I have a file of constant variables that I need to query and I am not sure how to go about it.
I have a database query which is returning user names and I need to find the matching user name in the file of constant variables.
The file looks like this:
SALES_MANAGER_01 = {"user_name": "BO01", "password": "password", "attend_password": "BO001",
"csm_password": "SM001", "employee_num": "BOSM001"}
There is just a bunch of users just like the one above.
My function looks like this:
def test_get_user_for_login(self):
application_code = 'BO'
user_from_view = self.select_user_for_login(application_code=application_code)
users = [d['USER'] for d in user_from_view]
user_with_ent = choice(users)
user_wo_ent = user_with_ent[-4:]
password = ""
global_users = dir(gum)
for item in global_users:
if user_wo_ent not in item.__getattr__("user_name"):
user_with_ent = choice(users)
user_wo_ent = user_with_ent[-4:]
password = item.__getattr__("password")
print(user_wo_ent, password)
global_users = dir(gum) is my file of constants. So I know I am doing something wrong since I am getting an attribute error AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '__getattr__', I am just not sure how to go about resolving it.
You should reverse your looping as you want to compare each item to your match condition. Also, you have a dictionary, so use it to do some heavy lifting.
You need to add some imports
import re
from ast import literal_eval
I've changed the dir(gum) bit to be this function.
def get_global_users(filename):
gusers = {} # create a global users dict
p_key = re.compile(ur'\b\w*\b') # regex to get first part, e.g.. SALES_MANAGER_01
p_value = re.compile(ur'\{.*\}') # regex to grab everything in {}
with (open(filename)) as f: # open the file and work through it
for line in f: # for each line
gum_key = p_key.match(line) # pull out the key
gum_value = p_value.search(line) # pull out the value
''' Here is the real action. update a dictionary
with the match of gum_key and with match of gum_value'''
gusers[gum_key.group()] = literal_eval(gum_value.group())
return(gusers) # return the dictionary
The bottom of your existing code is replaced with this.
global_users = get_global_users(gum) # assign return to global_users
for key, value in global_users.iteritems(): # walk through all key, value pairs
if value['user_name'] != user_wo_ent:
user_with_ent = choice(users)
user_wo_ent = user_with_ent[-4:]
password = value['password']
So a very simple answer was get the dir of the constants file then parsing over it like so:
global_users = dir(gum)
for item in global_users:
o = gum.__dict__[item]
if type(o) is not dict:
if gum.__dict__[item].get("user_name") == user_wo_ent:
print(user_wo_ent, o.get("password"))
print("User was not in global_user_mappings")
I was able to find the answer by doing the following:
def get_user_for_login(application_code='BO'):
user_from_view = BaseServiceTest().select_user_for_login(application_code=application_code)
users = [d['USER'] for d in user_from_view]
user_with_ent = choice(users)
user_wo_ent = user_with_ent[4:]
global_users = dir(gum)
user_dict = {'user_name': '', 'password': ''}
for item in global_users:
o = gum.__dict__[item]
if type(o) is not dict:
if user_wo_ent == o.get("user_name"):
user_dict['user_name'] = user_wo_ent
user_dict['password'] = o.get("password")
return user_dict
I was wondering if i could get some input from some season python exports, i have a couple questions
I am extracting data from an api request and calculating the total vulnerabilities,
what is the best way i can return this data so that i can call it in another function
what is the way i can add up all the vulnerabilities (right now its just adding it per 500 at a time, id like to do the sum of every vulnerability
def _request():
third_party_patching_filer = {
"asset": "asset.agentKey IS NOT NULL",
"vulnerability" : "vulnerability.categories NOT IN ['microsoft patch']"}
headers = _headers()
url1 = f"https://us.api.insight.rapid7.com/vm/v4/integration/assets"
resp = requests.post(url=url1, headers=headers, json=third_party_patching_filer, verify=False).json()
jsonData = resp
has_next_cursor = False
nextKey = ""
if "cursor" in jsonData["metadata"]:
has_next_cursor = True
nextKey = jsonData["metadata"]["cursor"]
while has_next_cursor:
url2 = f"https://us.api.insight.rapid7.com/vm/v4/integration/assets?&size=500&cursor={nextKey}"
resp2 = requests.post(url=url2, headers=headers, json=third_party_patching_filer, verify=False).json()
cursor = resp2["metadata"]
if "cursor" in cursor:
nextKey = cursor["cursor"]
print(f"next key {nextKey}")
for data in resp2["data"]:
for tags in data['tags']:
total_critical_vul_osswin = []
total_severe_vul_osswin = []
total_modoer_vuln_osswin = []
if tags["name"] == 'OSSWIN':
critical_vuln_osswin = data['critical_vulnerabilities']
severe_vuln_osswin = data['severe_vulnerabilities']
modoer_vuln_osswin = data['moderate_vulnerabilities']
if tags["name"] == 'DESKTOP_SUPPORT':
total_critical_vul_desktop = []
total_severe_vul_desktop = []
total_modorate_vuln_desktop = []
critical_vuln_desktop = data['critical_vulnerabilities']
severe_vuln_desktop = data['severe_vulnerabilities']
moderate_vuln_desktop = data['moderate_vulnerabilities']
has_next_cursor = False
If you have a lot of parameters to pass, consider using a dict to combine them. Then you can just return the dict and pass it along to the next function that needs that data. Another approach would be to create a class and either access the variables directly or have helper functions that do so. The latter is a cleaner solution vs a dict, since with a dict you have to quote every variable name, and with a class you can easily add additional functionally beyond just being a container for a bunch of instance variables.
If you want the total across all the data, you should put these initializations:
total_critical_vul_osswin = []
total_severe_vul_osswin = []
total_modoer_vuln_osswin = []
before the while has_next_cursor loop (and similarly for the desktop totals). The way your code is currently, they are initialized each cursor (ie, each 500 samples based on the URL).
I am messing around with a script in Flask I have this portion here
def get_interfaces_list2(device):
output_interfaces = device.send_command('show interfaces switchport')
current_dir = os.getcwd()
template_file = open(current_dir + "/scripts/textfsm/show_interface_switchport.template", "r")
template = TextFSM(template_file)
parsed_interfaces = template.ParseText(output_interfaces)
interface_list = []
for interface_data in parsed_interfaces:
resultDict = {}
resultDict["interface"] = interface_data[0]
resultDict["admin_mode"] = interface_data[5]
resultDict["access_vlan"] = interface_data[6]
resultDict["voice_vlan"] = interface_data[8]
resultDict["trunking_vlans"] = interface_data[9]
Return interface_list
I would like to add another command to add more info from the switch
output_interfaces1 = device.send_command('show interfaces description')
current_dir = os.getcwd()
template_file = open(current_dir + "/scripts/textfsm/show_interface_description.template", "r")
template = TextFSM(template_file)
parsed_interfaces1 = template.ParseText(output_interfaces1)
interface_list1 = []
for interface_data1 in parsed_interfaces1:
resultDict["descrip"] = interface_data1
return interface_list
I would like to combine this into a single list and return that info in an HTML
If I understood correctly, you are currently saving information about an interface in a dictionary and storing that dict in a list. You then want to add more information about the interface. I think there are two approaches you can take here:
Run a single for loop on both parsed_interfaces and parsed_interfaces1 and store all of the info in one shot.
Store the info from your first loop in another dictionary instead of a list where the key is the interface name. Then in the second loop use that key to access the nested dict and store the new info.
how can I provide the with_entities option with dynamic input?
At the moment I have to do this:
columns = [DataModel.col1, DataModel.col2, ...]
data = DataModel.query.order_by(DataModel.id.desc()).with_entities(*columns).first()
But what should I do, if I get the col name as query-string parameters and have to define it dynamically?
solved it this way:
In my model I define the classmethod:
def find_by_filter(cls, attr):
search_columns = [getattr(cls, i) for i in attr]
return cls.query.order_by(cls.id.desc()).with_entities(*search_columns).first()
and then I can call it from my Rest API this way:
liste = ["column 1", "column2", "column3", "column4"]
data = DataModel.find_by_filter(liste)
I had this same challenge and this is how I solved it.
columns is just a CSV string eg "field1,field2,field3"
Could be further condensed but this is enough for readability.
def pick_Columns(modelClass, columns):
if len(columns) == 0:
return None
colArray = columns.split(',')
modelObjects = [eval(f'{modelClass.__name__}.{col}') for col in colArray]
return modelObjects
def Get_Data(**kwargs):
retVal = kwargs['db'].query(m_DataModel)
if kwargs.get('columns', None) is not None:
colObj = pick_Columns(m_DataModel, kwargs['columns'])
retVal = retVal.with_entities(*colObj)
retVal = [row._asdict() for row in retVal.all()] # with_entities returns a tuple instead of dict. Remove this line if that's what you want
retVal = retVal.all()
return retVal
I'm trying to parse a json file from an api call.
I have found this code that fits my need and trying to adapt it to what I want:
import math, urllib2, json, re
def download():
graph = {}
page = urllib2.urlopen("http://fx.priceonomics.com/v1/rates/?q=1")
jsrates = json.loads(page.read())
pattern = re.compile("([A-Z]{3})_([A-Z]{3})")
for key in jsrates:
matches = pattern.match(key)
conversion_rate = -math.log(float(jsrates[key]))
from_rate = matches.group(1).encode('ascii','ignore')
to_rate = matches.group(2).encode('ascii','ignore')
if from_rate != to_rate:
if from_rate not in graph:
graph[from_rate] = {}
graph[from_rate][to_rate] = float(conversion_rate)
return graph
And I've turned it into:
import math, urllib2, json, re
def download():
graph = {}
page = urllib2.urlopen("https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarketsummaries")
jsrates = json.loads(page.read())
for pattern in jsrates['result'][0]['MarketName']:
for key in jsrates['result'][0]['Ask']:
matches = pattern.match(key)
conversion_rate = -math.log(float(jsrates[key]))
from_rate = matches.group(1).encode('ascii','ignore')
to_rate = matches.group(2).encode('ascii','ignore')
if from_rate != to_rate:
if from_rate not in graph:
graph[from_rate] = {}
graph[from_rate][to_rate] = float(conversion_rate)
return graph
Now the problem is that there is multiple level in the json "Result > 0, 1,2 etc"
json screenshot
for key in jsrates['result'][0]['Ask']:
I want the zero to be able to be any number, I don't know if thats clear.
So I could get all the ask price to match their marketname.
I have shortened the code so it doesnt make too long of a post.
PS: sorry for the english, its not my native language.
You could loop through all of the result values that are returned, ignoring the meaningless numeric index:
for result in jsrates['result'].values():
ask = result.get('Ask')
if ask is not None:
# Do things with your ask...
I am having an empty collection and have thousands of entries to process (entries might have redudancy for which I want to use both updates and inserts).
The python code (using pymongo) I wrote:
for mydoc in alldocs:
key = {'myid': mydoc['myid']}
data = process_doc(mydoc) # returns simple dictionary
db.mydocs.update(key, {"$set": data}, upsert = True)
The following code is unable to perform any insert operations. The collection still remains empty. But when I remove $set and use simply data, it works fine. Can't I use $set in upsert? The reason why I want $set was so that pre-existing fields for a BSON doesn't get affected. Can someone please guide. I really can't figure out what to do.
Reproducable code:
from pymongo import Connection
DB_CONTENT_BASE_KEY = 'contentbase'
def connect_to_db(dbname, hostname = 'localhost', portno = 27017, **kwargs):
connection = Connection(hostname, portno)
dbConnection = connection[dbname]
return dbConnection
class MetawebCustomCollectionBuilder(object):
# key ought to be a dictionary to filter results from contentbase.
def __init__(self, inDbConfig, outDbConfig, key = {}, verbose = False):
self.verbose = verbose
self.inDbConfig = inDbConfig
self.inDb = connect_to_db(**inDbConfig)
self.outDbConfig = outDbConfig
self.outDb = connect_to_db(**outDbConfig)
self.inDbContentBase = self.inDb[self.inDbConfig[DB_CONTENT_BASE_KEY]]
self.outDbContentBase = self.outDb[self.outDbConfig[DB_CONTENT_BASE_KEY]]
self.key = key
def in_db_collection_constraints(self):
if self.verbose: print("Assured index on mid for inDbContentBase...")
def out_db_collection_constraints(self):
if self.verbose: print("Assured index on mid for outDbContentBase...")
def process_in_record(self, inRecord):
outRecord = inRecord # [YET TO] continue from here...
return outRecord
def transit_collection(self):
for record in self.inDbContentBase.find(self.key):
outRecord = self.process_in_record(record)
key = {'mid':outRecord['mid']}
data = outRecord
print key
self.outDbContentBase.update(key, {"$set": data}, True)
if self.verbose: print 'Done with transiting collection from in DB to out DB'
def cleanup_out_collection(self):
def in_db_sandbox(self):
# To have tests and analytics placed in here corresponding to inDb.
if __name__ == '__main__':
inDbConfig = {'dbname':'metaweb', 'contentbase': 'content'}
outDbConfig = {'dbname': 'similarkind', 'contentbase': 'content'}
mccb = MetawebCustomCollectionBuilder(inDbConfig, outDbConfig, verbose = True)
There must be a prexisting database inDb. From this collection I want to create a new modified collection.
Your claim is wrong
>>> import pymongo
>>> c = pymongo.Connection()
>>> db = c.mydb
>>> db.mydocs.find().count()
>>> db.mydocs.update({'myid': '438'}, {"$set": {'keyA':'valueA'}}, upsert = True)
>>> db.mydocs.find().count()
>>> db.mydocs.find_one()
{u'myid': u'438', u'keyA': u'valueA', u'_id': ObjectId('504c2fd1a694cc9624bbd6a2')}