Since you are not asking for the exact code, here is an idea and some pointers
Collect the last three scores per person in a list variable called last_three
do something like:
",".join(last_three) #this gives you the format 4,1,3 etc
write to file an entry such as
name + ":" + ",".join(last_three)
You'll need to do this for each "line" you process
I'd recommend using with clause to open the file in write mode and process your data (as opposed to just an "open" clause) since with handles try/except/finally problems of opening/closing file handles...So...
with open(my_file_path, "w") as f:
for x in my_formatted_data:
#assuming x is a list of two elements name and last_three elems (example: [Harry, [1,4,5]])
name, last_three = x
f.write(name + ":" + ",".join(last_three))
f.write("\n")# a new line
In this way you don't really need to open/close file as with clause takes care of it for you


Rewriting Single Words in a .txt with Python

I need to create a Database, using Python and a .txt file.
Creating new items is no Problem,the inside of the Databse.txt looks like this:
Index Objektname Objektplace Username
1 Pen Office Daniel
2 Saw Shed Nic
6 Shovel Shed Evelyn
4 Knife Room6 Evelyn
I get the index from a QR-Scanner (OpenCV) and the other informations are gained via Tkinter Entrys and if an objekt is already saved in the Database, you should be able to rewrite Objektplace and Username.
My Problems now are the following:
If I scan the Code with the index 6, how do i navigate to that entry, even if it's not in line 6, without causing a Problem with the Room6?
How do I, for example, only replace the "Shed" from Index 4 when that Objekt is moved to f.e. Room6?
Same goes for the Usernames.
Up until now i've tried different methods, but nothing worked so far.
The last try looked something like this
def DBChange():
#Removes unwanted bits from the scanned code
data2 = data.replace("'", "")
Index = data2.replace("b","")
#Gets the Data from the Entry-Widgets
User = Nutzer.get()
Einlagerungsort = Ort.get()
#Adds a whitespace at the end of the Entrys to seperate them
Userlen = len(User)
User2 = User.ljust(Userlen)
Einlagerungsortlen = len(Einlagerungsort)+1
Einlagerungsort2 = Einlagerungsort.ljust(Einlagerungsortlen)
#Navigate to the exact line of the scanned Index and replace the words
#for the place and the user ONLY in this line
file = open("Datenbank.txt","r+")
for word in lines[Index].split():
checkWords = (List[2],List[3])
repWords = (Einlagerungsort2, User2)
for line in file:
for check, rep in zip(checkWords, repWords):
line = line.replace(check, rep)
Thanks in advance
I'd suggest using Pandas to read and write your textfile. That way you can just use the index to select the approriate line. And if there is no specific reason to use your text format, I would switch to csv for ease of use.
import pandas as pd
def DBChange():
#Removes unwanted bits from the scanned code
# I haven't changed this part, since I guess you need this for some input data
data2 = data.replace("'", "")
Indexnr = data2.replace("b","")
#Gets the Data from the Entry-Widgets
User = Nutzer.get()
Einlagerungsort = Ort.get()
# I removed the lines here. This isn't necessary when using csv and Pandas
# read in the csv file
df = pd.read_csv("Datenbank.csv")
# Select line with index and replace value
df.loc[Indexnr, 'Username'] = User
df.loc[Indexnr, 'Objektplace'] = Einlagerungsort
# Write back to csv
Since I can't reproduce your specific problem, I haven't tested it. But something like this should work.
To read and write text-file, use ' ' as the seperator. (I assume all values do not contain spaces, and your text file now uses 1 space between values).
df = pd.read_csv('Datenbank.txt', sep=' ')
df.to_csv('Datenbank.txt', sep=' ')
First of all, this is a terrible way to store data. My suggestion is not particularily well code, don't do this in production! (edit
newlines = []
for line in lines:
entry = line.split()
if entry[0] == Index:
#line now is the correct line
#Index 2 is the place, index 0 the ID, etc
entry[2] = Einlagerungsort2
newlines.append(" ".join(entry))
# Now write newlines back to the file

Accessing Values from Text Dictionary

I am trying to create a "This is Your New Name Generator" program. I am doing this by asking the user for their first and last name. The program then takes the first letter of their first name, and the last letter of the their last name, and pulls from two text files to give their new first and last name.
I've gotten as far as getting the user's first and last name, and pulling information from a file, however it always gives me the last line of the file.
I thought I could setup the files like dictionaries and then use the user's input as keys, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Any advice?
firstName = input("What is your first Name? ")
lastName = input("What is your last Name? ")
fN = firstName[0].lower()
lN_len = len(lastName) -1
lN = lastName[lN_len]
fNdict = {}
with open('firstName.txt') as f:
for line in f:
(fN, fNval) = line.split(",")
fNdict[fN] = fNval
lNdict = {}
with open('lastName.txt') as fileobj:
for line in fileobj:
lNkey, lNvalue = line.split(",")
lNdict[lN] = lNvalue
newFirstName = fNval
newLastName = lNvalue
print("Your zombie Name is: %s %s "%(newFirstName,newLastName))
Reference Image:
When you run these lines:
newFirstName = fNval
newLastName = lNvalue
fNval and lNvalue have the last values they had in their respective loops. I think you mean to use the user's first and last names as keys to the dictionaries, e.g.
newFirstName = fNdict[fN]
newLastName = lNdict[lN]
Note that this will fail if fN and lN aren't in the dictionaries. You might want to create defaultdicts instead.
Note also that Python has an official style guide that most Python developers follow. Please consider reading it and writing your code accordingly. The code you've shared is very hard to read.
You could follow a slightly different implementation to achieve the same result.
Create two python dictionaries with all the associations letters - first names and letter - last names.
Write them in a file using json. This file will substitute yours firstName.txt and lastName.txt
This should be done only once to create the file with the names.
Then your name generator is a script which:
Loads those two dictionaries.
Ask the user for an input to obtain the keys.
Retrieve the names from the dictionaries using the user input.
The first two points are implemented in this way:
import json
#these are just brief examples, provide complete dictionaries.
firstnames = {"A": "Crafty", "B": "Brainy"}
lastnames = {"A": "Decapitator", "B": "McBrains"}
with open("fullnames.txt", "w") as ff:
json.dump(firstnames, ff)
json.dump(lastnames, ff)
This would be a script to generate the file with the names.
The name generator would be:
import json
with open("fullnames.txt", "r") as ff:
ll = ff.readlines()
firstnames = json.loads(ll[0].strip())
lastnames = json.loads(ll[1].strip())
inputfirst = input("What is your first Name? ")
inputlast = input("What is your last Name? ")
fn = inputfirst[0].upper()
ln = inputlast[-1].upper() #negative indexes start from the last element of the iterable, so -1 would be the last.
print("Your zombie Name is: {} {} ".format(firstnames[fn], lastnames[ln])) #using string format method, better that the old %

How to read off of a specific line in a text file using python

Looking to have my code read one text file and store the line number of a user input as num and then use the variable num to read the same line on another file.
currently, the code for the first step of reading the first text file is working and has been tested but the second part doesn't display anything after being executed. I have changed multiple things but am still stuck. Help would be much appreciated.
here is my code:
print("Check Stock")
ca = input("Check all barcodes?")
if ca == "y":
for x in range(0,5):
with open ("stockbarcodes.txt") as f:
linesa = f.readlines()
with open ("stockname.txt") as f:
linesb = f.readlines()
print(" ")
bc = input("Scan barcode: ")
f1 = open ("stockname.txt")
for num, line in enumerate(f1, 1):
if bc in line:
linesba = f1.readlines()
As user Ikriemer points, it seems that you want to retrieve the stock name based on the barcode. For that kind of task you rather create a normalized Data Base, which discribes Entities, Properties and relationships. As you can se here there are a lot of things to take into account.
This code was tested on Mac OS, but considering OP's comment (who seems to be using windows), it is ok if the dtype is not specified.
Considering that the above solution may not be as quick as you like, you also have two options.
First option
As I can not check the content of your example files, the strategy that you show in your code makes me believe that your assuming both files are ordered, in a way that first line of the barcode file corresponds to first item in the stock name file. Given that, you can query the index of an element (barcode) in an array like data structure, and retrieve the element of another array (name) stored in the same position. Code below:
import numpy as np
print("Check Stock")
ca = input("Check all barcodes? (y/n): ")
if ca == "y":
for x in range(0, 5):
with open("stockbarcodes.txt") as f:
linesa = f.readlines()
print(linesa[x], sep="")
with open("stockname.txt") as f:
linesb = f.readlines()
print(linesb[x], sep="")
print(" ")
codes = np.genfromtxt("stockbarcodes.txt").tolist()
names = np.genfromtxt("stockname.txt", dtype=np.str).tolist()
bc = input("Scan barcode: ")
index = codes.index(int(bc))
except IndexError:
print("Bar code {} not found".format(bc))
Second option
This option could be considered a workaround method to a data base like file. You need to store your data in some way that you can search the values associated with an specific entry. Such kind of tasks could be done with a dictionary. Just replace the else clause with this:
codes = np.genfromtxt("stockbarcodes.txt").tolist()
names = np.genfromtxt("stockname.txt", dtype=np.str).tolist()
table = {k: v for k, v in zip(codes, names)}
bc = input("Scan barcode: ")
except KeyError:
print("Bar code {} not found".format(bc))
Again, in the dictionary comprehension we are assuming both files are ordered. I strongly suggest you to validate this assumption, to warranty that the first bar code corresponds to the first stock, second to second, and so on. Only after that, you may like to store the dictionary as a file, so you can load it and query it as you please. Check this answer fot that purpose.

Retrieving data from a csv, and assigning the value at row x and column y to a variable. Py3.2, *homework*

I have an assessment to do, and here's my code so far:
number1 = input("Number1? ")
number2 = input("Number2? ")
packages = csv.reader(open('lol.txt', newline='\n'), delimiter=',')
for PackName,PriceAdultString,PriceChildString in packages:
n += 1
PriceAdult = float(PriceAdultString)
PriceChild = float(PriceChildString)
print("%i. %17s - $%4.2d / $%4.2d" % (n, PackName, PriceAdult, PriceChild))
NameChoice = input("Which name would you like? Choose using a number: ")
The lol.txt used by csv.reader consists of the following:
Now, I need to be able to use NameChoice to retrieve a row from the file, and use the data within as name, number1, and number2, so for NameChoice == 1, name = herp, number1 = 123 and number 2 = 456, and the numbers must be a floating point number.
I'm having trouble figuring this out, and could use some guidance if that's possible.
Thanks all.
Before it's asked, I realised I forgot to mention: I have googled, and trawled through the Python guides, and my textbooks. I'm not entirely convinced I know what I'm looking for, though.
Run into a new problem:
I need to be able to take CSV text with '\n\n' instead of '\n', so the text is more like the following:
My (very slightly adjusted) version of the code Li-Aung used:
import csv
with open ("lol.txt",'rt', newline = '\n\n') as f:
csv_r = csv.reader (f)
entries = [ (name, float(p1), float(p2)) for name, p1, p2 in csv_r]
for index, entry in enumerate(entries):
print ("%2i. %-10s %5.2f %5.2f" % (index, entry[0], entry[1], entry[2]))
choice = int(input("Choose a number: "))
print (entries[choice])
Which returns the exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python32/eh", line 2, in <module>
with open ("lol.txt",'rt', newline = '\n\n') as f:
ValueError: illegal newline value:
Now, the debug is pretty clear - '\n\n' is not acceptable as a newline specifier, but I was wondering if there is a way around this?
Note: Screwed up the previous edit, the debug from the code with " newline = '\n'" would have been:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python32/eh", line 4, in <module>
entries = [ (name, float(p1), float(p2)) for name, p1, p2 in csv_r]
File "C:/Python32/eh", line 4, in <listcomp>
entries = [ (name, float(p1), float(p2)) for name, p1, p2 in csv_r]
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
Which is because it treated the blank space with 0 values between each useful row as a row, as it was told to do, and there was nothing in there.
#mata has the right of it, but I feel the need to elaborate on their answer more than I can in a comment.
Since you need to refer back to your data instead of just printing it, it makes sense to have it stick around somehow. Once you reach that point, the biggest thing you need to worry about is what kind of data structure to use - if your chosen data structure is a close match to how you want to use the data, the code becomes quite simple.
So, your logic will look like:
Parse the data into some kind of data structure
Walk this data structure to print out the menu
Get the user input, and use it to select the right bit of data
Since the user input is a number representing how far down the file the data is, a list is an obvious choice. If you were using one of the existing fields as a lookup, a dict would serve you better.
If you do:
data = list(csv.reader(open('lol.txt', newline='\n'), delimiter=','))
, you can walk it to print the menu the same way you current use the file, except that the data sticks around, and using the number you get in is directly meaningful.
You might prefer to store the numbers as number types than strings; it would make good sense to, but figuring out how to adjust the code above to achieve it is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)
Store the entire file to a list:
import csv
with open ("lol.txt",'rb') as f:
csv_r = csv.reader (f)
entries = [ (name, float(p1), float(p2)) for name, p1, p2 in csv_r]
for index, entry in enumerate(entries):
print ("%2i. %-10s %5.2f %5.2f" % (index, entry[0], entry[1], entry[2]))
choice = int(raw_input("Choose a number: "))
print (entries[choice])
0. herp 123.00 456.00
1. derp 321.00 654.00
2. hurr 213.00 546.00
Choose a number: 0
('herp', 123.0, 456.0)
you could for example store the input in a list instead of just printing it out.
after that it's trivial to get the right tuple from the list and assign it to your variables...
with open ("lol.txt",'rt', newline = '\n\n') as f:
change it to '\n'
with open ("lol.txt",'rt', newline = '\n') as f:

Brain going to explode. Need to search external file and return muliple results

I'm not going to lie. I'm trying to do an assignment and I'm being beaten by it.
I need to have python prompt the user to enter a room number, then lookup that room number in a supplied .txt file which has csv [comma-separated values], and then show multiple results if there are any.
I was able to get python to return the first result ok, but then it stops. I got around the csv thing by using a hash command and .split (I would rather read it as a csv although I couldn't get it to work.) I had to edit the external file so instad of the data being seperated by commas it was seperated by semicolons, which is not ideal as I am not supposed to be messing with the supplied file.
My external file looks like this:
Here's what my code looks like:
roomNumber = (input("Enter the room number: "))
def find_details(id2find):
rb_text = open('roombookings.txt', 'r')
each_line = rb_text.readline()
while each_line != '':
s = {}
(s['Date'], s['Room'], s['Course'], s['Stage']) = each_line.split(";")
if id2find == (s['Room']):
each_line = rb_text.readline()
room = find_details(roomNumber)
if room:
print("Date: " + room['Date'])
print("Room: " + room['Room'])
print("Course: " + room['Course'])
print("Stage: " + room['Stage'])
If i run the program, I get prompted for a room number. If I enter, say, "L1"
I get:
Date: 6-3-07
Room: L1
Course: MSW001
Stage: 1
I should get 3 positive matches. I guess my loop is broken? Please help me save my sanity!
Edit. I've tried the solutions here but keeps either crashing the program (I guess I'm not closing the file properly?) or giving me errors. I've seriously been trying to sort this for 2 days and keep in mind I'm at a VERY basic level. I've read multiple textbooks and done many Google searches but it's all still beyond me, I'm afraid. I appreciate the assistance though.
Your code does "return(s)" the first time the "id2find" argument is exactly equal to the room.
If you want multiple matches, you could create an empty list before entering the loop, append every match to the list WITHOUT returning, return the list, and then use a for-loop to print out each match.
First. For iterating over lines in the file use next:
for line in rb_text:
# do something
Second. Your function returns after first match. How can it match more then one record? Maybe you need something like:
def find_details(id2find):
rb_text = open('roombookings.txt', 'r')
for line in rb_text:
s = {}
(s['Date'], s['Room'], s['Course'], s['Stage']) = line.split(";")
if id2find == (s['Room']):
yield s
And then:
for room in find_details(roomNumber):
print("Date: " + room['Date'])
print("Room: " + room['Room'])
print("Course: " + room['Course'])
print("Stage: " + room['Stage'])
And yes, you better use some CSV parser.
Your problem is the return(s) in find_details(). As soon as you have found an entry, you are leaving the function. You do not even close the file then. One solution is to use an empty list at the beginning, e.g results = [], and then append all entries which matches your requirements (results.append(s)).

